89 research outputs found

    Sensor for monitoring plasma parameters

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    A spectrally tunable VCSEL (vertical cavity surface-emitting laser) was used as part of sensing hardware for measurements of the radial-integrated gas temperature inside an inductively coupled plasma reactor. The data were obtained by profiling the Doppler-broadened absorption of metastable Ar atoms at 763.51 nm in argon and argon/nitrogen plasmas (3, 45, and 90% N2 in Ar) at pressure 0.5-70 Pa and inductive power of 100 and 300 W. The results were compared to rotational temperature derived from the N2 emission at the (0,0) transition of the C - B system. The differences in integrated rotational and Doppler temperatures were attributed to non-uniform spatial distributions of both temperature and thermometric species (Ar* and N2*) that varied depending on conditions. A two-dimensional, two-temperature fluid plasma simulation was employed to explain these differences. This work should facilitate further development of a miniature sensor for non-intrusive acquisition of data (temperature and densities of multiple plasma species) during micro- and nano-fabrication plasma processing, thus enabling the diagnostic-assisted continuous optimization and advanced control over the processes. Such sensors would also enable tracking the origins and pathways of damaging contaminants, thereby providing real-time feedback for adjustment of processes. Our work serves as an example of how two line-of-sight integrated temperatures derived from different thermometric species make it possible to characterize the radial non-uniformity of the plasma.Comment: Presented at the Photonics West conference, Lasers and Applications in Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, January 2004. This version gives a more detailed introduction on diode lasers as diagnostic tool for micro/nano-fabrication. A follow-up paper published in Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., v.13, 691-700 (2004) featured improvements in plasma simulatio

    L.L. Fofanof: 140th anniversary of his birth. Contribution to science

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    The article is dedicated to Professor L.L. Fofanof’s scientific activity. He headed the faculty therapeutic clinic of Kazan Imperial University in 1915-1920. Being a student L.L. Fofanov was interested in pathological anatomy and physiology. His dissertation «To physiology of n. depressoris» was dedicated to studying the vasomotor center. During his visit in Germany he worked a lot. In Charite together with Professor His he studied gout and its treatment with Radium emanation. In Halle clinic under Professor Schmidt’s supervision he studied assimilation of starch in normal and pathological digestion. L.L. Fofanov also made a contribution to tuberculosis treatment: with professor V.F. Orlovskiy he studied treatment of tuberculosis with simulated pneumothorax. In his research professor L.L. Fofanov paid great attention to the issues of pathogenesis and pathogenetic substantiation of the clinical manifestation and treatment. During the World War I and Civil War he fought against typhus epidemies: he saw patients, gave lectures, studied the features of myocardial involvement. He died in 1920 from typhus

    Prospects in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

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    Tendencies in five main branches of atomic spectrometry (absorption, emission, mass, fluorescence and ionization spectrometry) are considered. The first three techniques are the most widespread and universal, with the best sensitivity attributed to atomic mass spectrometry. In the direct elemental analysis of solid samples, the leading roles are now conquered by laser-induced breakdown and laser ablation mass spectrometry, and the related techniques with transfer of the laser ablation products into inductively-coupled plasma. Advances in design of diode lasers and optical parametric oscillators promote developments in fluorescence and ionization spectrometry and also in absorption techniques where uses of optical cavities for increased effective absorption pathlength are expected to expand. Prospects for analytical instrumentation are seen in higher productivity, portability, miniaturization, incorporation of advanced software, automated sample preparation and transition to the multifunctional modular architecture. Steady progress and growth in applications of plasma- and laser-based methods are observed. An interest towards the absolute (standardless) analysis has revived, particularly in the emission spectrometry.Comment: Proofread copy with an added full reference list of 279 citations. A pdf version of the final published review may be requested from Alexander Bol'shakov <[email protected]

