786 research outputs found

    Photooxygenation of furans in water and ionic liquid solutions

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    Photooxygenation of differently functionalized furans is investigated in aqueous solutions and in ionic liquids [emim]Br and [bmim]BF4. The reaction is generally selective and the final products derive from rearrangement of the intermediate endoperoxides, depending mainly on the polarity and/or nucleophilic nature of the solvent

    Experimental Characterization of Metal Matrix Composite with Aluminium Matrix and Molybdenum Powders as Reinforcement

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    Abstract This paper is on the successful fabrication of Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) using an Aluminium plate and Molybdenum powder by Friction Stir Process (FSP). The aim was to produce a superficial MMC layer on the Al plate in order to increase the mechanical properties of the as received Al plate. A uniform dispersion of Mo particles in the Al matrix was observed from SEM observations and EDX analyses and a significant improvement in the Vickers microhardness was also detected

    Dye-sensitized photooxygenation of sugar furans: novel bis-epoxide and spirocyclic C-nucleosides.

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    Dye-sensitized photooxygenation of 2-methyl 5-(2,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-b-D-ribofuranosyl)furoate leads to (1S,4R)-endo-peroxide, highlighting a high facial diastereoselectivity. This endo-peroxide rearranges into syn-(1R,2R:3S,4R)-diepoxide C-nucleoside, while by Et2S-reduction followed by NEt3 catalysis affords a spirocyclic C-nucleoside

    Microscopic energy flows in disordered Ising spin systems

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    An efficient microcanonical dynamics has been recently introduced for Ising spin models embedded in a generic connected graph even in the presence of disorder i.e. with the spin couplings chosen from a random distribution. Such a dynamics allows a coherent definition of local temperatures also when open boundaries are coupled to thermostats, imposing an energy flow. Within this framework, here we introduce a consistent definition for local energy currents and we study their dependence on the disorder. In the linear response regime, when the global gradient between thermostats is small, we also define local conductivities following a Fourier dicretized picture. Then, we work out a linearized "mean-field approximation", where local conductivities are supposed to depend on local couplings and temperatures only. We compare the approximated currents with the exact results of the nonlinear system, showing the reliability range of the mean-field approach, which proves very good at high temperatures and not so efficient in the critical region. In the numerical studies we focus on the disordered cylinder but our results could be extended to an arbitrary, disordered spin model on a generic discrete structures.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Continuum approach to wide shear zones in quasi-static granular matter

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    Slow and dense granular flows often exhibit narrow shear bands, making them ill-suited for a continuum description. However, smooth granular flows have been shown to occur in specific geometries such as linear shear in the absence of gravity, slow inclined plane flows and, recently, flows in split-bottom Couette geometries. The wide shear regions in these systems should be amenable to a continuum description, and the theoretical challenge lies in finding constitutive relations between the internal stresses and the flow field. We propose a set of testable constitutive assumptions, including rate-independence, and investigate the additional restrictions on the constitutive relations imposed by the flow geometries. The wide shear layers in the highly symmetric linear shear and inclined plane flows are consistent with the simple constitutive assumption that, in analogy with solid friction, the effective-friction coefficient (ratio between shear and normal stresses) is a constant. However, this standard picture of granular flows is shown to be inconsistent with flows in the less symmetric split-bottom geometry - here the effective friction coefficient must vary throughout the shear zone, or else the shear zone localizes. We suggest that a subtle dependence of the effective-friction coefficient on the orientation of the sliding layers with respect to the bulk force is crucial for the understanding of slow granular flows.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Laser Marking of Titanium Coating for Aerospace Applications

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    Abstract In the aerospace industry, in order to ensure the identification and the traceability of the products, high repeatability, non-invasive and durable marking processes are required. Laser marking is one of the most advanced marking technologies. Compared to traditional marking processes, like punches, microdot, scribing or electric discharge pencil etcher, laser marking offers several advantages, such us: non-contact working, high repeatability, high scanning speed, mark width comparable to the laser spot dimension, high flexibility and high automation of the process itself. In order to assure the mark visibility for the component lifetime, an appropriate depth of the mark is required. In this way, a stable behaviour is ensured also when the component operates in aggressive environments (i.e. in presence of oxidation, corrosion and wear phenomena). The mark depth is strongly affected by the laser source kind and by the process parameters, such us average power, pulse frequency and scanning speed. Moreover, an excessive mark penetration could cause stress concentrations and reduce the fatigue life of the component. Consequently, an appropriate selection of the process parameters is required in order to assure visibility and to avoid excessive damage. Cold Spray Deposition (CSD) is a relative new technology that allows to produce surface coatings without significant substrate temperature increasing. In aeronautics fields this technology is useful to coat materials sensible to temperature, such as solution tempered aluminum alloy, with a titanium layer. Aim of the work is to characterize the laser marking process on CSD Ti coating, in order to study the influence of the laser marking process parameters (pulse power and scanning speed), on the groove geometry of the marking. The experimental marking tests were carried out through a 30 W MOPA Q-Switched Yb:YAG fibre laser; under different process conditions. The groove geometry was measured through a HIROX HK9700 optical microscope. The results showed the effectiveness of the laser process to produce high quality marks on the titanium layer. Moreover, a correlation between the process parameters and the mark's geometry was clearly observed

    Chlamydophila pecorum in fetuses of mediterranean buffalo (bubalus bubalis) bred in Italy

