The understanding of principle in Pythagorean philosophy


Pričujoča diplomska naloga se ukvarja s specifičnim področjem predsokratske filozofijes počelom, kot so ga pojmovali pitagorejci. Na podlagi proučevanja primarne in sekundarne literature analizira splošno sprejeto prepričanje, da je pitagorejsko počelo število. Naloga si prizadeva osvetliti različna pojmovanja počela, kot jih zasledimo v primarni literaturi fragmentov predsokratikov, nadalje pa skuša v smiselno celoto povezati pitagorejski nauk o številu. Izvemo, da je naš glavni vir ideje, da so Pitagorejci za svoje počelo izbrali število, Aristotel, zunaj njegovih pričevanj pa imamo za to idejo le malo dokazov. Filolaj v svojih fragmentih sicer govori o številih, vendar le v epistemološkem in ne ontološkem smislu. Pred samo število kot počelo postavlja mejo in brezmejno.The assignement presents the specific area of Presocratic philosophythe principle as it was postulated by Pythagoreans. On the basis of analizing primary and secondary literature the assignement evaluates generally accepted opinion that the Pythagorean principle is number. It tries to shed light on different conceptions of Pythagorean principle as we find it in primary literature of Presocratic fragments and further on tries to bind the Pythagorean conception of number into a wholesome story. Our primary source of the theory that principle is number is Aristotle and outside of his writings we find little proves for the theory. Philolaus in his fragments speaks of number but only in epistemological not ontological sense. As a principle before the number itself he postulates limited and unlimited

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