21 research outputs found


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    本研究所探討的對象為數位內容產業下的數位遊戲產業,遊戲產業是一個新興產業,相對於其他產業尚屬年輕。因此可搜集分析的資料較少,本文利用台灣經濟新報資料庫裡的財務資料,用計量軟體Limdep做長期追蹤調查資料(Panel data)分析,並估計其固定效果。研究發現,在樣本期間內,擁有較佳獲利的公司為鈊象、泰偉及網龍三家。鈊象與泰偉偏向大型商用、博羿機台收入為主,網龍則是主打線上遊戲,下較多功夫在廣告、通路及行銷上,另外遊戲產業的獲利特性呈現景氣循環狀態。負債比率對於廠商流動性高的遊戲業獲利有顯著負影響,資產成長率及固定資產比的增加則對獲利有顯著正影響。顯示國內廠商固定資產尚未達到最小有效生產規模(MES, Minimum Efficient Scale),尚處於經濟規模階段,但在西進大陸投資則須謹慎。便宜的勞工成本,在知識密集性高的遊戲產業並不一定會帶來相當的報酬。另外本研究也討論了自製及代理遊戲的問題,研究結果指出,自製與代理遊戲所獲得的利潤差距並不明顯。雖然自製遊戲並不代表獲利較佳。但以長遠的眼光來看,遊戲公司應持續培養自己的遊戲團隊,否則將無法以自製產品在國際上與各國廠商競爭

    Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Impinging Flow Field at Equal Cross-section Area with Different Impinging Angle

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    摘要 本文利用計算流體力學軟體ESI CFDRC對三維、不可壓縮之單噴射對衝紊流流場進行混合效果及流體行為作探討與分析。在數值計算方面,採用交錯式格點系統(Staggered Grid System)、混合體系(Hybrid Scheme)及SIMPLEST求解程序來求解。紊流模式則使用Lam&Bremhorst 雙方程式。在固定截面積下,本文分別就入口速度及入口角度變化等參數變化下,分析它們對流場壓力、速度、溫度及結構的影響。 經數值計算結果顯示,當上下入口衝擊角度為180°時,對流場的混合效果影響最佳。當改變衝擊速度時,低速衝流 (V=10 m/s) 所得到的混合效果均較高速衝流(V=50 m/s 、V=75 m/s)為佳。此可提供產業界在設計各種混合器或燃燒器時之參考。 關鍵字:單噴射、對衝流、三維流場、混合效果Abstract In this study, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code of ESI CFDRC was used to calculate the three-dimensional, incompressible, impinging single-jet turbulence flow field in order to understand the mixing effects and flow behavior. The Staggered Grid System, Hybrid Scheme and SIMPLEST algorithm were employed in this numerical simulation. The Lam & Bremhorst k-e two-equation turbulence model was used in present study. The parameters of inlet of velocity and the different injection angle are employed to analyze the effected pressure, velocity, temperature and structure in the flow field for fixed cross-section. The calculated results have shown that the mixing effect was better when the impinging angle between upper and down nozzle as 180°. The mixing effect was better when the impinging speed change from high ((V=50 m/s 、V=75 m/s) to lower (V=10 m/s). The present results can also provide the reference for the design of mixer or burner in the industry. Keywords: single jet, impinging flow, three-dimensional flow field, hybrid effect.目 錄 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 目 錄 Ⅲ 表 目 錄 VI 圖 目 錄 VII 符號說明 X 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 前言 1 1-2 流場分析 2 1-3 文獻回顧 4 1-4 研究動機與目的 8 第二章 物理模型與統御方程式 10 2-1 物理模型 10 2-2 基本假設 11 2-3 統御方程式 11 2-4 紊流模式 13 2-4-1 Lam & Bremhorst 模式之統御方程式 14 2-4-2 Lam & Bremhorst 紊流模式 18 2-5 邊界條件 19 2-6 溫度混合指標 21 第三章 數值方法與求解程序 22 3-1 簡介 22 3-2 交錯式網格點系統 23 3-3 離散方程式的建立 25 3-3-1 差分方程式 25 3-3-2 空間離散體系 27 3-3-3 離散方程式的建立 30 3-4 求解程序 32 3-4-1 SIMPLE求解法 33 3-4-2 SIMPLE與SIMPLEST求解法之比較 36 3-4-3 鬆弛因子 38 3-4-4 收斂條件 39 3-5 數值模擬流程 40 第四章 結果與討論 42 4-1 前言 42 4-2 格點獨立測試 42 4-3 流場混合效果分析 43 4-3-1 相同衝擊角度且不同入口速度對混合效果的影響 43 4-3-1(a)衝擊角度為180°(case 1-3) 43 4-3-1(b)衝擊角度為150°(case 4-6)、120°(case 7-9)、90°(case 10-12) 44 4-3-2不相同衝擊角度相同入口速度對混合效果的影響 44 第五章 結論與建議 46 5-1 結論 46 5-2 對未來研究方向之建議 46 參考文獻 48 附表 53 附圖 5

