103 research outputs found

    Conic Optimization, with Applications to (Robust) Truss Topology Design

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    After a brief introduction to the field of Conic Optimization we presentsome interesting applications to the (robust) trus topologr design (TTD)problem, where the goal is to design a truss of a given weight best ableto withstand a set of given loads. We present a linear model for thesingle-load case and semidefinite models for the multi-load and the ro'bust TTD problem. All models are illustrated by examples. It is alsoshown that by using duality the size of some of these models can bereduced significantly


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    The role of the kyai in pesantren is as the absolute highest authority holder, so that all activities in the pesantren must be approved by the kyai. Even in the process of transforming knowledge, the one who has the right to determine is the kyai. Ustadz is a senior santri who helps the kyai in guiding his santri. In subsequent developments, there were some shifts in the role of clerics and religious teachers who were no longer central figures and had to comply with the existing program management, this happened in the management of Tahfizh House precisely around 2007 on the idea of Ustadz Yusuf Mansur launched by the method of memorizing the Qur'an with the Tahfizh House model which is centered in Tangerang Banten and in 2010 the education of the Qur'an tahfizh model of the Tahfizh house was introduced in Central Java. This study uses a qualitative approach with multidisciplinary methods including, anthropology and sociology. In collecting data various methods will be used, among others, observation, literature review related to religious literacy, interviews with Tahfizh House Management as well as the Semarang Branch PPPA management. The unit of analysis that will be used is the institution, the House of Tahfizh as a non-formal educational institution. The results of this study the role of Kyai and Ustadz is to guide, teach, foster as well as an example of students and broadcast the Qur'an to the public. This study also resulted in the division of Kyai and Ustadz in several categories, namely First, Kyai and Ustadz who had full authority in the Tahfizh House. Their presence in the house of tahfizh is as a founder and teacher. Their position with PPPA management is limited to consolidation and coordination between institutions. Secondly, Kyai and Ustadz who are not the owners. The selection, placement and authority are carried out directly by the Tahfizh House independently, not through PPPA. Third, Kyai and Ustadz must follow all PPPA rules, because of the selection, placement and authority under the management of Darul Qur’an PPPA

    Mispersepsi Pemidanaan Pertanggungjawaban Korporasi Atas Penggunaan Faktur Pajak Fiktif Oleh Direksi

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    This study aims to analyze corporate responsibility for the crime of using fictitious tax invoices by directors and how the judge's basic considerations in the decision of the Tanjung Karang District Court No. 343/Pid.Sus/2021/PN.Tjk. This research is motivated by the rise of taxpayers who are reluctant to pay taxes obediently to the state. Corporations take advantage of this loophole by issuing fictitious tax invoices to reduce funds that should be deposited into the state treasury and later the corporation will ask for restitution from the state. The research method used is a normative juridical method with a statutory approach, a conceptual approach and a case approach. The novelty in this research is to complement the studies conducted in previous studies which only criminalize individual management or corporate directors in criminal acts in the field of taxation, without considering corporate responsibility as legal subjects who can be held criminally responsible and the need for optimization by the DGT in the development of e-commerce applications. Nofa, both in terms of administration and technicality, so that dynamic applications can be realized and can reduce the use of fictitious tax invoices in Indonesia. The results of the study show that with the prevalence of cases of issuing fictitious tax invoices by directors, corporations must be fully responsible for criminal acts committed because they are very detrimental to state finances. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pertanggungjawaban korporasi terhadap tindak pidana penggunaan faktur pajak fiktif oleh direksi dan bagaimana dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Tanjung Karang No.343/Pid.Sus/2021/PN.Tjk. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya wajib pajak enggan membayar pajak secara patuh kepada negara. Korporasi memanfaatkan celah tersebut dengan menerbitkan faktur pajak fiktif untuk mengurangi dana yang seharusnya disetor ke kas negara dan nantinya korporasi akan meminta restitusi kepada negara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang -undangan, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan kasus. Kebaharuan dalam penelitian ini yakni untuk melengkapi studi yang dilakukan pada penelitian sebelumnya yang hanya mempidana individu pengurus atau direksi korporasi dalam tindak pidana dibidang perpajakan, tanpa mempertimbangkan tanggungjawab korporasi sebagai subjek hukum yang dapat diminta pertanggungjawaban pidana dan perlu adanya optimalisasi oleh Direktorat Jendral Pajak dalam pengembangan aplikasi e-Nofa baik dalam segi administrasi maupun teknis agar dapat terwujud aplikasi yang dinamis serta dapat mengurangi penggunaan faktur pajak fiktif di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dengan masih maraknya kasus penerbitan faktur pajak fiktif oleh direksi sehingga korporasi harus bertanggung jawab secara penuh terhadap tindak pidana yang dilakukan dikarenakan sangat merugikan keuangan negara.  


