177 research outputs found

    Vpliv magnetnega nasičenja na stacionarne obratovalne lastnosti reguliranega asinhronskega motorja

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    The paper presents a method for determination of the steady-state torque characteristics of the induction motor in the case of rotor field-oriented control (RFOC) with nonlinear magnetizing characteristic of the iron core included. The torque characteristics are determined for the constant stator current and the constant d-axis stator current. The characteristics obtained at a constant stator current are used to maximize the torque capability of the RFOC induction motor. The aim of the presented work is to obtain required steady-state torque with minimal stator current. Experiments show that the proposed selection of a magnetizing reference is promising.V članku je predstavljen postopek za določanje navornih karakteristik pri stacionarnem obratovanju asinhronskega stroja v orientaciji rotorskega polja z upoštevanjem magnetnega nasičenja železa. Določene so navorne karakteristike pri konstantnem statorskem toku ▫IsdI_{sd}▫ v d- osi (enačba (6) in sliki 1 in 2), izpostavljena pa je potreba upoštevanja nasičenja pri določitvi navornih karakteristik pri konstantnem statorskem toku Is z enačbo(7) (sliki 3 in 4). Določeni sta tudi krivulji maksimalnega navora v primeru vodenja asinhronskega stroja brez (9) in z (10) upoštevanjem nasičenja. Predlagan je algoritem za primeren izbor referenčne vrednosti toka ▫IsdI_{sd}▫, ki naj bi omogočal tvorjenje zahtevanega navora z najmanjšim statorskim tokom (enačbi (13) in (14)). Krivulja maksimalnega navora reguliranega asinhronskega stroja z upoštevanjem nasičenja je bila potrjena tudi eksperimentalno (sliki 6 in 7). Podani rezultati kažejo, da je smiselno spreminjati referenčno vrednost toka ▫Isd,refI_{sd,ref}▫ na predlagani način, saj s tem zagotovimo manjši statorski tok in manjše izgube

    Slovaropisna obravnava novejše leksike

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    The article presents the way that new lexis is handled in Slovenian and German general and specialized dictionaries of new lexis. In general dictionaries new lexis has no special time qualifiers and is not labelled with any special time qualifiers for different kinds of new lexis. Specialized dictionaries of new lexis are limited in time to a short period. They are designed as a supplement to the existing dictionaries or a more thorough description of lexis of a certain period. In this case, in comparison to general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries contain additional information about the emergence of new words, appearance in different material sources and variants of use


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    In view of time, duration and grounds for migrations, Slovenians in Germany were referred to as emigrant, migrant worker, diaspora, Gastarbeiter. For Slovenians coming to Germany after 1962 temporarily for economic reasons, the term migrant worker was used. Despite initially different plans, the emigrants were not returning home for permanent; in recent reports, we frequently read about emigrants in Germany. Although the term migrant worker meant in the past “workers on temporary work abroad”, its use is righteous today as well. In the media, the expression denotes those Slovenians abroad that visit Slovenia on occasions of holidays and feasts by which they differ from “proper” emigrants.The position and role of Slovenian language is due to permanently changing political and economic circumstances difficult to describe. An outline of the after- war migrations and life in Germany and in Yugoslavia indicates we must consider the present language knowledge and patterns of speech behaviour a non-concluded process marked in the past by political changes, economic crises, negative attitude towards bilingualism, fear of coercive departing Germany, integration into German society, and the attainment of independence of Slovenia. In the future, it will be designated by Slovenian membership in the European Union, by economic situation in the both states, and by abilities of taking advantage of the new circumstances.Glede na čas, trajanje in vzroke preseljevanj so Slovence v Nemčiji poimenovali emigrant, zdomec, izseljenec, diaspora, v Nemčiji Gastarbeiter. Za Slovence, ki so po letu 1962 začasno prihajali v Nemčijo iz ekonomskih razlogov, se je uveljavil izraz zdomci. Kljub prvotno drugačnim načrtom se zdomci niso za stalno vračali in v novejših poročilih pogosto beremo tudi o izseljencih v Nemčiji. Čeprav je izraz zdomec v preteklosti pomenil »delavce na začasnem delu v tujini«, je raba upravičena tudi danes. V medijih izraz označuje tiste Slovence v tujini, ki ob večjih praznikih obiskujejo Slovenijo in se po tem ločijo od »pravih« izseljencev.Položaj in vlogo slovenščine je zaradi vedno spreminjajočih se političnih in gospodarskih okoliščin težko opisati. Opis povojnih selitev in življenja v Nemčiji ter Jugoslaviji pokaže, da moramo današnje jezikovno znanje in vzorce govornega vedenja gledati kot nezaključen proces, ki so ga v preteklosti zaznamovale politične spremembe, gospodarske krize, negativni odnos do dvojezičnosti, strah pred prisilnim odhodom iz Nemčije, integracija v nemško družbo in osamosvojitev Slovenije, v prihodnosti pa ga bo zaznamovalo članstvo Slovenije v Evropski uniji, gospodarski položaj v obeh državah in sposobnost izkoristiti nove okoliščine sebi v prid

