9,830 research outputs found


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    Problem foots up street child at Indonesian of year goes to year continually experience step-up, \ud its existence is nevermore confines to metropolises only but have bermunculan at cities included \ud small towns at exhaustive Indonesian. Crisis's happening is monetary stricken indoesia since year \ud 1997 is believed a lot of big influential parties to foot up street children at Indonesian. In the \ud early street child amount crisis at Indonesian up to 400 % (Compass, 4 / 12 / 98). Data on duty \ud East Java Social names total street child at Malang City on year 2004 totals 234 person, on year \ud 2005 menurun becomes 254 person, meanwhile on year 2006 total street child 250 person. \ud About problem which is lifted deep observational it is: (1) How street child profile at Alun-alun \ud Kota Malang, (2) What Factors that cause a child go down to go to the ways?, and (3) How do \ud they survive? \ud On this research, researcher utilizes descriptive research type qualitative that just depicts \ud situation or particular scene without intention to take prevailing conclusion in common. \ud According to Masri Singarimbun (1985: 5), descriptive research to be meant strictly for \ud measurement one par to given social phenomenon and develops concept and penghimpunan is \ud fact, but doesn't do examination. In focus this research is street child profile that is at Alun-alun \ud Kota Malang. \ud This observational result figures in around street child profile at Alun-alun Kota Malang (as: \ud family background; relationship with family; education, experience as street child; job and \ud knockabout and expectation income and their aspiration forwards), street child causal factor is \ud down go to road (as: Violence In Family; economic requirement; emancipated dream and wants \ud to have alone money) and words their trick live on it at the ways (as: doing economic activity; \ud building solidarity among street child humanity; and episodic available within they do criminal's \ud action which is bone. \ud The conclusion of this research is street child at Alun-alun Kota Malang comes from urban's \ud settlement area or indigent region around Alun-alun Kota Malang, Work that done by street child \ud up to at the ways is mengemis and mengamen. Street child causal factor at Alun-alun Kota \ud Malang which is: violence in family, economic requirement/ help parent economy, emancipated \ud dream and wants to have alone money. Trick that done by street child in lives on it for example \ud by does economy activity (as: beging) and builds solidarity (as: mutually please help street child \ud humanity squire)

    Design of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) 'in-situ' measuring chamber and its application in several rivers

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    Sediment oxygen demand is defined as the rate of dissolved oxygen removal from the water column by the decomposition of organic materials in the bottom sediments. Accurate SOD rates are important, as they will allow for more precise permits specifications and therefore the degree or level of wastewater treatment needed. The "in situ" SOD chamber designed for the study was adapted from an earlier design by the USEPA (Hatcher, 1986). Two sets of chambers of differing sizes were fabricated and used to measure the SOD levels in several rivers and a small lake. These measurements could be used for the calibration and validation water quality models. Another applied usage of the SOD chamber was for the management of aquaculture ponds. The knowledge of the SOD levels at the bottom of the aquaculture ponds will allow for a more systematic pond-cleaning schedule

    Termination of architect's engagement

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    Issuance of Certificate Completion and Compliance (CCC) by Professional Architect has made the role of Professional Architect become more important. Professional Architect is required to become Prinsipal Submitting Person to the Local Authority. Certificate of Completion and Compliance will be issued after getting clearance from all the respective department of Local Authority. Therefore termination of Architect’s Engagement will create a lot of problem to the construction contract. Problem that may arise is withholding of Letter of Release by the Professional Architect whereby the client may have problem in appointing a new Professional Architect to proceed with the works. Is Professional Architect allowed to withholding the Letter of Release? Therefore the aim of this research is to ensure whether a Professional Architect can with holding the Letter of Release or not. The research scope will be limited to the Contract of Services between the Professional Architect and the Client in Malaysia. The research methodology is by analyzing cases regarding issue on Letter of Release, Interview with Professional Architect, Developer and Lawyers and the most important is by referring to the Architect Act 1967 (Act 117) & Architect Rules 1996. After analyzing the information, it shows that Professional Architect cannot with holding Letter of Release because that the architect can hold the client for ransom. From the research it can be concluded that Client have to comply with their obligation under the contract between the Professional Architect especially when matter on payment of consultant fees and if dispute arise it must be referred to Arbitration, Mediation or Court

    A review of the lighting performance in buildings through energy efficiency

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    As developing countries including Malaysia, are now moving towards sustainable development is in line with the Ninth Malaysia Plan, 9th MP, the development should be built to meet current and future needs for achieving sustainability of economic development, social and environmental responsibility for the prosperity without compromising the future generations‘ needs. Over the past five years, there has been a move away from constructing new buildings to refurbishing older and historic ones. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate the approach for the refurbishment of lighting as well as the existing energy efficiency policy and measures in Malaysian historical building for the energy efficiency improvement in the future. The paper takes the form of a review of literature. The main sources of this literature research are based on the articles, journals, and internet search. This study perhaps can add to the breadth of knowledge of lighting performance in the historical building from the perspective of energy efficiency. This study offers new and valuable insights to Malaysia in achieving optimum energy efficiency, saving in financial as well as reducing environmental impact.This paper has been presented at 2nd International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRSET’2014) March 21-22, 201

