
Application of Data Mining Technology in Analysis of Marine Traffic Characteristics


数据挖掘(dATA MInIng)就是从大量数据中获取有效的、新颖的、潜在有用的、最终可理解的模式的非平凡过程。而海量的船载AIS信息集合蕴藏着大量的海上交通特征,利用数据挖掘理论与技术,以厦门港主航道的大型船舶AIS信息为对象,从空间、时间、概率分布三个方面,对AIS信息集合蕴藏的海上交通特征中反映船舶航向和航速变化率进行挖掘研究,获得了厦门湾内主航道通航环境空间和时间特性以及航向航速变化率概率分布特点。该研究方法为海量AIS信息研究提供新的思路,利用所挖掘的知识可以分析水域的通航环境,为港口主管部门的通航环境管理等提供理论依据。Data mining is a process of analyzing huge data from different perspectives and extracting useful information.The technology and theory of Data Ming play an important role in find out the characteristics of marine traffic through analyzing huge AIS data broadcast by ships and collected into database.A novel method for the analysis of marine traffic situation is developed based on the theory and technology of data mining.With this analysis method ship course change rates and speed change rates are mined in three respects(the space,time and distribution) and the analysis of marine traffic situations in Xiamen main fairway is carried out.It is proved that this method is practical and useful.Knowledge mined by this analysis method can give advices for marine traffic decisionmaking and management of marine authorities.福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(A0640007);福建省教育厅科技项目(JA07134);厦门市科技局重点科技项目(3502Z20083023

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