10,448 research outputs found

    Fine-Structure FeII* Emission and Resonant MgII Emission in z = 1 Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We present a study of the prevalence, strength, and kinematics of ultraviolet FeII and MgII emission lines in 212 star-forming galaxies at z = 1 selected from the DEEP2 survey. We find FeII* emission in composite spectra assembled on the basis of different galaxy properties, indicating that FeII* emission is prevalent at z = 1. In these composites, FeII* emission is observed at roughly the systemic velocity. At z = 1, we find that the strength of FeII* emission is most strongly modulated by dust attenuation, and is additionally correlated with redshift, star-formation rate, and [OII] equivalent width, such that systems at higher redshifts with lower dust levels, lower star-formation rates, and larger [OII] equivalent widths show stronger FeII* emission. We detect MgII emission in at least 15% of the individual spectra and we find that objects showing stronger MgII emission have higher specific star-formation rates, smaller [OII] linewidths, larger [OII] equivalent widths, lower dust attenuations, and lower stellar masses than the sample as a whole. MgII emission strength exhibits the strongest correlation with specific star-formation rate, although we find evidence that dust attenuation and stellar mass also play roles in the regulation of MgII emission. Future integral field unit observations of the spatial extent of FeII* and MgII emission in galaxies with high specific star-formation rates, low dust attenuations, and low stellar masses will be important for probing the morphology of circumgalactic gas.Comment: 29 pages, 22 figures, 2 tables; accepted to Ap

    Transform-limited pulses are not optimal for resonant multiphoton transitions

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    Maximizing nonlinear light-matter interactions is a primary motive for compressing laser pulses to achieve ultrashort transform limited pulses. Here we show how, by appropriately shaping the pulses, resonant multiphoton transitions can be enhanced significantly beyond the level achieved by maximizing the pulse's peak intensity. We demonstrate the counterintuitive nature of this effect with an experiment in a resonant two-photon absorption, in which, by selectively removing certain spectral bands, the peak intensity of the pulse is reduced by a factor of 40, yet the absorption rate is doubled. Furthermore, by suitably designing the spectral phase of the pulse, we increase the absorption rate by a factor of 7.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Success Attributions and More: Multidimensional Extensions of the Sexual Attribution Bias to Failure Attributions, Social Emotions, and the Desire for Social Interaction

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    According to the recently discovered sexual attribution bias (SAB), young adults attribute the success of same-aged, same-sex attractive stimulus persons in a more derogative way than the success of less attractive same-sex persons, whereas this pattern is reversed for members of the opposite sex. Because this bias has so far only been investigated with respect to attributions in success scenarios, two studies examined its potential transferability to other psychological variables and settings: Study 1 (N = 419)demonstrated analogous biases for emotions and the desire for social interaction, and Study 2 (N = 509) revealed that the SAB can also be extended to failure scenarios

    Homophilic Protocadherin Cell-Cell Interactions Promote Dendrite Complexity

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    SummaryGrowth of a properly complex dendrite arbor is a key step in neuronal differentiation and a prerequisite for neural circuit formation. Diverse cell surface molecules, such as the clustered protocadherins (Pcdhs), have long been proposed to regulate circuit formation through specific cell-cell interactions. Here, using transgenic and conditional knockout mice to manipulate γ-Pcdh repertoire in the cerebral cortex, we show that the complexity of a neuron’s dendritic arbor is determined by homophilic interactions with other cells. Neurons expressing only one of the 22 γ-Pcdhs can exhibit either exuberant or minimal dendrite complexity, depending only on whether surrounding cells express the same isoform. Furthermore, loss of astrocytic γ-Pcdhs, or disruption of astrocyte-neuron homophilic matching, reduces dendrite complexity cell non-autonomously. Our data indicate that γ-Pcdhs act locally to promote dendrite arborization via homophilic matching, and they confirm that connectivity in vivo depends on molecular interactions between neurons and between neurons and astrocytes

    A positional statistic for 1324-avoiding permutations

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    We consider the class Sn(1324)S_n(1324) of permutations of size nn that avoid the pattern 1324 and examine the subset Snan(1324)S_n^{a\prec n}(1324) of elements for which an[a1]a\prec n\prec [a-1], a1a\ge 1. This notation means that, when written in one line notation, such a permutation must have aa to the left of nn, and the elements of {1,,a1}\{1,\dots,a-1\} must all be to the right of nn. For n2n\ge 2, we establish a connection between the subset of permutations in Sn1n(1324)S_n^{1\prec n}(1324) having the 1 adjacent to the nn (called primitives), and the set of 1324-avoiding dominoes with n2n-2 points. For a{1,2}a\in\{1,2\}, we introduce constructive algorithms and give formulas for the enumeration of Snan(1324)S_n^{a\prec n}(1324) by the position of aa relative to the position of nn. For a3a\ge 3, we formulate some conjectures for the corresponding generating functions.Comment: 8 pages. Submitted for publicatio

    A laser based accelerator for ultracold atoms

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    We present first results on our implementation of a laser based accelerator for ultracold atoms. Atoms cooled to a temperature of 420 nK are confined and accelerated by means of laser tweezer beams and the atomic scattering is directly observed in laser absorption imaging. The optical collider has been characterized using Rb87 atoms in the |F=2,mF=2> state, but the scheme is not restricted to atoms in any particular magnetic substates and can readily be extended to other atomic species as well.Comment: (c) 2012 The Optical Society, 3 pages, 4 figures, 1 movie lin

    Control of Raman Lasing in the Nonimpulsive Regime

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    We explore coherent control of stimulated Raman scattering in the nonimpulsive regime. Optical pulse shaping of the coherent pump field leads to control over the stimulated Raman output. A model of the control mechanism is investigated.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The molecular and dusty composition of Betelgeuse's inner circumstellar environment

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    The study of the atmosphere of red supergiant stars in general and of Betelgeuse (alpha Orionis) in particular is of prime importance to understand dust formation and how mass is lost to the interstellar medium in evolved massive stars. A molecular shell, the MOLsphere (Tsuji, 2000a), in the atmosphere of Betelgeuse has been proposed to account for the near- and mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of Betelgeuse. The goal is to further test this hypothesis and to identify some of the molecules in this MOLsphere. We report on measurements taken with the mid-infrared two-telescope beam combiner of the VLTI, MIDI, operated between 7.5 and 13.5 μ\mum. The data are compared to a simple geometric model of a photosphere surrounded by a warm absorbing and emitting shell. Physical characteristics of the shell are derived: size, temperature and optical depth. The chemical constituents are determined with an analysis consistent with available infrared spectra and interferometric data. We are able to account for the measured optical depth of the shell in the N band, the ISO-SWS spectrum and K and L band interferometric data with a shell whose inner and outer radii are given by the above range and with the following species: H2O, SiO and Al2O3. These results confirm the MOLsphere model. We bring evidence for more constituents and for the presence of species participating in the formation of dust grains in the atmosphere of the star, i.e. well below the distance at which the dust shell is detected. We believe these results bring key elements to the understanding of mass loss in Betelgeuse and red supergiants in general and bring support to the dust-driven scenario.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&