
Biochemical characters of forest soils at Wuyishan Mountain.


研究了武夷山自然保护区森林土壤生化特性.结果表明,不同生境土壤呼吸作用、纤维分解作用和硝化作用等3项生化强度有明显差异,先峰岭(常绿阔叶林)>大竹岚(毛竹林).同一生境中的不同小生境3项生化强度的差异也很显著,尤其是呼吸作用强度,落叶层>腐殖层>土壤层;纤维分解作用强度,腐殖层>落叶层>土壤层;硝化作用强度,土壤层>落叶层>腐殖层.无论那一种生境3项生化强度之间,呼吸作用强度与纤维分解作用强度有一定相关性,而硝化作用强度与前两项未显示相关.不同生境土壤蔗糖酶、纤维素酶和蛋白酶等活性显著不同,大竹岚>先峰岭.同一生境中的不同小生境3种酶活性随土壤剖面深度而降低;蔗糖酶是各生境中活性最大酶类,变化较剧;纤维素酶和蛋白酶则活性较小,变化较缓和.Studies on the biochemical characters of forest soils in Wuyishan Mt.Natural Reserve show that the rates of soil respiration, cellular decomposition and nitrification differed obviously with habitats.Soils under broad leaved evergreen forest ( Castanopsis eyrei ) at Xianfengling had higher rates than those under moso bamboo forest ( Phyllostachys heterocyca var. pubescens ) at Dazhulan.The three rates at each habitat also significantly differed with microhabitats: for respiration rate, litter layer>humus layer>soil layer; and for nitrification rate, soil layer>litter layer>humus layer; for cellular decomposition rate, humus layer>litter layer>soil layer.Among the three rates at each hibitat, there existed a definite relationship between respiration rate and cellular decomposition rate, while the nitrification rate was independent of the other two.The activities of sucrase, celluase and proteinase varied with different habitats, which were higher at Dazhulan than at Xianfengling, and decreased with increasing soil depth.Among the three enzymes, sucrase had the highest activity at all microhabitats, and the variation of its activity was greater.福建省自然科学基金;武夷山自然保护区管理局资助项

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