68 research outputs found

    Comparative Research on The Undisclosed Principal And The Brokerage

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    普通法系与大陆法系由于法律传统、思维方式和理念的不同,在代理法律体系上存在着明显的差别。但无论如何,始终要围绕着委托人、代理人及第三人之间权利义务的规定、代理人的代理权等问题展开,在功能上也具有趋同性。随着世界一体化进程不断加速,经济交往日益频繁,两大法系在法律理念与制度方面也相互融合、借鉴,以求得相通的法律语言和共同认可的行为模式,这也体现在代理法律制度中。分析表明,普通法上的显名代理与大陆法上的直接代理本质上并无不同,两大法系的区别主要存在于普通法上的隐名代理与大陆法上的间接代理及行纪之间。 本文首先对本人身份不公开的代理和行纪的一般概念、特点、制度内容和有关的理论作了一般性的介绍。在此...Due to the diversity in legal tradition, way of thinking and notions, there are sharp differences between the common law system and the civil law system in terms of agency law. However, agency law always centers upon issues such as the rights and duties of the principal, the agent and the third party, and the agency rights and therefore functions alike. With the increasingly accelerated world inte...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:X200512015

    Types of participatory research based on locus of decision making

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    Preliminary study on feeding habits and trophic niche of nine economic fish species in Beibu Gulf in summer

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    应用Shannon-Wiener指数、Levins指数和均匀度指数,分析了北部湾2012年7月9种个体数量占优势的经济鱼类的食物组成和食性类型,并对其营养生态位进行了初步研究。研究表明,这9种经济鱼类可划分为3种食性类型:日本发光鲷Acropoma japonicum、日本竹筴鱼Trachurus japonicus、蓝圆鲹Decapterus maruadsi和六指多指马鲅Polydactylus sextarius为浮游生物食性,主要以桡足类为食;二长棘犁齿鲷Evynnis cardinalis、日本鲱鲤Upeneus japonicus和刺鲳Psenopsis anomala为底栖生物食性,主要以长尾类为食;多齿蛇鲻Saurida tumbil和白姑鱼Pennahia argentata为游泳动物食性,以鱼类饵料占较大优势。9种鱼中,白姑鱼的营养生态位宽度值最高,多齿蛇鲻的营养生态位宽度值最低。夏季北部湾这9种经济鱼类的营养生态位宽度与其摄食习性和饵料基础密切相关。In this study, based on fish samples collected in Beibu Gulf in July 2012, diet composition, feeding habits and trophic niche breadth of nine economic fish species were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener index, Levins index and evenness index. Results showed that nine economic fish species could be classified into three types according to feeding habits, referred to as plankton predators(including Acropoma japonicum, Trachurus japonicus, Decapterus maruadsi, and Polydactylus sextarius), benthic predators(including Evynnis cardinalis, Upeneus japonicus and Psenopsis anomala) and nekton predators(Saurida tumbil and Pennahia argentata). Trophic niche breadth of Pennahia argentata was the highest(Shannon-Wiener index=0.938 and Levins index=2.238), while trophic niche breadth of Saurida tumbil was the lowest(Shannon-Wiener index=0 and Levins index=1). The trophic niche breadth of the nine economic fish species in summer in Beibu Gulf was strongly influenced by feeding habits and feeding foundation of surrounding environments.国家海洋公益项目(201005012)~

    Study on species diversity of macrobenthos in Daya Bay,South China Sea

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    利用2004年3月、5月、9月和12月的大型底栖动物定量采样数据,对大亚湾大型底栖动物的物种多样性进行研究。结果表明,因人类活动影响的加剧,目前大型底栖动物多样性明显低于历史水平。2004年大亚湾海域内共出现79种(类)大型底栖动物,全海域均匀度(J)、丰富度(D)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)均值分别为1.17、0.74和2.06。各多样性指数的季节变化较小,不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。多样性水平以冬季0.05).The level of species diversity showed the trend of winter < spring < summer < autumn.It has been found that the distinct change of dry and wet season,the species diversity in wet season was higher than those in dry season.The species diversity of macrobenthos in outer Bay was the highest among other areas.The dominant species of Veremolpa micra and Timoclea scabra were so abundant that the species diversity of macrobenthos in center Bay and inner Bay were low.The seasonal change of the species diversity of macrobenthos in center Bay and inner Bay was caused by the change of the abundance of V.micra and T.scabra.Then the abundance of V.micra and T.scabra fluctuated with the water temperature directly.科技部社会公益研究专项资金项目(2005DIB3J020);; 广东省重大科技兴海项目(A200099E01);; 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所)资助项目(2007ZD08);; 农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室基金项目(开-2-04-15);; 农业部渔业生态环境重点开放实验室开放基金项目(2004-22005-2

