327 research outputs found

    Aldose Reductase Defeciency Significantly Ameliorates Development of AngII-induced Hypertension in C57BL/6 mice

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    背景醛糖还原酶(Aldosereductase,AR),作为山梨醇代谢通路(thepolyolpathway,PP)的限速酶,它的异常激活是导致糖尿病并发症的危险因素。先前的动物实验表明AR的抑制剂唑泊司他(zopolrestat)能显著预防糖尿病的并发症,而肾素-血管紧张素系统(therenin-angiotensinsystem/angiotensinII,RAS/AngII)控制水盐和血压平衡。但是,AR/PP与RAS/AngII之间是否存在相互作用并不清楚。在本论文中,我们进行了一系列的体内和体外实验研究,旨在揭示AR/PP与RAS/AngII相互作用的分子机制。 方法和结果我们发现...Background Aldose reductase (AR), the first and the rate-limiting enzyme of the polyol pathway (PP), is involved in diabetic complications. The use of AR inhibitors (ARI), zopolrestat, in preventing diabetic changes in animals strongly suggests that AR may play critical roles in the development of other diabetic complications. The renin-angiotensin system/angiotensin II (RAS/AngII) signaling...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162012015380

    The Analysis on Assurance of Final Settlement and Payment of Enterprise Income Taxes in China

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    2005年以来,我国注册税务师行业在各级税务机关的支持下,开始开展企业所得税汇算鉴证业务。所得税鉴证有力地维护了国家税收利益和纳税人的合法权益。所得税鉴证已发展成为一种非常重要的中介经济鉴证业务,在社会经济生活中扮演着不可缺少的角色。但是,相对于发展较为成熟的注册会计师审计业务,社会公众对所得税鉴证这一新生事物还比较陌生。所得税鉴证在发展过程中,也面临着尚未成为法定业务、执业风险极大、未完全被纳税人理解接受等诸多困难和问题。可以说所得税鉴证尚处于探索阶段,是摸着石头过河。笔者认为,有必要对所得税鉴证这一全新的鉴证模式加以研究,使其更好地为国家和纳税人服务。本文首先介绍了所得税鉴证的定义和客观存...Since 2005, Certified Tax Agent industry of china begins assurance engagements of final settlement and payment of enterprise income taxes with the support of state tax bureau and grass-root tax organs. The assurance of final settlement and payment of enterprise income taxes safeguard the interests of national and taxpayer. It becomes one of the most important assurance engagements these years and ...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200515700

    Motion Simulation of a New High Overload Flight Simulator

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    提出一种新型的基于绳牵引并联机器人技术的飞行模拟器,针对其大过载机动特性进行仿真分析。首先根据绳牵引并联机器人理论,设计了9根绳牵引具有6自由度的运动平台;通过建立平台动力学模型,设计了对干扰项进行补偿的前馈PD控制率;其中前馈项主要确保动态过程中绳索处于张紧状态。进一步给出了系统控制稳定性分析;并以大过载机动和单自由度俯仰振荡运动为例进行了数值仿真。分析结果表明,在大过载机动情况,瞬时正加速度超过4 g,平台位置能够迅速衰减并稳定;基于绳拉力前馈,可以避免绳索松弛,能够满足飞行员过载训练;俯仰运动也具有较好的跟踪特性。研究成果可为进一步分析工作空间、动态特性及控制稳定性等奠定基础,为绳牵引并联支撑的飞行模拟器设计提供指导与依据。A new kind of flight simulator based on the cable-driven parallel robot was proposed, and the over-load maneuver properties were emphatically analyzed. According to the fundamental theories of cable-driven parallel robot, the motion platform suspended by nine cables with a six-DOF is designed. The dynamic equations of the platform is established, and a PD control law incorporating feedforward term and disturbance compensation term is given. The stability analysis of control law is also made. Finally, numerical simulations of overload maneuver and pitch oscillation are taken as examples, and results show that the platform can achieve a high overload with more than 4 g, meanwhile the position attenuates and tends to be stable in a short time. The cable tension is also guaran-teed to be positive and secure during the motion process. Moreover, the case of pitch oscillation shows a good track-ing property. Researches studied above could lay on foundation for the workspace analysis, dynamics and control stability, and furthermore, provide guidance and evidence for the practical design of flight simulator.航空科学基金(20141368007); 福建省自然科学基金计划(2016J05134)资

