Practical Strategies for Devising Singable Song Translations:A Case Study on Wuhan University Anthem Translation


The aim of the paper is to make singable English versions of Chinese University Anthems in the case of Wuhan University Anthem translation. A'Hexathron Principle'pertaining to song translation is formulated on the basis of Peter Low’s'Pentathlon Principle'and Xue Fan’s objection to'displaced diction'phenomenon. The'Hexathron Principle'refers to six requirements a translated song-text should meet, i.e.'Singability, Sense, Unity, Naturalness, Rhythm, and Rhyme', among which, the singability principle is paramount. As for the song translator, how to retain the singability in a translated song-text is of the most significance. To sum up, strategies for devising singable songs are to ensure singability of the translated lyrics, match rhythm and sustain rhyme of the original, properly manipulate sense, maintain the unity between linguistic and musical directions as well as pay special heed to seek naturalness of the TT. It is hoped that the paper can provide better ways of looking at song translations by testifying and refining the existing song translation theories

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