    The Development of Loneliness and Depression and Their Relationships among Students from 2nd to 9th Grade

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    研究目的:瞭解學生從二至九年級孤寂與憂鬱的發展,以及探討孤寂與憂鬱之軌跡類型的相關因素、二者間的時序關係及特定變項之影響。研究方法:以「兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究計畫」2002年就讀二年級的學生當作樣本,擷取其二至九年級的調查資料,共有2,219人,女生佔51.1%。部分資料取自臺北市各行政區之戶政事務所、新竹縣政府主計處。以潛在成長模型、群體基礎軌跡模型和群體基礎雙重軌跡模型分析,瞭解學生從二至九年級孤寂與憂鬱之軌跡類型,利用多元邏輯斯迴歸模型與典型相關分析探討其相關因素,並以交叉延宕貫時性模型探討孤寂與憂鬱二者間的時序關係及特定變項之影響。研究結果:各年度有孤寂與有憂鬱的比率分別介於16.65-26.54%、19.33-28.01%,孤寂與憂鬱各自的軌跡類型皆為「持續低度」、「低度變中度」、「中度變低度」與「中度變高度」,雙重軌跡類型則有「皆持續低度」(28.17%)、「皆由低度變中度」(30.10%)、「皆由中度變低度」(23.43%)、「皆由中度變高度」(18.30%)。性別、抗逆能力的軌跡類型、過度使用電子產品的軌跡類型、親子活動的軌跡類型、父母懲罰的軌跡類型、父母爭執的軌跡類型、學校認同的軌跡類型、被霸凌的軌跡類型和鄰里互動的軌跡類型是具影響力之變項。孤寂與憂鬱二者間互為因果,上述具影響力之變項,多數具群聚效應,亦是影響孤寂與憂鬱之間關係的前置或中介變項。結論:學生從國小至國中孤寂與憂鬱之發展具高度一致性,二者的成因諸多相似,彼此間的關係非常緊密。有關單位必須正視學生從國小至國中孤寂與憂鬱共存,建議培育與提升兒童與青少年的抗逆能力、關懷過度使用電子產品者、建立良好的家庭氛圍、提高學生對學校的認同、營造零霸凌的校園環境、以多重群聚因素的角度來設計孤寂與憂鬱預防方案。Objective: To explore trajectories and temporal relationships of loneliness and depression and their associated factors among students from childhood to early adolescence. Methods: Data were mainly obtained from the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) project; the others were from 12 Household Registration Office of Taipei City and Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of Hsinchu County. The study analyzed a panel sample of 2219 students (51.1% female) for 8 years (Grades 2 to 9) using latent growth curve modeling, group-based trajectory modeling, group-based dual trajectory modeling, multiple logistic regression model, canonical correlation analysis, and cross-lagged panel model. Results: Loneliness had a rate of 16.65-26.54%, and 19.33-28.01% for depression among students. Four trajectories of loneliness, and of depression, from childhood to early adolescence, were both identified, including persistent low, low to medium, medium to low, and medium to high. Also, we found four dual trajectories of loneliness and depression; they were both persistent low (28.2%), both low to medium (30.1%), both medium to low (23.4%), and both medium to high (18.3%). Gender, resilience, overuse of electronics (e.g., watch television, play game, etc.), parent-child activities, parent punishment, parent conflict, school identification, bullying and neighbor interactions were associated factors. Most of them had a combined effect on the co-existence of loneliness and depression, and were important predisposing and intervening factors. Conclusion: The trajectories of loneliness and depression and their associated factors were similar, and the temporal relationships between them were very close. Loneliness and depression highly coexisted during childhood and early adolescence. For preventing loneliness and depression, it is important to build resilience in young people, care for students with electronics overusing, create a warm family atmosphere, improve school identification, create a bullying-free environment in school, and develop prevention strategies with the perspective of multiple risk factors

