19 research outputs found

    The Sales Network's Setting-up of A Electric Machinery Limited Company

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    本论文运用工业品市场营销的基本理论,对我国中小型电机行业的概况及A电机股份有限公司的销售状况进行分析,同时根据A电机股份有限公司的目标市场分析,为其销售网络的建设提出一些建议。本文主要分为以下五个部分:第一章:简要介绍我国中小型电机市场和生产厂家的概况,以及该市场的特点。第二章:介绍A电机股份有限公司的形成、发展及目前的状况,同时分析A公司销售所面临的问题。第三章:从理论上分析工业品营销渠道与消费品营销渠道的区别,提出工业品市场营销渠道的模型,并分析如何进行工业品市场营销渠道的设计。第四章:分析并确定A公司的目标市场。第五章:针对A公司的目标市场,对其销售渠道的建设、经销商的管理以及网络营销的...In this paper, the author applies the basic theory of industrial products marketing to analyze the current market status of Chinese medium and small-scale (S&M) electric machinery industry line and the sales status of A electric machinery limited company. At the same time, according to the target market analysis of A electric machinery limited company, the author propose some suggestions for t...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20031512


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    连续 3年 (a)的试验结果表明 :红树林土壤微生物对农药甲胺磷有较强的降解能力 ,其降解率是同潮带无红树林土壤微生物的 2 - 3倍 ;红树林土壤中存在着降解甲胺磷的优势细菌类群 ,从中筛选得一株高效降解菌 ,其降解率可达 70 %以上 (12d后 ) ;混合菌的降解能力优于单株菌 ;优势降解菌在一定浓度的甲胺磷、适宜的通气、温度和光照等条件下 ,可发挥更佳的降解作用 ;在降解过程中 ,降解优势细菌类群有着明显菌群变化 ,那种一直占优势的菌株可选育为“工程菌” ;红树林土壤微生物具有多功能的环境效应和经济效益 .图 5表 5参 4Degradation of methamidophos by mangrove soil microbes was studied for successive three years. The results indicated: ① Mangrove soil microbes had a better ability of methamidophos degradation, and their degradation rate is 2~3 times higher than that of non-mangrove soil microbes. ② There were some dominant populations in mangrove soil, from which a high efficient strain was isolated; the degradation rate of the strain might be as high as 70% (after 12 days), however, the rate of mixed bacteria was higher than that of single strain. ③ The dominant bacteria had stronger degradation ability under a certain concentration of methamidophos, adaptive ventilation, temperature, and light . ④ The obvious changes of strains in dominant populations could be observed during the course of degradation, of which the "engineering strain” can be sifted out of the dominant strains from beginning to end. ⑤ Multiple environmental effects and economic benefits could be further verified in mangrove soil microbes as well. Fig 5, Tab 5, Ref

    Abiogenous azotobacter on the body of Caloglossa leprieurii growing in Kandelia candel mangrove forest in Jiulongjiang estuary of Fujian Province

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    初步研究了福建九龙江口秋茄(Kandelia candel)红树林红藻鹧鸪菜(Caloglossa leprieurii)藻体异养自生固氮菌数量的季节变化和微生物区系。结果表明:鹧鸪菜上异养自生固氮细菌数量以春季最多(1.033×104cfu.g-1),冬季最少(0.567×104cfu.g-1),固氮菌的季节变化模式表现为春季>秋季>夏季>冬季;鹧鸪菜藻体氮含量也以春季最高(22.08g.kg-1),冬季最低(16.63g.kg-1),二者差异显著(Pautumn>summer>winter.The nitrogen concentration of C.leprieurii also had the same seasonal pattern,being the highest in spring(22.08 g·kg-1)and the lowest in winter(16.63 g·kg-1),which was closely related to the growth and matter accumulation of the seaweed.There was probably a kind of special cooperative relation between the azotobacter and the seaweed,which was influenced simultaneously by the environmental factors such as temperature,water,and others.The preliminary identification of isolated nine strains azotobacter showed that they were belonged to Azotobacter or Beijerinckia.国家自然科学基金资助项目(30270272

    Microbial Study of Mangrove Soil at Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan.

