9,919 research outputs found

    Kajian Etika dalam Novel Dadisme Karya Dewi Sartika

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    Etika merupakan bagian penting dalam karya sastra. Di dalamnya memuat tentang berbagai tata nilai kehidupan manusia sebagai makhluk sosial yang berbudaya. Persoalan etika seringkali digunakan sebagai pengkajian sistem nilai yang digunakan untuk memberikan penilaian secara universal. Oleh karena itu, etika bersifat sosial, nilainilainya disebarkan melalui antarhubungan individu dalam masyarakat. Dalam novel Dadaisme karya Dewi Sartika banyak mengungkap berbagai etika yang menyatu dalam kehidupan manusia dalam hubungannya dengan sesama manusia. Novel Dadaisme karya Dewi Lestari mengungkapkan berbagai persoalan etika yang berkaitan dengan (1) tokoh bertindak secara profesional; (2) tokoh bertindak santun terhadap sesama manusia. Untuk mengungkapkan masalah tersebut digunakan pendekatan etika normatif, teknik pembacaan secara mendalam dan dialektik dengan memperhatikan etika yang terdapat dalam novel Dadaisme karya Dewi Sartika. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) tokoh bertindak secara profesional selama menjalankan tugas; (2) tokoh bertindak santun terhadap sesama manusia diwujudkan melalui kebiasaan berbicara, sikap penghormatan terhadap orang lai


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    This research is limited to the problem of earning asset quality and loan interest rates in affecting bank profits. This analysis is measured by profitability ratios of ROE (Return On Equity) on the banks to go public on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the period 2003­2008. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the proportion of quality in earning assets and interest rates of loans to bank profitability that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). The independent variables in this study is the quality in earning assets and interest rates on credit. Both of these variables investigated by partial effects (individual) and simultaneously (shared) to the dependent variable is profitability. Data from each variable were taken with the technical documentation by the end of the period during the years 2003­2008. Analisinyatechnique uses multiple linear regression. From the test results of significance test shows that the variable f earning asset quality and loan interest rates simultaneously significant effect on profitability as indicated by an f count 31.109> F table 4.050 at α = 5%. T test results showed that the quality in earning assets and the variable loan interest rate is partially a significant effect on profitability. Earning asset quality variable has a value of 2.729 t count> t table 1.9944 at α = 5%. While mortgage interest rates have t value 4.484> t table 1.9944 at α = 5%. Coefficient of determination (R ²) is 47.4%, this suggests quality in earning assets and the variable interest rate loans are able to explain 47.4% to 52.6%, while profitability is explained by other variables not included in this research model. From the whole analysis can be concluded that the greater the quality in earning assets and interest rates on loans will be greater the profitability of a ban

    Fiction vs. Reality: How Students Discover Real-Life Representations in Prose Using Engaged Reading

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    Background: The reading of fiction texts requires intense effort to integrate mind, emotion, and intrinsic reading motivation, in order to discover real-life representations. There is limited research in this area. Purpose: This study employs the engaged reading strategy combined with discovery learning, in order to investigate improvements in students’ competence in prose appreciation. Method: This study used a mixed-method design. Thirty-two Indonesian Language Education students participated in the study. Data was collected using student worksheets, observation, and semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted by identifying and interpreting the results of prose appreciation for each reading activity. Results: This study found that while explaining the theme and through description students were able to activate prior knowledge. The students' reading motivation mainly focused on the intrinsic element of stories. They clearly understood the plot, characterizations, and messages, but supporting details varied because of the differences in students’ knowledge, experience, and social background related to short stories. In the post-reading stage, students revealed new knowledge and mental imagery. Based on our findings, engaged reading combined with discovery learning can enrich students' experience and ability to elaborate information, as well as to discover new knowledge about real-life representation in prose. Conclusion: Based on the research findings, teachers and lecturers are able to utilize the engaged reading strategy combined with discovery learning to promote students’ ability to read literature. Further research should involve more diverse participants. Experimental research could also examine the advantages and disadvantages of engaged reading and discovery learning

    Perbedaan Jumlah Koloni Candida Albicans Pada Media Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (Sda) Yang Menggunakan Pelarut Akuades Dan Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (Amdk)

