153 research outputs found

    Filozófiai töredékek : a halálos betegség

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    The political theology of Fichte's Staatslehre : immanence and transcendence

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    Given its use of religious concepts and language, it is tempting to class Fichte’s rarely discussed Staatslehre as a political theology. I argue that the Staatslehre can be classed as a political theology because of the way in which it can be understood in terms of the concepts of immanence and transcendence. The concept of immanence applies to Fichte’s account of history in particular. Fichte himself allows for a moment of transcendence at the very beginning of history. I argue that the concept of transcendence is also implicit in the Staatslehre in relation to some problems faced by Fichte’s own account of the role of the Zwingherr in the historical development and actualization of right and moral freedom, despite his attempt to avoid introducing theologically based explanations of political concepts at this stage of his Staatslehre

    Atheisms and the purification of faith

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    Philosophers of religion have distinguished between ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ atheism. This article considers further conceptions of atheism, especially the idea that atheism can facilitate a faith in God purified of idolatrous assumptions. After introducing Bultmann’s contention that a ‘conscious atheist’ can find something transcendent in the world, this contention is interpreted through reflection on Ricoeur’s claim that the atheisms of Nietzsche and Freud serve to mediate a transition to a purified faith – a faith involving heightened receptivity to agapeic love. The troubling question of what differentiates atheism from belief in God is then discussed in the light of Simone Weil’s meditations on God’s secret presence

    A Formação na Maturidade como Apropriação da Própria História de Vida

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    No presente artigo, a disposição e a competência para a apropriação da própria história de vida são consideradas como modos de formação1 na maturidade. Estas se relacionam com fatores históricos e sócio-políticos e estão inscritas em contextos multigeracionais de formação e processos de desenvolvimento ao longo da vida. Nesta perspectiva, conceitos como geração, geracionalidade, geratividade e transmissão transgeracional ganham destaque e serão aprofundados no texto. A linha argumentativa que sustenta este ponto de vista baseia-se em estudos de países de língua alemã sobre crianças da Segunda Guerra Mundial que envelheceram. Apesar de se tratar de uma situação específica, nos parece possível a extensão das reflexões também para o contexto brasileiro

    Las obsesiones antes de Freud: historia y clínica

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