506 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Silika Gel Dari Abu Sabut Kelapa Dan Abu Sekam Padi Untuk Menurunkan Kadar Logam Cd2+

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    Penelitian mengenai pembuatan silika gel dari bahan baku abu sabut kelapa (ASK) dan abu sekam padi (ASP) telah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kandungan silikanya. Bahan baku ASK dan ASP ditambah larutan NaOH dengan pemanasan dan peleburan pada suhu 500C selama 30 menit menghasilkan larutan natrium silikat, kemudian larutan natrium silikat masing-masing diasamkan dengan HCl 3 M hingga pH 7 dan dikeringkan hingga menjadi silika gel abu sabut kelapa (SG-ASK) dan silika gel abu sekam padi (SG-ASP). Hasil karakterisasi XRD menyatakan bahwa SG-ASK dan SG-ASP menghasilkan silika berbentuk amorf, sedangkan hasil analisis FT-IR menyatakan bahwa silika gel memiliki gugus fungsi Si-OH, Si-O dan Si-H. Hasil penelitian mengenai uji penyerapan ion logam Cd2+ menunjukkan bahwa penyerapan optimum ion logam Cd2+ dalam larutan oleh SG-ASK adalah pada pH 6, waktu kontak 60 menit dan konsentrasi optimum 7,45 ppm. Hasil uji penyerapan optimum ion logam Cd2+ dalam larutan oleh SG-ASP pada pH 7, waktu kontak 90 menit dan konsentrasi optimum 11,78 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan SG-ASP lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kemampuan SG-ASK dalam menurunkan kadar ion logam Cd2+ dalam larutan.Research on the manufacture of gel silica from coconut husk ash (ASK) and rice husk ash (ASP) has been conducted by utilizing their silica contents. ASK and ASP were added by an NaOH solution, then by heated and melted at temperature 500C for 30 minutes to produce sodium silicate solution. The solution was then acidified separately with HCl 3 M up to pH 7 and dried into silica gel of coconut husk ash (SG-ASK) and silica gel of rice husk ash (SG-ASP). The result of XRD characterization showed that SG-ASK and SG-ASP both produced amorphous silica, while the result of FT-IR analysis showed that silica gel had functional groups of Si-OH, Si-O and Si-H. The research on the test adsorption of Cd2+ metal ions showed that the optimum adsorption of Cd2+ metal ions in solution by SG-ASK was occured at pH of 6, contact time of 60 minutes and concentration optimum of 7.45 ppm. Results of adsorption Cd2+ metal ions in solution by SG-ASP showed that the optimum adsorption was occured at optimum pH of 7, contact time optimum of 90 minutes and concentration of 11.78 ppm. This means that the ability of SG-ASK is larger than the SG-ASP to decrease the levels of Cd2+ metal ions in solution

    Partisipasi Generasi Millenial dalam Mengawasi Tahapan Pemilu 2024

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    Youth are agents of change who must continue to fight for the principles of the Indonesian state and must be able to manage the democratic transition process in a better direction, especially being able to oversee the implementation of a just political process. For a country to develop, its youth must be of high quality, so one of their vital tasks is political literacy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out how important millennial political behavior and involvement are in influencing millennial political decisions in the 2024 general election. The purpose of this essay is to provide information to readers about how the Millennial Generation will exercise their right to vote on general election in 2024. Using a qualitative approach and literature study methodology, namely by looking for various references on the involvement of Millennial voters in Indonesia, both from books and scientific journals. In terms of maintaining the spirit of democracy so that it continues to grow among the millennial generation, the findings of this study show that the participation of the millennial generation greatly influences the extent to which a candidate can be elected. The outputs and benefits of implementing this socialization are being able to raise early awareness of the younger generation to start being active in the political process, such as exercising their right to vote, becoming election observers, and being able to provide motivation for the younger generation. work directly as a Success Team in supporting potential partners who have a vision and mission that are in line with their views.