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    Background : To culture Candida albicans colonies, the most common culture medium is Sabouraud Dextrose Agar. According to the Ministry of Health Regulation, Number of 43, year of 2013, the most commonly-used solvent on microbiology medium is distilled water. However, the price of distilled water is relatively expensive and only a small amount of laboratory has a distillation equipment to produce distilled water. Therefore, this research tried to substitute the use of distilled water with bottled-drinking water as a solvent on microbiology medium. Method : The research was categorized as a true experiment with Posttest Only Design. The specific Candida albicansw hich had fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were chosen as the sample. To investigate the effect of the solvent of colonies growth, Sabouraud Dextrose Agar was dissolved with distilled water and bottled-drinking water. After dissolving the culture medium, Candida albicanswas growth on specific Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with spread plate method and incubated at 25°C for 48 hours. The growth-colonies was then calculated and parametrically analyzed using Paired t-test with 95% of confidence level. Result : The result represented the number of Candida albicans colonies and the experimental research has been repeated for 16 times to prove the repeatable result. The results showed that the average numbers of colonies on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar dissolved by distilled water are 31,25, while the other culture medium dissolved by bottled-drinking water only 28,75 colonies on average. According to Paired Sample T-Test which shows p = 0,104 > 0,05, there is no significant effect of solvent on Candida albicans colonies growth. Conclusion : The research proved that there is no significant different number of Candida albicans colonies growth on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar which is dissolved by distilled water and bottled-drinking water

    Comparison of Learning Outcomes On Chemical Bonding Of Student Class X Senior High School State 1 Ma’rang that Taught by Cooperative Learning Model Type TPS and NHT

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    This study is a comparison research with quasi-experimental method aimed to investigate the differences of learning outcomes of student Class X Senior High School State 1 Ma’rang between taught using of TPS and NHT types of cooperative learning. The study design was "Two Group, Pretest Posttest Design". The population in this study were all class X Senior High School State 1 Ma’rang which consists of 5 classes, while the sample are class X A as experimental 1 and class X B as experimental 2 with number of students in each class is 20 people. The independent variable in this study are TPS and NHT types of cooperative learning and the dependent variable is the result of learning. Data retrieval of learning outcomes achieved by giving a pretest and posttest. Learning outcome data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The analysis showed the average value of student learning outcomes class XA in the pretest and posttest was lower than XB class (It showed respectively with an average N-Gain 0,599 and 0,729 ). The results of hypothesis testing using t-test values obtained at t-count = 2,936 and α = 0.05 significance level with df = 38 obtained table = 2,036. Therefore, t- count> t- table, then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. It shows that there are difference outcomes learning of X class student of Senior High School State 1 Ma’rang that taught by TPS and NHT types of cooperative learning model on the subject matter of the chemical bond. Keywords: Comparison Cooperative learning Model TPS, NHT, Learning Outcomes

    Image of Woman in Indonesian Folktales: Selected Stories from the Eastern Indonesian Region

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    In Indonesia, a folk tale is used as a medium of entertainment as well as a teaching tool for children. Parents read folktales to their children at night. Folktales are used in the text of Indonesian lessons at the elementary education level. However, Indonesian folktale is suspected of being gender-biased. Although there is research on this subject, there is still little research on Indonesian folktales originating from Eastern Indonesia. Previous research conducted is still focused on the western region of Indonesia, for example, Java and Sumatra Island. This study aims to understand how women are depicted in Eastern Indonesian folktales, especially to understand the objectification of female characters. Based on the results of our research, we argue that many female characters in Eastern Indonesian folktales are subject to objectification. The objectification of female figures is carried out in the form of women as objects of sexuality, women as a medium of exchange of power, and women being passive and working in the domestic sphere. This finding shows that the folktale of Eastern Indonesia cannot be separated from patriarchal ideology. These stories show that women in the imagination of the Indonesian people still occupy an inferior position compared to men. Furthermore, the female characters also experience objectification and inequality as in folktales from Western Indonesia. The patriarchal point of view in folktales has deep roots and spreads in Indonesia. Research proves that the ideology of folktale is not always in harmony with the ideal values?? that exist in society. It takes a critical attitude towards the selection of stories that will be conveyed to childre

    Analisis Kritis New Historicism Terhadap Novel Indonesia Modern dalam Kerangka Sejarah Sastra

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    This study is aimed at (1) describing issues in three novels based on New Historicism in Indonesian literature; (2) exploring the New Historicism Approach which can provide solutions to possible changes in socio-cultural aspects and publishing industry; (3) finding new fundamental concepts which can contribute to the development of Indonesian literature. For this purpose, the study employed the qualitative phenomenological approach with the qualitative content analysis. The data were in the form of sentence fragments relevant to the research focus. Besides, the data were supported by relevant information beyond the text contributing to the existing text. From the analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) the issues that can be revealed based on New Historicism in the three novels are sexuality problems, freedom, sexual deviation, patriarchy, deconstruction and rejection, spiritual aspect, humanity, and creativity in entrepreneurship; (2) the New Historicism Approach uses harsh words, fantasy, language style modification, scientific exploration, philosophy, health problem, and spiritual experience to show something different; (3) concepts that contribute to the history of Indonesian literature are that texts constitute a contestation between some ideologies and social forces in unlimited place and time. Aesthetic issues female writers offer are not only as a new way of expression or another alternative but also show a high motivation to offer different image


