和牛の肉質に関する基礎的研究 (I) : 市販牛肉の等級と化学組成並びに組織構造の関係


10日前後冷蔵された黒毛和種(4∿6才)牡2頭・牝5頭・去勢2頭計9頭の各屠体より得た第5肋部のロース肉及び内腿肉を材料とし, 水分・粗蛋白質・純蛋白質・粗脂肪・粗灰分・エキス分・水溶性全N及び蛋白態N・熱湯可溶性全N及び蛋白態Nの各含量の定量, 並びに第1次筋束断面積・筋繊維断面積・筋束内筋繊維数の測定を行い, 各材料のロース肉で行われた肉眼鑑定による食肉等級との関係を検討した。1.一般組成中粗蛋白質と粗灰分は食肉等級・性・筋肉部位の差に拘らずその含量は大体一定である。水分と粗脂肪の含量は材料により差があり, 特に粗脂肪では著しく, 粗脂肪含量の多い肉は水分が少ない。しかもロース肉の粗脂肪含量の多少はその食肉等級と大体一致した関係を示し, 上質の肉ほど明かに粗脂肪含量の多いことを認めた。エキス分は内腿肉では殆んど一定であるが, ロース肉では可成り材料差があり且つ内腿肉より幾分含量が少ない。2.新鮮物中・水溶性・熱湯可溶性の全N及び蛋白態Nは夫々材料により可成りの差異を示すが, ロース肉の水溶性全Nに多少上質の肉ほど含量の多くなる傾向が見られる以外特に食肉等級との関係は認められなかつた。3.筋束及び筋繊維の太さについては, 筋肉別には性・肥育程度と関係なく多少ともロース肉より内腿肉の方が太い傾向を認めた。しかしロース肉において, 去勢が最も細く牡がこれに次ぎ, 牝は去勢より太く牡に近いものを多く観察した。これは材料とした牝が何れも去勢・牡に比べ肥育程度の高いものであつたことから, 肥育により筋繊維そのものが肥大したことを示すものと考えられる, 筋束内筋繊維数は性・肥育程度・筋肉部位とは殆んど無関係のようである。The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the chemical components and histological constructions to meat quality. Samples of meat from the longissimus dorsi muscle at the 5-rib and semimenbranosus muscle were taken from 9 carcasses aged at 2℃ for approximately 10 days. These carcasses were from 2 bulls, 5 heifers and 2 strees with an average age of 5 years. All samples were analyzed for moisture, crude protein, pure protein, crude fat, ash, extract, water-soluble N, water-soluble protein N, total N and protein N in extract, and were determined histologically for size of muscular bundles, size of muscle-fibers and number of muscle-fibers in a muscular bundle. Results are as follows : 1. There were nearly constant in content of crude protein and ash without distinction of the meat grade, sex and muscle. However, the moisture and crude fat content differ according to the samples, and the meat of higher content in crude fat was lower conversely in moisture content. Especially, for the longissimus dorsi muscle, there appears to be relation between meat grade and fat content. An extract content in semimenbranosus muscle was almost the same, but in longissimus dorsi muscle was variable and was somewhat lower than that of semimenbranosus muscle. 2. Little relationship was observed between the content of water-soluble N. water-soluble protein N, total N and protein N in extract to meat grade. 3. In a histological observations, the size of muscular bundles and of muscle-fibers in semimenbranosus muscle were somewhat larger than that in longissimus dorsi muscle without distinction of sex and degree of fattening. In longissimus dorsi, however, the similar size in bull muscles were observed in the many samples from heifers which were pretty advanced in degree of fattening. This observation suggests that the muscle-fiber itself may have plumped up by fattening. Number of muscle-fiber in a muscular bundle was nearly constant in all samples

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