105 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Bumper Depan Mobil Pick Up Multiguna Pedesaan

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    Tim Pengembangan Mobil Jurusan Teknik Mesin ITS bekerja sama dengan PT. INKA, PT. Railindo Global Karya, dan PT. Karya Tugas Anda melakukan pengembangan mobil GEA. Salah satu pengembangan yang akan dilakukan adalah pengembangan desain bumper depan. Dari hasil pengkajian pada bagian bumper, tidak ditemukan adanya fog lamp untuk membantu penerangan pada saat cuaca buruk. Rancangan bumper baru terbuat dari komposit jenis e-glass dan pengujiannya mengikuti standar, dimana gaya yang terjadi pada saat terjadi benturan dihitung berdasarkan standar pengujian ECE Regulation No.42. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisa kekuatan bumper depan dalam menahan benturan. Langkah-langkah dalam pengembangan bumper adalah mensimulasikan pengujian tumbukan untuk mengetahui nilai deformasi dan tegangan dari tiap ketebalan bumper yang berbeda, lalu setelah didapatkan ketebalan yang sesuai akan dilakukan proses pembuatan dan pemasangan bumper depan pada mobil pick up multiguna. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitan ini adalah bumper hasil pengembangan memiliki dimensi panjang 1430 mm, lebar 500 mm, tinggi 500 mm dan ketebalan bumper yang dipilih adalah 4 mm dimana tegangan yang terjadi adalah sebesar 785,98 MPa sedangkan deformasi bumper hasil simulasi adalah sebesar 18,160 mm, jauh lebih kecil daripada deformasi yang diizinkan yaitu 60 mm. Proses pembuatan bumper dengan metode wet-lay up

    Gambaran Histopatologi Rumen dan Retikulum Sapi Bali Akibat Adanya Benda Asing

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    Rumen and reticulum hold an important role in the ruminant\u27s digestive tract. During the meal, Bali cattle accidentally ingest foreign objects because they can\u27t distinguish between foreign body object and feed. Cattles do not really chew food before swallowing. This study aims to determine the existence of a foreign body in the stomach and histopathological overview of Bali cattle rumen and reticulum due to a variety of foreign objects. This study used 10 samples of cattle Bali consisting of nine samples of rumen and reticulum contained foreign objects (plastic, metal, wood and stone) and one normal sample of the rumen and reticulum Bali cattle. Samples were obtained from Slaughter House at Mambal, Abian Semal District, Badung regency, Bali. Based on the results of research conducted on the rumen and reticulum Bali cattle, there are a variety of foreign objects such as plastic, metal, wood and stone. Histopathological changes in the mucosa of the rumen and reticulum form of inflammatory cell infiltration from mild to severe. Conclusions from this research that found a foreign body object in the rumen and reticulum Bali cattle, and foreign body objects cause tissue destruction

    The culture and economic attributes of pusostreet food industry: Basis for a contextualized framework of pusoteaching model

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    Recognizing the cultural and economic attributes of pusois an essential part of Cebuanostreet food culture and industry that serves as the basis for a contextualized framework of pusoteaching model. The study used a grounded theorydesign with interviews among 18 key research participants. The attributes of pusomirror a social identity in Cebu’s street food industry and culture. Its orientation as a ritual object has shifted to a pragmatic orientation reflecting Cebu city’s fast paced-life. Its new identification creates a changing perspective; its characteristics remain integral to the Cebuano cultural identity; its rapid changes serve as one of the basesfor local government units to regulate the industry’s management operations; and serve as a framework in the creation and dissemination of a contextualizedteaching framework known as the Contextualized PUSO Teaching Model (CPTM). This innovative and culture-based teaching model addresses all teachers in academia to develop a sufficient grounding of cultural orientation and traditions that may warrant best learning opportunities

    Perinatal depression in the Spanish context: consensus report from the general council of psychology of Spain

