鷄雛の発育に対する飼料用抗菌性物質劑の効果 : 1 常用育雛飼料への添加効果


ロック・ホーン初生雛雌を25羽宛の3区に分け, 第1表の如き飼料を與えて飼料用抗菌性物質製剤"コーキン素"の雛に対する発育促進効果を試驗した。得たる結果は次のようである。(1) 試驗成績は第2表の如くで, 試驗終了時には対照区に対してコーキン素"A"区は平均9.1%, コーキン素"B"区は平均2.3%発育が良好であつた。第3表に依りこの差異を檢定するに, 対照区とコーキン素"A"区との間にはt=2.202>t_0 (0.05)で有意なる差のあることが認められたが, 対照区とコーキン素"B"区との間ではt=0.322と抗菌性物質を組合せたコーキン素"A"には明かに鷄雛の発育を促進する効果があるがvitamin B_を含まぬコーキン素"B"は無効である。(2) 死亡率・活力・羽裝の遅速及び下痢等に対する"コーキン素"の影響は特別に認められなかつた。The effect of marketing antibiotic supplement "Kokinso" on the promoting growth of chicks was studied. Day old Rock-horn female chicks were used in this studies. The chicks were assigned to three lots with 25 chicks in each groups and were fed rations as shown in Table 1. These feed and water were supplied ad libitum. A summary of the results obtained are as follows. (1) The data of this experiment summarized in Table 2. This table shows that the average gain percentage at final of the chicks fed Kokinso "A" was increased 9.1%, and that of Kokinso "B" was increased 2.3% than the chicks fed basal ration only. The results of T-test to these difference with Table 3 showed that a significant difference existed between the control lot and the Kokinso "A" lot (t=2.202>t_0 (0.05)), but not for the Kokinso "B" lot versus control lot (t=0.322) is not effective. (2) In this investigation, no difference on the mortality, vitality, feathering and scour between the each lots was observed

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