    The Association of Social Capital and Smoking Behavior – Study of Junior High School Students in Northern Taiwan

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    目標:本研究目的在瞭解青少年吸菸行為類型之分佈,並進一步探討其與社會資本之關係。方法:擷取兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究(Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-Term Evolution,簡稱CABLE)之部分資料,進行次級資料分析,研究樣本共2,013人。結果:研究樣本於八至九年級的兩年期間,其吸菸行為類型有兩年均無吸菸(83.10%);原無吸菸但次年吸菸(7.00%);兩年均有吸菸(4.60%);原有吸菸但次年無吸菸(5.30%)。在控制具有影響力之背景因素後發現,好朋友吸菸人數、居住地區之人口密度、父母支持程度、父母監督程度、同儕關係、學校認同程度、校內社團參與及社會組織參與,和研究樣本在兩年間吸菸行為的類型有顯著關係。建議:1.菸害防制工作者可參考本研究結果,根據不同吸菸類型規劃符合各類學生需求之介入策略;2.家長應多關注及監督子女的日常生活;3.校方應加強在校學生對於學校的認同感;4.家長及老師應多關注學生所參與的社團和活動。Objectives: The purposes of this study are to realize the distribution of smoking behavior among adolescents, and to examine the association between social capital and smoking behavior. Methods: Data were obtained from the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evaluation (CABLE) project, and the sample totally involved 2,013 eight graders in 2005 who continually followed over next year. Results: There were four types of smoking behavior among students from 8th to 9th grades was found, including no use tobacco between 8th and 9th grades (83.10%); no use tobacco in 8th graders but use in 9th graders (7.00%); use tobacco between 8th and 9th grades (4.60%); use tobacco in 8th graders but no use in 9th graders (5.30%). It was found that number of smoking friends, population density in residential areas, parental support, parental supervision, peer relationships, school identity, school club participation, participation in social organizations were associated with smoking behavior among adolescents after controlling for background variables. Conclusions: (1) Smoking preventive and intervening strategies were suggested to be designed for adolescents depend on different types of smoking behavior. (2) Parents should pay more attention to their offspring who were in adolescence and provide an appropriate level of supervision of adolescents. (3) Teachers are encouraged to strengthen students’ school identity. (4) Parents and teachers should keep an eye on organizations, clubs and activities which adolescents involved.口試委員會審定書.....................................................................................................................i謝............................................................................................................................................ii文摘要...................................................................................................................................iii文摘要................................................................................................................................... iv一章 緒論...............................................................................................................................1 第一節 研究動機...............................................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的...............................................................................................................6二章 文獻探討.......................................................................................................................7 第一節 青少年吸菸行為之情況.......................................................................................7 第二節 吸菸行為之定義與測量.....................................................................................13 第三節 社會資本之定義與測量.....................................................................................18 第四節 社會資本理論.....................................................................................................25 第五節 青少年吸菸行為之相關因素.............................................................................28三章 研究方法.....................................................................................................................33 第一節 研究架構.............................................................................................................33 第二節 資料來源與研究樣本.........................................................................................35 第三節 研究變項之定義與測量.....................................................................................36 第四節 研究變項之偵錯與處理.....................................................................................46 第五節 研究工具之信度與效度.....................................................................................49 第六節 統計分析.............................................................................................................53四章 研究結果.....................................................................................................................55 第一節 研究樣本之背景因素的分佈.............................................................................55 第二節 研究樣本之吸菸行為的分佈.............................................................................59 第三節 研究樣本之社會資本的分佈.............................................................................60 第四節 研究樣本之背景因素與吸菸行為的關係.........................................................65 第五節 研究樣本之社會資本與吸菸行為的關係.........................................................69五章 討論.............................................................................................................................84 第一節 青少年吸菸行為之情況.....................................................................................84 第二節 背景因素與青少年吸菸行為之關係.................................................................89 第三節 社會資本與青少年吸菸行為之關係.................................................................91 第四節 研究限制.............................................................................................................97六章 結論與建議.................................................................................................................98 第一節 結論.....................................................................................................................98 第二節 建議...................................................................................................................100考文獻.................................................................................................................................103錄一 2005年 CABLE計畫八年級版問卷.......................................................................11

