1,126 research outputs found

    Media Center sebagai Pusat Pelayanan Informasi Publik dalam Penyebarluasan Aktivitas Pemerintahan Kepada Masyarakat di Kabupaten Pinrang

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    This study aims to find out and analysis the role and functions of Media Center as .public service in the dissemination on government activities at Pinrang, and also the benefits of Media Center as public center in the dissemination information on Pinrang. This research was conducted in the Media Center of Pinrang using a qualitative approach. Subjects were selected by using purposive sampling technique, 5 from manager of the Media Center, 5 from NGO boad and 7 from public who visit the Media Center of Pinrang. Data analysis was performed using data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman. The results indicate the Media Center of Pinrang acts as a medium of coordination between agencies and also as a medium of exchange information between local and central, and vice versa.Media Center of Pinrang provide and disseminate information include government activities, regulation, public facilities, anf information about tourist destinations. Media Center is a form of convergence of elelctronic media and print media and provide a lot of convenience for the public and journalists to released news. Media Center of Pinrang have characteristic digitalization and interactive, which can be accesed anywhere and anytime, and provide space for the public to give feed back. Media Center of Pinrang has carried out the role and function for dissemination of government activity, however, need to providing internet outlets at districts and village levels, and increase in internet networks, public relations training regularly, and presenting information that is really useful straight

    The Malaysian Journal of Computer Science 1996-2006: a bibliometric study

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    This paper analyses publication and citation patterns in the Malaysian Journal of Computer Science(MJCS) from 1996-2006. The articles in MJCS are mostly written by Malaysian academics, with only limited inputs from international sources. Comparisons are made with the companion Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science in terms of the type, number of references, length and numbers of authors for individual papers. Searches of Google Scholar showed that 53 MJCS articles attracted a total of 86 citations, of which 43 were self-citations

    Feasibility study on utilization of palm fibre waste into fired clay brick

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    Malaysia is the second largest of palm oil producer after Indonesia, which contribute to 50 % of palm oil production. With this demand, the increasing of palm oil plantation over the years has led to the large production of agricultural waste, for example palm fibre waste. This study investigates different percentages of palm fibre (0 %, 1 %, 5 % and 10 %) to be incorporated into fired clay brick. Manufactured bricks were fired at 1 °C/min heating rate up to 1050 °C. The effects of manufacture bricks on the physical and mechanical properties of manufactured brick were also determined. All brick samples were tested due to the physical and mechanical properties which include dry density, firing shrinkage, initial rate of suction (IRS), water absorption, porosity and compressive strength. Findings show that increasing palm fibre waste affected the properties of brick, which decreased their density, besides increased firing shrinkage, IRS, water absorption, porosity and compressive strength. However, all the manufactured brick still followed the requirement

    Pengaruh Komitmen Karyawan dan Pelatihan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Departemen Pelayanan PT. PLN (Persero) Cabang Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    This study was conducted to Employee Services Department PT. PLN (Persero) Branch Selatpanjang Meranti Islands Regency jl. Yos Sudarso.The purpose of this research to explain the variable employee commitmen and training in simultaneous and parcial to Employee productivity at service department PT.PLN (Persero) Cabang Selatpanjang Kabuapten Kepuluan Meranti. The population in this study were employees of PT Services Department. PLN (Persero) Branch Selatpanjang Meranti Islands Regency totaling 50 people. Sampel decision made by the census method as responden 50 samples, the method of analysis used is descriptive quantitative method by using SPSS version 18. From the results of simultaneous testing (F test) showed that the independent variables studied (Employee Commitment and Training) has a positive and significant effect on the variable (Employee Productivity) the magnitude of the effect that (R2) by these two variables together - equal to dependent variable 84.6% while the remaining 15.4%, influenced by variables - other variables not examined in this study. The results of the testing that has been done, the partial regression test (t test) showed that each - each variable studied bebas (Employee Commitment and Training) has a positive and significant impact on the dependent variable (Employee Productivity).Keywords: Commitment to Employees, Training and Employee Productivit

    Characterization of LUSI Mud as Geopolymer Raw Material

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    The mud of mud volcano samples were collected from an eruption site named ‘LUSI’ (Lumpur “mud” –Sidoarjo), East Java, Indonesia for characterization. Analysis showed that, the major constituents of mud are SiO2 and Al2O3 which are higher than those in fly ash. The particle of mud has a flake-shaped particle and the overall particle size is dominated by particles between 2.5ÎŒm – 25.0ÎŒm. The results of XRD shows that mud of mud volcano have a characteristic of structurally disordered compounds, and a set of peaks corresponding to minor crystalline phases such as quartz, feldspars, and kaolinite. FTIR adsorption bands of the raw material of mud have the chemical bonding between bands 1-5