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to describe how students develop their Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) through Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum material at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Samarinda. In addition, this research includes several elements including the role of the PAI teacher in developing student ESQ as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in developing student ESQ. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by conducting field studies. Data collection techniques were carried out by observing, interviewing, and distributing observation sheets to class Xs SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Samarinda. This research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Samarinda. The results of the research prove that in the process of developing students' ESQ, it can be done with PAI curriculum materials, school programs that support students' ESQ development. In addition, the role of the PAI teacher is very important, because the PAI teacher is the spearhead or main actor in teaching PAI and providing guidance to students so that students are able to apply Islamic values in socializing, interacting and associating with friends, teachers and other school communities. This does not mean that the burden for escorting and guiding students is only PAI teachers but all teachers and school employees. All of these elements must collaborate in order to develop the student's ESQ. Supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of student ESQ must be the main reference by school principals and other officials at school so that they can be used as a basis for making policies so that the student's ESQ development process can be achieved optimally. Keywords: Emotional Spiritual Quotoent (ESQ), curriculum material, PAI ABSTRAKTujuan penelitiannini adalahhuntuk mendeskripsikannbagaimana pengembangan Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) siswa melalui materi kurikulum Pendidikan AgamaaIslam (PAI) di SMKkMuhammadiyah 2 Samarinda. Selain itu, peneltitian ini mencakup beberapa unsur diantaranya peran guru PAI dalam pengembangan ESQ siswa serta fakto pendukung dan penghambat dalam pengembangan ESQ siswa. Metodeeyang digunakan dalam penelitiannini adalahhkualitatif deskriptif dengan melakukan studi lapangan. Teknik pengumpulanndata dilakukan denganoobservasi,wwawancara, dan pembagian lembar observasi kepada siswa kelas XsSMK Muhammadiyah 2 Samarinda. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Samarinda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa dalam proses pengembangan ESQ siswa dapat dilakukan dengan materi kurikulum PAI, program-program sekolah yang menunjang pengembangan ESQ siswa. Selain itu peran guru PAIssangat penting, karenaaguru PAI merupakan ujung tombak atau pemeran utama dalam melakukan pengajaran PAI dan melakukan pembimbingan kepada siswa agar siswa mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai keislaman dalam bersosialiasi, berinteraksi dan bergaul dengan teman, guru dan masyarakat sekolah lainnya. Hal ini bukan berarti beban yang dipikul untuk mengawal dan membimbing siswa hanya guru PAI tetapi semua guru dan karyawan sekolah. Semuanya unsur-unsur tersebut harus berkolaborasi demi mengembangkan ESQ siswa. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam pengembangan ESQ siswa harus menjadi acuan utama oleh kepala sekolah dan pejabat lain yang disekolah untuk dapat dijadikan pijakan dalam membuat kebijakan agar proses pengembangan ESQ siswa dapat dicapai secara maksimal. Kata Kunci : Emotional Spritual Quotoent (ESQ), materi kurikulum, PA

    Model pembelajaran sains dan tahfiz Al-Qur’an di madrasah aliyah : studi di MAS Tahfiz Yanbu’ul Qur’an Menawan Kudus dan BCS Sains Tahfiz MAN 2 Kudus