    A Study on the Reconstruction of Insurance Subrogation in Taiwan

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    保險代位之本質,可說是整個保險代位體系之核心所在。本文乃以保險代位之本質—亦即求償模式為重心,對於保險代位之相關問題,依序加以討論。本文首先自保險代位存在之法理、以及學說上對其之批評加以分析、並提出回應。在保險代位之求償模式方面,我國傳統以來循大陸法系之傳統,採取法定債權移轉理論,而與英美法有所不同;英美法之架構近年來漸受學說之重視,甚至對其有所爭議,故實有釐清之必要。本文乃對英美保險代位之本質、架構加以探索,並對其與擬制信託之融合詳加分析,以求釐清其法律關係。除了英美以外,本文亦對其他主要國家之立法例詳加分析,並歸納為大陸法系與英美法系兩大系統。而中國大陸與台灣均屬於繼受法之地位,關於保險代位求償模式、名義等,亦可見受不同立法例所影響之軌跡;其許多條款與學說見解亦有疑義,值得我國引以為戒。於分析英美法與各國立法例,並審酌我國之背景後,本文乃嘗試對我國提出「保險代位求償模式相對論」—即原則上仍採取法定債權移轉理論,但在保險人與被保險人有特定具體之特約時,則可約定採取英美法之模式、或是自行約定其他求償模式。 另外,關於不足額保險、而應負責之第三人資力不足時,保險人與被保險人之間受償順序之問題,本文將由傳統的法釋義學方法出發,藉由對立法例、實務與學說見解的分析,以重新思考相關的法理基礎。本文也將使用法律經濟分析的方法,以經濟模型重新考量代位求償過程中可能的因素,重新驗證被保險人優先受償模式對於被保險人的效用。就結論而言,在損失填補原則的架構下,被保險人優先受償模式仍應為最適的解決方案。但此原則應有以法規或嚴格意定予以排除、修正之空間。在判斷順序上,可依三階段判斷:先檢視法規有無特別規定,再檢視當事人間是否有特別約定,若均無再適用被保險人優先受償模式以分配之。 對於特別保險—如全民健康保險法、勞工保險條例、強制汽車責任保險法等中之代位體系,本文亦加以分析,並同樣認為於適當之類型中,本文之保險代位模式求償相對論亦應可加以適用。在再保險與保險代位之適用問題上,本文肯認保險人對第三人之求償無庸扣除再保險之給付。而對於再保險是否、如何適用於保險代位,本文則認為可以三階段判斷之:首先,就再保險之類型為判斷;再判斷原保險人是否欲向第三人求償;如再保險之類型適合、又原保險人不欲向第三人求償時,則應允許再保險人向第三求償。最後,總結全文提出結論;並分三階段對於我國法提出相關建議,以供未來進一步之參酌。The nature of subrogation can be regarded as the core of the subrogation system. This research put stress on the nature of subrogation which was the subrogation. Regarding the related problems of subrogation, they will be discussed orderly. The article firstly starts to analyze from the existence of subrogation and the criticism for the theory to provide the responses. In the aspect of the way how subrogation operates, our country traditionally follows the Continental Law System to adopt the “legal assignment theory” which is different the Anglo-American Law System. The structure of Anglo-American Law System is stressed by the theory and is very controversial. Consequently, it is necessary to figure out the truth. This research is aimed at exploring the nature and structure of common law subrogation theory and analyzes other integration of the constructive trust to figure out the law relationship. Except for Anglo-American countries, this research also analyzes the lawmaking of other countries and induces the two main systems which are Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System. Mainland China and Taiwan belong to the status of Succession Law. Regarding the subrogation and nominal, it can be seen that the orbit is affected by different ways of lawmaking. Understandings of many clauses and theories are still uncertain. Our country should learn a lesson from it. With analyzing the ways of lawmaking of common law and each country, and considering the background of our country, the research