33 research outputs found

    青刈飼料としてのレンゲに関する研究 : II. 刈取時期と養分收量の関係

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    昭和28年及29年の2回にわたりレンゲの生育に伴う養分収量の増減状態を調査して次の様な成績を得た。レンゲの生育は年に依り異り, 開花期にも可成りの相異を生ずる。しかし開花の早晩に拘らず凡ての養分収量は満開時前後(第4∿6花開花時)に最高に達し, 以後は粗繊維収量のみ増加して他成分の収量は何れも減少する。従つて青刈飼料としてのレンゲの刈取適期は, 生育の遅速に拘らず常に満開時を目標とすべきであろう。In 1953 and 1954,writers investigated on the decrease and increase of nutrient yield in proportion to the growth of Renge. The growth of Renge varies according to year, therefore flowering time is not uniform too. But the all of nutrient yield reached maximum at the stage of full bloom regardless of sooner or later of flowering, and afterward only the yield of crude fiber increased (Figure 1 and 2). Accordingly, its seems that the best harvesting time as soiling crop always better to aim at the stage of full bloom

    鷄雛の発育に対する飼料用抗菌性物質劑の効果 : 1 常用育雛飼料への添加効果

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    ロック・ホーン初生雛雌を25羽宛の3区に分け, 第1表の如き飼料を與えて飼料用抗菌性物質製剤"コーキン素"の雛に対する発育促進効果を試驗した。得たる結果は次のようである。(1) 試驗成績は第2表の如くで, 試驗終了時には対照区に対してコーキン素"A"区は平均9.1%, コーキン素"B"区は平均2.3%発育が良好であつた。第3表に依りこの差異を檢定するに, 対照区とコーキン素"A"区との間にはt=2.202>t_0 (0.05)で有意なる差のあることが認められたが, 対照区とコーキン素"B"区との間ではt=0.322と抗菌性物質を組合せたコーキン素"A"には明かに鷄雛の発育を促進する効果があるがvitamin B_を含まぬコーキン素"B"は無効である。(2) 死亡率・活力・羽裝の遅速及び下痢等に対する"コーキン素"の影響は特別に認められなかつた。The effect of marketing antibiotic supplement "Kokinso" on the promoting growth of chicks was studied. Day old Rock-horn female chicks were used in this studies. The chicks were assigned to three lots with 25 chicks in each groups and were fed rations as shown in Table 1. These feed and water were supplied ad libitum. A summary of the results obtained are as follows. (1) The data of this experiment summarized in Table 2. This table shows that the average gain percentage at final of the chicks fed Kokinso "A" was increased 9.1%, and that of Kokinso "B" was increased 2.3% than the chicks fed basal ration only. The results of T-test to these difference with Table 3 showed that a significant difference existed between the control lot and the Kokinso "A" lot (t=2.202>t_0 (0.05)), but not for the Kokinso "B" lot versus control lot (t=0.322) is not effective. (2) In this investigation, no difference on the mortality, vitality, feathering and scour between the each lots was observed