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    In order to study the role played by the different species of Chlamydophila in causing abortions in Mediterranean buffalo, the Authors examined 164 fetuses from 80 different buffalo herds in Southern Italy. Three fetuses, came from two different herds, were positive. Our study confirms the pathogenic role of C. pecorum in buffalo, not only as a cause of neuropathology in calves but as an infectious abortive agent

    A hybrid approach of anfis—artificial bee colony algorithm for intelligent modeling and optimization of plasma arc cutting on monel™ 400 alloy

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    This paper focusses on a hybrid approach based on genetic algorithm (GA) and an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for modeling the correlation between plasma arc cutting (PAC) parameters and the response characteristics of machined Monel 400 alloy sheets. PAC experiments are performed based on box-behnken design methodology by considering cutting speed, gas pressure, arc current, and stand-off distance as input parameters, and surface roughness (Ra), kerf width (kw), and micro hardness (mh) as response characteristics. GA is efficaciously utilized as the training algorithm to optimize the ANFIS parameters. The training, testing errors, and statistical validation parameter results indicated that the ANFIS learned by GA outperforms in the forecasting of PAC responses compared with the results of multiple linear regression models. Besides that, to obtain the optimal combination PAC parameters, multi-response optimization was performed using a trained ANFIS network coupled with an artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC). The superlative responses, such as Ra of 1.5387 µm, kw of 1.2034 mm, and mh of 176.08, are used to forecast the optimum cutting conditions, such as a cutting speed of 2330.39 mm/min, gas pressure of 3.84 bar, arc current of 45 A, and stand-off distance of 2.01 mm, respectively. Furthermore, the ABC predicted results are validated by conducting confirmatory experiments, and it was found that the error between the predicted and the actual results are lower than 6.38%, indicating the adoptability of the proposed ABC in optimizing real-world complex machining processes

    High-efficiency mixing of fine powders via sound assisted fluidized bed for metal foam production by an innovative cold gas dynamic spray deposition method

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    Metal foams are an interesting class of materials with very low specific weight and unusual physical, mechanical and acoustic properties due to the porous structure (1). These materials are currently manufactured by means of several conventional processes (2), limited by the impossibility to produce foams with complex geometry. This paper deals with the study of an innovative method to produce complex shaped precursors for aluminum foams through cold gas dynamic spray deposition process (CGDS), aluminum alloy (AlSi12) and titanium-hydride (TiH2) being the metal and the blowing agent, respectively. However, the success of this approach strongly depends on the achievement of a homogenous and deep mixing between AlSi12 and TiH2 fine powders, belonging to group C of Geldart’s classification. Classical mixing methods (such as tumbling mixers, convective mixers, high-shear mixers, etc.) are suitable for large non-cohesive particles (\u3e 30µm) but not for micronic particles (3), agglomerated due to strong interparticle forces. Alternatively, new wet and dry mixing techniques have been proposed for fine particles (4), suffering from different disadvantages: additional steps of filtration/drying are needed for wet methods, whereas, dry methods generally involves the reduction of the granulometry and the damaging or contamination of the original powders. The sound assisted fluidization technology (140dB-80Hz) has been adopted in this work to overcome the technical issues of mixing cohesive powders (5), thus obtaining a mixing to the scale of the primary particles in a simple, economic, not intrusive and not destructive way (the properties and morphology of the original particles were preserved). Therefore, the mixed powders were then sprayed by means of the proposed CGDS process on a stainless steel sheet to obtain the precursor. This was then heated up in a furnace at 600°C for 10 minutes to obtain the foam. In particular, two different types of mixtures with 1 wt% and 2.5 wt% of TiH2 were investigated; moreover, air compressed as well as helium were used as CGDS carrier gas in order to ensure a higher impact velocity and a better compacting of the powders. A very efficient mixing of powders has been achieved as confirmed by SEM/EDS analysis performed on samples taken from the sound assisted fluidized bed (Fig.1a) and by the time-dependence of the mixing degree (Fig.1b). Macrographs of created porous structures (Fig.2) showed that the coupling of sound assisted fluidization and CGDS process under optimal conditions is a promising and effective technique in manufacturing aluminum precursors for metal foams. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Saldatura in configurazione testa a testa di lamiere in lega 2198 T3 mediante procedimento friction stir welding

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    Scopo del presente lavoro è lo studio della saldabilità mediante processo friction stir welding (FSW) di lamierein lega innovativa alluminio-litio AA 2198 T3 in configurazione di testa. In particolare, mediante tecnichestatistiche, la velocità d’avanzamento e quella di rotazione sono state messe in relazione con le proprietàmeccaniche del giunto ed è stato sviluppato un modello empirico di previsione delle suddette caratteristiche alvariare dei parametri di processo. Per lo sviluppo di questo modello, è stato utilizzato un piano fattorialecompleto 32 avente come risposte osservate la resistenza allo snervamento e la resistenza a rottura dei giunti.Il modello sviluppato può essere utilizzato per prevedere le proprietà meccaniche dei giunti con un livello diconfidenza pari al 95%. Inoltre, usando la funzione di desiderabilità (desirability function, DF) sono statitrovati i parametri di processo che massimizzano in maniera bilanciata la resistenza allo snervamento equella alla trazione. Infine, i giunti ottenuti utilizzando i parametri di processo ottimi sono stati sottoposti aprove di fatica e di tensocorrosione al fine di valutarne il potenziale utilizzo nel settore aeronautico. I risultatiottenuti mostrano che i giunti ottenuti tramite questa tecnologia hanno una buona resistenza allatensocorrosione ed un’ottima vita a fatica, paragonabile a quella del materiale base e superiore a quella disaldature ottenute con tecniche tradizionali, come TIG e MIG