attempts to address the “relativity theory of insurance subrogation” to our country. In principle, it still adopts legal assignment theory. However, when the insurer and insured have specific agreement, they can negotiate to adopt the Anglo-American model or make other subrogation model by themselves. Other problems can arise with regard to payment priority between the insurer and the insured, particularly in cases of underinsurance and when the responsible third party has insufficient funds to make up the difference. The present study takes the traditional rechtsdogmatik approach as its starting point, analyzing legislative precedents, practical aspects and academic theories to re-examine the underlying legal principles. The paper also makes use of economic analysis of law techniques, employing economic models to reconsider the factors that may be involved in the subrogation process, and re-examining the efficacy of the insured-whole doctrine from the point of view of the insured. The main conclusions reached are that, within the framework created by the principle of indemnity, the insured-whole doctrine is still the optimal solution; however, there may be situations in which the insured-whole doctrine must be rejected or modified in light of legal or regulatory requirements or strict interpretation. Determination can be made in three stages. Firstly, the relevant laws and regulations should be examined to determine whether any special provisions apply. Then, an examination should be made to determine whether any special agreements exist between the parties concerned. If no special legal or regulatory provisions apply and no special agreements exist, then the insured-whole doctrine can be applied. For the subrogation systems in special insurances—for examples, the National Health Insurance, Labor Insurance, and Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance, the research also analyzes them and considers that in the proper type, the relativity theory of insurance subrogation can be adopted. About the problems about reinsurance and subrogation, this research admits that insurer asks for subrogation for the third party not need to deduct from settlement of reinsurance. For reinsurer and how to apply to the subrogation, the research considers that it can be judged from three stages. If the type of reinsurance is suitable and the original insurer does not want to claim against the third party, it should be allowed that the reinsurer can claim against the third party directly. Finally, the research makes the conclusion and provides related suggestions to the law of our country to be viewed as the future reference