    54/08/02 Sheppard Back In Jail

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    Dr. Sheppard loses his bid for freedom and is returned to jail. Police prepare to re-question him further, while Sheppard\u27s attorney continually tries to stop the grilling of Sheppard by police.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/newspaper_coverage/1145/thumbnail.jp


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    Wnt signaling pathway and the Evo-Devo of deuterostome axis

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    动物体轴极性的建立和最初胚轴的形成涉及到一系列信号通路的调控,WnT信号通路是其中一条十分保守的信号通路,并且WnT/β-CATEnIn信号通路中的关键成员早在海绵动物中就有发现,暗示这一信号通路相对于其他信号路径来说可能是最早参与原始后生动物体轴发育的信号通路之一,并且在体轴后端和腹部的发育及命运分化方面发挥着重要作用。近年来,随着体外功能实验体系的建立,人们发现WnT信号通路中很多基因都不同程度地影响了早期胚轴的形成,例如WnT基因、母源性基因β-CATEnIn以及一系列转录因子等。文章首先对参与后生动物体轴发育的WnT基因家族的起源与进化关系做一简要分析,并进一步就经典的WnT/β-CATEnIn通路与后口动物的海胆、文昌鱼、斑马鱼、爪蟾和小鼠等类群体轴极性的建立乃至整个体轴形成方面的研究进展做一综述。A series of signal transduction pathways have been found to regulate the polarity establishment and formation of animal primary body axis.Among them,Wnt signaling pathway is extremely conserved and several key components in the pathway have been identified in the demosponge lineage.This implies that it is one of the earliest pathways involved in the ancestral metazoan axis development and might play an important role in specification and development of posterior and ventral fate of animal axis.Recently,with the establishment of functional experiments in vitro,the body plan formation has been found to be affected,in varying degrees,by many genes in the Wnt signaling pathway,such as members of wnt gene family,maternal gene β-catenin and some transcription factor encoding genes.In this review,we analyzed the evolu-tionary origin of the wnt gene family involved in development of metazoan body plans,and then made a brief review on the roles of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the polarity establishment and formation of primary body axis in diverse deu-terostomes including sea urchin,amphioxus,zebrafish,frog,and mouse.国家自然科学基金项目(编号:30830023;31071110)资

    Investigation of Mixed Potential in Electroless Ni-W-P Plating

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     测量了化学镀Ni P和Ni W P过程混合电位随时间的变化,并分析其变化规律。指出Emix的正移与pH值随时间而降低有关,而且pH值的降低会加速化学镀的诱发过程。低碳钢诱发化学镀Ni W P会在混合电位 时间曲线上出现两个电位阶梯,其原因在于低碳钢在给定的镀液体系中稳定电位不够负,不能提供足够的能量使化学镀Ni W P快速发生,只有当表面形成达到一定覆盖度的具有催化活性的Ni原子层后,才能迅速地诱发化学镀过程;而Ni P和Ni W P的稳定电位足够负,可以使化学镀过程快速诱发,故仅有一个电位阶梯。The mixed potentials as a function of time were measured during the process of electroless Ni\|P and Ni\|W\|P plating, and their patterns were also analyzed. It was indicated that the positive shift of Emix was related to the pH value which decreased with time, and that the decrease in pH could accelerate the initiation of electroless plating. Two potential steps were observed on Emix\|t curves when the mild steel was used as the substrate of electroless Ni\|W\|P plating because of its less negative stable potential, which couldn't supply enough energy for rapid electroless deposition of Ni\|W\|P, and none but a layer of catalytic nickel with considerable coverage on mild steel was needed for rapidly initiating the electroless plating. However, since sufficient negative stable potentials, Ni\|P and Ni\|W\|P were able to initiate electroless deposition rapidly, hence only one potential step was found.国家自然科学基金资助项目(20073035

    The Literature of the "Returnees" and War Memory:The Moon of Shenyang (瀋陽の月) by MIZUKAMI-TSUTOMU

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    The famous Japanese writer, MIZUKAMI-TSUTOMU, who is one of the Japanese civilian settlers, once stayed in "Manchuria" for about three months and then returned to his homeland due to illness. However, such a short "Manchurian experience" made MIZUKAMI-TSUTOMU bear a sense of guilt and regret all his life. Until 1986, this deliberately forgotten "life vacancy" was completely publicized in the form of a novel The Moon of Shenyang. This article attempted to adopt the two concepts of "the literature of the \u27returnees\u27" and "cultural memory" to deeply explore the themes of "memory", "female" and "redemption", which are embodied in the novel. The present article also focused on the analysis of unique narrative strategies employed in the novel, such as "time intertwining" and "metaphors", to try to approach the author\u27s inner world.中谷伸生教授古稀記念

