63 research outputs found

    Integration of renewable energy at coal mining enterprises: problems and prospects

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    This article addresses the issue of developing renewable energy in coal mining enterprises in the Russian Federation. The study presents a methodology for assessing the technical and economic efficiency of introducing renewable energy sources based on simulation modeling. An analysis of the potential of solar and wind energy for coal mining regions in Russia is conducted. The authors use a custom software developed by them to simulate the power supply system for various scenarios of renewable energy integration, including solar generation, wind generation, solar generation with energy storage, wind generation together with solar generation. Based on the example of the Rostov region, a feasibility study of the considered options is presented. Additionally, the research includes a sensitivity analysis of the investment project in the conditions of uncertainty in the development of Russian renewable energy. The research findings indicate that even in market conditions with CO2 emission quotas and prices at the level of the Sakhalin experiment, renewable energy in coal mining enterprises in Russia remains unattractive and requires additional support


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    This paper describes the factors that increase the gas transportation energy efficiency with methods of parametric diagnostics for gas pumping units. The paper presents some test results of the gas turbine unit at the operating site, gas turbine unit technical condition was assessed.В настоящей работе описаны факторы повышения эгнергоэффективности транспорта газа за счет применения методов параметрической диагностики газотурбинных газоперекачивающих агрегатов. В работе приведены некоторые результаты испытаний газотурбинной установки на объекте эксплуатации, проведена оценка ее технического состояния


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    В статье проводится сравнительный анализ точности и сложности применения методов определения эффективной мощности газоперекачивающего агрегата на объекте эксплуатации. Приведены некоторые результаты испытаний газотурбинной установки на объекте эксплуатации.The article provides a comparative analysis of the accuracy and complexity of the application of methods for determining the effective power of a gas pumping unit at the facility. The paper presents some test results of the gas turbine unit at the operating

    Effectiveness of immunobloting method in syphilis differential diagnostics in pregnancy

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    168 pregnant women suspected to be infected with syphilis were observed within this research. To prove the presence of antibody in whey blood to antigenes Treponema pallidum we used sets recomBlot Treponema IgM and recomBlot Treponema IgG («Microgen», Germany). In immunological observations the following indexes were included defining number of lymphocyte subpopulations (CD3+ -, CD4+ -, CD8+ -, CD16+ – , CD19+ и CD25+ – lymphocyte) and level in blood serum Interleukin-1β, Interleukin-2, Interleukin-4, Interleukin-8 и INF-γ. Treponema tests in 100% of cases showed positive results, regardless of patients’ category. An examination of pregnant women with serum resistance the immunobloting sensitivity for detecting IgG-antibodies was 61,6%. In 38,4% of cases bloting showed uncertain results, because it detected antibodies to only one or two out of 5 treponemnyh antigens. Level of INF-γ for pregnant women with serum resistance increases, this reflects predominance of immune regulation of Th-1 type. Based on the results we offer general scheme of dealing with pregnant patients with suspected syphilis. These results can be used for differential diagnosis of latent syphilis, and serum resistance

    An Analysis of Errors in Graph-Based Keypoint Matching and Proposed Solutions

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    International audienceAn error occurs in graph-based keypoint matching when key-points in two different images are matched by an algorithm but do not correspond to the same physical point. Most previous methods acquire keypoints in a black-box manner, and focus on developing better algorithms to match the provided points. However to study the complete performance of a matching system one has to study errors through the whole matching pipeline, from keypoint detection, candidate selection to graph optimisation. We show that in the full pipeline there are six different types of errors that cause mismatches. We then present a matching framework designed to reduce these errors. We achieve this by adapting keypoint detectors to better suit the needs of graph-based matching, and achieve better graph constraints by exploiting more information from their keypoints. Our framework is applicable in general images and can handle clutter and motion discontinuities. We also propose a method to identify many mismatches a posteriori based on Left-Right Consistency inspired by stereo matching due to the asymmetric way we detect keypoints and define the graph

    Seeking Affinity Structure: Strategies for Improving m-best Graph Matching

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    State-of-the-art methods for finding the m-best solutions to graph matching (QAP) rely on exclusion strategies. The k-th best solution is found by excluding all better ones from the search space. This provides diversity, a natural requirement for transforming a MAP problem into a m-best one. Since diversity enforces mode hopping, it is usually combined with a mode-approximation strategy such as marginalisation. However, these methods are generic insofar they do not incorporate the detailed structure of the problem at hand, i.e. the properties of the global affinity matrix which characterise the search space. Without this knowledge, it is thus hard to devise a practical criterion for choosing the next variable to clamp. In this paper, we propose several strategies to select the next variable to clamp, spanning the whole range between depth-first and breadth-first search, and we contribute with a unifying view for characterising the search space on the fly. Our strategies are: a) Number of factors in which the variables participate, b) centrality measures associated with the affinity matrix, and c) discrete pooling. Our experiments show that max number of factors and centrality provide a trade-off between efficiency and accuracy, whereas discrete pooling leads to an improvement of the state-of-the-art

