304 research outputs found

    Practical Strategies for Devising Singable Song Translations:A Case Study on Wuhan University Anthem Translation

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    The aim of the paper is to make singable English versions of Chinese University Anthems in the case of Wuhan University Anthem translation. A'Hexathron Principle'pertaining to song translation is formulated on the basis of Peter Low’s'Pentathlon Principle'and Xue Fan’s objection to'displaced diction'phenomenon. The'Hexathron Principle'refers to six requirements a translated song-text should meet, i.e.'Singability, Sense, Unity, Naturalness, Rhythm, and Rhyme', among which, the singability principle is paramount. As for the song translator, how to retain the singability in a translated song-text is of the most significance. To sum up, strategies for devising singable songs are to ensure singability of the translated lyrics, match rhythm and sustain rhyme of the original, properly manipulate sense, maintain the unity between linguistic and musical directions as well as pay special heed to seek naturalness of the TT. It is hoped that the paper can provide better ways of looking at song translations by testifying and refining the existing song translation theories

    A Study of Persuasive Strategies in Advertising Language Based on Different Mode of Advertising Appeals

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    随着大众传媒工具的日益更新,广告在世界范围的商品经济狂潮中借助广播、电视、互联网、杂志、报纸等各种媒介,已经无孔不入地渗透到整个社会的每个角落。优秀的广告可以为企业带来丰厚的利润回报,也可以成为文化传播的有效途径。因此,研究广告语言尤其是应用广泛的广告英语无论是对于企业还是消费者来讲都具有重要的意义,并且带有很强的实践性和现实性。 广告语言是语言劝说功能的一种运用形式。由于如今商品千差万别,消费者的心理也复杂多变,这都使广告劝说从整体上应有策略艺术。本研究运用亚里士多德的修辞三诉求(本文主要涉及的是理性诉求和情感诉求)理论,从诉求的角度分析广告,对广告话语中所隐含的劝服功能进行归纳。广告诉求...Along with the public media renewing in the commercial economy, advertisements, with the help of various mediums, such as broadcasting, television, Internet, magazine, newspaper, etc., have already pervasively penetrated into each corner of the society. An excellent advertisement can not only bring profit to the enterprise, but also popularize the culture in one country. The study of Advertising E...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:X200711101

    The belief and convention of the fisherflok in Putian littoral

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    莆田地处福建中部沿海,渔业向来是其重要行业,渔民们世代以海为田,以舟为犁、以渔为食,在赖海为生的同时,也创造了极富特色的海洋渔民文化。由于以农为主的主流文化意识的影响,有关渔业和渔民的研究多遭忽视,渔民也常被视为贱民。本文则旨在复原莆田区域的渔民社会生活的某些方面,如近代以来莆田沿海渔民的生活状况,日常习俗等,由此探究渔民的神灵信仰形态与习俗的形成机制,以期向人们展现行业的特有魅力,和神灵信仰这一最能体现当地风土人情的一种文化,以弥补学界在该领域研究的缺环。 本文基本结构和内容如下: 第一章是绪论。第二章介绍莆田县历史沿革、海洋自然地理环境和渔民日常所祭拜的主要神灵,主要侧重于当地的一些主...Putian lies the littoral in Fujian. The fishery is the important industry all the time. For generations to generations, they takes the as field; they takes boats as plough; they takes fishing as food .Their lives depend on sea meanwhile create characteristic ocean culture. As not be in the mainstream culture, which takes agriculture as foundation on the state, the investigations of fishery and fis...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_海洋史学学号:1032007115157

    The Study of E-Commerce O2O Operation Models in Sportswear

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    随着国内经济的下行、线下销售的萎靡、库存大量积压,运动服饰企业面临着零售转型的困境;在电子商务高速发展的背景下,线上线下的整合变成了零售转型的一种新选择。 在运动服饰企业电子商务如火如荼发展时,如何权衡企业在运营O2O时所面临的机会与挑战,又要怎么判断自己是否具备运营O2O的资格要素与赢得要素,O2O的运营又要采取哪些营销策略,这就是本文所要研究主要问题。 本文以电子商务、生产与运作管理、市场营销等理论为指导,通过对我国电子商务及运动服饰企业发展的数据收集与图表分析,并结合安踏电子商务作为实例,明确了运动服饰企业发展O2O模式的机会与挑战。同时,结合理论知识和O2O的运作模式对运动服饰企业...With the declining domestic economy and offline business, sportswear companies holding high inventory are having more difficulties in retail transformation. Thus Online to Offline (O2O) integration becomes a new trend. With the development of e- commerce in sportswear, how to weigh the company runs the O2O facing opportunities and challenges, and how to judge whether they have the order qualifie...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115064

