11 research outputs found

    Vpeljava mentorstva v proces prodaje storitev: primer zavarovalnice

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    To find out and implement the system that provides inspection in the sale process is a hard job for insurance agents. It is necessary to ensure the system that provides higher production and motivates the agent to enlarge the sale. It happens many times that we can not find out the reason for an unsuccessful or inefficient sale.Agents perform their sale mostly as fieldwork and their main aim is to find new customers. The process of finding the new customers demands much effort and motivation. As a result insurance companies have started to introduce coaching into a sale process that is a special tool to improve productivity of the agents and to control the sale process. A sale manager in the role of a coach and an expert influences an agent. Coaching is a process that enables to follow an agent during selling and to find out some mistakes.A special form provides that the manager can record a conversation between a customer and an agent.When the sale process is finished, a resume must be done. Coaching is an instrument that provides a higher efficiency and systematic learning. Key words: coaching, coach, sale, process, motivation, qualificationV zavarovalnici do sedaj ni bilo sistema za sledenje delu, oziroma prodaji storitev agentov. Pri tem imamo v mislih kontrolo dela agentov pri strankah in izvedbo prodajnih razgovorov. Velikokrat se zgodi, da za neuspelo prodajo ne najdemo pravega vzroka. Delo agentov obsega prodajo pri obstoječih in novih strankah. Za iskanje novih strank in uspešno izvedeno prodajo je potrebno vložiti veliko napora in motivacije. Na zavarovalnici je bilo v proces prodaje vpeljano mentorstvo (ang. coaching) kot orodje za izboljšanje produktivnosti in sledenje delu agentov. Sledenje delu oziroma prodaji poteka na terenu v prisotnosti vodje, ki obvlada prodajno področje. Vodja kot mentor ocenjuje in spremlja agenta skozi faze prodajnega procesa. Za spremljanje in ocenjevanje faz prodajnega razgovora ima vodja na voljo poseben obrazec, v katerem po končanem razgovoru oceni uspešnost agenta skozi posamezne faze prodajnega razgovora. Z ocenjevanjem se določi kaj je bilo dobro in kaj ne. To pomeni, da vodja, ki ima ustrezno znanje poskuša tistemu, ki ga ocenjuje prikazati napake, ki jih je treba odpraviti. Z mentorstvom dosežemo večjo učinkovitost pri delu in sistematično učenje. Ključne besede: coaching, mentorstvo, prodaja, proces, motivacija, usposabljanje

    Blocking the tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA) receptor inhibits pain behaviour in two rat models of osteoarthritis

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    Objectives: Tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA) mediates nociceptor sensitisation by nerve growth factor (NGF), but it is unknown whether selective TrkA inhibition will be an effective strategy for treating osteoarthritis (OA) pain. We determined the effects of a TrkA inhibitor (AR786) on pain behaviour, synovitis and joint pathology in two rat OA models. Methods: Knee OA was induced in rats by intraarticular monosodium-iodoacetate (MIA) injection or meniscal transection (MNX) and compared with saline injected or sham-operated controls. Pain behaviour was assessed as weight-bearing asymmetry and paw withdrawal threshold to punctate stimulation. Oral doses (30 mg/kg) of AR786 or vehicle were administered twice daily in either preventive (day −1 to –27) or treatment (day 14–28) protocols. Effect maintenance was evaluated for 2 weeks after treatment discontinuation. Alterations in knee structure (cartilage, subchondral bone and synovium) were examined by macroscopic visualisation of articular surfaces and histopathology. Results: Preventive AR786 treatment inhibited pain behaviour development and therapeutic treatment attenuated established pain behaviour. Weight-bearing asymmetry increased 1 week after treatment discontinuation, but remained less than in vehicle- treated arthritic rats, whereas paw withdrawal thresholds returned to levels of untreated rats within 5 days of treatment discontinuation. AR786 treatment reduced MIA-induced synovitis and did not significantly affect osteochondral pathology in either model. Conclusions: Blocking NGF activity by inhibiting TrkA reduced pain behaviour in two rat models of OA. Analgesia was observed both using preventive and treatment protocols, and was sustained after treatment discontinuation. Selective inhibitors of TrkA therefore hold potential for OA pain relief