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    Three groups of microbial amount of mangrove soil at Dongzhai harbor in Hainan were studied.The results show as follows:①Mean amount of soil bacteria in Kandelia candel forest and Bruguiera sexangula forest is 4 87×10 7 and 7 55×10 7〔ind·(g.dry soil) -1 〕 respectively,which is higher than that of controlled mudflat without mangrove forest〔1 22×10 7ind·(g.dry soil) -1 〕;②The amount of bacteria at layer of 10-20cm is the most in three layers of 0-10、10-20 and 20-30cm;③Mean amount of soil bacteria in Bruguiera sexangula forest is higher than that in Kandelia candel forest;④The amount of bacteria is related to the amount and distribution of plant residue and litter;⑤Filamentous fungi and actinomyces are not found out by normal isolation methods,which is perhaps related to least amount and special habitat of local mangrove soil.国家教委高校湿地研究中心专项经费资助项

    Biochemical characters of forest soils at Wuyishan Mountain.

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    研究了武夷山自然保护区森林土壤生化特性.结果表明,不同生境土壤呼吸作用、纤维分解作用和硝化作用等3项生化强度有明显差异,先峰岭(常绿阔叶林)>大竹岚(毛竹林).同一生境中的不同小生境3项生化强度的差异也很显著,尤其是呼吸作用强度,落叶层>腐殖层>土壤层;纤维分解作用强度,腐殖层>落叶层>土壤层;硝化作用强度,土壤层>落叶层>腐殖层.无论那一种生境3项生化强度之间,呼吸作用强度与纤维分解作用强度有一定相关性,而硝化作用强度与前两项未显示相关.不同生境土壤蔗糖酶、纤维素酶和蛋白酶等活性显著不同,大竹岚>先峰岭.同一生境中的不同小生境3种酶活性随土壤剖面深度而降低;蔗糖酶是各生境中活性最大酶类,变化较剧;纤维素酶和蛋白酶则活性较小,变化较缓和.Studies on the biochemical characters of forest soils in Wuyishan Mt.Natural Reserve show that the rates of soil respiration, cellular decomposition and nitrification differed obviously with habitats.Soils under broad leaved evergreen forest ( Castanopsis eyrei ) at Xianfengling had higher rates than those under moso bamboo forest ( Phyllostachys heterocyca var. pubescens ) at Dazhulan.The three rates at each habitat also significantly differed with microhabitats: for respiration rate, litter layer>humus layer>soil layer; and for nitrification rate, soil layer>litter layer>humus layer; for cellular decomposition rate, humus layer>litter layer>soil layer.Among the three rates at each hibitat, there existed a definite relationship between respiration rate and cellular decomposition rate, while the nitrification rate was independent of the other two.The activities of sucrase, celluase and proteinase varied with different habitats, which were higher at Dazhulan than at Xianfengling, and decreased with increasing soil depth.Among the three enzymes, sucrase had the highest activity at all microhabitats, and the variation of its activity was greater.福建省自然科学基金;武夷山自然保护区管理局资助项

    Relation between soil salinity in intertidal zone and electric conductivity

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    以5∶1的水土质量比浸提潮间带土壤,质量法测定的土壤盐度(质量分数),与电导法测定的稀释了5倍的土壤浸提液(5∶1水土质量比)的电导率值之间有极显著的相关性。质量法实测的土壤盐度与电导率计算的土壤盐度之间的相对误差多在5%以下。因此,用电导法测定潮间带土壤盐度不失为一种简便、快速的方法,尤其是样品数较多时更可节约时间。 【英文摘要】 There was significantly correlation between soil salinity in intertidal zone obtained by mass method (the ratio of mass of water to soil is 5∶1) and electric conductivity of extracting solution diluted five times by electric conductivity method The relative errors were almost below 5% between soil salinity measured by the mass method and the ones calculated by electric conductivity. So, electric conductivity method is a simple and rapid method for measurement of soil salinity in intertidal zone after defini...国家自然科学基金项目(30270272