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    Pembelajaran focus sains natural di madrasah belum begitu banyak mendapatkan penanganan serius oleh para guru dan pengelola madrasah baik di swasta maupun madrasah negeri, apalagi di madrasah yang berbasis para penghafal Al-Qur’an. Madrasah tersebut biasanya lebih banyak focus pada hafalan Al-Qur’an dan sedikit tambahan dalam mempelajari ulum al- syar’i yang farÌu ‘aÊn. Madrasah Aliyah Swasta tahfiz Yanbu’ul Qur’an Menawan Kudus dan Program Billingual Class System (BCS) Sains tahfiz MAN 2 Kudus adalah sedikit dari madrasah yang mempedulikan dan menggabungkan antara pembelajaran sains dan menghafal Al-Qur’an bagi para siswa. Penelitian ini focus pada dua hal yakni: 1) Model pembelajaran sains di madrasah dan 2) Model pembelajaran tahfiz Al-Qur’an di pesantren yang berbasis madrasah. Metode yang digunakan dalam panelitian adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif analisis. Data dikumpulkan dengan tiga cara yakni; observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan metode. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan enam langkah yaitu; mempersiapkan dan mengolah data, membaca keseluruhan data, coding semua data, mendeskripsikan jenis data, penyajian data, dan analisis data. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga hal pokok yaitu; Pertama, Proposisi model pembelajaran sains di MAS tahfiz Yanbu’ul Qur’an Menawan didasarkan pada pembelajaran sains dengan tujuan membentuk manusia berjiwa IMTAQ yang menguasai IPTEK dengan menggunakan model bimbingan, riset, intensif, sains, integrasi, agama, informatif, laboratorium, mentoring, unggul, intlektual, tuntas, dan evaluative yang disingkat dengan BRISIA ILMU ITE. Sedangkan proposisi model pembelajaran tahfiz di MAS tahfiz Yanbu’ul Qur’an Menawan didasarkan pada pembelajaran tahfiz di pesantren tahfiz Al-Qur’an dengan tujuan membentuk manusia berakhlakul karimah dan hafal Al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan model bimbingan, intensif, Íalaqah, integrasi, madrasah, target, hafalan, Al-Qur’an, faham, evaluasi, deresan, dan ziyadah yang disingkat dengan BIHIM TAHFIDZ. Kedua, Proposisi model pembelajaran sains di BCS Sains tahfiz MAN 2 Kudus didasarkan pada pembelajaran sains yang terintegrasi pada satuan Pendidikan Madrasah dan pesantren tahfiz Al-Qur’an dengan visi mewujudkan peserta didik yang berakhlak islami, unggul dalam prestasi dan terampil dalam teknologi. dengan menggunakan model bimbingan, riset, intensif, sains, integrasi, agama, islamisasi, saintifikasi, laboratorium, akulturasi, mentoring, yang disingkat dengan BRISIA ISLAM KITE. Sedangkan proposisi model pembelajaran tahfiz di BCS Sains tahfiz MAN 2 Kudus didasarkan pada pembelajaran tahfiz di pesantren tahfiz Al-Qur’an dengan tujuan membentuk manusia berakhlakul karimah dan hafal Al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan model bimbingan, intensif, halaqah, integrasi, madrasah, hafalan, ulang, faham, Al-Qur’an, deresan, dan ziyadah yang disingkat dengan BIHIM HUFADZE. Ketiga, Model pembelajaran sains di Madrasah Aliyah dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan pada kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, di laboratorium ataupun kegiatan riset yang dilakukan terbimbing secara teratur yang berbasis pada “BRISIA ILMU SAINS ITE” (Bimbingan, Riset, Intensif, Sains, Integrasi, Agama, Islamisasi, Laboratorium, Mentoring, Unggul, Saintifikasi, Akulturasi, Intelektual, Natural, Sikap luhur, Indonesia, Tuntas, Evaluatif). Sedangkan Model pembelajaran tahfiz Al-Qur’an di pesantren yang berbasis madrasah dengan tujuan membentuk manusia berakhlakul karimah, unggul dan hafal Al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan model BIHIM TAHFIDZU. (Bimbingan, Intensif, Íalaqah, Integrasi, Madrasah, Target, Hafalan, Al-Qur’an, Faham, Evaluasi, Deresan, ZiyÉdah, dan Ulang). Model pembelajaran sains dan tahfiz Al-Qur’an tersebut hendaknya mampu dijadikan sebagai standar demi meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran siswa di madrasah Aliyah ataupun pendidikan sederajat. ABSTRACT: Learning focused on natural science in madrasas has not yet received serious treatment by teachers and madrasa managers, both private and public madrasas, especially in madrasah are based on memorizing the Qur'an. madrasah usually focuses more on memorizing the Qur'an and a little extra on studying ulum al-syar'i the fard ain. Privat Madrasah Aliyah Tahfiz Yanbu'ul Qur'an Menawan Kudus and the Billingual Class System (BCS) Program Sains Tahfiz MAN 2 Kudus are a few of the madrasas that care about and combine science learning and memorizing the Qur'an for students. This research focuses on two things, namely: 1) the model of science learning in madrasas and 2) the model of learning Tahfiz Al-Qur'an in madrasah-based boarding schools. The method used in the research is field research with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. Data is collected in three ways, namely; observation, interview, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using triangulation of sources and methods. While the data analysis technique uses six steps, namely; preparing and processing data, reading all data, coding all data, describing types of data, presenting data, and analyzing data. This study found three main things, namely; First, the proposition of the science learning model at MAS Tahfiz Yanbu'ul Qur'an Menawan is based on science learning to form IMTAQ-minded humans who master science and technology by using guidance, research, intensive, science, integration, religion, informative, laboratory, mentoring superior intellectual, thorough, and evaluative which is abbreviated as BRISIA ILMU ITE. While the proposition of the Tahfiz at MAS Tahfiz Yanbu'ul Qur'an Menawan is based on Tahfiz at the Tahfiz Al- Qur'an Islamic boarding school with the aim of forming people with good morals the Qur'an by using the guidance, intensive, halaqah, integration model, madrasah, targets, memorization, Al-Qur'an, understanding, evaluation, deresan, and ziyadah which is abbreviated as BIHIM TAHFIDZ. Second, the the proposition of the science learning model at BCS Sains Tahfiz MAN 2 Kudus is based on integrated science learning in Madrasah Education units and Tahfiz Al Qur'an Islamic boarding schools with the vision of realizing students who have an Islamic character, excel in achievement, and are skilled in technology. by using the model of guidance, research, intensive, science, integration, religion, Islamization, sanctification, laboratory, acculturation, mentoring, which is abbreviated as BRISIA ISLAM KITE. While the proposition of the Tahfiz at BCS Sains Tahfiz MAN 2 Kudus is based on Tahfiz at the Tahfiz Al-Qur'an with the aim of forming human beings with good morals and memorizing the Qur'an by using the model ofguidance, intensive, halaqah, integration, madrasa, memorizing, repeating, understanding, the Qur'an, deresan, and ziyadah which is abbreviated as BIHIM HUFADZE. Third, the science learning model in Madrasah Aliyah is carried out by integrating learning activities in the classroom, in the laboratory in research activities carried out regularly based on "BRISIA ILMU SAINS ITE" (Guidance, Research, Intensive, Science, Integration, Religion, Islamization, Laboratory, Mentoring, Excellence, Science, Acculturation, Intellectual, Natural, Noble attitude, Indonesian, Complete, Evaluative). While the Tahfiz Al-Qur'an learning model in Islamic boarding schools are based on madrasah to forming human beings with good morals, excellence, and memorizing the Qur'an by using the BIHIM TAHFIDZU model. (Guidance, Intensive, Halaqah, Integration, Madrasah, Target, Memorizing, Al-Qur'an, Understanding, Evaluation, Depression, Ziyadah, and Repeat). The model of learning science and tahfiz Al-Qur'an above should be able to be used as a standard to improve the quality of student learning in Madrasah Aliyah or equivalent education


