41,897 research outputs found


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    Density of states of a graphene in the presence of strong point defects

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    The density of states near zero energy in a graphene due to strong point defects with random positions are computed. Instead of focusing on density of states directly, we analyze eigenfunctions of inverse T-matrix in the unitary limit. Based on numerical simulations, we find that the squared magnitudes of eigenfunctions for the inverse T-matrix show random-walk behavior on defect positions. As a result, squared magnitudes of eigenfunctions have equal {\it a priori} probabilities, which further implies that the density of states is characterized by the well-known Thomas-Porter type distribution. The numerical findings of Thomas-Porter type distribution is further derived in the saddle-point limit of the corresponding replica field theory of inverse T-matrix. Furthermore, the influences of the Thomas-Porter distribution on magnetic and transport properties of a graphene, due to its divergence near zero energy, are also examined.Comment: 6 figure

    Research on Application of Process Reengineering of Government Administration in Deep Duty crime Prevention

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    内容摘要 本届政府提出要全面推进依法治国,加快建设法治政府、创新政府、廉洁政府和服务型政府,增强政府执行力和公信力,促进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。当前,地方服务型政府出现了组织结构的悖论,即高效组织结构设计下行政运转的低效率,甚至在政府行政的关键领域和重要环节出现了较为典型的职务犯罪案例。要改变功能性组织设计的反功能导致的地方政府低效服务和职务犯罪等现状,政府行政流程再造不可谓是一条可行的路径。 流程再造原初是企业治理中的一个概念。它是指现代企业在新的治理理念指导下,在生产、销售、管理中摈弃传统的人力、物力和资金的组合方式和流向,以新的活动方式和运行程序来提升企业整体生产效率、获取更多...Abstract The current government raised the idea of boosting the law-based governance, accelerating the building of a law-based, innovative, incorrupt, and service-oriented government, enhancing the governmental executive capability and credibility, and strengthening the modernization of governance system and ability. At present, there is paradox in the organization structure of local service-...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115038

    Research on Business Model and Development of Huitong Fund Cooperatove

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    农村的发展需要大量的资金支持。但以商业银行、信用社为主体的农村信贷行业,一直存在着易存难贷和资金抽离农村市场的现象。福建省连城县培田村汇通资金合作社不仅改善了培田村民难以获得生产和消费贷款的困境,为本村的生产提供了资金支持,并提高了部分村民的生活质量,同时也获得了自身的收益和发展。汇通资金合作社选择的商业模式和战略方向有很强的参考价值。同时汇通资金合作社目前的经营困难和未来的发展前景,也值得深入分析。 本文以培田汇通资金合作社为研究对象,利用迈克尔.波特的竞争战略模型、奥斯特瓦德的商业模式模型等分析工具,对培田村汇通资金合作社的商业模式、行业地位和战略进行详细分析,阐述了汇通资金合作社选择目...Rural development needs a large amount of financial support. Phenomena such as easy-to-deposit and difficult-to-loan as well as funds being withdrawn always exist in the rural credit loan industry, whose main bodies are commercial banks and cooperatives. However, the Huitong Fund Cooperatives in Peitian Village, Liancheng County, Fujian not only solves the villagers’ dilemma that they can hardly g...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115064

    Design and Implementation of Employee Performance Evaluation Management System for a Commercial Bank

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    随着信息化技术的发展,电脑办公的形式因为其具有较高的可操作性、较好的交互性与较出色灵活性被越来越多的人所认同,很大程度上方便了人们的日常工作,在银行信息化过程中,商业银行员工绩效评估管理系统越来越普及,被我国银行普遍的使用。 本文探讨商业银行员工绩效评估管理系统的设计与实现。该系统采用B/S模式,使用了VS2010为开发工具、ASP.NET为开发环境,数据库采用SQLServer2008。系统功能模块主要包括基础信息管理、考核管理、员工申诉管理、信息发布、考核报表管理和系统管理六部分。 本文首先对系统进行需求分析,得出系统的总体需求、各功能模块的需求和系统非功能性需求,然后结合需求对系统进...With the development of information technology, office computer because the reproducibility of its high operation, good interactivity and better flexibility is approved by more and more people, to a large extent to facilitate the people's daily work, in the bank in the process of informatization, bank employee performance evaluation management system is becoming more and more popular, used in comm...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323122

    The study of the relationship between FDI spillover effect and technological innovation in China

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    改革开放后,我国提出“以市场换技术”的口号,在东南沿海地区制定相关的优惠政策,吸引外商来华投资,以促进国内经济发展。2015年,我国FDI实际利用总额达到1262.7亿美元,已成为国际上名副其实的招商引资大国。但是,多年来我国是否达到了“以市场换技术”的目的?即我国的FDI是否存在技术溢出效应?诸多学者针对此问题展开了研究,却得到了不一致的结论。随着研究的深入,学者们认为FDI溢出效应与东道国吸收能力有关,而且东道国吸收能力在影响FDI技术溢出时往往存在非线性的门限特征。 本文首先通过协整、向量误差修正模型及格兰杰因果关系检验探究了FDI对我国技术创新是否存在溢出效应,结果表明FDI的溢出效...After the reform and opening up, China put forward the slogan of "market for technology",and formulate relevant preferential policies to attract foreign investment to promote the development of domestic economy. In 2015, China's actual use of FDI has reached 126 billion 270 million U.S. dollars, has become a veritable international investment big country. However, has China reached the "market for...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_应用统计硕士学号:1542014115197

    The Design and Implementation of Digital Image Enhancement and Recognition System Based on MATLAB

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    摘要 数字图像作为一种新生的技术,它是随着当前计算机技术的发展而兴盛起来的。而且,随着当前计算机信息技术的不断发展,图像的实时处理也已经成为一种可能,并且出于数字图像的多种运算方法的出现,数字图像处理的速度也更加的快速,已经能够更好的满足人们对数字图像增强处理的需求。在当前,这种技术已经广泛的应用于各个领域,其中包括了人脸识别系统以及图像分析系统。 人脸识别技术是当前非常流行的一种依据生物特征识别技术,我们在对人工智能的研究过程当中,作为人类我们一直致力于机器可以拥有像人类一样灵活的思维和思考能力,因此,我们从心理学、人类的行为感知学以及思维机制等方面,尝试着将这些机制应用于机器人的研制。...Abstract Digital image as a kind of new technology, it is with the development of the current computer technology and thriving. And, with the continuous development of the computer information technology, the real-time image processing has become a kind of possible, and for the emergence of a variety of computing method of digital image, digital image processing speed is more quickly, has been ab...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323041

    Efficiency Analysis of LOHC Based Hydrogen Energy Storage System

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