62 research outputs found

    The Study Of Six Kinds Of Literature Of The Regular Script’s Stroke Order Since The Yuan Dynasty

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    楷书笔顺具有丰富的内涵,不仅蕴含着书法家对汉字结构、点画功能的认识,也反映出字书规范笔顺的方式,是文字学研究不可缺失的一环。基于这一原因,笔者对元代以来的六种楷书笔顺文献《书法三昧》、《字汇》、《书法离钩》、《习字秘诀》、《父师善诱法》、《习字入门》进行了研究,并以元以前的书法碑帖作为旁证,来窥知古人的笔顺习惯,探求某些字具有几种不同笔顺习惯的原因。同时笔者也试图揭示这些笔顺在现代笔顺规范化后发生的变化。 六种楷书笔顺文献反映出早在元代,人们对于左右结构、上下结构、包围结构、对称结构等结构已经形成了从左到右、从上到下、先外后内、先中间后两边的笔顺习惯,对于不容易判断位置关系的点画组合,古人也...Stroke order of regular script takes lots of information,which not only reflects the way people saw the structure of Chinese characters and functions of the stroke,but also tells us how the dictionary standarded the stroke in the past.For these reasons,the research of stroke order of modern times should be an integral part of Chinese philology.Therefore,I have done research on Shu Fa San Mei,Zi Hu...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_汉语言文字学学号:1022011115225


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    Development and application of cup truer in advanced optical grinding

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    对于金刚石砂轮修整,尤其是有高精度要求的圆弧金刚石砂轮,杯形砂轮修整技术可以获得较好的砂轮磨削性能以及修整效率。本文开发了配套超精密平面磨床使用的杯形修整器,分析了其机械误差影响,并完成了修整实验及砂轮表面测量及半径拟合处理,从宏观上考察了该修整器对砂轮磨削性能的提高,结果证明该修整器可以进行有效修整,提高了加工工具精度,能满足金刚石砂轮修整使用要求。For the diamond wheel truing and dressing,especially for high precision arc diamond wheel,the GC cup truing technology is often adopted to obtain fine grinding performance and truing efficiency.This paper presents a cup truer used in surface grinding machine,and analyzes the influence of mechanical error.Truing and dressing experiments and surface measurement of grinding wheel are carried out to obtain improvement of grinding performance and accuracy.The results show that the cup truer developed can well meet the truing and dressing demand.863计划重点项目(2008AA042501);福建省科技重大专项/专题(2006HZ0002-4

    Resource Allocation and Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Thermal-Aware Three-Dimensional Network-on-Chip

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    本篇論文針對三維晶片網路之熱感知設計的效能降低做出改善。我們分別提出兩種設計技巧:1) 針對過熱關閉元件之三維晶片網路下的可適性路由演算法 2) 針對流量遷移的資源分配演算法。為了促進三維晶片網路之熱感知設計與相關研究,我們亦提出模擬平台:3) 針對三維晶片網路的流量-溫度共同模擬平台。對於過熱關閉造成的流量阻塞,我們提出一可適性路由演算法以改善網路效能。此可適性路由演算法基於奇偶路由法,能感知網路上的流量資訊以及過熱關閉資訊,進而自動選擇適當路徑,使封包能繞開過熱關閉元件以及平衡網路負載。由於能降低三維晶片網路的穩態溫度的流量遷移,帶來各層不平衡的網路負載並造成流量阻塞。我們針對流量遷移提出一資源分配演算法,藉由分配不同層上路由器上的緩衝器深度,平衡各層的網路負載,進而改善網路效能。因為現行模擬平台缺乏支援流量與溫度的共同模擬,我們自行開發一模擬平台,以支援上述兩種熱感知設計與相關效能改進技術。此模擬平台亦經由商用溫度模型工具驗證其垂直面的熱傳導模擬,以確保相對性上的正確度。In this thesis, we proposed two techniques to improve the performance degradation of thermal-aware 3D NoC designs: 1) Adaptive routing for throttled 3D NoC. 2) Resource allocation for traffic migration. And we also proposed: 3) a traffic-thermal co-simulation platform for 3D NoC to facilitate the two kinds of thermal-aware design. To address the traffic congestion due to throttling of transient-temperature control, we proposed an adaptive routing algorithm. Based on the Odd-Even routing function, a traffic- and throttling-aware selection strategy is proposed to decide proper routing path to balance network traffic and detour throttled tiles. While the traffic congestion happens after the traffic migration of steady-temperature optimization, we proposed a design flow of resource allocation. Depend on the loading requirement at each layer, our allocation assigns suitable buffer depth for each layer under a constraint of total buffer cost. Our proposed simulation platform supports unidirectional coupling and mutual coupling. And we validate the proposed simulation platform with commercial thermal modeling tool, CFD-RC, to assure the relative correctness of vertical heat conduction