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    [[abstract]]升上大四,同學們都選擇三明治校外實習,與其他同學不一樣的是,我與另一位同學選擇共同創業,做了與其他人不一樣的選擇,結合「霧太達利在地創業計畫」課程,一方面創造屬於自己的事業,一方面為在地產業復甦盡一份心力。 自行創業與在外工作不一樣,在外工作只需要聽從上司的指示做事就可以,但是自行創業就是要以老闆的角度去做事,經過幾次與客戶的溝通、拜訪、接單、製作、送貨、付款等等的經驗,以及公司財務上的管理,讓我學習到一個老闆的辛勞,並且學習到在生意上,與人相處的重要性,那種態度與能力,是在外工作所學不到的,可說是無比重要的經驗,雖然在大四這一年,少了許多與同學的相處時間,但是一切都覺得很值得

    Crowded Pedestrian Detection Using EM based on Weighted Local Features

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    [[abstract]]隨著監控系統(Surveillance System)朝自動化(Automatic)與智慧化(Intelligence)趨勢發展,如何透過電腦視覺(Computer Vision)暨影像處理技術,偵測影像中行人數量與位置,於此應用中為重要之一環節。有鑑於此,本研究提出一個基於期望值最大化演算法之擁擠場景行人偵測系統,主要概念為結合區域特徵與全域估算方式,使其能於擁擠場景與不完整前景資訊(Incomplete Foreground)狀況下有效偵測影像中行人。首先,透過偵測行人身上之角點(Corner Point:CP),並採用梯度方向直方圖(Histogram of Oriented Gradient:HOG )作為特徵描述,並引入人體部位資訊於角點中,使其更具語意特性,其能夠描述與行人之部位相依性(Dependency),以克服行人上下相互遮蔽之問題。接著經由分群演算法,針對基於角點之HOG特徵進行分類,以建立一具有人體之部位機率Codebook(Part Probability Codebook)。偵測過程中,則比對影像中所擷取之角點HOG特徵與所建構之人體部位機率Codebook,以賦予身體部位之權重機率,藉由期望值最大化(Expectation Maximization:EM)演算法,迭代估算權重角點與行人模型參數間之機率,達到偵測行人之目的。最後,於實驗中,本研究針對多段影像資料庫提出一個行人偵測結果評估標準,並量化實驗數據與繪製圖表以便分析系統效能。[[abstract]]Pedestrian detection and counting is an important topic in developing an intelligent surveillance system In this work we propose a vision-based system for detecting pedestrians in an image Be robust to crowded scenes and adapt to incomplete foreground from background subtraction algorithm expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is applied to impose the constraint of body part for achieving successful detection First the corner points at body part are all detected and described using histogram of oriented gradients (HOGs) In addition one of three body part labels (head torso and leg) a kind of locality property is encoded in corner points for overcoming the mutual occlusion situation Then we apply a grouping algorithm in HOGs feature space to form a set of clusters Each cluster center is considered as a code word and the probabilities of this cluster belonging to head torso or leg are also computed respectively During detecting phase all detected corner points are matched to the construct code words and are assigned to three body part probabilities After that an EM algorithm is applied to iteratively estimate the likelihood probability of all corner points to the pedestrian candidates (E-Step) and update the parameters of the pedestrian models (M-Step) In the experiment three videos are used to validate the performance of the proposed metho

    [[alternative]]The Study of Serious Leisure among Off-Road Motorcycling Participants

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    [[abstract]]目前這個時代科技發展日新月異,工作繁忙生活壓力大,現代人作息均不正常,缺乏運動已是常態,但還是得在緊湊的生活中,找尋自己喜愛的休閒活動來放鬆自己,唯有放鬆身心,才能再接再厲人生中各種挑戰。越野摩托車運動是國內近年來熱門的競速類運動之一,是競賽同時也是運動,並且具有紓壓放鬆的功能,本專業實務報告中部各越野車團體代表車友為研究對象,旨在探討從認真休閒理論的綜觀心得,以認真休閒特質六大特徵為基礎(Stebbins,1982),加上休閒效益擬定設計出訪談大綱後,再透過深度訪談法,探討越野摩托車運動的內涵、參與者認真休閒投入的特質以及從中所獲得幸福感的程度。期望藉由上述探究,更進一步了解參與程度高越野摩托車騎士,從事該活動各項心理層面的感受,本專業實務報告反映了認真休閒及休閒效益的定性研究,可以促進兩種理論的知識積累,以及概述了認真休閒及休閒效益的定性研究進而產生的幸福感,三種理論探究對越野摩托車運動參與者的價值。[[abstract]]In this rapidly evolving technological age, people are often inundated with work and daily pressures, resulting in irregular routines and a lack of physical activity. Despite these challenges, it is essential to identify leisure activities one enjoys to relax and rejuvenate, enabling the resilience to face life's various challenges. Off-road motorcycling is a popular competitive sport in recent years domestically, providing an outlet for competition, exercise, and relaxation. This research focuses on off-road motorcycling groups in the central part of the country, aiming to understand their experiences in the context of serious leisure theory. The six characteristics of serious leisure (Stebbins, 1982) are applied, along with the concept of leisure benefits. Through in-depth interviews, this study explores the inherent meaning of off-road motorcycling, the characteristics of participants' serious leisure involvement, and the degree of happiness they derive. The goal is to further understand the psychological experiences of participants highly involved in off-road motorcycling. This research contributes to the qualitative understanding of serious leisure and leisure benefits, promoting the accumulation of knowledge in both theories and outlining the happiness derived from such activities.The implications of these theories to the value of off-road motorcycling participants are considered. This chapter consists of four sections, each explaining the research background, motivation, objectives, process, and definitions


