97 research outputs found

    Rekonstruksi Hukum Lelang Jabatan Struktural Dalam Rangka Reformasi Birokrasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sejauhmanakah konsep lelang jabatan struktural dapat mewujudkan reformasi birokrasi di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif.Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan kajian pustaka.Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriftif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep lelang jabatan strukturalmerupakan bentuk dari promosi jabatan yang dilakukan secara transparan dan selektif.Sehingga melalui penerapan konsep lelang jabatan struktural diharapkan mampu menghasilkan pejabat eselon yang berkompeten dimasing-masing bidangnya serta dapat mewujudkan reformasi birokrasi di Indonesia

    Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities in Realizing Elections with Integrity

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    The right to vote and be elected is a constitutional right of citizens who are recognized as part of the rights to the same position in law and government. Elections are a very important momentum, in fact, the Election still often raises problems for persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are a group of persons with disabilities who most need special facilities so that they can choose independently so they can fulfill the principle of elections, namely Direct, General, Free and Confidential and Honest and Fair. So that the political rights of persons with disabilities have not been maximally fulfilled through the provision of accessibility in elections for them. This research is normative legal research. By using several methods of approach, namely: Legislative approach (statute approach), conceptual approach (conceptual approach), case approach (case approach). The results of the study show that the provision of accessibility space, not only on the momentum of giving rights (giving ballots to be tested) to persons with disabilities on voting days and hours in elections but giving accessibility to persons with disabilities in elections was given since the stages of election implementation were echoed. Ideally, Disabled Persons must have access as election organizers as well as election participants. The accessibility of persons with disabilities should not only be given to access rights as voters on the day and time of voting.The right to vote and be elected is a constitutional right of citizens who are recognized as part of the rights to the same position in law and government. Elections are a very important momentum, in fact, the Election still often raises problems for persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are a group of persons with disabilities who most need special facilities so that they can choose independently so they can fulfill the principle of elections, namely Direct, General, Free and Confidential and Honest and Fair. So that the political rights of persons with disabilities have not been maximally fulfilled through the provision of accessibility in elections for them. This research is normative legal research. By using several methods of approach, namely: Legislative approach (statute approach), conceptual approach (conceptual approach), case approach (case approach). The results of the study show that the provision of accessibility space, not only on the momentum of giving rights (giving ballots to be tested) to persons with disabilities on voting days and hours in elections but giving accessibility to persons with disabilities in elections was given since the stages of election implementation were echoed. Ideally, Disabled Persons must have access as election organizers as well as election participants. The accessibility of persons with disabilities should not only be given to access rights as voters on the day and time of voting. Keywords:People with Disabilities; Elections; Integrit

    Rekonstruksi Hukum Lelang Jabatan Struktural dalam Rangka Reformasi Birokrasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sejauhmanakah konsep lelang jabatan struktural dapat mewujudkan reformasi birokrasi di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif.Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan kajian pustaka.Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriftif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep lelang jabatan strukturalmerupakan bentuk dari promosi jabatan yang dilakukan secara transparan dan selektif.Sehingga melalui penerapan konsep lelang jabatan struktural diharapkan mampu menghasilkan pejabat eselon yang berkompeten dimasing-masing bidangnya serta dapat mewujudkan reformasi birokrasi di Indonesia