    Interferensi Morfologi Bahasa Indonesia dalam Karangan Bahasa Makassar Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu Kabupaten Gowa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan interferensi morfologi bahasa Indonesia dalam karangan bahasa Makassar siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu Kabupaten Gowa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, dengan subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu yang berjumlah 25 orang. Lokasi penelitian ini di SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu Kabupaten Gowa. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan interferensi morfologi pada karangan bahasa Makassar siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes berupa tes mengarang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik komparatif yang dianalisis dalam bentuk deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Makassar tulis siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tompobulu yang berbahasa pertama bahasa Makassar, terdapat interferensi bahasa Indonesia dalam bidang morfologis. Interferensi di bidang morfologi yang ditemukan yaitu : (1) penggunaan kosa kata bahasa Indonesia dalam penulisan karangan bahasa Makassar,(2) penggunaan prefiks ak-, (3) penggunaan enklitik–nya, (4) penghilangan prefiks aK-, -aNg, (5) penggunaan kata ulang dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan (6) penggunaan bentuk gabungan kata dari bahasa Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Interferensi Morfologi, Karangan bahasa Makassar


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    Randai adalah teater tradisional rakyat Minangkabau yang tumbuh, hidup dan berkembang di lingkungan masyarakat di NagariNagari dalam wilayah Minangkabau. Sebagai teater rakyat randai hidup dari rakyat untuk rakyat.Para pakar randai telah menyepakati bahwa randai yang berbentuk taeter rakyat Minangkabau mempunyai unsur pokok yaitu ; cerita, dialog dan akting, gurindam, galombangan. Keempat unsur pokok tersebut boleh dikembangkan, tetapi tidak boleh ditiadakan. Salah satu saja diantara unsur pokok tersebut ditiadakan, maka akan lahir kesenian yang tak dapat dikatakan kesenian randai lagi.Pengembangan cerita randai dapat dilakukan dengan cara menyusun atau mengarap cerita baru. Agar tetap mengakar pada budaya Minangkabau, maka hendaklah cerita baru tersebut mengandung nilainilai kehidupan masyarakat Minangkabau. Baik nilai-nilai kehidupan masyarakat Minangkabau pada masa silam maupun nilai-nilai masyarakat masa kini


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    Opini sebagian masyarakat Indonesia termasuk di kota Medan Sumatera Utara terpengaruh anggapan lama bahwa, konten siaran LPP TVRI sama dengan masa Orbabersifat corong bagi pemerintah. Pada hal, paradigma kini telah berubah, sebagai lembaga penyiaran publik,LPPTVRIwajibmenyiarkan konten siaran yang berlandaskan kepentingan publik.Hal itu juga terjadi terhadap penyiaran Berita Sumut 45.Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana membangun opini positip sebagian masyarakat kota Medan terhadap konten siaran Berita Sumut 45? Terkait hal itu juga muncul pertanyaan; Apakahpada Berita Sumut 45 sering dilakukan live atau siaran langsung? Apakah penyiaranBerita Sumut 45konsisten memerhatikan kebutuhan informasi publik?ApakahBerita Sumut 45menyertakan masyarakat dalam siarannya?ApakahBerita Sumut 45menyajikan berita yang lugas, tepat, akurat, mudah dimengerti masyarakat?Penelitian ini menggunakan analisa komunikasi persuasif dan informasi publik yang unsurnya antara lain; Opini Publik, Pembentukan Opini, Mengukur Opini Publik, Fenomena Persepsi, Sikap, Nilai dan Kepercayaan, Metode Persuasi, Kekuatan Pengaruh dari Persetujuan, dan Etika Persuasi. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti memilih poin membangun opini karena cukup strategis pada  kondisi sekarang.Hasil analisis penelitian ini mengemukakan bahwa, opini masyarakat Medan terhadap tayangan Berita Sumut 45 akan terbangun jika, sering diselenggarakan siaran live atau siaran langsun


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    This research aimed at proving that the use of Phonemic Transcription improvespronunciation of the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Palu particularly in these troublesome sounds: /θ/,/ð/,/ʃ/,/ʒ/. The samples were X IIS3 as the experimental group and XIIIIS 4 as the control group. They were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The researcher used quasi experimental research design where the two groups were given pre-test and post-test. The result showed that there was a significant improvement of the students’ pronunciation ability after they were taught through phonemic transcription. The mean score of the experimental group before the treatment was 16.8 while the control group was 14.6. After the treatment, the mean score of the experimental group was 60.3 and the control group was 16.8. After analyzing the data, it was found that the t-counted (5.07) was greater than the ttable (1.999) by applying 0.05 level of significance and 65 degree of freedom (df). The researcher concludes that the hypothesis is accepted. It shows that Phonemic Transcription improvespronunciation of the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Palu. Keywords:Improving; Pronunciation; Phonemic Transcriptio

    Rancang Bangun Website E-Learning dengan Pemodelan UML

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    The learning system that takes place is only done in the classroom and there is no online learning media that uses information technology to support learning. This e-learning application is network based, which is an international standard application, a learning application that is supported by information technology. This study aims to determine the e-learning website design with UML modeling. Searching for information and learning that is only done face-to-face in the classroom is very clear can hamper the learning process with limited time. In supporting teaching and learning activities by utilizing information technology, it is necessary to make a web-based E-Learning application using PHP and MySQL database. Keywords: E-learning, MySQL, PHP, We