    Effects of Cuttings status, Climate, Fungicides, IBA, Ethylene and 1-MCP Treatment on Papaya Cutting Survival.

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    番木瓜扦插成活率與插穗內在因子及外界環境因子息息相關,因此本試驗以3個月大之’ML×PPI’番木瓜實生苗為採穗株,採取15-20公分插穗進行扦插。結果發現番木瓜插穗在不帶葉之情況下,仍然可以發根,但因碳水化合物含量低導致插穗不定根形成數較少。夏季發根最為容易僅需15-21天;春、秋季較夏季晚,約22-28天發根;冬季最難發根,需32-36天。插穗長度在3-12公分之間隨著插穗長度縮短,插穗發根率和成活率皆有降低之趨勢,然而較長之30公分插穗發根數較20公分插穗少,顯示過短之插穗自身營養或生長賀爾蒙缺乏導致插穗不易發根,而過長之插穗則因組織間營養競爭導致不定根形成數較少。且插穗長度較短時(10公分以下),插穗腐爛率高達20%,但經純白鏈黴菌素處理後可有效降低插穗腐爛率,顯示純白鏈黴菌素處理可有效降低插穗腐爛率。4種殺菌劑處理效果以2000% 9.4%賽座滅處理對插穗不定根形成及生長效果最佳,3000x 50%達滅芬和800x純白鏈黴菌素次之,1000x 23%亞托敏處理則無顯著效果。IBA處理插穗可提早發根時間,4000 ppm和6000 ppm IBA處理之插穗皆顯著促進不定根形成,其中以6000 ppm處理效果最顯著。扦插溫度於25-35℃皆有不定根之形成,但在20℃低溫下插穗無法形成不定根,顯示20℃以下低溫導致番木瓜插穗無法形成不定根。在變溫試驗中35/30℃、30/25℃和25/20℃變溫處理之插穗分別於15、18和27天發根,經6000 ppm IBA處理後分別提前至9、12和15天發根,顯示IBA處理可克服低溫抑制插穗不定根之形成。 插穗自母體切離後,呼吸率顯著上升,之後逐漸下降, IBA處理和對照組呼吸率較高,因此葉片扦插第3天即落葉,1-MCP和乙烯處理之插穗呼吸率較低,因此遲至第5天才落葉,顯示插穗葉片百分比與插穗呼吸率成反比。插穗經乙稀、1-MCP或IBA處理後皆促進乙烯釋放率上升,1-MCP處理快速下降,但乙烯處理之插穗到第2天達高峰後緩慢下降,IBA處理則維持相當久之時間,對照組則無顯著增加。所有插穗於落葉前呼吸率皆顯著上升,因老葉產生大量ATP供轉運物質之需,且乙烯處理之插穗在處理3天後在莖基部的糖含量和澱粉量皆明顯地較1-MCP處理高,在不定根形成和生長皆較1-MCP處理佳。顯示乙烯處理使插穗有較高之光合同化物量,並使插穗基部保持高含量之碳水化合物,因而促進插穗不定根之形成。The papaya cutting survival rate was effect by internal factors and external environmental factors. Therefore, this experiment used from 15 to 20 cm of softwood cuttings, which were taken from 3-month-old ''ML × PPI'' papaya seedlings. Papaya cutting with leaves had higher formation of adventitious roots than non-leaf cutting. During summer, 15-20 cm of papaya cuttings only need 15-21 days for root formation. In spring and autumn was longer than summer about 7 days, and papaya cutting was difficult to rooting between 32 and 36 days in winter. Shorter cutting length between 3-12 cm had lower survival rate and root development. However, above 30 cm had less root than 20 cm cutting. Shorter cutting length (less than 10 cm) had high rot rate about 20%, but cutting treated with 800x Streptomyces can effectively reduce the rot rate. Cuttings were treated with 2000x 9.4% cyazofamid on adventitious root formation and growth of cuttings was better than 3000x 50% dimethomorph and 800x Streptomyces treatment. 1000x 23% azoxystrobin treatment was no effect. Cutting treated with 6000 ppm IBA on adventitious roots formation was better than 4000 ppm IBA treatment. 20 ℃ treatment of cuttings did not show adventitious root formation, compared with cutting treated at 25-35℃. In the variable temperature treatment, cutting were treated under 35/30℃, 30/25℃ and 25/20℃ showed root formation at 15, 18 and 27 days, respectively. When treated with 6000 ppm IBA rooting happened at 9, 12 and 15 days. Cutting respiration rate increased significantly after cut from field-grown plants, and then gradually decreased. IBA treatment and control cutting’s leaves defoliate in the first three days, which 1-MCP and ethylene treatment in the first five days. All treatment respiration rate increased significantly before defoliation. Cuttings treated with ethylene, IBA, and 1-MCP of ethylene production rate increased after cutting. 