    Efficient full-text search in general-purpose database systems

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    The goal of the thesis is the review and evaluation of options that database management systems support when working with natural language texts. In the first part we describe the slovenian corpuses ccKres and ccGigafida, the database structure of MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and their use of full-text indexes. But the support the slovenian language still isn't all that great. MariaDB supports only the use of stop words, while MongoDB doesn't even support those. With a little work, PostgreSQL enables us to define custom made configurations which enable the use of lexemes and more fine tuned results. In the second part of this thesis we test the performance of each DBMS by using colocation. Results are presented by using tables and graphs. The final results also show that for colocation the best choice is to use MongoDB

    Direct Rendering of Solid Geometry with Ray Tracing

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    Konstruktivna polna geometrija je najenostavnejša metoda za modeliranje v programih za računalniško podprto oblikovanje. Z uporabo zgolj Boolovih operacij unije, preseka, razlike in enostavnih primitivov, kot so krogla, kvader in valj, omogoča izdelavo izredno kompleksnih objektov. Večina obstoječih rešitev ne deluje v spletnih brskalnikih ali pa uporablja metodo rasterizacije, katere natančnost je omejena s številom oglišč objektov. V tem delu predstavimo rešitev, ki deluje na GPE v spletnem brskalniku in z metodo metanja žarkov omogoča interaktivno in realnočasovno izvajanje pri preprostejših modelih CSG. Poleg implementacije rešitve z WebGL 2.0, smo rešitev razvili tudi za WebGL 2.0 Compute, ki omogoča uporabo računskih senčilnikov in medpomnilnikov SSBO. Za izboljšanje rešitve predlagamo uporabo podatkovnih struktur, ki so bolje prilagojene za izvajanje na GPE in uporabo sinhronizacijskih mehanizmov pri uporabi računskih senčilnikov.Constructive Solid Geometry is the easiest way of modeling in CAD programs. With the use of Boolean operators (union, intersection, difference) and simple primitives like sphere, box and cylinders, it enables the creation of more complex objects. Most of the existing solutions do not work in a web browser, or use rasterization methods which render models only as accurate as their polygonal representation is. In this work we present a GPU based CSG raytracing approach which works in a web browser, is accurate, and achieves real-time frame rates with simpler CSG models. For the development of our approach we used both WebGL 2.0 and WebGL 2.0 Compute. The latter enables us the use of compute shaders and SSBOs. Our approach can be further improved with the use of data structures and synchronization mechanisms more suitable for GPUs

    Efficient full-text search in general-purpose database systems

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    Cilj diplomske naloge je pregled in vrednotenje možnosti, ki nam ji za delo s teksti v naravnem jeziku ponujajo splošnonamenski sistemi za upravljanje s podatkovnimi bazami. V prvem delu opišemo slovenska korpusa ccKres in ccGigafid, shemo shranjevanja tekstov iz korpusov v SUPB-je MariaDB, PostgreSQL in MongoDB ter polnotekstovnim indeksov v posameznem SUPB-ju. Vendar podpora slovenščini še vedno ni tam kjer bi želeli. MariaDB nam omogoča le definicijo seznama nepomembnih besed, medtem kot pri MongoDB še tega ne moremo narediti. Upanje ponuja PostgreSQL, kjer z izdevalo lastne konfiguracije lahko omogočimo uporabo leksemov in s tem boljše željene rezultate. V drugem delu testiramo performanse SUPB-jev na primeru kolokacije besed, kjer rezultate predstavimo tako tabelarično kot tudi z uporabo grafov. Rezultati pokažejo, da je za kolokacijo besed naša najboljša izbira MongoDB.The goal of the thesis is the review and evaluation of options that database management systems support when working with natural language texts. In the first part we describe the slovenian corpuses ccKres and ccGigafida, the database structure of MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and their use of full-text indexes. But the support the slovenian language still isn\u27t all that great. MariaDB supports only the use of stop words, while MongoDB doesn\u27t even support those. With a little work, PostgreSQL enables us to define custom made configurations which enable the use of lexemes and more fine tuned results. In the second part of this thesis we test the performance of each DBMS by using colocation. Results are presented by using tables and graphs. The final results also show that for colocation the best choice is to use MongoDB