    Comparing biological networks via graph compression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Comparison of various kinds of biological data is one of the main problems in bioinformatics and systems biology. Data compression methods have been applied to comparison of large sequence data and protein structure data. Since it is still difficult to compare global structures of large biological networks, it is reasonable to try to apply data compression methods to comparison of biological networks. In existing compression methods, the uniqueness of compression results is not guaranteed because there is some ambiguity in selection of overlapping edges.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This paper proposes novel efficient methods, CompressEdge and CompressVertices, for comparing large biological networks. In the proposed methods, an original network structure is compressed by iteratively contracting identical edges and sets of connected edges. Then, the similarity of two networks is measured by a compression ratio of the concatenated networks. The proposed methods are applied to comparison of metabolic networks of several organisms, <it>H. sapiens, M. musculus, A. thaliana, D. melanogaster, C. elegans, E. coli, S. cerevisiae,</it> and <it>B. subtilis,</it> and are compared with an existing method. These results suggest that our methods can efficiently measure the similarities between metabolic networks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our proposed algorithms, which compress node-labeled networks, are useful for measuring the similarity of large biological networks.</p


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    168 pregnant women suspected to be infected with syphilis were observed within this research. To prove the presence of antibody in whey blood to antigenes Treponema pallidum we used sets recomBlot Treponema IgM and recomBlot Treponema IgG («Microgen», Germany). In immunological observations the following indexes were included defining number of lymphocyte subpopulations (CD3+ -, CD4+ -, CD8+ -, CD16+ – , CD19+ и CD25+ – lymphocyte) and level in blood serum Interleukin-1β, Interleukin-2, Interleukin-4, Interleukin-8 и INF-γ. Treponema tests in 100% of cases showed positive results, regardless of patients’ category. An examination of pregnant women with serum resistance the immunobloting sensitivity for detecting IgG-antibodies was 61,6%. In 38,4% of cases bloting showed uncertain results, because it detected antibodies to only one or two out of 5 treponemnyh antigens. Level of INF-γ for pregnant women with serum resistance increases, this reflects predominance of immune regulation of Th-1 type. Based on the results we offer general scheme of dealing with pregnant patients with suspected syphilis. These results can be used for differential diagnosis of latent syphilis, and serum resistance.Обследованы 168 беременных с подозрением на сифилис. Для подтверждения наличия антител в сыворотке крови к антигенам Treponema pallidum в работе использовались наборы recomBlot Treponema IgM и recomBlot Treponema IgG («Microgen», Германия). В иммунологический комплекс обследования также входили следующие показатели: количества субпопуляций лимфоцитов (CD3+ -, CD4+ -, CD8+ -, CD16+ – , CD19+ и CD25+ – лимфоциты), а также определение уровней сывороточных интерлейкина-1β (ИЛ-1β), интерлейкина-2 (ИЛ-2), интерлейкина-4 (ИЛ-4), интерлейкина-8 (ИЛ-8) и ИНФ-γ. Трепонемные серологические тесты в 100% случаев демонстрировали положительный результат, независимо от категории обследуемых. При обследовании беременных с серорезистентностью чувствительность иммуноблотинга при выявлении IgG-антител составила 61,6%. В 38,4% случаев метод иммуноблотинга продемонстрировал сомнительные результаты, так как выявлял антитела только к одному или двум из 5 трепонемных антигенов. У беременных с диагнозом «серорезистентность» выявлено повышение уровня ИНФ-γ, что может отражать преобладание иммунорегуляции по Th-1 типу. Предлагается общая схема ведения беременных пациенток с подозрением на сифилис. Полученные результаты можно использовать в дифференциальной диагностике скрытого сифилиса и серологической резистентности

    Adaptively Transforming Graph Matching

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    Recently, many graph matching methods that incorporate pairwise constraint and that can be formulated as a quadratic assignment problem (QAP) have been proposed. Although these methods demonstrate promising results for the graph matching problem, they have high complexity in space or time. In this paper, we introduce an adaptively transforming graph matching (ATGM) method from the perspective of functional representation. More precisely, under a transformation formulation, we aim to match two graphs by minimizing the discrepancy between the original graph and the transformed graph. With a linear representation map of the transformation, the pairwise edge attributes of graphs are explicitly represented by unary node attributes, which enables us to reduce the space and time complexity significantly. Due to an efficient Frank-Wolfe method-based optimization strategy, we can handle graphs with hundreds and thousands of nodes within an acceptable amount of time. Meanwhile, because transformation map can preserve graph structures, a domain adaptation-based strategy is proposed to remove the outliers. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art graph matching algorithms