348 research outputs found

    Formation of the Cultural Code of a Generation: Keywords of Poetic Texts in Elementary School (Russian Empire — USSR)

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    The question of the possibility of analyzing texts to identify their axiological content based on keywords is considered. It is argued that linguistic units characterized by high frequency denote axiologically important concepts and form cultural attitudes in the reader. The characteristic features of the common cultural code for the nation and its unique features in a particular era are determined. The poetic texts of anthologies on literature of the 19th — early 20th centuries that have survived many editions, as well as textbooks of the 1930 — 1940s and 1970-1980s for primary school are analyzed. The research showed that the keywords of the lexical-semantic groups “Nature” (forest, land, field, sea) became common for the poetic texts studied in the elementary grades; “Light” (light, sun, day), “People” (person, child, people, country); that is, these are the words that are leading in the formation of the cultural code of the Russian people of the XIX—XX centuries. The “key words of the era” for the Russian Empire are the words soul, tsar, god; for the 1920s — labor; 1930s — song, Stalin; 1970s — mother, spring. The relevance of the study lies in its focus on identifying the basic concepts, meanings and values that form the cultural code of the nation, as well as on describing the dynamics of the cultural code in different historical eras


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    The article describes and analyzes the study of psychological characteristics of coping behavior in men and women. A comparative analysis of the socio-psychological differences in coping behavior among representatives of different sexes was carried out. The study sample consisted of 160 people aged 25 to 75 years living in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Of the respondents: 100 women and 60 men. The complex of empirical methods was: “Coping behavior in stressful situations”, “coping with stress questionnaire”and” five-Factor personality questionnaire BIG FIVE”. Based on the study, the author found that men often prefer the use of problem-oriented, and women – emotionally-oriented coping behavior. For the first time, significant differences in preferred coping strategies between men and women are described. The results contribute to the enrichment of scientific ideas on the influence of age and sex factors on the formation of coping behavior.В статье описано и проанализировано исследование психологических особенностей копинг-поведения у мужчин и женщин. Был проведен сравнительный анализ социально-психологических различий копинг-поведения у представителей разных полов. Выборку исследования составили 160 человек, в возрасте от 25 до 75 лет, проживающих в Республике Северная Осетия-Алания. Из опрошенных: 100 человек женщин и 60 мужчин. Комплекс эмпирических методов составил: «Копинг-поведение в стрессовых ситуациях», «Опросник совладания со стрессом COPE» и «Пятифакторный опросник личности BIG FIVE». На основе проведенного исследования автором установлено, что мужчины чаще предпочитают использование проблемно-ориентированного, а женщины – эмоционально-ориентированного копинг-поведения. Впервые описаны достоверные различия в предпочитаемых копинг-стратегиях среди мужчин и женщин. Полученные результаты способствуют обогащению научных представлений по проблеме влияния половозрастных факторов на процесс формирования копинг-поведения

    Land City District Zoning Areas for the Development and Use of the Unified Management and Operation of the Housing Stock

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    © 2016 The Authors.In this paper we suggest the idea of using the housing and construction cooperatives and functional zoning of the territory of the district, the project of the integrated development of the city district. The authors develop this project in conjunction with the cooperative ownership of the land in order to form a hierarchical system of the government common property and the development of a civil self-government system. It is believed that the idea of using the housing cooperative for the common property will allow homeowners to carry out the common life in a common area in the most efficient way

    Influence of the resonance characteristics of free-yaw small wind turbines on the performance

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    Variability of behavior within very short time periods is typical of a wind flow. Thus, the upwind horizontal axis wind turbine with passive yaw system represents a torsional oscillation system. The article aims to determine how the yaw oscillation impacts the wind turbine efficiency. Results of experimental study indicated that there are significant yaw angle fluctuations caused by a resonance phenomenon. Appearing of a resonant excitation leads to disproportional fluctuations of yaw angle about the mean value of 11.6° achieving the angle of 40°. Mathematical simulation of experimental wind turbine for conditions of observed phenomena showed a decrease of the efficiency at about 7 % achieving 47 % respectively

    Human long intrinsically disordered protein regions are frequent targets of positive selection

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    Intrinsically disordered regions occur frequently in proteins and are characterized by a lack of a well-defined three-dimensional structure. Although these regions do not show a higher-order of structural organization, they are known to be functionally important. Disordered regions are rapidly evolving, largely attributed to relaxed purifying selection and an increased role of genetic drift. It has also been suggested that positive selection might contribute to their rapid diversification. However, for our own species it is currently unknown whether positive selection has played a role during the evolution of these protein regions. Here we address this question by investigating the evolutionary pattern of more than 6,600 human proteins with intrinsically disordered regions and their ordered counterparts. Our comparative approach with data from more than 90 mammalian genomes uses a-priori knowledge of disordered protein regions and we show that this increases the power to detect positive selection by an order of magnitude. We can confirm that human intrinsically disordered regions evolve more rapidly, not only within humans but also across the entire mammalian phylogeny. They have, however, experienced substantial evolutionary constraint, hinting at their fundamental functional importance. We find compelling evidence that disordered protein regions are frequent targets of positive selection and estimate that the relative rate of adaptive substitutions differs 4-fold between disordered and ordered protein regions in humans. Our results suggest that disordered protein regions are important targets of genetic innovation and that the contribution of positive selection in these regions is more pronounced than in other protein parts

    Digital accounting: essence and directions of development

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    The article presents the directions of digitalization of accounting. Various approaches to the definitions of "digital accounting" and "digitalization of accounting" have been studied, the relationship between these concepts has been studied. The essential characteristics of the concept of "digital accounting" are highlighted and the author's definition is presented

    Physical education in the process of personality development

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    The article examines the relevance of physical training at different ages: preschool age, school and studentВ статье рассматриваются вопросы актуальности занятий физической культурой в разные возрастные периоды: дошкольный возраст, школьный и студенчески