373 research outputs found

    A Chandra view of the clumpy reflector at the heart of the Circinus galaxy

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    We present a spectral and imaging analysis of the X-ray reflecting structure at the heart of the Circinus galaxy, investigating the innermost regions surrounding the central black hole. By studying an archival 200 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation, we are able to image the extended clumpy structure responsible for both cold reflection of the primary radiation and neutral iron Ka line emission. We measure an excess of the equivalent width of the iron Ka line which follows an axisymmetric geometry around the nucleus on a hundred pc scale. Spectra extracted from different regions confirm a scenario in which the dominant mechanism is the reflection of the nuclear radiation from Compton-thick gas. Significant differences in the equivalent width of the iron Ka emission line (up to a factor of 2) are found. It is argued that these differences are due to different scattering angles with respect to the line of sight rather than to different iron abundances.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    IRAS 13197-1627 has them all: Compton-thin absorption, photo-ionized gas, thermal plasmas, and a broad Fe line

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    We report results from the XMM-Newton observation of IRAS 13197-1627, a luminous IR galaxy with a Seyfert 1.8 nucleus. The hard X-ray spectrum is steep and is absorbed by Compton-thin neutral gas. We detect an Fe emission line at 6.4 keV, consistent with transmission through the absorber. The most striking result of our spectral analysis is the detection of a dominant X-ray reflection component and broad Fe line from the inner accretion disc. The reflection-dominated hard X-ray spectrum is confirmed by the strong Compton hump seen in a previous BeppoSAX observation and could be the sign that most of the primary X-rays are radiated from a compact corona (or e.g. base of the jet) within a few gravitational radii from the black hole. We also detect a relatively strong absorption line at 6.81 keV which, if interpreted as Fe xxv resonant absorption intrinsic to the source, implies an outflow with velocity of about 5000 km/s. In the soft energy band, the high-resolution RGS and the CCD-resolution data show the presence of both photo-ionized gas and thermal plasma emission, the latter being most likely associated with a recent starburst of 15-20 solar masses per year.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Weighing the black holes in ultraluminous X-ray sources through timing

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    We describe a new method to estimate the mass of black holes in Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (ULXs). The method is based on the recently discovered ``variability plane'', populated by Galactic stellar-mass black-hole candidates (BHCs) and supermassive active galactic nuclei (AGNs), in the parameter space defined by the black-hole mass, accretion rate and characteristic frequency. We apply this method to the two ULXs from which low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations have been discovered, M82 X-1 and NGC 5408 X-1. For both sources we obtain a black-hole mass in the range 100~1300 Msun, thus providing evidence for these two sources to host an intermediate-mass black hole.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    Relativistic reflection in the average X-ray spectrum of AGN in the V\'eron-Cetty & V\'eron catalogue

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    The X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN) unveil properties of matter around the super massive black hole (SMBH). We investigate the X-ray spectra of AGN focusing on Compton reflection and fluorescence, important processes of interaction between primary radiation and circum-nuclear material. Unresolved emission lines (most notably the Fe line) in the X-ray spectra of AGN indicate that this material is located far away from the SMBH. Contributions from the inner accretion disk, affected by relativistic effects, have also been detected in several cases. We studied the average X-ray spectrum of a sample of 263 X-ray unabsorbed AGN that yield 419023 counts in the 2-12 keV rest-frame band distributed among 388 XMM-Newton spectra. We fitted the average spectrum using a (basically) unabsorbed power law (primary radiation). From second model that represents the interaction of the primary radiation with matter located far away from the SMBH, we found that it was very significantly detected. Finally, we added a contribution from interaction with neutral material in the accretion disk close to the central SMBH, which is therefore smeared by relativistic effects, which improved the fit at 6 sigma. The reflection factors are 0.65 for the accretion disk and 0.25 for the torus. Replacing the neutral disk-reflection with low-ionisation disk reflection, also relativistically smeared, fits the data equally well, suggesting that we do not find evidence for a significant ionisation of the accretion disk. We detect distant neutral reflection in the average spectrum of unabsorbed AGN with z=0.8. Adding the disk-reflection component associated with a relativistic Fe line improves the data description at 6 sigma confidence level, suggesting that both reflection components are present. The disk-reflection component accounts for about 70 % of the total reflected flux.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 10 pages, 7 figure