    和牛の肉質に関する基礎的研究 (I) : 市販牛肉の等級と化学組成並びに組織構造の関係

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    10日前後冷蔵された黒毛和種(4∿6才)牡2頭・牝5頭・去勢2頭計9頭の各屠体より得た第5肋部のロース肉及び内腿肉を材料とし, 水分・粗蛋白質・純蛋白質・粗脂肪・粗灰分・エキス分・水溶性全N及び蛋白態N・熱湯可溶性全N及び蛋白態Nの各含量の定量, 並びに第1次筋束断面積・筋繊維断面積・筋束内筋繊維数の測定を行い, 各材料のロース肉で行われた肉眼鑑定による食肉等級との関係を検討した。1.一般組成中粗蛋白質と粗灰分は食肉等級・性・筋肉部位の差に拘らずその含量は大体一定である。水分と粗脂肪の含量は材料により差があり, 特に粗脂肪では著しく, 粗脂肪含量の多い肉は水分が少ない。しかもロース肉の粗脂肪含量の多少はその食肉等級と大体一致した関係を示し, 上質の肉ほど明かに粗脂肪含量の多いことを認めた。エキス分は内腿肉では殆んど一定であるが, ロース肉では可成り材料差があり且つ内腿肉より幾分含量が少ない。2.新鮮物中・水溶性・熱湯可溶性の全N及び蛋白態Nは夫々材料により可成りの差異を示すが, ロース肉の水溶性全Nに多少上質の肉ほど含量の多くなる傾向が見られる以外特に食肉等級との関係は認められなかつた。3.筋束及び筋繊維の太さについては, 筋肉別には性・肥育程度と関係なく多少ともロース肉より内腿肉の方が太い傾向を認めた。しかしロース肉において, 去勢が最も細く牡がこれに次ぎ, 牝は去勢より太く牡に近いものを多く観察した。これは材料とした牝が何れも去勢・牡に比べ肥育程度の高いものであつたことから, 肥育により筋繊維そのものが肥大したことを示すものと考えられる, 筋束内筋繊維数は性・肥育程度・筋肉部位とは殆んど無関係のようである。The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the chemical components and histological constructions to meat quality. Samples of meat from the longissimus dorsi muscle at the 5-rib and semimenbranosus muscle were taken from 9 carcasses aged at 2℃ for approximately 10 days. These carcasses were from 2 bulls, 5 heifers and 2 strees with an average age of 5 years. All samples were analyzed for moisture, crude protein, pure protein, crude fat, ash, extract, water-soluble N, water-soluble protein N, total N and protein N in extract, and were determined histologically for size of muscular bundles, size of muscle-fibers and number of muscle-fibers in a muscular bundle. Results are as follows : 1. There were nearly constant in content of crude protein and ash without distinction of the meat grade, sex and muscle. However, the moisture and crude fat content differ according to the samples, and the meat of higher content in crude fat was lower conversely in moisture content. Especially, for the longissimus dorsi muscle, there appears to be relation between meat grade and fat content. An extract content in semimenbranosus muscle was almost the same, but in longissimus dorsi muscle was variable and was somewhat lower than that of semimenbranosus muscle. 2. Little relationship was observed between the content of water-soluble N. water-soluble protein N, total N and protein N in extract to meat grade. 3. In a histological observations, the size of muscular bundles and of muscle-fibers in semimenbranosus muscle were somewhat larger than that in longissimus dorsi muscle without distinction of sex and degree of fattening. In longissimus dorsi, however, the similar size in bull muscles were observed in the many samples from heifers which were pretty advanced in degree of fattening. This observation suggests that the muscle-fiber itself may have plumped up by fattening. Number of muscle-fiber in a muscular bundle was nearly constant in all samples


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    A wide variety of methods are used in fattening cattle at Japan. Choice grade beef to use as a "Sukiyaki" (beef cooked in Japanese style) are produced by long feeding, which the feeding period to reach nearly year or more, and generally termed a "Ideal fattening" (Riso-hiiku). The conditions of feeder cattle which are used in this fattening are as follows. 1) Breed : Japanese Black Breed of Cattle. 2) Sex : Heifer. 3) Age : About 36 to 62 month. 4) Weight : About 375 to 450Kg. 5) Weight of aim at finished : About 550 to 600Kg. At this day, Kamigamo in Kyoto is noted for its producing district of best fattening cattle. The writer investigated for the kind and amount of feeding stuffs, and method of management in fattening cattle at Kamigamo. The main point of data obtained by this investigation are as follows. (1) The kinds of feeding stuffs such as wheat bran, rice bran (oil extracted), polished naked barley, rice straw and polished rice (finishing only) are used commonly. In addition to these, soybean-oil cake, green grass, naked barley bran and remnant of Tofu (bean-curd) are used comparatively. Amounts of these feeding stuffs per day per head are shown in Table 1. All of the feeding stuffs except green grass are always used on the boil or steam with boiling waters. (2) Consumption per 1000Kg. body weight of dry matter, digestive crude protein and total digestive nutrient were calculated from this data, and compared with MORRISON\u27S or KELLNER\u27S feeding standard. Consequently, it seems to be fairly low. In other words, it seems that the "Ideal fattening" is fed with relatively small amount of nutrients and longer feeding of period than the foreign cases. [table


