371 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は,社会的機能に関して学問的関心が高まっている化粧行動を主なテーマに,当該行動と自己に関連する心理学的要因である自己概念との関連性を明らかにすることである.その方法として,学生(男性414人:M=19.19歳,女性348人:M=18.95歳)を対象として,自己概念の構造を自己について多面的にとらえているHarterのSelf-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC)を用いて検討し,次に化粧行動といかに関連しているか質問紙による調査を行った.得られた結果を要約すると,以下の通りであった.1)「自分に満足している」「自信がある」などといった自己に対する評価的側面である自己価値は,男女とも容姿という自己の外見に関する認知的側面により最も規定されていることが明らかとなった.2)自己価値と化粧行動との関連性について,男性のみの結果ではあるが,自己価値が髪加工・パックに影響力を持つことが明らかとなった.化粧行動自己概念自己認知自己価値SPP

    The 650th Memorial Service of Honen : Reprints of Kachozan daihoe zurokuzen and Chokue gyoshiki ryakuzuzen

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     平安末期の僧である法然は、比叡山で天台を学び、安元元(一一七五)年に称名念仏に専念する立場を確立し、浄土宗を開いた。庶民だけではなく関白九条兼実など、社会的地位に関係なく多くの者たちが法然の称名念仏に帰依した。建暦二(一二一二)年に亡くなったあとも、法然の説いた教えは浄土宗という一派だけではなく、日本仏教や思想に影響を与えた。入滅から四八六年が経った元禄一〇(一六九七)年には、最初の大師号が加諡された。法然の年忌法要が特別に天皇の年忌法要と同じく御忌とよばれているが、正徳元(一七一一)年の滅後五〇〇年の御忌以降、今日に至るまで五〇年ごとに大師号が加諡されており、明治になるまでは勅使を招いての法要もおこなわれていた。本稿は、法然の御忌における法要が確立した徳川時代のなかで、六五〇年の御忌の様子を記録した 『蕐頂山大法會圖録全』『勅會御式略圖全』の翻刻を通じて、徳川時代における御忌のあり方を浮かび上がらせることを目的とした

    The Communities of Ammonia-oxidizing Organisms in Pearl River Estuary Sediments

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    [目的]对珠江口海岸带沉积物中的氨氧化细菌和古菌的组成进行分析,并进行定量研究。[方法]用构建克隆文库和Q-PCr定量的方法对珠江口沉积物中氨氧化细菌和古菌AMOA基因的含量和多样性特征进行研究。[结果]在2个沉积物表层,氨氧化古菌的含量是细菌的9和22倍,揭示氨氧化古菌在珠江口的氨氧化过程中起主导作用;系统发育分析表明大多数古菌和细菌的AMOA基因序列与不可培养的源于河口区和污染区域的环境克隆子序列有较高的同源性;细菌AMOA序列可分成5个类群(CluSTEr A、b、C、d和E),均属于nITrOSOMOnAS类群,其中CluSTEr A是主要类群(72.1%);古菌AMOA序列分析表明来自于表层的序列有52.2%属于“水/沉积物“簇,47.8%属于“土壤/沉积物“簇,而沉积物底层厌氧区,检测到的古菌AMOA基因93.3%属于“土壤/沉积物“簇,6.7%属于“水/沉积物“簇,且AMOA基因数量略高于表层。[结论]该研究有助于了解珠江口区域氮的循环过程,为氮的富营养化处理提供重要的理论依据。[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the abundance and composition of ammonia-oxidizing organism in Pearl River Estuary sediment.[Method] Based on amoA genes,we detected the abundance and composition of ammonia-oxidizing organism in Pearl River Estuary sediment by using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction(Q-PCR),cloning and sequencing approaches.[Result] The results of Q-PCR presented that ammonia-oxidizing archaea were more abundant than ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the top of sediment cores,with AOA to AOB ratios 8.96(site Q5) and 3.69(site Q7).It suggested that ammonia-oxidizing archaea maybe play more important roles than ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the process of ammonia oxidation in the Pearl River Estuary sediment.In the top sediment layer of Q7,bacterial amoA-like gene sequences were dominated by Nitrosomonas-like sequence types,which could be classified into five groups(clusters A,B,C,D,and E).Interestingly,archeal amoA-like gene was successfully amplified while bacterial amoA-like gene failed to be detected.These archeal amoA-like genes fell into two groups "water column/sediment" cluster and "soil/sediment" cluster.Most of the sequences(93.3%) in the bottom sediment layer of Q7 fell into "soil/sediment" cluster.[Conclusion] This study helps to realize the cycle of nitrogen in Pearl River Estuary region,and thus to provide theoretical support for the treatment of nitrogen eutrophication.国家973前期项目(2006CB708200);国家自然科学重点基金项目(40532011