    Phosphorus Use Efficiency for Cucumber (Cucumis Satnus L.) Grown on Acid Soils

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    Phosphorus (P) use efficiency for cucumber grown on acid soils was studied. The objectives of this experiment were: (i) to screen the solubility of three phosphate rocks in acid soils with the aim of selecting one phosphate rock (PR) with the best P and calcium (Ca) solubility in acid soils - a laboratory study, (ii) to determine the most economical P source, critical P level, and the relationship between P uptake (Ps) and phosphorus dissolution from PR (PDP) or Pb/P - green house study, and (iii) to improve upon P availability in an acid soil cultivated with cucumber influenced by mycorrhiza (VAM) inoculation, organic matter (OM) amendment and P rate - field study. Results of the experiment indicated that in a closed incubation system, dissolution of Indonesian phosphate rock (IPR) (30.20 to 100.00%) was the highest followed by Gafsa phosphate rock (GPR) (17.00 to 68.80%) and then China phosphate rock (CPR) (19.80 to 53.80%). Three major factors which may affect the PR dissolution were identified: (i) soil texture (STF), (ii) soil acidity (SAF) and (iii) fertilizer (FF). Soil texture (clay, silt and sand contents) and P retention capacity showed the highest magnitude (54%) of the factor effect on P dissolution. In a green house, there was significant difference between soils and P levels with regards to total plant dry matter yield (DMY), leaf area, soil N, K and Ca nutrients, and N, K and Ca uptake by cucumber at three harvests extending from 14 to 42 days. The IPR (RAE = 177.10%) and GPR (RAE = 145.50%) were superior to triple superphosphate (TSP). On the soils with high P retention capacity (> 50%), the supply of P from both IPR and GPR on cucumber were much cost effective than TSP, with relative economic effectiveness (REE) values of 495.50% and 318.60% for IPR and GPR, respectively. For GPR, there was a positive correlation between P uptake (L\Ps) and P dissolution (L\P) as well as P uptake (L\Ps), and P availability (L\Pb). Similar observation was made for IPR and not TSP. There was a close relationship between residual P determined by Pb method and P uptake (Ps) by cucumber at 28 and 42 days with correlation coefficients varying from 0.76 to 0.97 for GPR, IPR and TSP in the three acid soils


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    This study aims to understand the ambivalence of organizing elections in Indonesia so that they can conceptualize the ideal setting for conducting general elections with integrity. This research is normative legal research (normative legal research). This research was conducted by examining primary legal material and secondary legal material.The results of the study indicate that the regulation of elections used in the administration of elections in Indonesia only emphasizes the regulation of procedural aspects. Whereas the indicators of the success of the election if the election organizers, election participants and the public as voters carry out the stages of the election in accordance with the rules of the election stage even though they set aside substantial aspects. Therefore, arrangements are needed in the administration of elections that emphasize substantial aspects, so that elections with integrity can be realized


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    Format Kelembagaan dan Pola Hubungan MPR dengan DPR dan DPD Pasca Amandemen UUD Tahun 1945. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui format kelembagaan MPR pasca amandemen UUD NRI Tahun 1945, serta pola hubungan antara MPR dengan DPR dan DPD pasca amandemen UUD NRI Tahun 1945. Analisis terhadap pengolahan data adalah dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem perwakilan Indonesia menganut sistem perwakilan bikameral dengan ciri khas bikameral sedang (soft bicameralisme) dan pola hubungan antara MPR, DPR, dan DPD merupakan pola hubungan ”nebengeordnet” atau hubungan horizontal atau hubungan satu level yang diamanatkan oleh UUD NRI Tahun 1945.Institutional format and pattern of relations with Parliament and Council Assembly after the amended Constitution of 1945. This study aims to determine the  institutional  format  of  the MPR and the pattern of relations between the DPR and DPD. MPR after the amendment to the Constitution of 1945 NRI. Analysis of the processing is to use a qualitative descriptive analysis. These results indicate that Indonesia adopt a representative system with a bicameral representative system is the hallmark of  a bicameral (medium strength bicameralism) and the pattern of the relationship between MPR, DPR and DPD is the pattern of relationships that are mandated by the Constitution of 1945 NRI

    Studi Bedengan Kompos Permanen Pada Budidaya Mentimun Di Lahan Kering

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    . Sumarni, N. and Y. Hilman. 2008. Permanent Composting Bed for Cucumber Cultivations on Dryland.The problem of cucumber cultivation in dryland is the lack of water and nutrient availability. One of the efforts to overcome this problem was the utilization of permanent composting bed. The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of the use of permanent composting bed on the growth and yield of cucumber in dryland. A randomized block design with 6 replications and 4 treatments of permanent composting beds with different organic waste was used. Cucumber plants were planted at 1 month after composting process took place. Results of the experiment indicated that the use of permanent composting bed without NPK was unsuitable for growing cucumber. The conventional cultivation using regular soil bed with stable manure and NPK fertilizer was still the best method, with highest yield of cucumber (15.485 t/ha with land efficiency of 80%). Vegetable cultivation on permanent composting bed was applicable in the areas with inadequate stable manure and water supply

