369 research outputs found

    Study of the expression of alkaline phosphatase in Amphidinium carterae Hulbert and Cofactor requirement

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    磷(P)是浮游植物生长发育必须的营养元素之一,当环境中的无机磷浓度不足时(磷限制),浮游植物就会通过表达碱性磷酸酶(AP),以分解环境中的有机磷来维持自己的生长所需。甲藻是海洋生态系统中重要的浮游植物类群,同时也是形成有害藻藻华的主要类群,开展对AP的研究可以帮助我们更清楚地了解在自然海区和形成水华过程中,甲藻利用磷的分子机制及对其自身生长的影响。碱性磷酸酶基因表达的分子机制研究在甲藻中的研究目前刚刚起步,目前该基因的报道仅限于甲藻中个别代表种,如强壮前沟藻(AmphidiniumcarteraeHulbert),已知该基因的表达水平受环境中无机磷浓度的调控。在海洋浮游植物中存在多种不同类型的...Phosphorus (P) is one of the major nutrients required for the growth of phytoplankton, while dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) is the preferred form of P, phytoplankton can utilize dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) when DIP is limited. Under phosphate-deficient conditions, alkaline phosphatase (PtAPase) is expressed and hydrolyzes DOP to release phosphate in order to maintain cell growth and m...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋生物学学号:2232012115131

    The Construction of China Ocean Shipping

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    中国远洋运输集团(以下简称中远)是新中国成立后,国家为打破国外敌对势力封锁,发展对外贸易而组建的远洋航运企业,也是新中国最早成立的航运企业。中远成立初期,只有4艘船舶、2.6万载重吨,发展到今天,中远的运力规模已达500多艘船舶、1,600万载重吨,综合实力位列世界航运三甲。中远自1964年成立至今已近50年,在创业、发展和腾飞的过程中逐步形成了有中远特色的企业文化。 中远的企业文化,既受到其国有资本、打破国内外封锁、艰苦创业背景的影响,又受到了远洋行业、跨国经营等因素的影响,其主要特点是强调对国家、社会和民族的责任感和使命感,勇于承担国家和社会的赋予的各种责任,努力实现中国成为远洋强国的梦...As the largest shipping company in China with the longest history, China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO Group) is among the first group of 39 key state-owned enterprises designated by the state. When COSCO established on April 27, 1961, she only owned 4 vessels with 26 thousand dwt. At present, COSCO group owns and operates a modern fleet of over 550 ships, with a total of over 25 million dwt. Thes...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200015003

    Discussion on the on-line automatic detection technology for the full-color LED module

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    目前LED显示屏存在色差或者亮度差异源于单个模组在生产环节过程中控制不到位导致。本文提出了一种LED全彩屏模组的在线自动检测系统,包含显示屏自动定位控制,现场检测分析亮度均匀性,色度分布,质量判定分档等关键技术。该系统有助实现显示屏标准化检测,提高显示屏亮度一致性,提高生产效率及产量。The existence of the color or the brightness difference in the LED display panel is because of that the control of a single module is not in place occurring during the process of production. This paper presents an on-line and automatic detection system for the full color LED display module, including the automatic positioning control of the LED display, the detection and analysis of the brightness uniformity and the color distribution, and the quality evaluation and the quality grading among them. This system can realize the standardized detection of the LED display, improve its brightness uniformity, and increase the production effi ciency and the yield.福建省产学重大科技项目(编号:2013H6024

    The Conditional Connectivity of Graphs

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    图的连通性是图论的一个基本研究课题,它与网络的可靠性(容错性)密切相关.图的经典的连通性是用连通度和 边连通度来度量的.图的连通度(边连通度)就是使图不连通所要删除的最小的点(边)数,显然它反映了相应的网络的容错性. 在通信网络的可靠性的进一步研究中,人们需要了解两个具有相同的连通度或边连通度的图,哪个可靠性更高? 为了深入研究网络的可靠性或容错性,人们提出了许多条件连通性的概念. Harary在1983年引入条件连通度的概念\cite{2}.设图G=(VE)G=(V,E)PP是图的某种性质,S\subseteqV(G).GG的条件连通度 κ(G:P)\kappa(G:P)=min...The connectivity of graph is an element topic in the research of graph theory, it is closely related to the network reliability (fault tolerance). The classical connectivity concept of graph is connectivity and edge connectivity. Connectivity (edge connectivity) is the minimum number of vertices (edges) whose deletion makes the graph disconnected. Obviously, they reflect the corresponding net...学位:理学博士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_应用数学学号:1912008015045