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    Background: Perinatal depression is a major public health problem, with an estimated prevalence of approximately 15% during the first postpartum year. Despite the high prevalence of postpartum depression, there is no consensus regarding assessment and treatment in the Spanish context. The General Council of Psychology of Spain convened a working group of experts in the field, including both academics and healthcare professionals, to review and propose recommendations based on evidence and best practices that could be applied in the Spanish context. Method: A literature search was completed in various databases (e.g., Medline, PsychInfo) including a combination of terms related to peripartum depression (PPD) assessment and diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and cost-effectiveness. A narrative synthesis of the literature has been conducted together with a critical overview of PPD with a special focus on the Spanish context. Results: In this consensus report, developing questions including prevalence and assessment tools, comparative effectiveness of preventive and treatment interventions, and cost-effectiveness of PPD management have been analyzed. Conclusions: The General Council of Psychology of Spain network advocates the establishment of compulsory screening protocols in all the autonomous regions. Also, it is necessary to promote the inclusion in maternal education of programs for the promotion of mental well-being and selective/indicated prevention carried out by a psychology professional with specialized training in the area. This consensus document also promotes the presence of a psychology professional with specialized training in the area. Antecedentes. La depresión perinatal es un importante problema de salud pública, con una prevalencia estimada de aproximadamente el 15% durante el primer año posparto. A pesar de la gran prevalencia de depresión posparto (DPP), no existe consenso sobre la evaluación y el tratamiento en el contexto español. El Consejo General de Psicología de España convocó a un grupo de trabajo de expertos en la materia, tanto académicos como profesionales sanitarios, para revisar y proponer recomendaciones basadas en evidencias y mejores prácticas que puedan aplicarse en el contexto español. Método. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en varias bases de datos (p. ej., Medline, PsychInfo) que incluía una combinación de términos relacionados con la evaluación y el diagnóstico de la DPP, prevención, tratamiento y coste-eficacia. Se ha realizado una síntesis narrativa de la literatura junto con una visión crítica de la DPP con un enfoque especial en el contexto español. Resultados. Las preguntas de desarrollo que incluyen prevalencia y herramientas de evaluación, la eficacia comparativa de las intervenciones preventivas y de tratamiento y la relación coste-efectividad de la gestión de la PPD se han analizado en este informe de consenso. Conclusiones. La red del Consejo General de Psicología de España aboga por el establecimiento de protocolos obligatorios de cribado en todas las Comunidades Autónomas. Asimismo, es necesario promover la inclusión en la educación materna de programas de promoción del bienestar mental y la prevención selectiva indicada llevadas a cabo por un profesional de la psicología con formación especializada en el área

    An Overview of the Potential Environmental Impacts of Large Scale Microalgae Cultivation

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    Cultivation of microalgae for applications such as fuel, food, pharmaceuticals and farming is a rapidly developing area of research and investment. Whilst microalgae promises to deliver many environmental benefits compared with existing biofuel technology, there are also issues to overcome in relation to wastewater management, emissions control, land use change and responsible development of genetically modified organisms. This review seeks to highlight both the positive and negative impacts of microalgae cultivation, focusing on impacts to the aquatic, atmospheric and terrestrial biospheres that may occur and would need to be managed should the microalgae cultivation industry continue to grow

    навчальний посібник

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    Конституційне право України: прагматичний курс : навч. посіб. / М. В. Афанасьєва, Ю. Ю. Бальцій, Ю. Д. Батан [та ін.] : за заг. ред. М. В. Афанасьєвої, А. А. Єзерова ; тех. ред. Ю. Д. Батан. - Одеса : Юридична література, 2017. - 256 с.Видання навчального посібника "Конституційне право України: прагматичний курс" спрямоване, передусім, врахувати потребу студентів у лаконічному та водночас комплексному викладенні навчального матеріалу, який би відповідав тематиці програми вступних випробувань з конституційного права України та відображав новітні конституційно-правові перетворення. Цінність даного посібника для вступників полягає в тому, що його структура дозволяє якнайкраще підготуватися до тестування, оскільки включає саме ті теми та питання, які включені до програми вступних випробувань. Крім того, прагматичний курс цінний для студентів 2-го курсу як опорний конспект лекцій при підготовці до практичних занять, а аткож до іспиту з конституційного права України. Навчальний посібник стане корисним при підготовці до державного екзаменаційного іспиту з конституційного права України для студентів 4-го курсу