    XMM-Newton study of the complex and variable spectrum of NGC 4051

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    We study the X-ray spectral variability of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 as observed during two XMM-Newton observations. The data show evidence for a neutral and constant reflection component and for constant emission from photoionized gas, which are included in all spectral models. The nuclear emission can be modelled both in terms of a ``standard model'' (pivoting power law plus a black body component for the soft excess) and of a two--component one (power law plus ionized reflection from the accretion disc). The standard model results indicate that the soft excess does not follow the standard black body law. Moreover, although the spectral slope is correlated with flux, which is consistent with spectral pivoting, the hardest photon indexes are so flat as to require rather unusual scenarios. These problems can be solved in terms of the two-component model in which the soft excess is not thermal, but due to the ionized reflection component. The variability of the reflection component from the inner disc closely follows the predictions of the light bending model, suggesting that most of the primary nuclear emission is produced in the very innermost regions, only a few gravitational radii from the central black hole. (abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Revealing the X-ray source in IRAS 13224-3809 through flux-dependent reverberation lags

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    IRAS 13224-3809 was observed in 2011 for 500 ks with the XMM-Newton observatory. We detect highly significant X-ray lags between soft (0.3 - 1 keV) and hard (1.2 - 5 keV) energies. The hard band lags the soft at low frequencies (i.e. hard lag), while the opposite (i.e. soft lag) is observed at high frequencies. In this paper, we study the lag during flaring and quiescent periods. We find that the frequency and absolute amplitude of the soft lag is different during high-flux and low-flux periods. During the low flux intervals, the soft lag is detected at higher frequencies and with smaller amplitude. Assuming that the soft lag is associated with the light travel time between primary and reprocessed emission, this behaviour suggests that the X-ray source is more compact during low-flux intervals, and irradiates smaller radii of the accretion disc (likely because of light bending effects). We continue with an investigation of the lag dependence on energy, and find that isolating the low-flux periods reveals a strong lag signature at the Fe K line energy, similar to results found using 1.3 Ms of data on another well known Narrow-Line Seyfert I galaxy, 1H0707-495.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Have we detected the most luminous ULX so far?

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    We report the XMM-Newton detection of a moderately bright X-ray source superimposed on the outer arms of the inactive spiral galaxy MCG-03-34-63 (z=0.0213). It is clearly offset from the nucleus (by about 19'') but well within the D25 ellipse of the galaxy, just along its bar axis. The field has also been observed with the HST enabling us to compute a lower limit of > 94 on the X-ray to optical flux ratio which, together with the X-ray spectrum of the source, argues against a background AGN. On the other hand, the detection of excess X-ray absorption and the lack of a bright optical counterpart argue against foreground contamination. Short-timescale variability is observed, ruling out the hypothesis of a particularly powerful supernova. If it is associated with the apparent host galaxy, the source is the most powerful ULX detected so far with a peak luminosity of 1.35x10^41 erg/s in the 0.5-7 keV band. If confirmed by future multi-wavelength observations, the inferred bolometric luminosity (about 3x10^41 erg/s) requires a rather extreme beaming factor (larger than 115) to accommodate accretion onto a stellar-mass black hole of 20 solar masses and the source could represent instead one of the best intermediate-mass black hole candidate so far. If beaming is excluded, the Eddington limit implies a mass of >2300 solar masses for the accreting compact object.Comment: MNRAS Letters in press; minor correction at the end of Section