    An Explorative Study on the Dissemination of Chinese Internet Kuso Video

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    网络恶搞视频主要是以戏仿、拼贴、移植等为主要手段,以模拟、调侃、讽刺已有人、事、物为主要特色的幽默影像作品。随着视频拍摄和编辑技术的普及,网络恶搞视频作为中国网络恶搞文化的重要组成部分逐渐盛行于网络,并在2006年随着《一个馒头引发的血案》(简称《馒头》)的流行达到了一个高潮,引起了多方的关注和重视。 本文主要以传播学、新闻学及文艺学等多门学科理论为基础,从恶搞视频内容和受众态度两大方面入手,探讨和研究恶搞视频传播和流行的原因。在内容方面,本文通过样本分析对中国恶搞视频的基本特征进行了总结,并结合巴赫金的狂欢理论剖析其狂欢化内容与传播之间的关系;在受众研究方面,本文结合相关理论,在深度访谈的...Internet Kuso Video is a kind of humorous video which simulates and burlesques persons and businesses by using parody, combination, transplanting and so on. With the popularization of vidicons and edited equipments, Kuso Video prevails gradually on the Internet as an important part of Chinese Kuso culture and went to the climax in 2006 while the famous video “A Murder Case Caused by the Steamed Br...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_传播学学号:2005130021


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    设G=(V,E)是一个连通图.边集SE,如果G-S不连通且G-S的每个连通分支至少有2个点,则称S是一个限制性边割.限制性边连通度λ′(G)就是G的最小限制性边割的基数.如果限制性边割存在,则称G是λ′-连通的.如果λ′(G)=ξ(G),则G是λ′-最优或者极大限制性边连通的,其中ξ(G)=min{|[X,Y]|:XV,|X|=2,G[X]连通}.图G的逆度是指R(G)=∑_v∈V 1/d(v).在此基础上,主要得到了:如果G是λ′-连通围长大于等于5的n阶图,且δ(G)≥2,如果R(G)小于某个关于最小度和顶点数的值,则G是λ′-最优的.对于不含钻石的图也得到了类似的结果.国家自然科学基金(11301440,11771362);;福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JAT160350);;福建省自然科学基金(2015J05017


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    The Capital logic and Economic Ethics under the Perspective of Generalized Virtual Economy

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    在中国发展的结构性转型过程中,广义虚拟经济是必须直面的问题。在广义虚拟经济视域中,资本逻辑与经济伦理的悖论突出表现为工具理性与价值理性的冲突。合理处理这一冲突对于中国转型发展具有重要意义,对于中国人的自由而全面发展具有现实意义。In the process of the structural transformation in China's development, the generalized virtual economy is the issue that we must face.The paradox between capital logic and economic ethics is mainly reflected in the conflict between instrumental rationality and value rationality under the perspective of generalized virtual economy.Deal with the conflict reasonably will produce a realistic significance for China's transformation development and Chinese free and comprehensive development.广义虚拟经济研究专项资助项目[项目编号:GX2012-1007(M)


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    生态文明是一种新世界观。中国建设生态文明是顺应世界文明发展潮流的必然选择,也是实现中华民族永续发展的战略抉择。生态文明建设作为中国特色社会主义建设“五位一体“的内在一环,可能孕育着一种现代文明的新类型。建设中国特色社会主义生态文明,关键是要学会“生态修复“的“加法“,做好“节能降耗“的“减法“,探索“生态经济“的“乘法“,摸索“生态综合治理“的“除法“,从而实现经济发展与生态文明的良性互动。福建省社会科学规划一般项目《结构转型与中国发展关系研究》(2013B125); 2012年度《福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划》的研究成