    Macrobenthic community structure in Daya Bay,South China Sea

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    利用2004年3月、5月、9月和12月的大型底栖动物定量采样数据,对大亚湾大型底栖动物的群落结构进行研究。结果表明,大亚湾大型底栖动物大致可分为3个群落,分别分布于湾顶及湾中大部分海域、湾中部和湾口海域,湾中部海域群落的变化较为显著。大型底栖动物整体群落结构的季节变化总体较小,但雨季对大型底栖动物群落的影响较大,存在较明显的干湿季差异。大亚湾海域生态环境受到明显的扰动,处于扰动状态中的大型底栖动物群落稳定性较差;湾顶和湾中大部分海域内的群落Ⅰ,为大亚湾的主体群落,以软体动物为主,种类组成单一、季节变化小,以小鳞帘蛤VErEMOlPA MICrA和粗帝汶蛤TIMOClEASCAbrA为特征种。该群落的稳定性最差,处于较强烈的扰动之中;稳定分布于湾口的群落Ⅲ稳定性最好,未受到扰动,以多毛类为主,种类组成较为复杂、变化较大;湾中部海域大型底栖动物群落结构变化较为复杂,主要变化区域为马鞭州附近海域。该群落系经强烈的人为扰动后,经次生演替而形成的新群落,其种类组成的季节变化非常显著,各季的种类几乎完全不同,群落的独立性和抗干扰能力均较弱;与1980'S相比,大亚湾大部分区域内大型底栖动物基本保持了原有的群落,但群落稳定性大幅下降,群落的分布范围和种类组成发生较大程度的改变,主体群落组成呈明显的简单化趋势。在人类活动影响下,湾内同一区域内群落完全演替、湾中部海域出现新的群落。Based on macrobenthos samples collected from 4 survey cruises at 40 research stations in March,May,Sept.and Dec.2004 in Daya Bay,South China Sea,the community structure of macrobenthos was studied.The result showed that macrobenthos community in Daya Bay can be divided into three groups from the inner bay to the main area of the central bay,the central bay and outer bay.The effect of changes between wet and dry seasons on the macrobenthos community structure in Daya Bay was relatively stronger,although seasonal effect on the overall community structure was small.Daya Bay was shown to be ecologically disturbed and the stability of macrobenthic community was weak.Specifically,the inner bay and main area of the central bay was strongly disturbed and was dominated by Group I community that was characterized as simple low stability and dominated by molluscs.Dominant species were Veremolpa micra and Timoclea scabra.The outer bay received little disturbance and the community was most stable.The community belongs to Group Ⅲ that was dominated by polychaete and characterized as complicated and variable.The community change in the central bay was more complicated,concentrated mainly around Maiban Zhou.Its community structure was strongly affected by human disturbance and largely different from other community groups.Species composition of the group was variable which differed largely between seasons.The stability and resilience of the community is low.The current macrobenthic community in Daya Bay is different from the 1980s' state with largely different species composition,reduced community stability and complexity.Overall,under human disturbance,the macrobenthos community in Daya Bay,and particularly in the central bay,changed to a totally different structure.中央级公益性科研院所专项基金资助项目(2007ZD08;2007ST08);国家科技部公益资助项目(2005DIB3J020);广东省重大科技兴海资助项目(A200099E01);国家农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室基金资助项目(开-2-04-15);国家农业部渔业生态环境重点开放实验室开放基金资助项目(2004-2、2005-2


