昭和28年及29年の2回にわたりレンゲの生育に伴う養分収量の増減状態を調査して次の様な成績を得た。レンゲの生育は年に依り異り, 開花期にも可成りの相異を生ずる。しかし開花の早晩に拘らず凡ての養分収量は満開時前後(第4∿6花開花時)に最高に達し, 以後は粗繊維収量のみ増加して他成分の収量は何れも減少する。従つて青刈飼料としてのレンゲの刈取適期は, 生育の遅速に拘らず常に満開時を目標とすべきであろう。In 1953 and 1954,writers investigated on the decrease and increase of nutrient yield in proportion to the growth of Renge. The growth of Renge varies according to year, therefore flowering time is not uniform too. But the all of nutrient yield reached maximum at the stage of full bloom regardless of sooner or later of flowering, and afterward only the yield of crude fiber increased (Figure 1 and 2). Accordingly, its seems that the best harvesting time as soiling crop always better to aim at the stage of full bloom