    Inokulasi Mikoriza Glomus SP. Dan Penggunaan Limbah Cacing Tanah Untuk Meningkatkan Kesuburan Tanah, Serapan Hara, Dan Hasil Tanaman Mentimun

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Wera, Subang mulai bulan Agustus sampai No vem ber2000. Tujuan penelitian adalah (i) mempelajari pengaruh inokulum mikoriza Glomus sp. dan limbah atau kotoranbekas cacing tanah (kascing) terhadap sifat-sifat kimia tanah, serapan N, P, dan K dan hasil buah mentimun, (ii)mengetahui efek inokulasi mikoriza dalam mengurangi pemakaian pupuk buatan NPK, dan (iii) mendapatkankombinasi pupuk hayati (mikoriza Glomus sp. dan kascing) dan pupuk NPK yang tepat dan efisien untuk mentimun.Rancangan penelitian menggunakan split-plot de sign dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas petak utama yaitupemberian mikoriza (tanpa dan dengan mikoriza), dan anak petak yaitu enam kombinasi penggunaan kascing + NPK.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kascing + NPK berpengaruh nyata terhadap serapan P vegetatiftanaman dan serapan N, P, dan K buah. Perlakuan mikoriza dan kascing dapat meningkatkan kesuburan (sifat kimiadan biologi) tanah. Dalam hal bobot buah, kascing dengan dosis 2,5 t/ha + ¾ x standar NPK merupakan aplikasi yangpal ing baik di antara perlakuan yang diuji.In oc u la tion of my cor rhi zal Glomus sp. and the use ofvermicompost to im prove soil fer til ity, nu tri ent up take, and cu cum ber yield. An experiment was conducted atWera ex per i men tal farm, Subang from Au gust to No vem ber 2000. The ob jec tives of the ex per i ment were: (i) to studymycorrhiza Glomus sp. in oc u la tion and vermicompost in im prov ing soil chem i cal prop er ties; NPK up take and yield ofcu cum ber, (ii) to find out the ef fect of my cor rhi za Glomus sp. in oc u la tion on the re duc tion of NPK fer til izer us age, and(iii) to screen the most ap pro pri ate and ef fi cient treat ment com bi na tion of biofertilizers (mycorrhyza) andvermicompost + NPK fer til izer on cu cum ber. A split plot de sign with three replications was used. Treat ments con -sisted of in oc u la tion of my cor rhi za (with and without in oc u la tion) as a main plot and six com bi na tions ofvermicompost + NPK fer til iz ers as subplot. Re sults of the ex per i ment in di cated that my cor rhi za and vermicompostap pli ca tion can im prove soil chem i cal and bi o log i cal fer til ity. Ap pli ca tion of vermicompost + NPK fer til izer sig nif i -cantly in flu enced P up take in plant veg e ta tive growth as well as N, P, and K up take in fruits. In terms of fruit weight,ap pli ca tion of vermicompost of 2.5 t/ha + ¾ x NPK stan dard was the best

    ADAPTASI TANAMAN HORTIKULTURA TERHADAP PERUBAHAN IKLIMPADA LAHAN KERING Adaptation of Horticultural Crops to Climate Change in the Upland