    A Probe into the Reasoning Way Influenced by the Ancient Learning Schools : Tracing the Origin of Nishida\u27s Philosophy

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    One of the motives of Nishida\u27s philosophy was to strive to give a philosophical basis to the "spirit" that "sees the invisible form and hears the silent sound" and is hidden in the foundation of Eastern culture. As a result, while Nishida confronted the surging Western philosophy, he also gained knowledge from Buddhist and Confucian thoughts in Japanese history, especially the Ancient Learning schools represented by Yamaga Sokō, Itō Jinsai, and Ogyū Sorai. The method of inquiry always implemented an "absolute negation" consciousness or attitude in the process of inheritance and criticism, greatly enriching the connotation of "Nishida Philosophy" and stimulating future scholars to further explore the possibilities and future of the school.陶徳民教授古稀記念

    Mitä tarkoittaa, kun käsi tai jalka murtuu? : opetus- ja ohjausvideo alakouluikäisille lapsille

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    Opinnäytetyön tehtävänä oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa alakouluikäisille kohdennettu animaatiovideo, jossa kerrotaan, mitä tarkoittaa, kun käsi tai jalka murtuu. Tavoitteena on kehittää lapsipotilaan potilasohjausta opetus- ja ohjausvideon avulla, sekä lisätä murtumalapsipotilaan tietoa ja ymmärrystä käden tai jalan murtumasta. Video tehtiin yhteistyössä Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan lasten ja nuorten klinikan kanssa, joka toimi opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana. Videossa käydään läpi murtumapotilaan hoitopolkua raajan murtumasta sen paranemiseen: mitä murtuma tarkoittaa, mitkä ovat murtuman oireita, missä murtumaa hoidetaan, miten murtumaa hoidetaan ja mitä murtuneen raajan kanssa tullaan tekemään. Animaatiovideo toteutettiin PowToon-sovelluksella. Videossa päähenkilönä on poika, joka on murtanut raajansa. Lopputuloksena saatiin neljän ja puolen minuutin video, joka julkaistaan Terveyskylä.fi-sivustolla. Terveyskylä.fi on erikoissairaanhoidon digitaalinen palvelukanava, ja se on osa Virtuaalisairaala 2.0 -hanketta. Tutkimuksien mukaan audiovisuaalisten menetelmien käyttöä potilasohjauksessa pitäisi lisätä. Usein lapsi kokee pelkoa ja ahdistusta uusissa tilanteissa, minkä vuoksi lapsen hoito ja siihen liittyvät tekstit, videot ja muut materiaalit tulee olla sellaisessa muodossa, että lapsi kykenee ne ymmärtämään. Tutkimuksia ja kyselyitä liittyen tärkeään potilasohjaukseen lapsen näkökulmasta on tehty vähän. Videosta haluttiin yleispätevä, milloin sitä voisi mahdollisesti potilasohjauksen lisäksi esittää myös esimerkiksi lapsille koulun terveystiedon tunnilla. Videota voitaisiin hyödyntää tällaisen kyselytutkimuksen yhteydessä ja saada aikaiseksi entistä parempia ja laadukkaampia potilasohjausmateriaaleja lapsipotilaille.The task of this thesis was to plan and create an animated video for children of elementary school age where the meaning of a limb fracture is explained. The aim of this educational video is to improve teaching and counseling skills in paediatric health care. The video was planned and pro-duced in cooperation with the department of paediatrics and adolescent medicine of Turku Uni-versity Hospital. The video shows all the phases from injury to healing: meaning of a fracture, symptoms, where and how the fracture will be treated and what will be done to a fractured limb. The animation video was implemented with the PowToon application. The main character of the video is a boy who has had a limb fracture. The result of this thesis is a four and a half minute animated video which will be released on Terveyskyla.fi website. Terveyskyla.fi is a digital chan-nel of Finnish special health care and part of the Virtual Hospital 2.0 project. According to researches, audiovisual education should be used more in teaching and counseling. Usually, children are frightened and anxious when it comes to new situations and for the fact that the treatment, texts and videos should be understood also by themselves. There is no specific target group for this video. In addition to teaching and counseling, the video can be used for health education in schools. There are just a few surveys of teaching and coun-seling in health care from children’s point of view. In the future, this video could be used in different kinds of surveys and researches and get even better material for paediatric health care