1-MCP decline rapidly and maintained balance till 3th weeks, but ethylene treatment of cuttings achieve the peak after 2 days, and then gradually decreased maintained balance till 5th week. IBA treatment maintained high ethylene production rate for long days. Control cutting no significant increase after harvested. Cutting treated with Ethylene on leaf percentage are higher than the control group and IBA treatment, but only ethylene treatment and control group promoted adventitious root formation and development. Cutting treated with ethylene after 3 days had higher base of sugar and starch than 1-MCP treatment in the stem base.中文摘要…………………………………………….………….………………………..i Summary……………………………………………………………………………….ii 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………………….…..v 表目錄……………………………………………………………………………..…...vii 壹、前言…………………………………..……………………………………………1 貳、前人研究……………………………..……………………………………………2 一、番木瓜種苗繁殖技術簡介………………..…..……….………………………2 二、插穗不定根形成及存活因子...………….….....……...…………………….…4 三、插穗呼吸率及乙烯釋放率…………………...………..……………………..11 参、材料方法……………………………………………………………………13 一、番木瓜插穗長度以及外部處理對扦插成活率及不定根形成之影響….......13 二、1-MCP、乙烯和IBA處理對插穗呼吸率、乙烯釋放率和碳水化合物 含量之影響………………………………………………………………….15 肆、結果…………………………………………………………………………18 一、番木瓜插穗長度以及外部處理對扦插成活率及不定根形成之影響....…...18 (一) 除葉處理對插穗葉片百分比、葉片黃化率、發根率及成活率之影響……18 (二) 除葉處理對扦插期間插穗不定根生長之影響……………………….……18 (三) 插穗長度對插穗葉片百分比、葉片黃化率、發根率及成活率之影響.....…23 (四) 插穗長度對插穗不定根生長之影響…………………….…………………24 (五) 殺菌劑處理對插穗葉片數百分比、葉片黃化率、發根率及成活率 之影響……………………………………………………………….………36 (六) 殺菌劑處理對插穗不定根生長之影響…………….………………………36 (七) 純白鏈黴菌素處理較短插穗對插穗葉片百分比、葉片黃化率、發根 率及成活率之影響………………………….………………..….…….……41 (八) 純白鏈黴菌素處理較短插穗對插穗不定根生長之影響………………..41 (九) IBA處理對插穗葉片百分比、葉片黃化率、發根率及成活率之影響….....46 (十) IBA處理對插穗不定根生長之影響…………………………….………….46 (十一) 環境溫度(恆溫)對插穗葉片百分比、葉片黃化率、發根率及 成活率之影響…………………………………...........................…….…52 (十二) 環境溫度(恆溫)對扦插期間不定根生長之影響…………...………......52 (十三) 6000 ppm IBA及變溫處理對插穗葉片百分比、葉片黃化率、發根率 及成活率之影響……………….….….....................………………......57 (十四) 6000 ppm IBA及變溫處理對插穗不定根生長之影響…………58 (十五) 乙烯和1-MCP處理對插穗葉片百分比、葉片黃化率、發根率 及成活率之影響…………………………………………...………64 (十六) 乙烯和1-MCP處理對插穗不定根生長之影響……………...…...64 二、乙烯、1-MCP和IBA處理對插穗呼吸率、乙烯釋放率和碳水 化合物含量之影響……………………......………………………….69 (一) 乙烯、1-MCP處理對番木瓜插穗呼吸率和乙烯釋放率之影響.…69 (二) IBA處理對番木瓜插穗呼吸率和乙烯釋放率之影響……………...70 (三) 乙烯、1-MCP處理對番木瓜插穗碳水化合物運移之影響……….70 伍、討論………………………………………………………………...……….77 一、番木瓜插穗狀態及外部處理對番木瓜扦插成活率及不定根形成之影響......76 (一) 插穗葉片……………………………………………..…………….75 (二) 插穗長度……………………………………….……………….........75 (三) 插穗幼年性.………………………………………………………...76 (四) 季節………………………………………………………..……...77 (五) 環境溫度…………………………………………………………….77 (六) 生長素……………………………………………………………….78 (七) 乙烯……………………………………………………….…………79 二、乙烯、1-MCP和IBA處理對插穗呼吸率、乙烯釋放率和碳水 化合物含量之影響…………………………………..……………….80 陸、結論………………………………………………………………...……….82 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………….8

