446 research outputs found


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    2010. English Diploma Program of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. This report is based on the job training in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The job training was from 22 April until 22 June 2009. The objectives of the report are to describe the job description of a waiter in Ratu Ratih Café. A waiter in Ratu Ratih Café has two main duties, first is completing pre set up preparation and second, completing general set up. The pre-set up preparation includes polishing cutleries, cups and goblets water, while general set up includes breakfast set up, diner-lunch set up and handling the guest. To give good service to the guest requires good performance and style. Guest’s satisfaction indicates the quality of service from waiters


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    Most information found in the Internet is available in English version. However, most people in the world are non-English speaker. Hence, it will be of great advantage to have reliable Machine Translation tool for those people. There are many approaches for developing Machine Translation (MT) systems, some of them are direct, rule-based/transfer, interlingua, and statistical approaches. This thesis focuses on developing an MT for less resourced languages i.e. languages that do not have available grammar formalism, parser, and corpus, such as some languages in South East Asia. The nonexistence of bilingual corpora motivates us to use direct or transfer approaches. Moreover, the unavailability of grammar formalism and parser in the target languages motivates us to develop a hybrid between direct and transfer approaches. This hybrid approach is referred as a hybrid transfer approach. This approach uses the Annotated Disjunct (ADJ) method. This method, based on Link Grammar (LG) formalism, can theoretically handle one-to-one, many-to-one, and many-to-many word(s) translations. This method consists of transfer rules module which maps source words in a source sentence (SS) into target words in correct position in a target sentence (TS). The developed transfer rules are demonstrated on English → Indonesian translation tasks. An experimental evaluation is conducted to measure the performance of the developed system over available English-Indonesian MT systems. The developed ADJ-based MT system translated simple, compound, and complex English sentences in present, present continuous, present perfect, past, past perfect, and future tenses with better precision than other systems, with the accuracy of 71.17% in Subjective Sentence Error Rate metric

    Peran Motion Graphic di Training Division PT. Nusantara Sakti Group

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    Sebagai perusahaan yang menanamkan employer branding, Nusantara Sakti Group menerapkan unsur branding tersebut untuk memperlihatkan image dari karyawan dan perusahaan. Hal ini yang menjadi pekerjaan utama seorang penulis untuk bekerja di training division dengan posisi sebagai motiongrapher untuk membuat konten-konten motion graphic untuk sosial media dan video pembelajaran untuk karyawan. Konten motion graphic yang akan dirancang oleh penulis bertujuan untuk menyampaikan motivasi dan menanamkan nilai-nilai moral karyawan. Penulis melamar magang di Nusantara Sakti Group untuk mendalami proses alur kerja di training division dan menerjuni ke bidang motion graphic sesuai dengan keahlian penulis. Penulis menjalani praktik kerja magang di Nusantara Sakti Group selama 6 bulan dengan sistem kerja WFH (work from home) dengan hard skills dan soft skills yang dimiliki oleh penulis. Akan tetapi, dalam praktik kerja magang, penulis harus menghadapi berbagai kendala seperti kekurangan konsep, software yang mengalami not responding, ketidakjelasan dalam mengerjakan konten motion graphic tersebut. Untuk menghadapi hambatan-hambatan tersebut, penulis akan dibantu oleh supervisor dan senior Nusantara Sakti Group untuk menyampaikan penjelasan, arahan, kritik, dan saran dalam proses pengeerjaan konten motion graphic, sehingga penulis dapat menghindari kendala-kendala tersebut dan dapat bekerja dengan baik dan lancar


