788 research outputs found

    The right to collective consultation in China

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    本文以“我国集体协商权研究”为题,其目的在于通过研究集体协商制度的实效状况以展示我国法治建设中所存在的问题,也就是说,以集体协商权的现实有效性为例来分析我国的法治建设亟需解决的问题。要回答这一问题,必须进行这几个方面的追问,即集体协商权在立法中是怎样的、在实践中是怎样的、两者为何有偏差,以及如何解决。有鉴于此,本文由这几个部分组成。 导论部分先是简要地交待了本研究主题的必要性、研究现状,以及本研究的构想与方法。 第一章分析了我国集体协商权的由来。本章主要以劳资关系为主线来介绍集体劳动关系理论、外国法的集体谈判权以及我国法的集体协商权的概念、沿革以及功能。本文提出,集体劳动关系是个别劳动关系...Entitled as THE RIGHT TO COLLECTIVE CONSULTATION IN CHINA, this article’s purpose is to show the problems on the course of constructing the rule of law in China through the study on effective status of collective consultation system. In another word, the realization of the right to collective bargaining as an example analyzes the problem on the rule of law constructing in China. To answer this que...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院_法学理论学号:1362011015352

    The nuclear receptor Nur77 could improve the lipid accumulation in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in cooperation with SREBP-1c

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    非酒精性脂肪肝是一直困扰我国和全世界人口的慢性疾病,发病率在20%左右,也就是说每5个中国人,就有一个是非酒精性脂肪肝的携带者。而FDA推荐的《非酒精性脂肪肝病诊疗指南》中,并没有明确有效的预防和治疗非酒精性脂肪肝的药物。所以,明确肝脏细胞脂质代谢的调控机制,筛选出可以改善脂质堆积的药物是迫在眉睫的。本课题通过80份病例的分析,试图寻找到能够调控脂质代谢中关键的转录因子SREBP-1c的蛋白。我们使用组织免疫的方法来检测患者肝脏穿刺样品中的Nur77表达量。结果发现,随着病情的加重Nur77表达量逐步降低,而SREBP-1c的含量则有显著地上调。随后,我们又建立了非酒精性脂肪肝的细胞体外和小鼠...Nonalcoholic fatty liver is a chronic disease that has plagued our country and the world's population. The incidence rate is about 20%, which means there is one non-alcoholic fatty liver carrier every five Chinese people. Even though in FDA recommended "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosis and treatment guidelines", there is no clear and effective prevention and treatment of non-alcoholic f...学位:理学硕士院系专业:药学院_化学生物学学号:3232014115339

    An Appraisal Analysis of the Recruitment Advertisement Discourse in English

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    评价理论是语言学家Martin在20世纪90年代初提出的描述和解释评价性语言使用的理论体系。它从语篇语义层面上研究人际功能,关注语篇中可以协商的各种态度。具体地说,这一理论主要研究说话人或作者如何运用评价性语言来表达自己的情感、对事件的判断和对事物的鉴赏,以及如何与听话人或读者进行潜在互动感情移入,最终影响听话人或读者对事物的态度。评价理论自产生以来,就被用来研究各种类型和体裁的语篇。本论文试图把它应用于一种新的尚未涉及的语篇领域—英语招聘广告语篇之中。 本文试从评价理论的三个子系统—态度、介入、级差来分析英语招聘广告语篇。通过对收集的30篇英语招聘语料进行细致的分析,作者试图探讨招聘广告策...Appraisal theory, a theoretical system first introduced by linguist J. R. Martin in the early 1990s, is a particular approach to explore, describe and explain the way language is used to evaluate. It is used to analyze the interpersonal function and semantic evaluations at the discourse semantic level and it is also concerned with negotiable attitudes in the discourse. To be specific, the theory e...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202007115265


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    Taxation System Of Environmental Protection In China

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    改革开放30余年来,我国保持了全球最快的经济增长速度,截至2010年,我国人均GDP超过4000美元,达到4382美元,真正进入了国际公认的“中等收入”发展阶段,但这种增长是以自然资源的大量投入为前提的,是建立在能源消耗较高、环境污染较重基础之上的低效率的粗放型的经济增长。因此,我国有必要借鉴发达国家的环境税实践经验来尽快建立符合我国国情和特点的环境税收体系。基于我国现行环境政策措施存在的问题和税制的现状,本文系统地探讨了环境税对于环境问题的作用机理,比较环境税与其他环境政策手段之间的优劣得失,对我国开征环境税的必要性及可行性做了论证与阐述。在此基础上,借鉴发达国家(主要是OECD成员国国家)...Being a developing country, since the reform and opening up, rapid economic development, also produced serious environmental problems. as of 2010, China's per capita GDP is more than 4000,to4000, to 4382, into a real international recognized" medium income" stage of development, but this kind of growth is to the natural resources of a large number of investment as the premise, is built in the higher en...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:X200933000


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    Marketing Strategy Analysis of Alishan construction material market

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    阿里山建材市场是厦门较早成立的传统招商制建材市场,2005年以前市场竞争者少,商场一度红红火火,但是随着近年来不断涌入的新建材市场,知名的阿里山建材市场同样面临顾客锐减的危机。 竞争对手的强力争夺、房地产市场发展趋势不明朗。面对严峻的市场环境,阿里山建材市场制订新的战略以迎接挑战。 本文运用4C’s营销理论对阿里山建材市场的营销策略进行分析和探讨,以期阿里山建材市场在竞争中得以胜出,恢复往日的繁荣。 本文分为四个部分。 前言部分简述全文思路。 第一部分绪论。介绍本文的研究背景,研究目的及研究的思路。 第二部分阿里山建材市场竞争状况分析。这一部分主要概述国内以及厦门岛建材市场的发展情...Alishan construction material market is one of the pioneers of construction material sales markets in Xiamen region. It attracted a lot of construction material brand to open branches or exhibition halls there. Business was very prospering due to few competitors before 2005. However, Alishan construction material market is presently facing with fierce competition from the rivals and crisis of dimi...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20041511

    Multi-asset Price Bubble and Black-Scholes Equation

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    在过去的几十年中,金融证券和衍生品的交易增长速度非常惊人,交易者对于数学工具的应用也已经相当的娴熟。交易过程中,资产的过高定价导致的泡沫和冲击也常常给投资者带来负面的影响。Jarrow,Protter和Shimbo(2010)用局部鞅理论研究了连续时间下的资产价格泡沫,严格区分了资产的基本价格和市场价格的不同。并指出市场在满足无套利(NoFreeLunchVanishingRisk,NFLVR)和无优势(NoDominance,ND)条件下,资产价格泡沫可以分为三种类型:一致可积鞅、非一致可积鞅和严格局部鞅。最后给出了衍生品的价格泡沫的性质。 在金融数学中,计算期权价格有两种方法:一是将期权...In recent years,there have seen a spectacular growth in the trading of financial securities and derivatives,and a spectacular growth in the sophistication of the mathematical tools used by traders.The bubbles and crashes where over-pricing was followed by market corrections,often caused serious negative effect for investors in the transaction.Jarrow,Protter and Shimbo defined fundamental prices an...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_应用数学学号:1902009115227


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