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    Kegiatan manajemen keuangan usaha kecil dan menengah dilandaskan dari pertumbuhan sektor UKM yang sangat vital bagi perekonomian Indonesia, di lain pihak banyak masalah yang dihadapi usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia antara lain masalah manajemen keuangan bisnis. Pencatatan yang baik dapat memberikan dasar informasi yang dibutuhkan pemilik dalam pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan menyelesaikan masalah-masalah manajemen. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah menciptakan tata kelola pada sektor UKM yang profesional melalui penerapan sistem akuntansi dan keuangan yang memenuhi standar menjadi penting bagi UKM. Diharapkan nantinya tingkat kesadaran para peserta pelatihan semakin meningkat dalam tata kelola keuangan usaha dan tidak adanya rasa takut terhadap perbankan dan non perbankan yang melekat pada diri setiap pelaku usaha. Metode pelatihannya dengan model memberikan penyuluhan dan pengetahuan tentang tata kelola membuat laporan keuangan yang sederhana kepada peserta pelatihan. Dari pelatihan ini diharapkan peserta mampu membuat laporan keuangan sederhana dan laporan keuangan tersebut bisa digunakan untuk pengajuan pinjaman ke lembaga keuangan/ perbankan. Kata kunci : tata kelola keuangan, pelaku usaha,UMK


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    Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk pemberdayaan perempuan melalui program pelatihan pengelolaan sampah dengan sistem takakura. Pengelolaan sampah sistem takakura adalah salah satu metode pengolahan sampah organik yang berasal dari Jepang. Program tersebut dilaksanakan di kelompok pengajian pekanan Jam’iyah Waqi’ah di Gabuswetan Kabupaten Indramayu. Kegiatannya memfokuskan pada pengelolaan sampah dengan sistem takakura. Pengelolaan sampah meliputi proses pengurangan sampah (reduce), pemanfaatan kembali sampah (reuse), pemrosesan ulang sampah (recycle), dan pembuangan sampah (disposal). Metode ini menggunakan keranjang takakura untuk mengolah sampah organik menjadi kompos. Metode pelatihan digunakan dalam pengabdian ini dan disertai demonstrasi pengelolaan sampah dengan keranjang takakura. Hasil dari pengabdian ini mencakup peningkatan keterampilan praktis, seperti mengurangi sampah, menciptakan lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat, tetapi juga menciptakan  landasan yang kuat untuk peduli terhadap lingkungan dan pengembangan diri dalam menciptakan peluang usaha. Selain  itu,  peningkatan  kesadaran diri untuk ikut mengkampanyekan kepedulian akan kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Kesimpulan  dari  pengabdian  ini  menunjukkan  bahwa  program  pelatihan  keterampilan  pengelolaan sampah dengan sistem takakura Jam’iyah Waqi’ah di Gabuswetan memberikan kontribusi  positif  terhadap kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan. Pengelolaan sampah sistem takakura dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah organik yang dihasilkan. Sistem ini juga dapat menghemat penggunaan pupuk kimia dan meningkatkan kesuburan tanah


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    ABSTRAKSistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) merupakan suatu kesatuan unsur yang terdiri atas kebijakan dan proses yang terkait untuk melakukan penjaminan mutu pendidikan yang dilaksanakan oleh setiap satuan pendidikan dasar dan satuan pendidikan menengah untuk menjamin terwujudnya pendidikan bermutu yang memenuhi atau melampaui Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah Implementasi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) di SMA Negeri 1 Batang, dengan sub fokus meliputi: pemetaan mutu,  penyusunan rencana pemenuhan mutu, pelaksanaan rencana pemenuhan, evaluasi atau audit pelaksanaan pemenuhan mutu, dan penetapan standar mutu baru. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Pemetaan mutu di SMA Negeri 1 Batang dimulai dengan meninjau ulang hasil rapor mutu atau rapor pendidikan untuk menentukan skala prioritas yang akan dijadikan acuan dalam menentukan rencana pemenuhan mutu. (2) Perencanaan pemenuhan mutu di SMA Negeri 1 Batang meliputi beberapa tahap sesuai dengan delapan standar Standar Nasional Pendidikan yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk Rencana Kerja Jangka Menengah atau Rencana Kerja Tahunan yang disahkan oleh kepala sekolah, (3) Pelaksanaan pemenuhan mutu di SMA Negeri 1 Batang dimulai dengan pembentukan Tim Pengembang Mutu dan Tim Audit Mutu., (4) Pada tahap evaluasi, hasil penilaian atas pelaksanaan program harus memegang prinsip objektif, transparan, dan independen, dan (5)Penetapan standar mutu baru selalu mengacu pada delapan  Standar Nasional Pendidikan yang berlaku berdasarkan hasil pengisian EDS dengan didukung bukti fisik. Kata Kunci: Pemetaan Mutu,  Penyusunan Rencana Pemenuhan Mutu, Pelaksanaan Rencana Pemenuhan, Evaluasi atau Audit Pelaksanaan Pemenuhan Mutu, dan Penetapan Standar Mutu Baru
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