455 research outputs found

    Computer-aided transformer design capacity building

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    It is known that the deployment of highly efficient power transformers is crucial for the minimization of overall network losses. Hence, the curriculum of an elective senior-level course was developed for Cairo University students

    Tunneling magnetic force microscopy

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    We have developed a powerful new tool for studying the magnetic patterns on magnetic recording media. This was accomplished by modifying a conventional scanning tunneling microscope. The fine-wire probe that is used to image surface topography was replaced with a flexible magnetic probe. Images obtained with these probes reveal both the surface topography and the magnetic structure. We have made a thorough theoretical analysis of the interaction between the probe and the magnetic fields emanating from a typical recorded surface. Quantitative data about the constituent magnetic fields can then be obtained. We have employed these techniques in studies of two of the most important issues of magnetic record: data overwrite and maximizing data-density. These studies have shown: (1) overwritten data can be retrieved under certain conditions; and (2) improvements in data-density will require new magnetic materials. In the course of these studies we have developed new techniques to analyze magnetic fields of recorded media. These studies are both theoretical and experimental and combined with the use of our magnetic force scanning tunneling microscope should lead to further breakthroughs in the field of magnetic recording

    Measuring the Impact of Higher Education in Promoting Sustainable Development Goals: Analysis of the Arab universities’ performance

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    Sustainability's global importance has amplified the role of universities in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through research, education, and community engagement. Aim: This study aims to provide valuable insights into the role of Arab universities in promoting sustainability within the context of global higher education. Approach and methods: This study analyzes the performance of 200 universities from 15 Arab countries in the THE IMPACT Rankings. Their performance was compared to 135 universities from three of the leading world-class higher education systems: Canada, UK, and USA. Results: A global demand for sustainable development, Arab universities face challenges in improving their contributions to the SDGs and sustainability rankings. Despite the impressive growth in the participation of Arab universities in THE IMPACT Rankings yet lags in quality and impact of Arab universities contributions towards SDGs. Conclusion: The policy implications underscore the importance of institutional commitment to sustainability in Arab universities, urging the alignment of policies, funding, and curriculum with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Arab universities need to bridge performance gaps, promote green initiatives, and contribute effectively to the achievement of SDGs while recognizing the diverse socio-economic context and priorities of the Arab region.Globalne znaczenie zrównoważonego rozwoju spotęgowało rolę uniwersytetów w realizacji Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (SDG) ONZ poprzez badania, edukację i zaangażowanie społeczności. Cel: Celem tego badania jest dostarczenie cennych spostrzeżeń dotyczących roli uniwersytetów arabskich w promowaniu zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekście globalnego szkolnictwa wyższego. Podejście i metody: Badanie to analizuje wyniki 200 uniwersytetów z 15 krajów arabskich w rankingach THE IMPACT. Ich wyniki porównano z 135 uniwersytetami z trzech czołowych światowych systemów szkolnictwa wyższego: Kanady, Wielkiej Brytanii i USA. Wyniki: W obliczu globalnego zapotrzebowania na zrównoważony rozwój, uniwersytety arabskie napotykają wyzwania w poprawie swojego wkładu w SDG i rankingi zrównoważoności. Pomimo imponującego wzrostu udziału uniwersytetów arabskich w rankingach THE IMPACT, jest jeszcze wiele do zrobienia w zakresie jakości i wpływu ich wkładu w SDG. Wnioski: Implikacje polityczne podkreślają znaczenie zobowiązania instytucjonalnego do zrównoważonego rozwoju w uniwersytetach arabskich, nawołując do dostosowania polityk, finansowania i programów nauczania do Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (SDG) ONZ. Uniwersytety arabskie muszą zniwelować luki w wynikach, promować inicjatywy zielone i efektywnie przyczyniać się do osiągnięcia SDG, uwzględniając różnorodny kontekst społeczno-ekonomiczny i priorytety regionu arabskiego. &nbsp

    A Deconvolution Approach to the Three Dimensional Identification of Cracks in Magnetic Slabs

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    Nondestructive assessment of cracks in metallic parts has always been a topic of industrial interest. In the past, different approaches have been proposed to assess such cracks. Recently, semi-orthogonal compactly supported spline wavelets were utilized to efficiently identify the 3D spatial location of cracks in conducting slabs of finite thicknesses. Within this proposed approach a horizontally oriented field sensor is employed on top of a magnetic slab subject to uniform horizontal magnetic field. In this paper the 3D spatial identification of cracks in conducting slabs is carried out through the Fourier transform by de-convoluting sensor response. In comparison to the previously adopted approach, the approach proposed in this paper is capable of identifying cracks that span over a relatively larger distance.  Details of the crack detection methodology and simulations are given in the paper

    A performance-oriented power transformer design methodology using multi-objective evolutionary optimization

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    AbstractTransformers are regarded as crucial components in power systems. Due to market globalization, power transformer manufacturers are facing an increasingly competitive environment that mandates the adoption of design strategies yielding better performance at lower costs. In this paper, a power transformer design methodology using multi-objective evolutionary optimization is proposed. Using this methodology, which is tailored to be target performance design-oriented, quick rough estimation of transformer design specifics may be inferred. Testing of the suggested approach revealed significant qualitative and quantitative match with measured design and performance values. Details of the proposed methodology as well as sample design results are reported in the paper

    Historic Building Applications with in Jakarta Using Macromedia Flash 8.0

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    Scientific writing is about an application that Historic Buildings in Jakarta. This application was created to help users who want to know information about the development history of the museum with an attractive appearance and interactive and implement information technology that is being developed at this time. In scientific writing, the author makes an application using Macromedia Flash 8.0 ActionScript 2.0 programming language for facilitate the author in pembutan application that displays text, Motion picture and sound. thus can be expected to attract more users in identifying the existing historic buildings in Jakarta

    القاضي عبد الجبار المعتزلي وآراءه في القياس

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    : Al-Qâdhî ‘Abd al-Jabbâr's Thought on Qiyâs. Although widely known as a Mu‘tazilite ‘ulamâ who support the supremacy of intellect, al-Qâdhî also well verse in the realm of Islamic legal theory as reflected in his Al Mughnî fî Abwâb al-Tawhîd wa al-‘Adl. In one of his excerpt, he discusses the position of analogy as a base for argument in Islamic law which becomes the focus of this essay. The author maintains that according to al-Qâdhî `illat or cause by itself has a legal effect even though prior to the existence of God's rules provided for a certain case. Such view is in contrast with those of Sunni majority who argue that Divine revelation is required for ‘illat to be legally effective. For example, intoxication in alcoholic drink prior to its divine prohibition is not a cause for its banning nor is it a motive for punishment of the drunken person. Such al-Qâdhî's thought seems to be influenced by his affiliation with Mu‘tazilite creed in which intellect is highly admired for it can determine the good from bad thing, and it also function as a means of performing obligation and avoiding the bad things as well