44 research outputs found

    Improved Algorithm Based on SUSAN Corner Detection

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    着重分析SuSAn角点检测速度慢的缺点,提出改进的快速SuSAn角点检测算法。该算法首先比较待测点与其周围半径为r的圆周上像素的灰度,统计连续的具有非相似灰度值的像素个数,根据判定准则得到初始角点,再使用非极值抑制函数选择最优角点。实验结果表明:该改进算法有效地减少角点检测过程的计算量,使得角点检测的效率大大提高。The reason for the low speed of SUSAN algorithm in corner detection is analyzed,and an improved fast corner detection algorithm based on SUSAN algorithm is proposed.First of all,the algorithm compares the gray value of current point with the gray values of the points with a radius R around it,and counts the number of pixels with a non-similar gray value.The initial corner points are marked according to the criterion presented in the article.Then,a non-maximal suppression function is used to choose the best corner.Experimental results show that the improved algorithm greatly reduces the computation of corner detection process,and makes efficiency improved.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2007CB311005);福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(A0710020);河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划资助项目(092300410043

    A bionic image filter using extended surround receptive field

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    针对图像处理的噪声平滑和对比度增强问题,提出了一种仿生图像滤波器.滤波器模拟初级视皮层自适应机制和大周边感受野(包括经典感受野、经典外周与去抑制区)3个区域之间的作用机制;引入自适应形状的核函数模拟自适应方向选择机制以平滑噪声;进而利用3个不同尺度的核函数来模拟大周边感受野的3个区域,通过3个区域的加权组合调节边缘区域的对比度.对灰度图像的处理实验表明:这种仿生图像滤波器可以有效地平滑图像噪声,增强细节特征,使图像在视觉效果上得到明显改善.De-nosing and contrast enhancement in image processing were dealt.Then a novel bionic image filter was proposed.The proposed filter simulated the spatially adaptive mechanism in primary visual cortex and the mechanism of the extended surround field(which included the classical receptive field,classical surround and dis-inhibition area).In order to smooth noises,shape adaption of kernel was introduced which simulated the spatially orientation-selective mechanism.Furthermore,three different bandwidth kernels were introduced to simulate these three areas of extended surround field and their weighted combination was used to adjust the contrast of edge regions.Experimental results on grey images show that this bionic filter is a fruitful method to smooth noise,enhance weak information and improve visual quality of image.国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2007CB311005);福建省自然科学基金资助项目(A0710020);河南省教育厅自然科学基础研究计划资助项目(2007510023);河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目;厦门大学985二期信息创新平台资助项

    An automatic image registration method based on SIFT and Harris-Affine features matching

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    中文摘要: 针对大失配多传感器图像 ,提出了一种基于 SIFT ( scale invariant keypoint s)和 Harris-Affine ( H-A)互补不变特征匹配的自动配准算法.算法应用 SIFT 和 H-A 两种具有互补特性的局部不变特征 ,根据最近邻特征点距离与次近邻特征点距离之比确定初始匹配点对,然后利用马氏距离的仿射不变性删除误匹配特征点对 ,据此求取 2 幅源图像间的仿射变换参数.使用估计的变换矩阵把待配准图像上的所有点映射到参考图像,并对其进行重采样 ,实现图像的配准.实验结果表明:该算法能够快速高精度实现大失配图像的自动配准. 英文摘要:Abstract : An automatic image regist ration algorithm based on the complementary SIFT and Harris-Affine ( H-A) local invariant feat ures was proposed for large misalignment multi-sensor images. In this algorithm , SIFT features were complemented with H-A features and the ratio of the first and second nearest neighbor distance were used to set up the initial correspondences. The affine invariant of Mahalannobis distance was used to remove the mismatched feat ure points. With this correspondence of the points , the affine matrix between two different images could be determined. All points in the sensed image were mapped to the reference using the estimated transformation matrix and the corresponding gray level was assigned by resampling the image in the sensed image. Experiment s demonst rated the feasibility of this method.国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目 (2006AA01Z129) ; 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2007CB311005) ;河南省教育厅自然科学基础研究计划资助项目 (2007510023) ;985 工程二期科技创新 平台项目;福建省自然科学基金资助项目 (A0710020)


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    Scene Classification Based on Global Optimized Framework

