The images of death in the poetry of Louise Glück: Onkraj noči


Diplomska naloga poskuša osvetliti podobe smrti, kot jih najdemo v slovenskem izboru poezije Louise Glück z naslovom Onkraj noči. Naloga izpostavi podobo smrti, kot se je pojavljala skozi zgodovino filozofije in literature, opozori na značilnosti poetike Louise Glück, nadalje pa v svojem osrednjem delu analizira devetnajst izbranih pesmi iz izbora Onkraj noči, ki se nanašajo na temo smrti. Pri tem ugotavlja, da pesnica v svojih pesmih o smrti najpogosteje govori skozi podobo izgube bližnjega, prav tako pa govori tudi o neumrljivosti duha, smrti kot svobodi, smrti iz ljubezni, želji po preživetju, neizogibnosti smrti ter strahu pred smrtjo. Pesnica motiviko izraža skozi pripovedni slog in refleksijo, redkeje skozi prispodobe. S svojo poezijo se bori proti pozabi.The assignement presented tries to shed light on the images of death as we find them in Slovenian selection of Louise Glück’s poetry called Onkraj noči. It focuses on the image of death during the history of philosophy and literature, stresses the characteristics of Louise Glück’s poetics and further on analizes nineteen poems from the selection that talk about death. It finds out that the most common image of death in Glück’s poems is the loss of a close person but she also talks about the immortality of spirit, the death as freedom, the death from love, the strive towards survival, the inevitability of death and the fear before death. The poetess expresses the death motifs through narrative style and reflexion, more seldom through metaphors. With her poetry she fights the oblivion

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