    Suzaku observations of Markarian 335: evidence for a distributed reflector

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    We report on a 151 ks net exposure Suzaku observation of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 335. The 0.5-40 keV spectrum contains a broad Fe line, a strong soft excess below about 2 keV and a Compton hump around 20-30 keV. We find that a model consisting of a power law and two reflectors provides the best fit to the time-averaged spectrum. In this model, an ionized, heavily blurred, inner reflector produces most of the soft excess, while an almost neutral outer reflector (outside ~40 r_g) produces most of the Fe line emission. The spectral variability of the observation is characterised by spectral hardening at very low count rates. In terms of our power-law + two-reflector model it seems like this hardening is mainly caused by pivoting of the power law. The rms spectrum of the entire observation has the curved shape commonly observed in AGN, although the shape is significantly flatter when an interval which does not contain any deep dip in the lightcurve is considered. We also examine a previous 133 ks XMM-Newton observation of Mrk 335. We find that the XMM-Newton spectrum can be fitted with a similar two-reflector model as the Suzaku data and we confirm that the rms spectrum of the observation is flat. The flat rms spectra, as well as the high-energy data from the Suzaku PIN detector, disfavour an absorption origin for the soft excess in Mrk 335.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Non-radial oscillation modes as a probe of density discontinuities in neutron stars

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    A phase transition occurring in the inner core of a neutron star could be associated to a density discontinuity that would affect the frequency spectrum of the non-radial oscillation modes in two ways. Firstly, it would produce a softening of the equation of state, leading to more compact equilibrium configurations and changing the frequency of the fundamental and pressure modes of the neutron star. Secondly, a new non-zero frequency g-- mode would appear, associated to each discontinuity. These discontinuity g--modes have typical frequencies larger than those of g--modes previously studied in the literature (thermal, core g-- modes, or g--modes due to chemical inhomogeneities in the outer layers), and smaller than that of the fundamental mode; therefore they should be distinguishable from the other modes of non radial oscillation. In this paper we investigate how high density discontinuities change the frequency spectrum of the non-radial oscillations, in the framework of the general relativistic theory of stellar perturbations. Our purpose is to understand whether a gravitational signal, emitted at the frequencies of the quasi normal modes, may give some clear information on the equation of state of the neutron star and, in particular, on the parameters that characterize the density discontinuity. We discuss some astrophysical processes that may be associated to the excitation of these modes, and estimate how much gravitational energy should the modes convey to produce a signal detectable by high frequency gravitational detectors.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Probing variability patterns of the Fe K line complex in bright nearby AGNs

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    The unprecedented sensitivity of current X-ray telescopes allows for the first time to address the issue of the Fe K line complex variability patterns in bright, nearby AGNs. We examine XMM-Newton observations of the brightest sources of the FERO sample of radio-quiet type 1 AGNs with the aim of characterizing the temporal behaviour of Fe K complex features. A systematic mapping of residual flux above and below the continuum in the 4-9 keV range is performed in the time vs energy domain, with the purpose of identifying interesting spectral features in the three energy bands: 5.4-6.1 keV, 6.1-6.8 keV and 6.8-7.2 keV, corresponding respectively to the redshifted, rest frame and blueshifted or highly ionized Fe Kalpha line bands. The variability significance is assessed by extracting light curves and comparing them with MonteCarlo simulations. The time-averaged profile of the Fe K complex revealed spectral complexity in several observations. Red- and blue-shifted components (either in emission or absorption) were observed in 30 out of 72 observations, with an average ~90 eV for emission and ~ -30 eV for absorption features. We detected significant line variability (with confidence levels ranging between 90% and 99.7%) within at least one of the above energy bands in 26 out of 72 observations on time scales of ~6-30 ks. Reliability of these features has been carefully calculated using this sample and has been assessed at ~3sigma confidence level. This work increases the currently scanty number of detections of variable, energy shifted, Fe lines and confirms the reliability of the claimed detections. We found that the distribution of detected features is peaked at high variability significances in the red- and blue-shifted energy bands, suggesting an origin in a relativistically modified accretion flow.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic