[[alternative]]The Study of Serious Leisure among Off-Road Motorcycling Participants


[[abstract]]目前這個時代科技發展日新月異,工作繁忙生活壓力大,現代人作息均不正常,缺乏運動已是常態,但還是得在緊湊的生活中,找尋自己喜愛的休閒活動來放鬆自己,唯有放鬆身心,才能再接再厲人生中各種挑戰。越野摩托車運動是國內近年來熱門的競速類運動之一,是競賽同時也是運動,並且具有紓壓放鬆的功能,本專業實務報告中部各越野車團體代表車友為研究對象,旨在探討從認真休閒理論的綜觀心得,以認真休閒特質六大特徵為基礎(Stebbins,1982),加上休閒效益擬定設計出訪談大綱後,再透過深度訪談法,探討越野摩托車運動的內涵、參與者認真休閒投入的特質以及從中所獲得幸福感的程度。期望藉由上述探究,更進一步了解參與程度高越野摩托車騎士,從事該活動各項心理層面的感受,本專業實務報告反映了認真休閒及休閒效益的定性研究,可以促進兩種理論的知識積累,以及概述了認真休閒及休閒效益的定性研究進而產生的幸福感,三種理論探究對越野摩托車運動參與者的價值。[[abstract]]In this rapidly evolving technological age, people are often inundated with work and daily pressures, resulting in irregular routines and a lack of physical activity. Despite these challenges, it is essential to identify leisure activities one enjoys to relax and rejuvenate, enabling the resilience to face life's various challenges. Off-road motorcycling is a popular competitive sport in recent years domestically, providing an outlet for competition, exercise, and relaxation. This research focuses on off-road motorcycling groups in the central part of the country, aiming to understand their experiences in the context of serious leisure theory. The six characteristics of serious leisure (Stebbins, 1982) are applied, along with the concept of leisure benefits. Through in-depth interviews, this study explores the inherent meaning of off-road motorcycling, the characteristics of participants' serious leisure involvement, and the degree of happiness they derive. The goal is to further understand the psychological experiences of participants highly involved in off-road motorcycling. This research contributes to the qualitative understanding of serious leisure and leisure benefits, promoting the accumulation of knowledge in both theories and outlining the happiness derived from such activities.The implications of these theories to the value of off-road motorcycling participants are considered. This chapter consists of four sections, each explaining the research background, motivation, objectives, process, and definitions

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