    The relation between biochemical index and organic pollutant in oyster (Ostrea cucullata) from Xiamen sea area

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    研究了厦门海域4个地点的僧帽牡蛎(Ostreacucullata)全组织中有机氯农药(HCHs、DDTs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的总含量及其与消化腺的总SOD、GSH、总抗氧化能力、MDA、EROD和GST活性(含量)之间的关系.结果表明,采自大嶝岛的牡蛎全组织HCHs含量最高;采自集美的牡蛎全组织DDTs和PCBs含量最高.消化腺总SOD活性、总抗氧化能力均随着组织内有机物含量的增加而减少,呈现一定的负相关性.EROD活性与DDTs和PCBs含量呈现很好的相关性,对于指示海洋中有机氯农药和多氯联苯类物质污染程度有着较好的应用前景.The relationship between the total contents of organic chloropeaticids (HCHs, DDT) and PCBs in oyster whole tissue from four spaces in Xiamen sea area and their relative with the total SOD, GSH, total antioxidant ability, MDA、 EROD and GST activities (contents) were studied. The content of HCHs collected from oyster whole tissue in Dadeng Island was the highest. The contents of DDTs and PCBs in samples from Jimei were the highest; The SOD activity and total antioxidant ability in oyster digestive gland all decreased with increase of organism content in the tissue, presenting definite negative relation. The activity of EROD presented very good relation with the content of DDTs and PCBs, showing better applying future for indicating the pollution degree of organic chloropesticide and in PCBs marine.国家自然科学基金资助项目(20207006);; 校级自选课题基


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    通过海上丝绸之路,闽南戏曲在历史上曾经成功地“走出去“与“走进去“,形成影响深远的“闽南戏曲文化圈“。闽南戏曲承载着闽南族群在地化、处身性的民间记忆,区别于在选择性过滤机制作用下之平板整一的宏大叙述,在全球本土化的时代语境中起着重述历史记忆与抵抗时间遗忘的重要作用。缘此,作为闽南族群重要的精神家园,闽南戏曲并非与现实无涉的休闲审美活动,其深刻表征海内外闽南人共有的情感结构与文化记忆,成为闽南族群建构身份认同的路径之一。国家社科基金项目《“陈三五娘”故事的传播及其当代意义研究》(11BZW107)阶段性成果; 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划《东亚文化语境中的闽南戏曲二次创业研究》(201410399009)研究成果; 泉州师范学院2014年度大学生科研基金项目《东亚文化格局中的泉州戏曲当代发展研究》(2014DSK14)最终成


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    分别对鲨鱼、鲢鱼、草鱼、罗非鱼鱼皮的胶原蛋白进行提取、纯化并进行SDS PAGE电泳分析,对它们的酶解性质进行研究.结果表明,提取的胶原蛋白有较高纯度,是典型的I型胶原蛋白.4种鱼皮胶原蛋白均能被胰蛋白酶和蛋白酶K水解,两种酶酶切位点有差异.不同鱼种鱼皮胶原蛋白的一级结构不同.本实验的酶解条件是适宜的


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    信用体系的存在是市场经济有效运作、市场秩序得以保证的基础。在证券市场,信用是融资、定价、资源配置和风险管理功能有效发挥的重要保障,构建我国证券市场信用体系刻不容缓。 一、我国证券市场信用状况与存在问

    A Research on the Transition of Enterprise Interpersonal Relationship Mode In the Era of Network Economy

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    在对相关研究文献进行回顾与评价的基础上,构建了人际关系模式转型的模型,分析了经济转型如何通过社会平台,进而通过组织平台和个体平台,推动企业人际关系模式的转型。最后分析了网络经济时代企业人际关系模式的特征,并就企业如何推动人际关系模式转型提出了建议。In the era of network economy, the interpersonal relationship of enterprises becomes a key factor for enterprise's improving its performance. After reviewing the related literatures, this article constructs a model of interpersonal relationship mode transition, analyzes how the economic transition influences the enterprise interpersonal relationship mode through the social platform and then the organizational platform and the individual platform. Finally, the article analyzes the characteristics of interpersonal relationship mode in the network economy era, and gives some advices on how to promote the enterprise interpersonal relationship transition.国家自然科学基金资助项目《知识、权力与人的行为:基于网络环境的企业运行效率研究》(批准号70372034


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