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    目的 :比较辅酶Q10 、苯那普利以及辅酶Q10 +苯那普利三组药物治疗原发性高血压疗效。方法 :采用随机、单盲的方法 ,运用 2 4小时动态血压监测。结果 :两药均能显著降低血压 ,但组间比较无显著性差异 ;两药联合治疗优于任一单一用药治疗 (P <0 0 5 )。各组均有较高的谷 /峰比值。结论 :辅酶Q10 是一疗效确实、安全的降压药物 ,与苯那普利合用有更强的降压作用

    A Silver Nanoparticle-Enhanced Fluorimetry for Determination of Trace Enrofloxacin in Water

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    在实验条件下建立了水溶液中痕量恩诺沙星的荧光分析方法;在课题组已有工作的基础上,采用“绿色“化学方法合成了银纳米粒子;研究了所制得的银纳米粒子对水溶液中恩诺沙星荧光行为的影响,并最终建立了水溶液中痕量恩诺沙星的银纳米粒子增强荧光分析方法。Firstly, a fluorimetry for determination of trace enrofloxacin in water was established in laboratory conditions.Secondly, the silver nanoparticle was synthesized based on our previous studies.In addition, effect of silver nanoparticle on the fluorescence behavior of enrofloxacin in water was investigated.Finally, a silver nanoparticle-enhanced fluorimetry for determination of trace enrofloxacin in water was also established.国家自然科学基金项目;项目号:21207103; 浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划;项目号:2013R413010; 浙江省公益项目;项目号:2012C31025

    Fish species diversity and community pattern in coral reefs of the Xisha Islands,South China Sea

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    为了解珊瑚礁海域鱼类物种多样性及其群落特征,作者2003年5月在西沙群岛7座主要岛礁(北礁、华光礁、金银岛、东岛、浪花礁、玉琢礁和永兴岛)采用底层刺网进行了调查,运用聚类分析和非度量多维标度(nMdS)等多元统计分析方法,对7个岛礁鱼类的种类组成、优势种、多样性和群落格局进行了分析。调查海域共记录鱼类146种,隶属10目31科;各主要岛礁的鱼类以典型的热带种类为主,如鹦嘴鱼科、蝴蝶鱼科、笛鲷科等珊瑚礁鱼类;白边锯鳞鳂(MyrIPrISTIS MurdJAn)、四带笛鲷(luTJAnuS kASMIrA)、灰若梅鲷(PArACAESIO SOrdIduS)、双带梅鲷(CAESIO dIAgrAMMA)、单板盾尾鱼(AXInuruS THynnOIdES)和灰六鳃鲨(HEXAnCHuS grISEuS)为主要优势种;全海域鱼类的SHAnnOn-WIEnEr多样性指数(H')在1.91–3.33之间,平均为2.81,明显高于纬度较高的东海和黄渤海海域;该海域鱼类可划分为两个群落,即永乐群岛群落(群落I)和宣德群岛群落(群落II)。AnOSIM和rElATE检验表明,两个群落间鱼类组成的差异显著(r=0.685,P=0.029<0.05),且群落格局较为稳定(r=0.958,P=0.003<0.01)。We assessed fish communities using bottom gillnet surveys in 7 coral reefs(Beijiao Reef,Huaguang Reef,Jinyin Island,Dongdao Island,Langhua Reef,Yuzhuo Reef and Yongxing Island) of the Xisha Islands in May,2003 and analyzed species composition and diversity,dominant species,and community pattern using the software Primer.A total of 146 fish species belonging to 31 families and 10 orders were collected during the survey.Fishes in the coral reefs were dominated by the typical tropical species,including members of the families Scaridae,Chaetodontidae and Lutjanidae.According to the Index of Relative Importance(IRI),the six most dominant fish species were Myripristis murdjan,Lutjanus kasmira,Paracaesio sordidus,Caesio diagramma,Axinurus thynnoides and Hexanchus griseus,respectively.Shannon-Wiener diversity indices(H') ranged from 1.91 to 3.33 among reefs,with an average of 2.81.Overall,diversity indices for the Xisha Islands were higher than those found in the East China Sea,the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea,all of which are found at a higher latitude.The spatial pattern of fish communities was analyzed using hierarchical clustering and non-metric multidimensional scaling.Two major groups based on fish assemblages were indentified,with group I located in the Yongle Islands and Group II in the Xuande Islands.ANOSIM and RELATE tests showed significant differences(R=0.685,P=0.029<0.05) in fish assemblages between these groups and the community pattern were quite stable(R=0.958,P=0.003<0.01).中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(2010YD10、2009TS08);农业部近海渔业资源调查项目(070404

    Dynamics of demersal fish species diversity and biomass of dominant species in autumn in the Beibu Gulf,northwestern South China Sea

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    根据1992年、2001年和2006年秋季在北部湾进行的底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类的种类组成、物种多样性、优势种及其数量的变动趋势进行分析。1992年共记录鱼类171种,隶属17目77科;2001年记录鱼类156种,隶属18目71科;2006年记录157种,隶属17目67科。3个年代记录的鱼类均以鲈形目的种类数最多,其中1992年为96种(占56.14%)、2001年90种(占57.69%)和2006年89种(占56.69%)。鱼类的PIElOu均匀度指数(J')和SHAnnOn-WIEnEr多样性指数(H')的变化趋势一致:以2001年最高,为0.72和3.64;其次为1992年,为0.64和3.27;2006年最低,分别为0.52和2.64。丰富度指数(d)呈逐年下降的趋势:为1992年的21.03,2001年的20.74和2006年的19.61。建立非线性回归模型对北部湾3个年代出现的6种共有优势种(发光鲷ACrOPOMA JAPOnICuM、带鱼TrICHIuruS HAuMElA、二长棘鲷PArArgyrOPS EdITA、黄斑鲾lEIOgnATHuS bInduS、竹荚鱼TrACHuruS JAPOnICuS和黄带绯鲤uPEnEuS SulPHurEuS)的数量变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:北部湾鱼类中的经济价值较高的优势种逐渐被低值和小型的鱼类所替代,但繁殖力较强和寿命较短的鱼类变动较小。在6种共同优势种中,黄斑鲾和发光鲷的渔获率呈上升趋势;带鱼和黄带绯鲤的渔获率呈下降趋势;而二长棘鲷和竹荚鱼的渔获率基本保持不变。研究结果表明,北部湾鱼类的优势种更替明显,总体变化趋势是k选择种类(以红笛鲷和黑印真鲨等为代表)逐渐被r选择种类(发光鲷、鲾科和天竺鱼科等为代表)所替代,即寿命长、个体大和营养级高的鱼类数量减少,寿命短、个体小和营养级较低的种类增多。The Beibu Gulf is a semi-enclosed gulf located in the northwestern South China Sea and surrounded by the land territories of China and Vietnam.The region has a tropical to subtropical climate.Thousands of fish and shellfish species have been identified in the Beibu Gulf and support some very important fisheries throughout the year in the region.Large scale resource surveys have been conducted over the last few decades to assess fisheries resources in the Beibu Gulf,and a large quantity of biological and environmental data have been collected.Such scientific data are perfect for evaluating changes in the ecosystem and answers questions such as what changes have occurred over the last few decades to the fisheries ecosystem in the Beibu Gulf? In the study,we analyzed data collected in otter trawl surveys in the Beibu Gulf in autumn 1992,2001 and 2006 to evaluate fish species composition and diversity,dominant species,and their biomasses.The analysis showed that 171 fish species caught in the 1992 autumn survey in the Beibu Gulf Gulf belonged to 77 families and 17 orders,a total of 156 fish species belonging to 71 families and 18 orders were found in the 2001 survey and 157 species belonging to 67 families and 17 orders were identified in 2006.Perciformes had the highest number of fish species,96 species(accounting for 56.14%) in 1992,90 species(57.69%) in 2001 and 89 species(56.69%) in 2006.The Pielou evenness index(J′) had the same temporal trend as the Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H′).Both indices were the highest in 2001,followed by those in 1992 and 2006.The Margalef richness index(D) reduced from 21.03 in 1992 to 20.74 in 2001 and to 19.61 in 2006.Nonlinear regression models were developed to quantify the temporal trends of biomass of the 6 dominant species(Acropoma japonicum,Trichiurus haumela,Parargyrops edita,Leiognathus bindus,Trachurus japonicas and Upeneus sulphureus) in the Beibu Gulf.The dominant species were found to shift from the high-value fish species to the low-value species,but no significant changes for fish species with high reproduction rates and short life spans.The catch rates increased during the survey period for A.japonicum and L.bindus,decreased for T.haumela and U.sulphureus,and remained similar for P.edita and T.japonicus.This study shows an apparent succession of the dominant species with an overall trend of the K-selection species(such as Lutjanus sanguineus and Carcharhinus menisorrah) being replaced by the r-selection species(such as A.japonicum,Leiognathus,and Apogonichthys).The abundance of fish species with long life span,large size and high trophic levels decreased,while short-lived and small-sized fish species in low trophic levels increased their abundance over the time period covered by the survey.The study provides important evidence of changes occurring in the Beibu Gulf ecosystem.农业部近海渔业资源调查项目(070404);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(2007TS08;2007ZD08;2009TS08;2010YD10);广东省海洋渔业资源综合评价(GD908-02-05