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    Ahmad Toha Amirul Azis. 31501900006. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang pembinaan akhlak terhadap lingkungan di SDN Tompomulyo 02 Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, peran pola asuh orang tua dalam membina akhlak peserta didik kelas VI di SDN Tompomulyo 02 Pati antara lain: pola asuh demokratis, pola asuh otoriter, pola asuh permisif. Bentuk pembinaan akhlak peserta didik kelas VI di SDN Tompomulyo 02 Pati yaitu pembinaan akhlak dengan keteladanan, pembinaan akhlak dengan pembiasaan, pembinaan akhlak dengan nasehat, pembinaan akhlak dengan pengawasan, pembinaan akhlak dengan hukuman. Kendalanya yaitu terbatasnya waktu bersama anak, pengaruh negatif dari teknologi dan informasi, anak yang susah diatur


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    Multiculturalism and conflicts caused by SARA in Indonesia have always been a problem that attracts researchers. Many other researchers doing research on this subject, among others by using political, religious, state, and education perspectives. While this study uses another perspective, namely from the perspective of family caring, especially the role of mothers in developing the concept of diversity in childhood as an effort to prevent racial conflict.This research is a qualitative research using a grounded approach. The method used to collect data is interview and focus group discussion (FGD). This research was conducted in two sub-districts, namely Gayamsari and Genuk sub-districts.The results of this study indicate that the shift in family parenting patterns has reduced the intensity of communication between parents and children. This shift causes parents to "loose hands" and give up full teaching on the values of diversity and differences in schools. Does the house remain a place where learning practices of diversity are happening? This turned out to be no longer an awareness for parents. The parents tend to be "passive" ie not teaching about diversity unless it is asked by their children. In fact, understanding how families instill diversity values intensely from an early age becomes important for this multicultural nation