    Handwritten English Character and Digit Recognition Using Kinect

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    人機互動在近年來是十分熱門的研究領域,而手勢辨識提供了更自然的溝通方式,是人機互動相當重要的部份。手寫辨識也是屬於手勢辨識的一部份,它提供了人機互動中輸入字母的替代方案。在本篇論文中,我們做出手寫辨識系統,讓使用者不需要傳統的輸入設備像是鍵盤和滑鼠就能夠輸入數字及英文字母。 在人機互動中對於手寫數字和英文字母需要即時的辨識並且對準確率要求比較高。因此為了提升辨識的準確率,我們提出了一種新的特徵演算法,此特徵演算法包含了書寫軌跡的時間性和空間性,並經由支援向量機和隨機決策森林進行辨識。最後我們也透過實驗證明本篇論文所提出的方法能夠即時的辨識手寫數字及英文字母並擁有相當高的精準度。Human-computer interaction (HCI) has been a popular research field recently. Hand gesture recognition is an important part of HCI that provides a natural way of communication. Handwritten recognition is a part of hand gesture recognition that provides an alternative method to input characters. In this thesis, we propose a handwritten recognition system to input English characters and digits without using traditional input devices such as keyboards and mice. Accuracy and real time processing are highly desired in the handwritten digit and character recognition of HCI. In order to improve the accuracy, we suggest a new feature extracting algorithm which contains the temporal and spatial information of hand writing paths. Furthermore, we use support vector machines and random forests to carry out feature classification. Experimental results show that the proposed method has a very high accuracy in the handwritten digit and character recognition in real time.口試委員會審定書 # 誌謝 i 中文摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 vii Chapter 1 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 系統簡介 2 1.3 論文架構 3 Chapter 2 相關研究 4 2.1 模式識別簡介 4 2.2 手部定位 5 2.3 深度感測器 6 2.4 靜態手勢辨識 7 2.5 動態手勢辨識 8 Chapter 3 系統架構與實作 9 3.1 系統架構 9 3.2 Kinect 骨架追蹤 9 3.2.1 身體部位標籤 10 3.2.2 深度影像特徵 11 3.2.3 隨機決策森林 12 3.2.4 定位關節位置 13 3.3 特徵擷取 15 3.4 手寫辨識 19 3.4.1 隨機決策森林 19 3.4.2 支援向量機 19 Chapter 4 實驗結果與分析 23 4.1 環境設定 23 4.2 數字辨識 24 4.3 英文字母辨識 25 4.4 數字及英文字母辨識 30 4.5 系統效能分析 33 Chapter 5 結論與未來發展 36 REFERENCES 3

    "You" is Different:Inhibition from A Second Person Functional Depiction to Object's History's Influence on Object Naming

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