    Variations of fish species diversity,faunal assemblage,and abundances in Daya Bay in 1980-2007.

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    根据2004—2005年大亚湾海域底拖网鱼类调查数据,并结合1980—2007年的历史资料,分析了该海域鱼类的种类组成、区系特征、多样性、优势种和数量变化趋势.结果表明:2004—2005年,大亚湾海域共记录鱼类107种,分属13目50科,以中下层鱼类的种类最多,为48种,其次是中上层和底层种类,分别为37种和21种.大亚湾鱼类区系具热带和亚热带特性,以暖水性种类占绝对优势,为97种,暖温性种类为10种.多样性指数以夏季最高(3.82),其次是冬季(3.37)和秋季(3.00),春季最低(2.40).PIElOu均匀度指数的季节变化情况与多样性指数相似.1980—2007年大亚湾海域鱼类群落特征发生了明显的变化:鱼类种类数减少,优势种更替明显.鱼类种类数由1980年的157种减少至1990年的110种,2004—2005年继续减少至107种;鱼类优势种由1980年以带鱼和银鲳等优质鱼为主,更替为以小型和低值的小沙丁鱼、小公鱼和二长棘鲷幼鱼为主.用包含年际变化趋势和季节性周期变化的回归模型模拟1980—2007大亚湾鱼类资源密度的变化,鱼类资源密度在1980—1999年和1990—2007年两个时期均呈下降趋势,但1990—2007年间下降幅度比1980—1999年间大;1980—1999年鱼类资源密度的季节波动幅度较平缓(振幅为0.099),而1990—2007年的季节波动较大(振幅为0.420),说明1990—2007年阶段大亚湾鱼类数量的季节变化更为显著.Based on the 2004-2005 otter trawl survey data and the 1980-2007 relevant historical records,this paper analyzed the variations of fish species composition,faunal assemblage,diversity indices,dominant species,and abundance in Daya Bay.In the 2004-2005 trawl survey,a total of 107 fish species were recorded,belonging to 50 families and 13 orders,among which,meso-demersal fish were predominant,with 48 species recorded,and followed by pelagic and demersal fishes,with 37 and 21 species,respectively.The fishes in the Bay belonged to tropical and subtropical fauna,with the dominance of warm water fishes(97 species) and warm-temperate water fishes(10 species).The diversity index was the highest in summer(3.82),followed by in winter(3.37) and autumn(3.00),and the lowest in spring(2.40).The seasonal variation of Pielou evenness index mimicked that of diversity index.In 1980-2007,the characteristics of fish community in the Bay changed obviously.The species number reduced from 157 species in the 1980s to 110 species in the 1990s and to 107 species in 2004-2005,and the dominant species shifted from the high-value fishes such as hairtail and pomfret in the 1980s to low-value fishes such as sardine fish,anchovy,and juvenile porgy.A non-linear regression model composed of inter-annual trend and seasonal cycle was used to simulate the changes of fish stock density in 1980-1999 and 1990-2007,and the results indicated that in the two periods,the fish stock density in the Bay all showed a decreasing trend,but the decrement was larger in 1990-2007 than in 1980-1999.The seasonal variation of the stock density in 1980-1999 was relatively small,with an amplitude being 0.099,while that in 1990-2007 was relatively larger,with the amplitude being 0.420,illustrating that the fish abundance in the Bay had a larger seasonal fluctuation in 1990-2007.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(2010YD10、2009TS08)资