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    Horticultural products (fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops) which have high competitiveness and added value, require supporting appropriate cultivation technology. The objective of this paper was to sort out adaptive technologies that can be implemented for horticultural cultivation, especially on dry land, to minimize yield loss due to climate changes. Horticultural crops in dry lands faced various problems. Characteristics of horticultural crops, among others were easily damage, bulky, sensitive to water stress and the incidence of pests and diseases. Another issue that has begun to happen in the field is the occurrence of extreme climate change, especially El Nino or La Nina that caused crop failures, damage to agricultural land resources, increased in frequency, extent, and intensity of drought, increased moisture, increased in the susceptibility to pests and the disease. Thus the integrated efforts that are needed in strengthening the capability of dry land to face climate change are by the application of adaptative technology, drafting disaster mitigation concepts, observing climate change, policy analysis related to the application of adaptive technology on climate change. The discussed Horticulture Commodities are focused on economically profitable crops, including: vegetables (potatoes, shallots, chili), fruits (bananas, citrus and melons) and ornamental crops (chrysanthemums, orchids, Polycias and Gerbera) scattered in two zoning zones where namely (i) lowland (0-600 meters above sea level); (ii) highlands (> 600 meters above sea level) and (iii) in both elevations of the site which have wet climates and dry climates. Attempsto be made to promote horticultural crops include performing water-efficient irrigation (drip irrigation), mulching, the use of shading on certain crops, proper fertilization, the use of organic fertilizer, planting system and planting distance, and tolerant varieties. Some adaptative technologies that can be adopted for horticultural crops include (1) developing watersaving irrigation technologies (drip and sprinkler irrigation on shallots), (2) applying healthy crop cultivation (good quality seeds, variety tolerant to disease and sub-optimal environment for tomatoes, red or hot chilli shallots and bananas), (3) using environmentally friendly chemical control (concept of threshold control in red or hot chilli), (4) protecting yield and quality of harvest (the use of silver black mulch on shallots and melons, and the use of shade for ornamental plants on dry land).Keywords: Horticulture, climate change, upland, adaptation technology AbstrakSistem produksi hortikultura (buah buahan, sayuran, dan tanaman hias) yang berdaya saing tinggi dan bernilai tambah memerlukan dukungan teknologi. Tulisan ini merangkum teknologi adaptasi komoditas hortikultura pada lahan kering dalam upaya meminimalisasi tingkat kehilangan hasil akibat perubahan iklim. Usaha tani tanaman hortikultura pada lahan kering dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah, di antaranya tanaman mudah dan cepat rusak, sensitif terhadap cekaman lingkungan, dan rentan terhadap hama dan penyakit. Masalah lain yang berdampak negatif terhadap sistem produksi komoditas hortikultura ialah perubahan iklim ekstrem, terutama el-nino dan la-nina. Perubahan iklim tidak hanya menyebabkan kegagalan panen, tetapi juga merusak sumber daya lahan pertanian, meningkatkan luas areal dan intensitas tanaman yang mengalami kekeringan, meningkatkan kelembaban, dan perkembangan hama dan penyakit tanaman. Oleh karena itu diperlukan integrasi pengelolaan lahan dan aplikasi teknologi adaptif perubahan iklim, penyusunan konsep mitigasi bencana, observasi perubahan iklim, dan analisis kebijakan yang terkait dengan aplikasi teknologi adaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim. Pembahasan difokuskan pada tanaman yang secara ekonomi menguntungkan, antara lain kentang, bawang merah, cabai untuk komoditas sayuran; pisang, jeruk, dan melon untuk komoditas buah-buahan; dan krisan, anggrek, polycias dan gerbera untuk tanaman hias. Komoditas hortikultura tersebut tersebar di dua zonasi ketinggian tempat, yakni dataran rendah (0–600 m dpl) dan dataran tinggi (> 600 m dpl). Beberapa teknologi adaptasi yang dapat diadopsi di antaranya (1) irigasi hemat air (irigasi tetes dan irigasi curah pada bawang merah), (2) budi daya tanaman sehat (benih bermutu, varietas toleran penyakit dan lingkungan suboptimal untuk komoditas kentang, cabai, bawang merah, dan pisang, (3) pengendalian hama dan penyakit ramah lingkungan (konsep ambang pengendalian pada cabai, jeruk), dan (4) perlindungan hasil dan peningkatan kualitas hasil panen (penggunaan mulsa plastik hitam perak pada tanaman bawang merah dan melon, serta penggunaan naungan pada tanaman hias anggrek dan krisan). Kata kunci: hortikultura, perubahan iklim, lahan kering, teknologi adaptas