12 research outputs found

    Village-level Advocacy to Revitalize Family Planning in a Decentralized Indonesia

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    While Indonesia was once hailed as a Family Planning success story, progress has stalled over the past decade. IDHS 2012 showed the Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate is stable at 58%, the method mix is highly skewed towards short-acting contraceptive methods, despite their higher rates of discontinuation and the desire for longer-acting methods to limit births. Unmet need persists at 11.4%. One explanation for this halted progress is decentralization, which began in Indonesia in the early 2000s. In general, decentralization has caused a decrease in institutional support for FP programs at the district and village levels. The number of FP field officers has also decreased significantly. However, in 2012, the Indonesian House of Representatives passed the ―Village Law No. 6/2014‖ to ensure that the central government transfers development funds directly to villages in order to fulfill basic needs. In light of this law, it is important to conduct advocacy at the village level to ensure that some of these village funds are used for reinvigorating FP programs. In January 2015, Yayasan Cipta Cara Padu (YCCP) collaborated with 7 Districts Working Groups (Karanganyar, Lumajang, Tuban, Kediri, East Lombok, West Lombok and Sumbawa) began conducting advocacy among village policymakers with the goal of allocating village funds to support FP and revitalizing ―FP village team‖. This activity was conducted as part of Advance Family Planning (AFP) and Improving Contraceptive Method Mix Project (ICMM). This program shows that, in the era of decentralization, advocacy among village-level policymakers allocate village budget for community mobilization on FP, increase availability and quality of FP services. It also shows that, regulations and dedicated funding to local working groups such as these can improve local buy-in and sustainability.

    Strategi Komunikasi Guru Sekolah SKh Al-Khairiyah dalam hybrid learning Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunarungu di Masa Pandemi

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    Mewabahnya virus COVID-19 mengharuskan seluruh masyarakat melakukanaktivitas di dalam rumah untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus melalui Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) pemerintah daerah menerapkan kebijakan mengenai penerapan sistem belajar online atau yang lebih dikenal pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ), sistem pembelajaran secara online menuntut lebih melek teknologi karena penggunaan media sebagai alat penyampaian pesan. Masalah komunikasi terhadap siswa berkebutuhan khusus, khususnya siswa tunarungu merupakan salah satu masalah yang cukup pelik dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, menggunakan metode studi kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan di SKh Al ­ Khairiyah dalam menyampaikan materi pada masa pandemi. Karena siswa tunarungudi SKh Al ­ Khairiyah juga merasakan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi, oleh sebab itu penulis mengangkat judul " Strategi Komunikasi Guru SKh Al ­ Khairiyah Dalam Pembelajaran Hybrid Siswa Tunarungu di Masa Pandemi". Penelitian ini telah mengidentifikasi hambatan dan solusi mengenai Strategi Komunikasi Guru Sekolah Skh Al-Khairiyah Dalam Hybrid Learning Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunarungu Di masa Pandemi


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    1. Ada pengaruh konsentrasi dan lama waktu pemberian ch10rhexidine terhadap hambatan pertumbuhan kuman Streptococcus sanguis. 2. Pada konsentrasi 0.025% dengan lama pemberian 60 detik sudah efektif menghambat pertumbuhan kuman Streptococcus sanguis

    Laporan Kerja Magang Kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility PT Asahimas Chemical

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    Kota Cilegon merupakan salah satu daerah padat kawasan industri berbagai macam pabrik berdiri, khususnya di daerah Ciwandan. Aktivitas produki dilakukan hampir setiap hari yang menyebabkan meningkatnya kualitas udara yang buruk, bisingnya suara produksi pabrik, dan juga kendaraan-kendaraan besar yang lalu lalang mengantar barang atau mengirim barang produksi industri yang memadati jalanan tidak jarang mengganggu aktivitas warga sekitar industri. PT Asahimas Chemical adalah salah satu industri kimia terbesar di Ciwandan yang aktivitas produksinya dilakukan setiap hari. Dengan adanya aktivitas industri yang dilakukan setiap hari PT Asahimas Chemical memiliki kesadaran yang tinggi untuk peduli terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar, dengan mengadakan kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility sebagai rasa tanggung jawab. Dalam kesempatan praktik kerja magang ini penulis mendapat kesempatan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut bagaimana cara untuk mengimplementasikan ilmu yang telah dipelajari tentang corporate social responsibility, bagaimana cara pengaplikasian kegiatan corporate social responsibility yang baik agar mendapatkan impact yang positif dari masyarakat, juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana kegiatan corporate social responsibility dikatakan berhasil

    Analisa Dampak Projek Sdes (Service Delivery Expansion Support) Terhadap Peningkatan Program Keluarga Berencana Di Jawa Timur