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    Rahmia, Rafiqa Yusrin. 2022. Developing Learning Module As  Supplementary Teaching Material  for Learning English for the fifth Graders of SD Negeri 4 Ternyang. English Education Department. Graduate Program. IKIP Budi Utomo of Malang, Advisor; Jasuli. S.Pd., M.Pd.   The background of developing teaching materials for the 5th grade English module at SD Negeri 4 Ternyang is by looking at the existing problems through interviewing English teachers and distributing questionnaires to 24 students. Interviews were used to analyze problems in the learning process, while questionnaires were used to analyze students' needs in learning English. Then the second questionnaire was used to collect data from material experts and media experts about the feasibility of the product being developed. The research was conducted due to the lack of learning media to distribute learning materials based on English teacher interviews The objective of this study was to find out the which teaching materials are suitable for learning English grade 5 of SD Negeri 4 Ternyang. This study uses a research and development approach (Research and Development). The development procedure follows the Borg and Gall procedure which can be done more simply by involving 6 main steps, namely: 1) Research and data collection 2) Planning 3) Product development 4) Expert validation 5) Revision 6) Revised product. The results of the assessment of the material expert test obtained a score of 77% in the good category, the assessment results from the media expert test obtained a score of 86% in the very good category. Therefore the teaching materials for the English learning module in grade 5 are suitable for use in learning activities. Regarding the further development of learning module as supplementary teaching materials for learning English for elementary school grade 5 about the further development of learning modules as complementary teaching materials for learning English for grade 5 elementary school can be suggested to further researchers such as students who want to do similar research are expected to master technology, especially computers and expand the material, develop products at different grade levels, the product resulting from this research will be better and more feasible as a learning resource if it is tested on students in the learning process so that data is obtained in the form of values in order to determine the level of student learning abilities.                                                                                        Keywords: learning module, Englis

    Analisis Penerapan Pratik Ibadah berdasarkan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah pada Warga Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Sorong

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    Himpunan Putusan Tarjih (HPT) Muhammadiyah berisi hasil-hasil muktamar tarjih yang menyangkut berbagai persoalan mulai dari keimanan, ibadah hingga persoalan yang berkaitan dengan keumatan dan agama Islam. Salah satu identitas dan ciri warga Muhammadiyah adalah berkehidupan sesuai dengan putusan tarjih Muhammadiyah. Hingga saat ini belum ada data maupun informasi terkait seberapa jauh HPT Muhammadiyah telah diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan oleh warga Muhammadiyah di seluruh pelosok negeri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengimplementasian HPT dalam beribadah warga Muhammadiyah di Kabupaten Sorong. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey dengan metode penjabaran secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Data penelitian akan dianalisis secara statistik yang kemudian akan dijabarkan secara deskriptif untuk memberikan penjelasan lebih terperinci. Berdasarkan aspek pemahaman dan pengetahuan, pelaksanaan, penerapan tata cara dan penerapan bacaan dan doa menunjukkan bahwa warga Muhammadiyah di Kabupaten Sorong telah menerapkan praktik ibadah sesuai dengan yang telah dianjurkan dalam HPT Muhammadiyah. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi warga Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Sorong dalam menerapkan ibadah berdasarkan HPT lebih banyak didominasi oleh faktor latar belakang keluarga dan lingkungan, baik lingkungan pendidikan, lingkungan kerja maupun lingkungan tempat tinggal. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi adalah usia, pengetahuan, kebiasaan, tidak adanya kewajiban, keringkasan bacaan yang berpengaruh dalam kekhusyu’an beribadah, serta penjelasan yang disertai hadis yang sahih

    Self Awareness Perokok saat Berkendara

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    Perilaku berkendara sambil merokok tidak sedikit memakan korban bahkan ada yang mengalami kebutaan terkena imbas dari merokok sambil berkendara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui self-awareness perokok saat berkendara. Self-awareness merupakan kondisi sadar dengan keadaan diri baik secara fisik maupun dalam memikirkan kemungkinan yang terjadi dari setiap tindakan baik dari diri maupun lingkungannya. Tidak jarang ditemui perokok dengan sadar merokok dan mengganggu lingkungan sekitar bahkan ada yang merokok sambil berkendara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Kuantitatif deskriptif merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan fakta terhadap suatu masalah dan mendapatkan informasi secara luas tentang fenomena dengan menggunakan tahapan-tahapan penelitian kuantitatif. Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan pengendara yang berada di Kota Makassar dengan jumlah sebanyak 202 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Uji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji kruskal-wallis. Adapun hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan pembahasan yang telah dikemukakan bahwa self-awareness pada pengendara yang merokok di Kota Makassar berada pada kategori sedang. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa self-awareness berdasarkan aspek kesadaran emosional menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan berdasarkan pada kategori usia dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000. Sedangkan aspek penilaian diri akurat tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai signifikansi 0,407. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa self-awareness dari aspek kesadaran emosional ditinjau berdasarkan usia pengendara yang merokok saat berkendara memiliki rasa bertanggung jawab terhadap diri dan tidak dengan mudah terpengaruh namun berdasarkan aspek penilaian diri akurat ditinjau berdasarkan usia pengendara yang merokok saat berkendara tidak mampu mengidentifikasi standar diri dan tidak memiliki pertimbangan moral