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    提出一种基于全局优化策略的场景分类算法.该算法基于整幅图像提取全局场景特征——空间包络特征.从图像块中提取视觉单词,且定义隐变量表示该视觉单词语义,然后引入隐状态结构图描述整幅图像的视觉单词上下文;在场景分类策略上,构造由相容函数组成的目标函数,其中相容函数度量全局场景特征、隐变量与场景类别标记的相容度,通过求解目标函数的全局最优解推断图像的场景类别标记.在标准场景图像库上的对比实验表明该算法优于当前有代表性的场景分类算法.A scene classification algorithm based on global optimized framework is proposed.Firstly, the global scene feature named spatial envelop is obtained from the whole image, the visual word of each image block is extracted, and latent variable is defined to represent the semantic feature of the extracted visual word.Secondly, the structure graph of latent state is introduced to represent the context of visual words.In respect to scene classification strategy, objective function consisting of different potential functions is constructed in which potential functions are defined to measure the relevance of the variables including global scene feature, latent variables and scene category.Finally, the scene category of the image is determined when the global optimized solution of objective function is obtained.The experiments on the standard dataset demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves better results than the state-of-the-art algorithms.国家自然科学基金项目(No.41171341); 航空科学基金项目(No.20125168001); 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(No.NCET-09-0126); 教育部博士点基金项目(No.20110121110020); 河南省科技创新人才杰出青年项目(No.114100510006); 福建省自然科学基金项目(No.2011J01365); 郑州市科技创新人才培育计划项目(No.10PTGG342-1)资

    The Development Trend of Women's Floor Exercise and Problems and Countermeasures in China during the London Olympic Games Period——From the Difficulty Value and Complete Quality Perspective

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    目的:难度价值和完成质量是体操比赛中获取胜利的两大法宝,本研究从此两方面视角对伦敦奥运周期世界女子自由体操的发展现状及其变化规律进行回顾和梳理,找出我国女子自由体操存在的主要问题和差距,并提出缩小差距的应对策略和建议,以期提高我国女子自由体操的技术水平,为备战2016年奥运会作出一定的贡献。方法:研究主要运用文献资料、录像资料、专家访谈等资料搜集方法和视频观察、主题分析等资料分析方法。结论:提高成套动作的难度价值和动作完成质量是伦敦奥运周期女子自由体操的发展现状;女子自由体操已经成为我国女子体操队的弱项,在难度组别、难度分、空翻动作类型、成套动作的完成质量等六个方面落后国外优秀运动员;以重视体能、提高抗压能力、全面发展空翻动作类型和创新动作、提高动作完成质量、培养个人风格为切入点和突破口,是提高我国女子自由体操水平的有效途径。Objective: The difficulty value and complete quality is two magic weapons to obtain victory in the gymnastics competition.The paper reviewed current situation of the development and changes of world women's floor exercise during the London Olympic Games period from the above-mentioned two perspectives,found out the main problems and gaps,and pointed out the coping strategies and recommendations of narrowing gaps.The main goal is to raise the technical level of our country's floor exercise and to have positive significance for China's preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games.Methods: The paper mainly adopts the methods of document literature,video observation,expert interview and theme analysis.Conclusions: Improving difficulty value and complete quality is the current situation in London Olympics period.Women's floor exercise has become the weakness of China,and we have fell behind with the foreign excellent athletes on six aspects such as the difficulty of group,difficulty credit,somersault movement types,quality of complete set movements and so on.The effective ways to raise the technical level of China's floor exercise are paying attention to physical fitness,improving compression ability,all-round development of somersault movement type and innovative action,improving the complete quality,cultivating personal style

    Analysis of contents and sources of pesticides in cultured shellfish of Fujian coastal areas

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    对福建省15个缢蛏和牡蛎样品中的有机氯农药(六六六、DDTs)、PCBs、及有机磷农药残留进行了监测,并对其污染来源进行了探讨。结果表明,有机磷农药敌敌畏、甲胺磷和有机氯农药滴滴涕的检出率较高,敌敌畏和甲胺磷的平均含量分别为0.80和2.58×10-9(湿重),滴滴涕平均质量分数为8.84×10-9(湿重)。六六六和多氯联苯未检出。福建省内的闽江口和泉州湾的污染程度相对较高,但贝类体内污染物的含量均在食用卫生标准的控制下。The concentrations of organophosphorous pesticides, HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in 15 cultured shellfish samples (Ostrea gigas Thumberg and Sinonovacula constricta) collected from Fujian coastal areas were determined. The possible sources of these pollutants were discussed. The results showed that the shellfish samples were polluted mostly by organophosphorous pesticides, dichlorvos and methamidophos, as well as organochlorine pesticides DDTs. The average concentrations of dichlorvos and methamidophos in the shellfish were 0.80 and 2.58×10~(-9)(ww), respectively, while DDTs were 8.84×10~(-9) (ww). HCHs and PCBs were not detected. The water column in the Minjiang Estuary and Quanzhou Bay were more polluted than other coastal areas in Fujian. However, the pollutants in the cultured shellfish were still controled


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