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    The SDES project has been implemented and sponsored by US-AID since April, 1 1994. The goal of the project is to reduce Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in East Java Province from 2.2 (1994) to 2.0 by year 5 of SDES project ending in 1999. The general objective is to develop community awareness and promote the acceptance of family planning, and to ensure that families have access to the most appropriate methods for their needs. To achieve the above objectives, several programs and activities have been implemented since April 1994. Within the periode of six years, some progress of the programs have been achieved. The problem is how far the impact or changing of program achievements after the implementation of the SDES project. Based on this problem, an analysis of program achievements is needed. The analysis is focused on the comparation of program achievements either in SDES areas and Non-SDES areas or before and after the project implementation. In general, the main objective of this analysis is to know how far, actually, the impact· or changing of program achievements after six year implementation of SDES project. The analysis was focussing on the comparation of program achievements either in SDES and Non-SDES areas or before and after the project implementation.Specifically, the objectives of the comparative analysis is concentrated on the several indicators or aspects. The types of analysis used is a combination time series analysis with an intervention and non-intervention areas. In time series analysis, Statistical test has been applied to determine effective percentage changes of program achievements. In this analysis, data which have been used was secondary data of FY 1992/93-1999/00. Those data was collected on bases of time and areas or regencies (SDES and non SDES areas). The SDES project has been implemented for six years and several innovative intervention or activities have been carried out. Within the six year periode, some progress of programe In terms of the impacts or changing have been achieved and the analysis of this isssues was also conducted and statistical analysis was also applied

    Frenectomy and Gingival Depigmentation as a Preliminary Preparation for Orthodontic Treatment: A Case Report

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    Background: High attachment of labial frenulum causes central diastema and obstructs the movement of orthodontic devices. A surgical approach is needed in the form of frenectomy to improve the attachment of the frenulum. The presence of gingival hyperpigmentation due to excessive deposition of melanin is also an aesthetic problem. This hyperpigmented and uneven appearance of gum color can be corrected by ablation procedures, one of which is by using a scalpel scraping technique. Objective: To discuss the procedure for frenectomy and gingival depigmentation in preparation for further orthodontic treatment. Case Report: An 18-year-old woman was referred from the Department of Orthodontics to the Department of Periodontia, Hasanuddin University Dental and Oral Hospital, with the chief complaint of central diastema and hyperpigmented gum. The patient was planned to receive orthodontic treatment and was also disturbed by the darker color of her gums. The patient had no family history of hyperpigmented gums, smoking or consuming drugs. There was a high attachment of the frenulum, categorized as papillapenetrating type, and gingival hyperpigmentation was caused by intrinsic factor, which based on DOPI was classified as grade 3. The surgery was done in two steps. Gingival depigmentation was done one week after the frenectomy procedure. Results: The results of the treatment showed improved adhesion of the frenulum and eliminated gingival hyperpigmentation. Conclusion: Frenectomy and gingival depigmentation improved the patient’s appearance and frenectomy allowed preparation for further orthodontic treatment. Keywords: gingival hyperpigmentation, central diastema, frenectomy, orthodontic treatmen


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    The SDES project has been implemented and sponsored by US-AID since April, 1 1994. The goal of the project is to reduce Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in East Java Province from 2.2 (1994) to 2.0 by year 5 of SDES project ending in 1999. The general objective is to develop community awareness and promote the acceptance of family planning, and to ensure that families have access to the most appropriate methods for their needs. To achieve the above objectives, several programs and activities have been implemented since April 1994. Within the periode of six years, some progress of the programs have been achieved. The problem is how far the impact or changing of program achievements after the implementation of the SDES project. Based on this problem, an analysis of program achievements is needed. The analysis is focused on the comparation of program achievements either in SDES areas and Non-SDES areas or before and after the project implementation. In general, the main objective of this analysis is to know how far, actually, the impact· or changing of program achievements after six year implementation of SDES project. The analysis was focussing on the comparation of program achievements either in SDES and Non-SDES areas or before and after the project implementation.Specifically, the objectives of the comparative analysis is concentrated on the several indicators or aspects. The types of analysis used is a combination time series analysis with an intervention and non-intervention areas. In time series analysis, Statistical test has been applied to determine effective percentage changes of program achievements. In this analysis, data which have been used was secondary data of FY 1992/93-1999/00. Those data was collected on bases of time and areas or regencies (SDES and non SDES areas). The SDES project has been implemented for six years and several innovative intervention or activities have been carried out. Within the six year periode, some progress of programe In terms of the impacts or changing have been achieved and the analysis of this isssues was also conducted and statistical analysis was also applied

    Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan Periodontal Siswa SMA Negeri 6 Kabupaten Sinjai Melalui Kegiatan DHE (Dental Health Education) dan SRP (Scaling And Root Planing)