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    Application of Data Mining Technology in Analysis of Marine Traffic Characteristics

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    数据挖掘(dATA MInIng)就是从大量数据中获取有效的、新颖的、潜在有用的、最终可理解的模式的非平凡过程。而海量的船载AIS信息集合蕴藏着大量的海上交通特征,利用数据挖掘理论与技术,以厦门港主航道的大型船舶AIS信息为对象,从空间、时间、概率分布三个方面,对AIS信息集合蕴藏的海上交通特征中反映船舶航向和航速变化率进行挖掘研究,获得了厦门湾内主航道通航环境空间和时间特性以及航向航速变化率概率分布特点。该研究方法为海量AIS信息研究提供新的思路,利用所挖掘的知识可以分析水域的通航环境,为港口主管部门的通航环境管理等提供理论依据。Data mining is a process of analyzing huge data from different perspectives and extracting useful information.The technology and theory of Data Ming play an important role in find out the characteristics of marine traffic through analyzing huge AIS data broadcast by ships and collected into database.A novel method for the analysis of marine traffic situation is developed based on the theory and technology of data mining.With this analysis method ship course change rates and speed change rates are mined in three respects(the space,time and distribution) and the analysis of marine traffic situations in Xiamen main fairway is carried out.It is proved that this method is practical and useful.Knowledge mined by this analysis method can give advices for marine traffic decisionmaking and management of marine authorities.福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(A0640007);福建省教育厅科技项目(JA07134);厦门市科技局重点科技项目(3502Z20083023


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    Extraordinary strain hardening by gradient structure

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    Gradient structures have evolved over millions of years through natural selection and optimization in many biological systems such as bones and plant stems, where the structures change gradually from the surface to interior. The advantage of gradient structures is their maximization of physical and mechanical performance while minimizing material cost. Here we report that the gradient structure in engineering materials such as metals renders a unique extra strain hardening, which leads to high ductility. The grain-size gradient under uniaxial tension induces a macroscopic strain gradient and converts the applied uniaxial stress to multiaxial stresses due to the evolution of incompatible deformation along the gradient depth. Thereby the accumulation and interaction of dislocations are promoted, resulting in an extra strain hardening and an obvious strain hardening rate up-turn. Such extraordinary strain hardening, which is inherent to gradient structures and does not exist in homogeneous materials, provides a hitherto unknown strategy to develop strong and ductile materials by architecting heterogeneous nanostructures.</p

    Study on the fitting model of AlN by ellipsometric spectroscopy

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    采用椭圆偏振光谱对MOCVD生长的AlN薄膜在波长430~850 nm的光学参数进行了测量.通过建立不同的物理和色散模型,分别考察了薄膜表面和界面的椭偏效应.拟合结果表明,AlN薄膜的物理模型在引入表面层后,两类色散模型拟合的数据均与椭偏光谱实验数据吻合得很好.进一步考虑界面层所拟合的结果显示,界面层对Lorentz色散模型的影响较小,并且,其拟合所得AlN薄膜厚度与扫描电镜所测厚度一致,因此,认为仅含表面层的Lorentz色散模型更简单实用.The optical parameters of AlN film,which was grown by MOCVD system,were measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the wavelength range of 430~850nm.Through the establishment of different physical and dispersion models,The effects of the surface and interface on spectroscopic ellipsometry were inspected.The results indicate that after the introduction of surface,the fitting data of two dispersion model all have a good agreement with the SE experimental data.Further results of considering the interface layer show that the effect of interface layer for Lorentz dispersion model is smaller,and,the fitting thickness of AlN film is consistent with the SEM result.Therefore,the Lorentz dispersion model with only surface layer is more simple and practical for AlN film.“863”计划资助项目(2006AA03A110);; 基础科研资助项目(A1420060155);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60336020);; 厦门市科技计划资助项目(3502Z20063001


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