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    ABSTRAKSI: Quality of Service (QoS) merupakan hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam suatu sistem komunikasi. Banyak pertimbangan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam mendapat nilai kualitas yang baik pada jaringan. Pengadaan bandwith yang besar merupakan salah satu alternatif, namun hal ini menjadi tidak efektif karena trafik yang dilewatkan tidak secara terus menerus memilikinilai trafik yang besar. Untuk mengatasi hal itu diperlukan pengoptimalisasian routing protokol seperti OSPF.OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) adalah routing protocol link-state yang memanfaatkan algoritma Shortest Path First (SPF) dimana jalur terbaik adalah jalur yang mempunyai cumulative cost yang paling rendah. Perubahan rute dimungkinkan ketika link yang ada tidak dapat dicapai atau terdapat penambahan link. Dengan kata lain, antrian data tidak mempengaruhi terhadap rute yang di pilih dan alternatif link yang memungkinkan performansi traffic yang lebih baik tetap tidak digunakan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, digunakan metoda adaptif OSPF. adaptif routing dipekenalkan Arpanet pada thn 1970-an dan telah diimplementasikan pada beberapa protokol seperti Cisco’s IGRP/EIGRP. Prinsip kerja adaptif OSPF ini adalah dengan memperbaharui informasi biaya link secara periodik berdasarkan estimasi bandwidth yang memungkinkan jalur alternatif yang lebih baik dapat digunakan.Adaptif OSPF ini sangat menarik untuk diterapkan agar antrian data yang menyebabkan delay dan jitter yang cukup besar dapat diminimalisir dan throughtput yang dihasilkan lebih besar.Kata Kunci : Adaptif OSPF, Bandwidth Estimation, QoSABSTRACT: Quality Of Service (Qos) represents the important thing which must be considered in a communications system. A lot of considerations are required in getting good quality value at network. Wide Bandwidth is one of the alternative, but this matter is not effective because traffic overcome is not continually in big value. For increasing network performance can be conducted by optimilize routing protocol like OSPF.Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol where packets are routed along shortest paths to the destination. The shortest path computation is based on some static link costs and the change of the paths only happens when existing link components become unreachable or when new link components are added. In other words, the network congestion doesn’t affect the routing decisions and, as a consequence, alternative paths, which could result in a better traffic performance, remain unused.The used of adaptive OSPF is expected to solve the problem. Adaptive routing strategy is introduced by Arpanet in 1970’s and it started to be used by protocols like Cisco’s IGRP/EIGRP. The adaptive OSPF routing algorithm updates the link costs based on effective bandwidth estimates periodically in each active router interface as effect the alternative paths which have a better quality can be used.Adaptive OSPF can be used to prevent congestion in the network so delay, jitter and throughput will result better.Keyword: Adaptive OSPF, Bandwidth Estimation, QoS

    Improving Teachers’ Self-Efficacy through Training: An Impact for the Freedom of Students’ Mathematical Thinking

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    Teacher self-efficacy is an important component of teacher competence. At present, efforts to improve teacher competencies have not been carried out simultaneously for teacher activities in the classroom (open class) and outside the classroom (training). This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine the effectiveness of soft skills training and the practice of lesson study on improving mathematics teacher self-efficacy and describe the impact of teacher self-efficacy on the freedom of students' mathematical thinking. The study involved three mathematics teachers and 90 students from three different junior high school regions in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia (city center, semi-urban, and suburban). Data was collected through questionnaire, observation, and interview. The data were then analyzed descriptively. The effectiveness of soft skills training and the practice of lesson study on improving mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy was examined using Wilcoxon Test. The results showed the differences in the average teachers’ self-efficacy before and after participating in soft skills training and the practice of lesson study (with an increase of 0.82/high). The increase in teachers’ self-efficacy also positively affected the freedom of students’ mathematical thinking

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) di PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Kasus di Divisi Teknologi)

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of job satisfaction and organizational culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of the employees in PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang and it takes the case in Division of Technology. Luthans stated that there are several dimensions determining job satisfaction, those are job itself, salary, supevision, co-workers, and working conditions. Meanwhile, according to Robbin, there are seven characteristics of organizational culture, those are innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, team orientation, aggresiveness and stability. The determination of number of respondents in this study uses a stratified random sampling method in Technical Inspection Department, Production Planning and Controling Department, Safety and Environment Department and Laboratory Department. The calculation of the sample size is based on Slovin formula and it gets a total sample of 66 employees. The result of this study shows that job satisfaction do not have a significant effect on OCB. While organizational culture significantly has positive effect on OCB. Job satisfaction and organizational culture simultantly has effect on OCB with organizational culture is the dominant variable