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    ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the taÍfÍ al Qur’an education model conducted by KH. M. Arwani in the Islamic Boarding School Yanbu'ul Holy Qur'an. The author in conducting this research uses a literature study and a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the research that the authors did found several educational concepts memorizing the Qur'an according to KH. M. Arwani Amin, among others; 1. Sincerity, 2. Obedience  3. Importance of Quality, 4. Patience and Thoroughness. The method applied in PTYQ, namely the pesantren which he initiated as the following; 1. The musyrifahah method, 2. Recitation method, 3. takrÊr method, 4. MudÉrasah method, and 5. Test method.While the Al-Qur'an memorization system at the pesantren which is fostered by KH. M. Arwani is divided into five groups or classes, namely: Preparation Class, Class I, Class II, Class III, and Special Classes. “Adab“  learning and memorizing the Qur'an in  accordance with KH. M. Arwani Amin, covering adab before memorizing the Qur'an, must be based on sincerity, and adab when memorizing the Qur'an, namely; always pray and always obey all the rules of the teacher and the pesantren. Keywords: Al-Qur'an, Tahfidz, Education, M. Arwani Ami

    Understanding and Implementing the Islamic Academic Culture of Unissula and the Tagline of Unissula in Sendangguwo, Semarang

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    This study aims to socialize Budai (Islamic Academic Culture) and the tag-line of Unissula (Sultan Agung Islamic University) – namely BMGKU (Bismillah Building Generation of Khaira Ummah) to the community and to explore how community members understand and practice these things. From this socialization and deepening, the community is expected to be more familiar with Unissula's vision, mission, and goals, so that they are interested in loving Unissula and appreciating Unissula. The problem that arises in this service program is that people do not understand and practice the Unissula (BMGKU) and Budai taglines. The methods used in this program are lectures, questionnaires, and observation. The data collected is qualitative data which includes data on understanding and practice of "Bismillah" (asmaul husna) and aspects of Khaira Ummah (faith, amar ma'ruf, nahi munkar). In addition, data on understanding and practice of Budai (thaharah movement, congregational prayers, Islamic clothing, social etiquette, and receiving guests) were also collected using these methods. This community service program will be very useful for the promotion of Unissula and the socialization of Budai and the tagline of Unissula (BMGKU) to the community. In addition, this service is a community development program to better understand and practice Islamic teachings, which include aqidah, worship, and morality. The people who are fostered so that they become Khaira Ummah are the embodiment of Faith and Taqwa. People who believe and fear Allah will get great blessings from Allah Swt (Surah al-A'raaf 7:96). The results of mentoring in community service show that the majority of respondents (more than 60%) understand and practice the concept of Budai and the Tag-line BMGKU. Finally, this service program produced a material module for the socialization of Budai and the tagline of Unissula (BMGKU), as well as for community development


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    The problem of national identity and character lately is at risk. The number of negative events and behaviors, both individually and in groups in the community, illustrates the degadration of the nation's moral values. The character crisis is characterized by an increasing number in crime and violence in the society, including in the world of education. This fact encourages the emergence of various lawsuits on the effectiveness of character education in schools which so far have been seen by some communities as having failed in building students' affection with eternal values and being able to answer the challenges of the changing times.That the crisis of character, one of which is caused by a lack of understanding and practice of religious teachings. Religious characters that require students to understand and be able to practice the teachings of their religion become one of the most important character points in order to improve the good character of students. Religious becomes the foundation of the nation's character, so we need a way to build religious character for each student. Departing from this, in this article the author will discuss about the development model of religious school culture-based character education. The problem in this article will be focused first, on how to develop character education models based on the strengthening of religious school culture in Sultan Agung 3 Islamic High School Semarang; second, how the results of the implementation of the development of character education based on strengthening the culture of religious schools in Sultan Agung 3 Islamic High School Semarang. This article is the result of a qualitative descriptive study conducted by the author at Sultan Agung 3 Islamic Senior High School Semarang. From the research conducted by the author, the results of this research are: the model of character education development based on strengthening the religious school culture is needed in order to increase the effectiveness of character education in schools. Keywords: Character education, character crisis, religious school culture.