    Lexicographic handling of new lexis

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    V članku so predstavljene slovaropisne obravnave novejše leksike v slovenskih in nemških splošnih slovarjih in v posebnih slovarjih novejše leksike. V splošnih slovarjih je novejša leksika obravnavana brez posebnih časovnih kvalifikatorjev ali označena s posebnimi časovnimi kvalifikatorji za različne vrste novejše leksike. Posebni slovarji novejše leksike so časovno omejeni na krajše obdobje, nastajajo pa kot dopolnilo obstoječih slovarjev ali bolj natančni opisi leksike določenega obdobja. V tem primeru posebni slovarji novejše leksike v primerjavi s splošnimi slovarji vsebujejo dodatne informacije o nastanku novejših enot, pojavitvah v različnih gradivnih virih in variantnosti rabe.The article presents the way that new lexis is handled in Slovenian and German general and specialized dictionaries of new lexis. In general dictionaries new lexis has no special time qualifiers and is not labelled with any special time qualifiers for different kinds of new lexis. Specialized dictionaries of new lexis are limited in time to a short period. They are designed as a supplement to the existing dictionaries or a more thorough description of lexis of a certain period. In this case, in comparison to general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries contain additional information about the emergence of new words, appearance in different material sources and variants of use

    The images of death in the poetry of Louise Glück: Onkraj noči

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    Diplomska naloga poskuša osvetliti podobe smrti, kot jih najdemo v slovenskem izboru poezije Louise Glück z naslovom Onkraj noči. Naloga izpostavi podobo smrti, kot se je pojavljala skozi zgodovino filozofije in literature, opozori na značilnosti poetike Louise Glück, nadalje pa v svojem osrednjem delu analizira devetnajst izbranih pesmi iz izbora Onkraj noči, ki se nanašajo na temo smrti. Pri tem ugotavlja, da pesnica v svojih pesmih o smrti najpogosteje govori skozi podobo izgube bližnjega, prav tako pa govori tudi o neumrljivosti duha, smrti kot svobodi, smrti iz ljubezni, želji po preživetju, neizogibnosti smrti ter strahu pred smrtjo. Pesnica motiviko izraža skozi pripovedni slog in refleksijo, redkeje skozi prispodobe. S svojo poezijo se bori proti pozabi.The assignement presented tries to shed light on the images of death as we find them in Slovenian selection of Louise Glück’s poetry called Onkraj noči. It focuses on the image of death during the history of philosophy and literature, stresses the characteristics of Louise Glück’s poetics and further on analizes nineteen poems from the selection that talk about death. It finds out that the most common image of death in Glück’s poems is the loss of a close person but she also talks about the immortality of spirit, the death as freedom, the death from love, the strive towards survival, the inevitability of death and the fear before death. The poetess expresses the death motifs through narrative style and reflexion, more seldom through metaphors. With her poetry she fights the oblivion

    The understanding of principle in Pythagorean philosophy

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    Pričujoča diplomska naloga se ukvarja s specifičnim področjem predsokratske filozofijes počelom, kot so ga pojmovali pitagorejci. Na podlagi proučevanja primarne in sekundarne literature analizira splošno sprejeto prepričanje, da je pitagorejsko počelo število. Naloga si prizadeva osvetliti različna pojmovanja počela, kot jih zasledimo v primarni literaturi fragmentov predsokratikov, nadalje pa skuša v smiselno celoto povezati pitagorejski nauk o številu. Izvemo, da je naš glavni vir ideje, da so Pitagorejci za svoje počelo izbrali število, Aristotel, zunaj njegovih pričevanj pa imamo za to idejo le malo dokazov. Filolaj v svojih fragmentih sicer govori o številih, vendar le v epistemološkem in ne ontološkem smislu. Pred samo število kot počelo postavlja mejo in brezmejno.The assignement presents the specific area of Presocratic philosophythe principle as it was postulated by Pythagoreans. On the basis of analizing primary and secondary literature the assignement evaluates generally accepted opinion that the Pythagorean principle is number. It tries to shed light on different conceptions of Pythagorean principle as we find it in primary literature of Presocratic fragments and further on tries to bind the Pythagorean conception of number into a wholesome story. Our primary source of the theory that principle is number is Aristotle and outside of his writings we find little proves for the theory. Philolaus in his fragments speaks of number but only in epistemological not ontological sense. As a principle before the number itself he postulates limited and unlimited