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    本文主要係在討論保險人權利代位權之性質與相關的法律問題。按,損失填補原則為保險制度中之一重要原理,保險代位即為損失填補原則下所派生的一項重要制度。而保險代位,在意義上可以再區分為物上代位與權利代位,本文之重心為權利代位。 權利代位相關的各種問題與爭議,長久以來就是實務與學說討論的焦點,再加上新近全民健康保險法代位求償的問題,使得權利代位的問題更為複雜,值得吾人加以探討。對於權利代位之性質,我國通說與實務見解皆將其定位為「法定債之移轉」。此一定性雖然看似簡單,且長久以來被通說視為當然,但其是否完全妥適,仍有討論之空間。實則,有關權利代位之性質究係為何此一問題,除了法理上的意義之外,更是與整個保險代位制度息息相關。因此,本文之重點即在於對於權利代位之本質加以檢討,試圖建構出另一項制度,使其能更一貫、有體系、有效率、斧底抽薪地處理各種權利代位的問題,此即為本文的初衷。 承上所述,本文將透過文獻回顧法、制度分析法以及比較法研究來進行研究。藉由對於我國以及各國立法例的文獻回顧,本文將權利代位歸納為「實體代位」以及「程序代位」兩大系統,並互相分析比較,以得其利弊得失。之後再參酌英美程序代位理論,對於我國傳統的實體代位—亦即法定債權移轉理論,提出其疑義之處,並試圖就保險權利代位做一建構,使能貼近保險契約之本質、並期能體系一貫的解決各種權利代位的傳統爭議。最後,就本文之理論作一整理與總結,並提出修正建議條文及理由,俾供參酌

    A Group-based Energy Efficient Scheduling Algorithm Supporting Massive Urgent Requests for LTE-A MTC Networks

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    [[abstract]]物聯網時代來到,在LTE-A網路架構下布建測機器 (Sensor) 來監控環境是很有效率的應用。LTE網路下,UE除了可透過基地台進行通訊之外,機器與機器彼此可透過無線傳輸的方式直接傳送,以增進新的網路應用。但是目前LTE-A網路的架構主要是針對人類通訊的行為進行設計。當基地台中大量的機器型態裝置需要透過基地台來交換資訊時,現有的網路架構及資源配置的方式無法滿足大量機器型態通訊的要求。為了解決基地台無法負荷大量感測器同時發出請求的問題,本論文提出利用二元搜尋法的方式,根據基地台可用資源和覆蓋範圍內設備數量來求出存取類別限制層級(Access Class Barring, ACB) 門檻值,設備根據基地台廣播的門檻值來決定是否執行連線請求,以避免碰撞和減緩基地台無線資源區塊壅塞情況。透過實驗模擬,本文所提出之方法可以有效地降低MTC訊息傳遞所發生的碰撞機率,因門檻值減少設備不必要的電量消耗且增加了MTC運作的生命週期。 With the forthcoming of IoT (Internet of Things) era, deployment of wireless sensor nodes under LTE-A network to support environment monitoring is an interesting and important research topic. Within LTE networks, not only UEs can communicate through eNB, but also device can communicate with other devices directly for the provision of new network application. The original LTE network architecture is designed for human operated UE communication. With the introduction of MTC (machine type communication), management of massive number of MTC devices and huge traffic volume in emergence condition lead to LTE network malfunction. ACB (Access class barring) is an important mechanism which is adopted by 3GPP to avoid congestion problem due to massive requests from large number of devices. However, a proper value of ACB threshold is required to mitigate the gap between system performance and device transmission latency. In this thesis, a binary search algorithm is proposed to compute ACB threshold, such that the request packet collision and eNB congestion problems can be resolved. To justify the performance of the proposed method, simulation is conducted to demonstrate that the proposed ACB threshold computation mechanism can effectively reduce the collision probability of request packets. Furthermore, a proper value of ACB threshold can reduce unnecessary energy consumption and increase the lifetime of MTC devices