    Effect of salinity on microbial densities of soil in the dilution plate technique applied in mangrove areas

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    作者简介:张瑜斌(1970~) ,男,湖南郴州人,博士,副教授,主要从事海洋微生物学与海洋生态学研究. E2mail: zhangyb@gdou. edu. cn 通讯作者Corresponding author. E2mail: linpeng@jingxian. xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]在使用稀释平板法分离潮间带红树林及其对照光滩土壤微生物以及计数时,多数情况下使用陈海水制作培养基和稀释水,很少考虑培养基和稀释水的盐度对最终计数结果的影响。使用稀释平板法研究了盐度对福建九龙江口红树林区与深圳福田红树林保护区土壤微生物平板计数的影响,结果表明培养基与稀释水盐度对微生物数量有明显的影响。统计分析显示细菌的海水稀释效果优于淡水,而放线菌与真菌则刚好相反(P<0.05,一个例外)。海水不适合配制红树林区土壤微生物平板计数的培养基,从0~35,高盐度的平板培养基会降低微生物的数量,尤其是放线菌的数量,尽管培养基的盐度对真菌影响无规律,但细菌数量在低盐度时比在高盐度和不加氯化钠时要多。根据盐度效应,提出了稀释平板技术应用于潮间带的红树林及其相应光滩时的优化方法,认为细菌应该用海水作无菌稀释水,而放线菌和真菌则应用淡水作稀释水;包括光滩在内的红树林区土壤微生物分离与计数的培养基宜控制较低盐度范围。[英文文摘]When the soilmicrobial densities are determined in mangroves and correspondingmudflat at the same tidal level by the dilution p late method, the agarmedia and dilution water are generallymade up of aged seawater in most cases, and effects of salinity in agar media and dilution water on the enumeration of microbes is seldom taken into consideration. The effects of salinity on soil microbial counting from the samples in mangrove areas in Jiulongjiang Estuary of Fujian, and Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve of Shenzhen, China, were tested by dilution p late technique. The results showed that the soil microbial densities in mangroves and mudflat were significantly influenced by the salinity of dilution water and agarmedia. For the bacteria, the seawater served as sterilized dilution water was significantly ( P < 0. 05) more benefic to the enumeration on the p lates than the freshwater, but in reverse for the actinomycetes and fungi. The increasing salinity of media within 35 significantly decreased microbial colonies on the p lates, especially for the actinomycetes, in sp ite of the fact that the effect of salinity ofmedia on fungal numberswas not indefinite. The bacterial colonieswere more abundant on the agar p lates with low salinity than with high salinity or without any NaCl. It was p roposed that some methodological imp rovements were needed when the dilution p late technique was app lied to microbial counting in the samp les of mangrove forest and mudflat at the same tidal level in inter2tidal zone. The sterilized dilution water should be p repared with seawater for the bacteria, but with freshwater or low saline water for the actinomycetes and fungi. The salinity of agarmedia should be low for the microbial isolation and enumeration of soil samples from the mangrove areas including mudflats.国家自然科学基金资助项目(30270272