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    Periodontal disease is a disease of the teeth and mouth that is commonly found in Indonesian society. Periodontal disease is a common microbial infectious disease in adolescents and adults. This disease is an inflammatory disease originating from bacteria that affects the supporting tissues of the teeth. To overcome periodontal disease, it can be done in at least two ways, namely by carrying out plaque control in the form of proper brushing and periodic tartar cleaning. The objectives of this community service activity are: improving the health of the students 'priodontal network of SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai students, increasing students' understanding of the causes of periodontal disease and how to prevent it, changing the behavior of students and teachers brushing teeth. From the community service activities carried out at SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai, it can be concluded as follows: The prevalence of periodontal disease among students in these schools is still quite high, namely 82.98%. Implementation of oral dental health education (DHE) and scaling care / SRP will improve students' understanding and periodontal health status.Penyakit periodontal merupakan salah satu penyakit gigi dan mulut yang banyak ditemukan pada masyarakat Indonesia. Penyakit periodontal adalah salah satu penyakit infeksi mikroba yang umum pada remaja dan orang dewasa. Penyakit ini merupakan penyakit inflamasi yang berasal dari bakteri yang mempengaruhi jaringan pendukung gigi. Untuk mengatasi penyakit periodontal, dapat dilakukan setidaknya dengan dua cara, yaitu dengan melakukan kontrol plak berupa penyikatan gigi dengan benar dan pembersihan karang gigi secara periodik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masayarakat ini adalah: peningkatan kesehatan jaringan priodontal siswa Siswa SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai, peningkatan pemahaman para siswa tentang penyebab terjadinya penyakit periodontal dan cara pencegahannya, perubahan perilaku menyikat gigi siswa dan guru. Dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 6 Sinjai, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Prevalensi penderita penyakit periodontal pada siswa di sekolah tersebut masih cukup tinggi yaitu 82,98 %. Pelaksanaan kegiatan penyuluhan kesehatan gigi mulut (DHE) dan perawatan skeling/SRP akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan status kesehatan periodontal para siswa

    Laporan Kerja Magang Kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility PT Asahimas Chemical

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    Kota Cilegon merupakan salah satu daerah padat kawasan industri berbagai macam pabrik berdiri, khususnya di daerah Ciwandan. Aktivitas produki dilakukan hampir setiap hari yang menyebabkan meningkatnya kualitas udara yang buruk, bisingnya suara produksi pabrik, dan juga kendaraan-kendaraan besar yang lalu lalang mengantar barang atau mengirim barang produksi industri yang memadati jalanan tidak jarang mengganggu aktivitas warga sekitar industri. PT Asahimas Chemical adalah salah satu industri kimia terbesar di Ciwandan yang aktivitas produksinya dilakukan setiap hari. Dengan adanya aktivitas industri yang dilakukan setiap hari PT Asahimas Chemical memiliki kesadaran yang tinggi untuk peduli terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar, dengan mengadakan kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility sebagai rasa tanggung jawab. Dalam kesempatan praktik kerja magang ini penulis mendapat kesempatan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut bagaimana cara untuk mengimplementasikan ilmu yang telah dipelajari tentang corporate social responsibility, bagaimana cara pengaplikasian kegiatan corporate social responsibility yang baik agar mendapatkan impact yang positif dari masyarakat, juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana kegiatan corporate social responsibility dikatakan berhasil

    Strategi Komunikasi Guru Sekolah SKh Al-Khairiyah dalam hybrid learning Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunarungu di Masa Pandemi

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    Mewabahnya virus COVID-19 mengharuskan seluruh masyarakat melakukanaktivitas di dalam rumah untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus melalui Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) pemerintah daerah menerapkan kebijakan mengenai penerapan sistem belajar online atau yang lebih dikenal pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ), sistem pembelajaran secara online menuntut lebih melek teknologi karena penggunaan media sebagai alat penyampaian pesan. Masalah komunikasi terhadap siswa berkebutuhan khusus, khususnya siswa tunarungu merupakan salah satu masalah yang cukup pelik dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, menggunakan metode studi kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan di SKh Al ­ Khairiyah dalam menyampaikan materi pada masa pandemi. Karena siswa tunarungudi SKh Al ­ Khairiyah juga merasakan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi, oleh sebab itu penulis mengangkat judul " Strategi Komunikasi Guru SKh Al ­ Khairiyah Dalam Pembelajaran Hybrid Siswa Tunarungu di Masa Pandemi". Penelitian ini telah mengidentifikasi hambatan dan solusi mengenai Strategi Komunikasi Guru Sekolah Skh Al-Khairiyah Dalam Hybrid Learning Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunarungu Di masa Pandemi