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    実験1∿5において4鶏種より得た1040個の鶏卵について, 材料検査機と富士平式卵殻強度計で長径方向又は短径方向より加圧して, 卵殻破壊強度を測定し, その卵殻の厚さと鶏卵比重との相関係数を求め, 卵殻破壊強度の測定方法について2・3の検討を行なった。卵殻破壊強度は材料検査機の方が高い値を示し, 加圧方向より見れば, 短径方向より加圧した方が低い値を示し, 変動係数も低かった。また, 両機の卵殻破壊強度と卵殻の厚さの間にr=(0.42)^∿(0.84)^, 卵殻破壊強度と鶏卵比重との間にr=0.44∿^(0.74)^の有意な相関が認められた。長径方向より加圧した場合, 富士平式卵殻強度計値X_1と材料検査機の卵殻破壊値Y_1 (kg)の間にY_1 (kg)=0.27+1.12X_1 (r=(0.93)^)また, 短径方向より加圧した場合, 富士平式卵殻強度計X^2と材料検査機の卵殻破壊強度値Y_2(kg)の間にY_2(kg)=-0.22+1.25X_2(r=(0.97)^)が得られた。The present study was conducted to compare the performances of two apparatuses and the derection of application in measuring egg shell strength. A total of 1040 eggs, collected from four commercial laying strains which were fed in wire cages, were used in five frials. Two readings were obtained using two apparatuses in the following : A) a testing machine (Tensilon UTM-4L type) and Fujihira egg shell strength tester. These two readings were made with of the compressive force measuring along the major axis and the minor axis of the egg. Specific gravity of the eggs was deterimined by immersing them in a series of saline solutions of ranging from 1.060 to 1.115. The average shell thickness of three points at the equatorial region was measured to the nearest 10μ.m. using a vice caliper. The shell membrances were removed in this measurement. All date were subjected to correlation analyses and regression analyses. The results are summarized as follows : 1) The egg shell strength measured by the Fujihira shell strength tester was lower than that by the Tensilon UTM-4L. 2) The egg shell strength and its coefficients of variation measured along the minor axis were lower than those along the major axis. 3) The correlation coefficients between the shell strength measured by both apparatuses and the shell thickness, ranged from (0.42)^ to (0.85)^ in all trial, and all values were highly significant. 4) The correlation coefficients between shell strength and egg specific gravity, ranged from (0.44)^ to (0.74)^ with all values being highly significant. These correlation coefficients were in good apreement with the date by many other researchers. 5) Linear relationship was found between the egg Strength (X)=measured by Fujihira shell strength tester and the egg strength (Y)=measured by Tensilon UTM-4L. 6) Regression formulas between those two are as follows : i) Compression along the major axis : Y_1 (kg)=0.27+1.12X_1 (r=(0.93)^) where Y_1(kg)=shell strength by the Tensilon UTM-4L, X_1=shell strength by the Fujihira shell strength tester. ii) Compression along the minor axis : Y_2(kg)=-0.22+1.25X_2(r=(0.97)^) where Y_2(kg)=shell strength by the Tensiron UTM-4L, X_2=shell strength by the Fujihira shell strengh tester

    コクルイ ノ フンサイ オヨビ シャフツ ショリ ガ ハンスウ ドウブツ ダイ1 イ ナイ キハツセイ シボウサン サンセイ ナラビニ シリョウ ノ ショウカリツ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ノウガク ブモン

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    穀類飼料の粉砕および煮沸処理が, 反すう動物第1胃内揮発性脂肪酸(VFA)産生および飼料消化率におよぼす影響をしらべた。第1胃フィステルを装着した3頭の去勢成めん羊を用い, これらに大麦 : アルファルファヘイキューブ=50 : 50の飼料を与え, 大麦を有〓種子のままおよび粉砕して与えた区, これら各々に煮沸処理をほどこした区の計4区にて試験した。みかけの消化率の測定は酸化クローム指標法によった。1) VFA産生速度は粉砕および煮沸処理によって促進された。2) 酢酸/プロピオン酸比は粉砕および煮沸処理によって小さくなった。3) 一般成分のみかけの消化率は各処理によってほとんど影響されなかった。An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of crushed and/or cooked grain feeding on VFA production in rumen and ration digestibility using 50 : 50=barley : alfalfa hay cube ration. Total VFA in the rumen was increased by crushing or cooking of barley. The Acetate to propionate ratio was lowered by these treatments. TDN in the ration could not be increased by these treatments