    Implementasi algoritma Pathfinding pada game edukasi mengenal nama surga

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    Pengenalan ketauhidan siapa Tuhannya adalah hal yang pertama kali diajarkan kepada seorang anak. Salah satu bentuk dari pengenalan siapa Tuhannya adalah pengenalan tentang ciptaan-Nya, surga merupakan hal ghaib yang harus diimani. Dengan mengenal surga anak-anak diajarkan tentang ibadah dan perbuatan baik. Pengembangan multimedia saat ini sangat berkembang pesat dengan berbagai macam bentuk dan tujuan diantaranya adalah game, game tidak hanya sebagai media hiburan semata tetapi juga menjadikan sebagai motivasi juga sarana edukasi yang bermanfaat dalam penyampaian pengetahuan tentang surga dan dapat menumbuhkan semangat belajar anak dengan metode belajar sambil bermain terutama dengan materi pembelajaran yang bernuansa islami. game menjadi salah satu alat bantu penyampaian materi keberadaan surga dalam hal pendidikan. Pengembangan multimedia game edukasi ini menggunakan metode Arch Luther dengan implementasi algoritma pathfinding. Algoritma ini digunakan untuk menentukan jalan terpendek menuju tujuan. Performansi yang akan dihasilkan algoritma A* pada game pathfinding yaitu waktu pencarian, jumlah langkah dari titik awal menuju titik tujuan dan simpul yang diperiksa dengan menggunakan fungsi heuristik. Fungsi heuristik merupakan penentuan urutan titik yang akan dikunjungi terlebih dahulu. Game edukasi mengenal nama surga merupakan game pathfinding dengan algoritma A* merupakan game yang bertujuan untuk pembelajaran tentang keberadaan surga dan siapa saja yang menghuninya

    Computer Program Software for Determining formal Symmetry of Evolution Eqations

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    The existence of formal symmetry of an evolution equation is one of the criteria of the complete integrability or solvability of evolution equations, due to Sokolov and Shabat. Many evolution equations such as the soliton (solitary equation) of Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation have been found recently to have various kinds of explicit integral or solutions. Such evolution equations admit infinitely many symmetries or admit the recursion operator. In this paper we introduce the definition of the formal symmetry. Formal symmetry is the approximation of the recursion operator, which brings us to a convenient way of characterizing equations admitting infinitely many symmetries. In this research, we developed a program for computing the formal symmetries of evolution equations. To verify the correctness of the program, we apply it to some evolution equations (as testing equations), which have been proved to be formally completely integrable. The program we obtained can compute the formal symmetry of finite arbitrary order (up to order 18) of the testing equations, which verify the correctness of the program

    Arsitektur Jaringan Neural Berbasis Simpul Ram Untuk Pengenalan Huruf

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    Every handwritten letter is obviously different depending on who writes it. Similarly letters printed from a computer are also different depending on the type of font selected and the type of the printer. In that sense, a method which recognizes letters is needed, among which is neural network method. Examples of neural network method are Adaline, Madaline and Backward Propagation. But the disadvantage of the mentioned methods is that they have interconnection Weights which need a lot of iterations so that the computation time is longer. In this study, a neural network based on RAM Node is used, which has a considerable shorter computation time because it doesn\u27t involve weight vectors in it\u27s process. In this case, with an input letter pattern of the 64 x 48 pixels binary image and by using Turbo C++ version 1.0, we obtain a recognition time less than 2 seconds. While if another method was used, for example Backward Propagation, it could have consumed time in the order minutes or even hours
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