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    Penelitian ini judulnya pengaruh kredit simpan pinjam terhadap peningkatan pendapatan anggota koperasi pada koperasi berkat cabang panakkukang Kota Makassar. Variabel dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitvariabel kredit koperasi sebagai variabel bebas (X), dan variabel pendapatan anggota koperasi sebagai variabel terikat (Y). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variabel kredit koperasi nilai sig 0.013 nilai sig lebih kecil dari nilai probabilitas 0,05 atau nilai 0,013 < 0.05 maka Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak. Variabel kredit koperasi mempunyai thitung yakni 4,307 dengan ttabel = 1,943. Jadi thitung > ttabel (4,307 > 1,943), dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat dikutahi bahwa variabel kredit koperasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan anggota koperasi Simpan Pinjam Berkat Cab. Panakkukang Kota Makassar

    The Effectiveness of Using Poetry in Developing English Vocabulary, Pronunciation and Motivation of EFL Palestinian Students

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    This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of using poetry in developing English vocabulary, pronunciation and motivation of EFL Palestinian students. The researcher adopted the quantitative method to collect the required data. The researcher used a questionnaire for both students and teachers to examine their attitudes towards using poetry in the language classroom. The participants of the study were both teachers and students from Hebron. The sample of study consisted of 73 female Tenth grade students and 214 English language teachers. One school has been chosen to form the experimental group. The analysis of the post-test revealed that the experimental group has significantly outperformed the control group in both vocabulary and pronunciation competences when they read poetry. Likewise, the results of the questionnaires showed that both teachers and students have positive attitudes towards using poetry in the language classroom as a means for teaching English language. In short, poetry has positive effect on developing the English vocabulary, pronunciation and increasing students’ motivation

    Penerapan Model Kooperatif Student Teams Achievement Divisions untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa padapembelajaran matematika dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif Tipe STADdengan pendekatan matematika realistik di kelas VIIA semester gasal Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016.Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus, denganmenerapkan model pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe STAD dengan pendekatan matematikarealistik. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIIA SMP Negeri 3 Tinambung. Teknikpengumpulan data penelitian hasil belajar siswa dilakukan dengan mengunakan tes sedangkanaktivitas belajar siswa mengunakan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakanadalah analisis deskriptif yakni menjelaskan arah Perubahan peningkatan hasil belajar siswadalam penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD dengan pendekatan matematikarealistik. Dari analisis data dengan penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe STADdengan pendekatan matematika realistik, Pada siklus I rata-rata keterlaksanaan pembelajaransebesar (70,00%), rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa sebesar (57,89%), serta diperoleh skor rataratahasil belajar siswa sebesar 67 dan pada siklus II rata-rata keterlaksanaan pembelajaransebesar (95,00%), rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa sebesar (86,87%), serta deperoleh skor rataratahasil belajar siswa sebesar 80, dari data tersebut terlihat bahwa terdapat peningkatanketerlaksanaan pembelajaran dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar (25,00%), terjadi peningkatanaktivitas belajar siswa siklus I ke siklus II sebesar (28,95%), serta peningkatan ketuntasanbelajar siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar (23,81%). Pada siklus II ini telah tercapaiindikator ketuntasan belajar yang ditetapkan, jika paling sedikit 70% dari jumlah siswa dalamkelas telah mencapai ketuntasan ≄ 70% tujuan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikanbahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe STAD dengan pendekatan matematikarealistik dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VIIA SMPNegeri 3 Tinambung

    Spatial and topology feature extraction on batik pattern recognition: a review

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    Abstract. Batik is an Indonesian cultural heritage that has been recognized by UNESCO as an international cultural heritage on October 2, 2009. Patterns of batik produce geometric shapes unique, the number and name of the batik patterns make it difficult to recognize each motif. The objective classification of batik is split image into classes according to the pattern motif motive so easy to recognize in accordance with its feature. Batik can be classified based on the shape of the motive, namely geometric motifs, geometric motifs and motifs non specific. Spatial information is an important aspect of image processing such as computer vision and recognition structure / pattern in the context of modelling and resolution of the uncertainty caused by the ambiguity in the low-level features. Shortcomings inherent in combining two colours and spatial features are not adaptive pattern recognition process of the region across multiple images and histogram matching is not appropriate to capture the colours on the image content. This study discussed a model of spatial features and feature combinations topology with the aim to improve the validation batik image pattern recognition so that the level of the pattern recognition motif batik image could be better. Some of the features that have been used include colour features and spatial features. In addition, this paper discusses the possibility of combining the features in pattern recognition. This paper proposes a combination of features that will be able to improve the validation of image pattern recognition of batik


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    The purpose of this research is to learn and understand the effect of job promotion on job satisfaction in PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. The object of this research is employee in Human Resource Division of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang with 45 employees as sample. The sampling method used in this research is sensus method. The method used for collecting data is by questionnaire. The data collected are tested by validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression analysis, correletion coefficient (r) and determination coenfficient (R2) and t test by using SPSS version 22. The result of this research shows that job promotion has positive and significant effect to job satisfaction in PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. Keywords : Job Promotion, Job Satisfactio