    Preliminary Study of Microbes on Rhodophyceae Seadweed in Mangrove Areas

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    初步研究了福建云霄、龙海和福鼎 3个红树林区红藻体上的微生物 ,结果表明 :红树林区红藻(鹧鸪菜 )体上异养微生物数量高 ,每克干藻样有百万个至千万个 ,其中以细菌占绝对优势 ,占总菌数的 90 %~ 99% ,霉菌居次 ,放线菌最少 .不同季节和红藻生长情况对藻体上异养微生物数量有明显的影响 ,红藻生长繁殖愈好 ,微生物数量愈多 .温度与藻体上微生物数量呈线性关系 ,尤与土温关系最密切 ,当土温升高至 17℃ ,藻体上微生物数量快速增多 .藻体上细菌以中温型 ,G-,杆菌占大宗 .每克干藻样含有数量达 4万以上的硫酸还原菌和约 18万的自生固氮菌 .The microbes on Rhodophyceae seadweed bodies in Yunxiao, Longhai and Fuding three mangrove areas of Fujian were studied. The results are as follows: 1) The amount of heterotrophic microbes on Rhodophyceae seadweed was aboundant, reaching 10 6~10 7 ind.g -1 dry sample, in which the amount of bacteria was dominant absolutely; its percentage in total amount was 90%~99%. The amount of filamentous fungi was second, and the amount of actinomyces was the least. 2) The amount of heterotrophic microbes on Rhodophyceae seadweed was obviously influenced by season and growing situation of Rhodophyceae seadweed; the more luxuriantly Rhodophyceae seadweed grew, the more abundant microbes were. The amount of microbes on Rhodophyceae seadweed was linearly correlated to environmental temperature, especially soil temperature. When the soil temperature rise to 17 ℃, the amount of microbes on Rhodophyceae seadweed increased rapidly. Most of bacteria on Rhodophyceae seadweed were mild thermophile, G -. 3) There were over 4.0×10 4 ind.g -1 dry sample sulphate reducing bacteria and about 18×10 4 ind.g -1 dry sample azotobacter on Rhodophyceae seadweed.国家自然科学基金资助项目!(396 70 135

    Temporal and Spacial Distribution of Microbial Densities of Soil in Mangrove Forest in Jiulongjiang Estuary

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    通讯作者: linpeng@xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]研究了福建九龙江口秋茄(Kandelia candel)林与白骨壤(Avicennia marina)林土壤及其相应的对照光滩0~20cm、20~40 cm和40~60 cm 3个层次土壤好氧异养细菌、放线菌和丝状真菌3类微生物数量时空分布及其与土壤主要理化因子的关系.结果表明:秋茄林与白骨壤林土壤及其相应的对照光滩土壤的细菌、放线菌和丝状真菌和微生物总数在3个土壤层次中,随着土壤深度的增加而下降,差异显著;两个红树林及其对照光滩土壤的微生物数量均以夏季最多,冬季最少,春秋季位于夏冬两季之间,或高或低,但差值不大;红树林土壤各类群微生物数量多显著高于相应对照光滩;秋茄林土壤各类群微生物数量显著高于白骨壤林土壤.土壤微生物数量与主要理化因子间的多元回归分析显示:与两个红树林土壤微生物数量关系最密切的因子是全氮和全磷而不是有机质,这可能与微生物数量及其活性对氮和磷有着相对重要的调控作用有关.[英文文摘]Temporal and seasonal distribution of bacterial, actinomycetes and fungal densities and the relation between microbial densities and physi-chemical factors in three soil layers (0~ 20 cm, 20~ 40 cm and 40~ 60 cm) were investigated in K andelia candel forest, Avicennia marina forerst and their corresponding mudflats in Jiulong jiang Estuary of Fujian. The results indicated that the bacteria, actinom ycetes and fungi densities of soil declined with increase of soil depth in three soil layers in two mangrove forests and their corresponding mudflats, and v ariation in microbial densities was significant among three layers. The most abundant microorganisms were presented in summer and the least in winter; difference in densities between spring and autumn was litt le. Microbial densities of soil in two mangrove for ests were significantly greater t han that in their corresponding mudflats. Microbial densities were significantly greater in K . candel for est than in A. marina forest. The multiple regression analysis indicated t hat the r elation between total nitrogen, total phosphorus and microbial densities were the most outst anding, which probably meant that microbia l abundance and activity played an important role in controlling nitrogen and phosphorus.国家自然科学基金(30270272)资