    Paleointensity Results From Pliocene Lavas of the Lesser Caucasus Obtained Using the Multispecimen Parallel Differential pTRM Method: A Comparison With Thellier- Thellier and IZZI Data

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    We report paleointensity results obtained with the multispecimen method (MSP) over the Pliocene sequence of Apnia (Georgia) which records a polarity reversal. Paleointensity determinations with the multispecimen technique were performed on 12 flows with the original (MSP-DB) and the domain-state corrected (MSP-DSC) protocol. Eight MSP-DSC determinations passed the proposed quality criteria. To obtain highly reliable data through the agreement between intensity values from different methods, MSP results were combined with paleointensities from a previous study with Thellier-type methods and especially strict selection criteria (RCRIT) on same flows (Sánchez-Moreno et al., 2020). Application of this multimethod procedure resulted in three new paleointensities including both MSP and Thellier-type results and an additional one obtained with two different Thellier-type methods, yielding one paleointensity of 36.9 µT in the normal-polarity, and three paleointensities between 19.2 and 24.1 µT in the reverse-polarity section. Additionally, Thellier-type data have been reinterpreted in this study with more flexible criteria (TTP) and the results combined with the MSP data. As a result, four flows yield paleointensities including MSP and Thellier-type determinations and seven include paleointensities obtained with two different Thellier-type methods. Results range from 37.2 and 44.3 μT in the normal-polarity and from 12.5 to 24.6 μT in the reverse-polarity section. Comparison of results from the four flows yielding multimethod determinations applying RCRIT criteria with those from the same flows under TTP criteria yields no significant difference in paleointensity values and their experimental uncertainty. Thus, application of a multimethod approach supports the possibility of using TTP criteria.Project PID2019-105796/10.13039/501100011033 (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain), project BU066U16 (Junta de Castilla y León, Spain) and pre-doctoral grant BES-2013-064060 (MINECO, Spain). MCR acknowledges funding from the Fulbright Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for a research stay at Hawaii University at Manoa. AG is grateful to the financial support given by DGAPA-PAPIIT IN101717. At Montpellier laboratory, the FUReMAG rapid furnace construction was supported by the French National Agency for Research (ANR-12-BS06-0015)

    A comparison of Thellier-type and multispecimen paleointensity determinations on Pleistocene and historical lava flows from Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Sixteen Miocene, Pleistocene, and historic lava flows have been sampled in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) for paleointensity analysis with both the Coe and multispecimen methods. Besides obtaining new data, the main goal of the study was the comparison of paleointensity results determined with two different techniques. Characteristic Remanent Magnetization (ChRM) directions were obtained in 15 flows, and 12 were chosen for paleointensity determination. In Thellier-type experiments, a selection of reliable paleointensity determinations (43 of 78 studied samples) was performed using sets of criteria of different stringency, trying to relate the quality of results to the strictness of the chosen criteria. Uncorrected and fraction and domain-state corrected multispecimen paleointensity results were obtained in all flows. Results with the Coe method on historical flows either agree with the expected values or show moderately lower ones, but multispecimen determinations display a large deviation from the expected result in one case. No relation can be detected between correct or anomalous results and paleointensity determination quality or rock-magnetic properties. However, results on historical flows suggest that agreement between both methods could be a good indicator of correct determinations. Comparison of results obtained with both methods on seven Pleistocene flows yields an excellent agreement in four and disagreements in three cases. Pleistocene determinations were only accepted if either results from both methods agreed or a result was based on a sufficiently large number (n>4) of individual Thellier-type determinations. In most Pleistocene flows, a VADM around 5 31022 Am2 was observed, although two flows displayed higher values around 931022 Am2.project CGL2012-32149 (Ministerio de Econom ıa y Competitividad, Spain), project 320/2011 (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Unexpected changes in the oxic/anoxic interface in the Black Sea

