132 research outputs found


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    Resonance Light-Scattering Spectra of Bovine Serum Albumin and Its Analytical Application

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    研究了牛血清白蛋白水溶液本身的共振光散射光谱信号, 基于其光谱强度与牛血清白蛋白的浓度呈线性相关的现象, 初步建立了一种步骤简单的测定方法.The resonance light-scattering spectra of BSA have been studied using an ordinary spectrofluorometer.The signal intensity of BSA is enhanced with the increase of concentration of BSA,and the enhancement is linear.Based on this principle,a new method for the determination of BSA was proposed.The calibration curve of this method is essentially linear over the range of 0-200 μg/mL

    Inclusion Resolution of 1,1'-Bi-2-naphthol:Crystal Structure and CD Spectroscopy of the Inclusion Complexes

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    以d/l-缬氨醇为原料,通过二步反应得到价廉易得的拆分剂碘化(r)/(S)-n,n,n-三甲基-1-羟基-3-甲基-2-丁铵,采用包结拆分法,成功实现了对1,1′-联-2-萘酚(bInOl)的拆分.对具有(r)-构型的季铵盐与(r)-bInOl在甲醇中所形成包结物的晶体结构分析结果表明:I-离子桥联主体(拆分剂)的醇羟基和客体(bInOl)的酚羟基形成O-H…I-氢键,以及相邻层的主客体分子之间的C-H…O氢键相互作用是在包结物中实现手性识别的关键.同时对两个包结物的溶液和固体圆二色(Cd)光谱进行了研究.A highly efficient and environmentally friendly method for the resolution of racemic 1,1′-bi-2-naphthol (BINOL) was developed by inclusion complexation with the cheap and readily accessible (R)/(S)-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-hydroxyl-3-methyl-2-butanaminium iodide resolving agents, which were prepared by a simple two-step reaction starting with D/L-valinol.The X-ray structural analysis was carried out for the inclusion complex of the (R)-quaternary ammonium salt with (R)-BINOL in CH3OH.This showed that the O-H…I-hydrogen bonds among the bridged iodide anions with the alcoholic hydroxyl of the host (resolving agent) and the phenolic hydroxyls of the guests (BINOL) together with the C-H… O hydrogen-bond interactions between the host and guest molecules from the adjacent layers are responsible for the chiral recognition in the inclusion complex formation.In addition, the solution and solid-state circular dichiroism(CD) spectra of a pair of inclusion complexes were also carefully investigated.国家自然科学基金(20773098;20973136);广西化工研究院资助项目---

    Some biometeorological features of wheat field in the ecological conditions of oasis at the Heihe Region

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    观测分析了 HEIFE地区绿洲中麦田的一些微气候特征 ,结果表明 SPAC中水势随高度呈显著梯度分布 ,在土壤 -植物以及植物 -大气界面 ,水势值存在两个大的跳跃 ;水势廓线存在明显的日变化 ;SPAC各部分水势变化的起伏顺序是大气 >植物 >土壤 ,说明水势变化受植物水分代谢进程直至气象因子的强烈影响和控制。冠层上方近地面风温湿的时空剖面显示出白天与夜晚相比 ,大气混合得较好 ;日出前则大气较为稳定 ;在典型晴天条件下 ,麦田上方的大气存在内边界。其结构受来自沙漠干热风的影响和控制。冠层内部也存在着温度、湿度、CO2 浓度、PAR、蒸腾作用、光合作用、气孔导度和叶温的垂直梯度 ,其廓线的日变化主要受太阳辐射的强烈控制 ,同时也受冠层内部不同层面叶片水分代谢强弱以及土壤状况的影响 ,其温湿廓线表现出与冠层上方不同的变化模式。 【英文摘要】 We observed and analysed some characteristics of biometeorology over and within canopy in spring wheat field in the ecological conditions of oasis during HEIFE program.Water potential in SPAC appeared a well vertical profile and the profile showed an obvious diurnal variation.There were water potential jumps in the SPAC junction boundaries.Sequence of variation intensity for water potential in each part of the SPAC was atmosphere,plant and soil.It is shown that the water potential was influenced and control...中国科学院资助;; 国家自然科学基金!( No.94 870 0 4 );; 日本文部省资助!( No.0 2 0 4 1 0 4 3

    Some characteristics of energy exchange at the underlying surface of desert and oasis in Hexi Corridor

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    在河西走廊黑河地区沙漠和绿洲下垫面生态条件下,用涡旋相关法研究了能量输送的不同模式和日变化进程;以及两种生态条件下能量输送间可能存在的相互关系。在沙漠生态条件下,大部分净辐射用于显热散失,另一部分用于向地下传输,较少部分则用于潜热输送,其方向在白天向下,在夜间向上;其Bowen比为13.16。在绿洲的麦田生态条件下,能量输送的基本模式为:大部分净辐射用于潜热散失,其输送方向与沙漠相反,另一部分用于显热散失,其输送方向一般在午后约3h即由上传转为下传。土壤热通量在最大时一般不超过40W/m2。冠层光合作用固定的能量则更小,其数量级维持在10W/m2以下,小麦不同生长阶段各能量分量占净辐射的比例有所变化。麦田的Bowen比从分蘖期的0.33降到拔节期末的0.095。当有干热大风自沙漠吹向绿洲时观测了典型的绿洲效应,其能量输送模式发生很大变化,显热显著下传,地热流量减弱,潜热散失强烈,起风后约2h潜热甚至高于净辐射。表明沙漠的能量组分参与了麦田的能量平衡过程。 【英文摘要】 With eddy correlation,we studied the pattern and dinurnal variation course of energy transfer for the underlying surface of desert and wheat field in oasis and their possible relationship between two ecological conditions at Heihe River region in Hexi Corridor during the HEIFE project.In the desert,the most net radiation( Rn )was consumed by sensible heat( H )transfer,another part of Rn conducted into desert surface,and a small part of Rn was dissipated by latent heat( LE ) transfer on a fine ...中国科学院资助项目;;国家自然科学基金;;日本文部省资助项

    低β四分之一波长腔中的束流偏转的分析性研究(英文);Analytical Study on Beam Steering in Low-β Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonators

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