    Formulating Integrated Public Services in Batu City: A Preliminary Study

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    This study aims to develop an initial framework for integrating public services in Batu City. The integration of public services in Batu City is formulated into the Integrated Public Service (Public Service Mall). This research is preliminary, meaning that researchers wanted to identify potential public services developed in Batu City. Furthermore, the discussion of the initial framework focused on three aspects, namely institutional, management, and human resource management. This research used a mixed-methods approach. Furthermore, data collection was carried out through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and literature studies. The results uncovered that the integration of public services in Batu City has the potential to be developed through Public Service Mall. The strategic placement of Public Service Mall locations is also needed to provide affordability for the community. Public Service Mall can also expand the types of services from 118-130 to 130-140. From an institutional perspective, Public Service Mall remains under the Batu City One-Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) supervision by coordinating with technical agencies from the public and private sectors. Then, in terms of management, the implementation of the Public Service Mall requires physical and network infrastructure in the service process. Finally, the HRM (Human Resource Management) aspect needs to pay attention to the competency skills of the apparatus, both as implementers and control systems


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    Telah dilakukan sintesis membran zeolit ZSM-5 secara coating pada suhu 90o C berdasarkan variasi perlakuan kasa stainless-steel AISI 316 180 mesh terhadap penurunan kadar gas CO. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh membran zeolit ZSM-5 yang disintesis secara coating pada suhu 90 C berdasarkan variasi perlakuan kasa stainless-steel AISI 316 180 mesh terhadap penurunan kadar gas CO.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen yang didukung studi pustaka. Sebelumnya dilakukan perlakuan agar membran zeolit pada saat coating dapat  tumbuh dengan baik. Kasa stainless steel AISI 316 ukuran 180 mesh diberikan perlakuan I dengan HNO 10% dan aceton, perlakuan II dengan Toluene 95% dan HCl 15%,perlakuan III dengan NaOH 15%;HCl 15% dan H32SO 20%, serta perlakuan IV dengan toluene 95%; HCl 5% dan TPABr 0,1 M.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase penurunan kadar gas CO berdasarkan variasi perlakuan I, II, III dan IV diperoleh rata-rata persentase penurunan kadar gas CO sebesar12,45±1,76%; 9,38±1,41 %; 15,07±1,05% dan 11,74±1,12 %. Kapasitas  adsorpsi membran  zeolit ZSM-5 kasa AISI 316 180 mesh terhadap gas CO dengan perlakuan I, II, III dan IV diperoleh rata-rata yaitu 34781,93±1230,6 mg/g; 17252,03±1295,17 mg/g; 81047,46±3809,98 mg/g dan 30681,42 ±1589,472mg/g.Persentase penurunan kadar gas CO serta adsorpsi membran zeolit terbaik pada perlakuan III. Hasil dari uji statistik One Way Anova didapat nilai signifikansi 0,004 < 0,05 , disimpulkan bahwa Terdapat pengaruh variasi perlakuan stainless steel dengan sintesis membran zeolit ZSM-5 secara coating pada suhu 90°C terhadap penurunan kadar gas CO.Kata Kunci : Zeolit ZSM-5, Perlakuan terhadap kasa, Coating, Kadar gas C

    Pelatihan Batik “Gesek Godhong”: Upaya Kemandirian Usaha bagi Anggota PCIA Hongkong

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    The Leadership the Aisyiyah Special Branch of Hong Kong, is an Aisyiyah association in Hong Kong. This Community Service Activity is driven by the desire of migrant workers to be more adequately prepared for their post-employment period. The hope is that Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) can be independent when they leave PMI and return to Indonesia with the soft skills of making Gesek Godhong. The choice of “Gesek Godhong” training is because the materials for making “Gesek Godhong” are easy to obtain and available in nature The creation of “Gesek Godhong” batik is a skill in producing environmentally friendly batik artwork. It can be made easily yet results in art pieces with high market value. The synergy between the Service Team from the Faculty of Education and Humanities (FIPH) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang and PCIA Hong Kong is hoped to continue sustainably, providing a positive impact especially for migrant workers in Hong Kong. The survey results show that the “Gesek Godhong” batik training was highly effective and well-received, providing participants with the skills and knowledge to create environmentally friendly and high-value batik artwork. The hope for the future is that this training can be conducted after the migrant workers return to Indonesia


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    This study aimed to describe the learning motivation of Junior High School students during limited face-to-face learning, through survey. Research participants from VII – IX grade totaling 548 students with details of 50% of the number of students per grade level. The research instrument used was the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS) learning motivation questionnaire, with a total of 20 statements. The data collection technique used was through questionnaires distributed online and during limited offline meetings using Google Forms. The results of this study were data on students learning motivation during limited face-to-face learning in the ARCS aspect, all of which are included in the good category. Although still in the good category, the ability of students to adapt to this limited face-to-face learning system still had low potential. Therefore, a more effective, creative, and innovative with using technology media and varied learning methods limited face-to-face learning evaluation is needed to increase students learning motivation during limited face-to-face learning
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