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    THE Black Sea is the largest anoxic marine basin in the world today1. Below the layer of oxygenated surface water, hydrogen sulphide builds up to concentrations as high as 425 μM in the deep water down to a maximum depth of 2,200 m (ref. 2). The hydrographic regime is characterized by low-salinity surface water of river origin overlying high-salinity deep water of Mediterranean origin1,3. A steep pycnocline, centred at about 50 m is the primary physical barrier to mixing and is the origin of the stability of the anoxic (oxygen/hydrogen sulphide) interface. Here we report new observations, however, that indicate dramatic changes in the oceanographic characteristics of the anoxic interface of the Black Sea over decadal or shorter timescales. The anoxic, sulphide-containing interface has moved up in the water column since the last US cruises in 1969 and 1975. In addition, a suboxic zone overlays the sulphide-containing deep water. The expected overlap of oxygen and sulphide was not present. We believe that these observations result from horizontal mixing or flushing events that inject denser, saltier water into the relevant part of the water column. It is possible that man-made reduction in freshwater inflow into the Black Sea could cause these changes, although natural variability cannot be discounted. © 1989 Nature Publishing Group

    Opportunities and prospects of the Murmansk region in the development of transport in the Arctic region

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    The current state of transport capacity of the Murmansk region and its role in development of the Arctic region has been considered. The analysis of transport system state and opportunities of its further development has been carried out. The prospects of the Murmansk transport hub in development of transport infrastructure of the Arctic region have been analyzed as well. Рассмотрено современное состояние транспортного потенциала Мурманской области и его роль в развитии Арктического региона. Проведен анализ состояния транспортной системы и возможностей ее дальнейшего развития, а также перспектив Мурманского транспортного узла в развитии транспортной инфраструктуры Арктического регион

    О работе филиала кафедры СДМ на ООО «Армада» и ООО «Агротек»

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    В статье приведена информация о работе филиала кафедры Строительных и дорожных машин на ООО «Армада LTD» и ООО «Агротек».В статье приведена информация о работе филиала кафедры Строительных и дорожных машин на ООО «Армада LTD» и ООО «Агротек»

    The MS WORD Based Two Phase Technique for Building Report from Information Systems

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    The article considers a universal MS Word processor-based two-phase technique to build and generate output documents of information systems. It describes technological and program aspects of the approach. This technique has been quite successfully using in a number of information systems to show in practice that breaking down a forming process of the output document into two stages is efficient and useful.The approach concept is that the process of building output document has to be broken into two stages. At the first stage in the program applications to the information system, available procedures selects data from a DB and writes results in the separate text interface file of a specified structure. The program applications execute abovementioned actions in the language used by all information system. At the second stage, there is a start of the universal type text editor (MS Word in our case universal type) which provides final generation of output document using the built-in programs - macros realized in the built-in VBA language (Visual Basic for Application) in the pre-prepared template. The environment of a universal word processor also enables forming the template. Then, if necessary, it is possible to save the output document under a new name, edit and format it, in addition. The main thing is that an ordinary user applies the familiar environment of a universal text editor. A user has no difficulties in development, which are often available in work with universal generators of reports. We also note that new MS Office versions are interchangeable and allow easy using new versions without changing templates and generation programs of output documents.Considerable convenience in maintenance and autonomous debugging allowed systems, grounded on it, to increase considerably a life cycle and form a basis for modernization and maintenance.The particular advantage when using two-phase technology is shown when debugging procedures of the output documents formation because even for complicated algorithms, when splitting process into parts, considerable simplification of debugging process and its decreasing duration and labor input are observed. We also note that such approach can be also a basis for the office systems realization based on universal word processors. Then a DB can save document text content with a template type and name of document.The article considers ways to build the elementary type of the output documents, i.e. reports. The presented material, algorithms and debugged procedures enable a reader to repeat independently this process or even to create the own report using MS Word. We note that this technique can be used as well for tabular and for matrix reports. Algorithms for building such documents are more difficult and have their features. We have intention to consider them in our further articles in the field concerned.</p