    イリヨウセイ タンスイカブツ ノ キュウヨ ガ ハンスウ ドウブツ ダイ1 イ ナイ キハツセイ シボウサン ノ サンセイ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ IN VITRO シケン ノウガク ブモン

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    チモシー乾草を朝夕に飽食させている去勢牛より, 給飼前に第1胃より第1胃液を採取した。それを培養液として, まず第1胃内での分解速度の異る炭水化合物を基質として培養を行い, 基質の違いによるVFA産生状況, また尿素添加によるVFA産生状況の変化について調べた。その結果, 分解速度の速い基質ほどVFA産生量は多く, VFA産生割合は酢酸が低くプロピオン酸, 酪酸が増加した。尿素添加によってpHは上昇し, アンモニアが多量に産生された。次に基質として小麦粉を用いて同様の培養試験を行い, 基質の多小および煮沸処理, また尿素添加によるVFA産生状況の変化について調べた。その結果基質量の多いほどVFA産生は多く, VFA産生割合は酢酸で小さく, プロピオン酸, 酪酸で大きかった。煮沸処理によりその傾向は強められた。尿素添加の影響は第1試験と同様であった。最後に培養液として飼料給与後3時間目に採取した第1胃液を用い, 小麦粉を基質として培養試験を行いVFA産生状況を調べた。その結果, 基質添加によってVFA産生は多くなるがその値は煮沸処理により低くなり第2試験とは逆の傾向を示した。尿素を添加した場合は無処理よりも煮沸した場合の方がVFA産生量は高かった。VFA組成は基質添加によって酢酸は小さく, プロピオン酸は大きくなったが, 煮沸処理によって無処理より酢酸では大きく, プロピオン酸では小さくなった。尿素添加によって煮沸したものと無処理のものの差はほとんど無くなった。尿素添加によってアンモニア産生量は増加したが, 第1・第2試験ほどでは無かった。Rumen liquid collected from fisturated steer before feeding was used as culture solution. In the first place, incubation was carried out with substrates which were different in availability to examine the effect of availability of substrate on VFA production. The more available substrate produced the higher VFA concentration, the lower molar proportion of acetic acid and the higher molar proportions of propionic and butyric acids. Secondly, wheat flour was used as substrate to examine the effect of the amount of substrate on VFA production. The more amount of substrate produced the high VFA concentration, the lower molar proportion of acetic acid and the higher molar proportions of propionic and butyric acids. These trends were strengthened by cooking of wheat flour. Lastly, the rumen liquid which was collected three hours after feeding was used as culture solution. Similar results were obtained as in the second incubation in VFA production. The molar proportion of acetic acid was decreased by cooking of wheat flour, however, this trend disappeared following urea addition


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    黒毛和種, ホルスタイン種, アバディーン・アンガス種およびヘレフォード種の肥育牛から腎臓脂肪を採取し, 黒毛和種では腸間膜脂肪をも採取してその脂肪酸組成を分析した。その結果, 1)品種別の腎臓脂肪酸組成ではヘレフォード種とアンガス種の間にC_において有意差がみとめられた。2) 1日当り増体重および肥育終了時体重の相異によって脂肪酸の組成に影響がみとめられた。3)脂肪酸の相互関係については, 飽和脂肪酸と全不飽和脂肪酸の増減がほぼ正反対であった。4)黒毛和種の腎臓脂肪および腸間膜脂肪ではC_において有意な差がみとめられた。Composition of fatty acids of Japanese Black Holstein, Aberdeen Angus and Hereford cattle adipose tissue lipids were examined. Only one case was found significantly different that is C_ in fatty acid composition in kidney fat of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford. Changes in the composition of fatty acid of kidney fat were appeared to be related to the daily gain and the fattening period