21 research outputs found

    Uvod u teorijsku arheologiju - stvaraoci i pravci u 20. stoljeću

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    Knjiga donosi pregled pravaca u arheoloÅ”koj misli tijekom 20. stoljeća i ključnih autora unutar pojedinog pravca te raspravu o važnosti teorijskih koncepata u arheologiji

    Uvod u teorijsku arheologiju - stvaraoci i pravci u 20. stoljeću

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    Knjiga donosi pregled pravaca u arheoloÅ”koj misli tijekom 20. stoljeća i ključnih autora unutar pojedinog pravca te raspravu o važnosti teorijskih koncepata u arheologiji

    Uvod u teorijsku arheologiju - stvaraoci i pravci u 20. stoljeću

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    Knjiga donosi pregled pravaca u arheoloÅ”koj misli tijekom 20. stoljeća i ključnih autora unutar pojedinog pravca te raspravu o važnosti teorijskih koncepata u arheologiji

    Chipped stone assemblage from the Early Neolithic site of Zadubravlje

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    U radu se donose rezultati litičke analize cijepanih rukotvorina s lokaliteta starčevačke kulture Zadubravlje. Prozivodnja poluproizvoda za izradu alatki (odbojaka, sječiva i pločica) odvijala se na samom lokalitetu, uglavnom na povrÅ”ini, premda je jama 19 vjerojatno bila radni prostor. Ustanovljen je postupak neizravnog odbijanja sječiva. Među alatkama prevladavaju komadići s djelomičnom obradom i oni s obrađenim jednim rubom, a u malom postotku prisutni su i geometrijski oblici.The paper presents the results of the lithic analysis of chipped stone artefacts from a Starčevo culture site at Zadubravlje. Blanks for tool production (flakes, blades and bladelets) were produced at the site itself, mostly on the surface, although pit 19 probably functioned as a working area. It was established that the blades were produced by indirect percussion. Predominant tools are pieces with partial retouch and those with one retouched edge. Geometric forms are also present, although in small percentage

    Filling the network gaps: Bračevci ā€“ BaŔćine, new neolithic circular enclosure and medieval village

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    Kombinacijom viÅ”e metoda koje uključuju upotrebu prediktivnog modeliranja u GIS-u, daljinsku interpretaciju i terenski pregled otkriveno je južno od naselja Bračevci na položaju BaŔćine viÅ”e naseobinskih struktura iz kasnog neolitika kružnih i ovalnih tlocrta i jedna struktura pravokutnog tlocrta koja pripada kasnom srednjem vijeku. Ovo je jedna od prvih poznatih i uspjeÅ”nih upotreba modeliranja u Hrvatskoj u otkrivanju kasnoneolitičkih kružno utvrđenih naselja. Novootkrivena naselja promatrana su u kontekstu dosad poznate mreže naselja kasnoga neolitika u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Daljinska opažanja slijedio je intenzivni terenski pregled. Prilikom pregleda pronađeni su brojni ulomci keramičkih posuda, ulomaka keramičkih prÅ”ljena i utega te cjelovitih komada i ulomaka cijepane i glačane litike. Bilježen je položaj i koncentracija nalaza, a prikupljani su dijagnostički ulomci, dio kojih je prikazan u radu. Ulomci keramike pripadaju razdoblju kasnog neolitika. Među nedijagnostičkim ulomcima pronađeni su ulomci grube i fine keramike. Među nalazima fine keramike dominira crna glačana obrada povrÅ”ine visokog sjaja. Zabilježena su i dva fragmenta neolitičke keramika s tragovima slikanja.By combining several methods that include the use of predictive modeling in GIS, remote interpretation and field survey, several settlement structures from the late Neolithic of circular and oval layout and one rectangular layout belonging to the late Middle Ages were discovered south of Bračevci at the BaŔćina site. This is one of the first known and successful uses of modeling in Croatia in the discovery of Late Neolithic circular fortified settlements. The newly discovered settlements were observed in the context of the hitherto known network of late Neolithic settlements in eastern Croatia. Remote sensing was followed by an intensive field survey. Numerous fragments of ceramic vessels, fragments of ceramic whorls and weights, as well as complete pieces and fragments of knapped and polished lithic objects were found during the survey. The position and concentration of the findings were recorded, and diagnostic fragments were collected, some of which are presented in this paper. Fragments of pottery belong to the late Neolithic period. Among the non-diagnostic fragments, fragments of coarse and fine pottery were found. Among the finds of fine pottery, black polished high-gloss surface treatment dominates. Two fragments of Neolithic pottery with traces of painting have also been recorded

    Circles and ceramics through the centuries: Characteristics of Neolithic Sopot culture settlements

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    U radu se prikazuju rezultati arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja na osam nalaziÅ”ta sopotske kulture na području sjeverno od ĐakovÅ”tine. NalaziÅ”ta su u raznim stupnjevima istraženosti ā€“ od zračne daljinske prospekcije i rekognosciranja, do arheoloÅ”koga iskopavanja te primjene magnetometrijske metode. Istraživanjima se ustanovilo kako su nalaziÅ”ta sopotske kulture mnogo većega opsega i mnogo kompleksnije strukture nego Å”to se to do sada smatralo te se predlaže reevaluacija dosadaÅ”njih spoznaja. Sva su naselja omeđena s jednim ili viÅ”e opkopa, osim naselja Đakovo ā€“ Grabrovac/Ciglana za kojega nije moguće utvrditi da li je imalo opkop, budući da je veći dio nalaziÅ”ta uklonjen aktivnostima ciglane. Nalazi s osam naselja analizirani su tipoloÅ”ki i kronoloÅ”ki u kontekstu ostalih nalaziÅ”ta sopotske kulture na području Slavonije.The paper presents the results of archaeological research at eight sites of Sopot culture in the area north of the town of Đakovo. The sites are in various stages of investigation ā€“ from aerial remote sensing and reconnaissance, to archaeological excavation and the application of the magnetic survey. It has been established through recent research that the sites of the Sopot culture are of a much larger scale and of a much more complex structure than previously thought, and it is proposed to re-evaluate the current interpretations. All settlements are enclosed by one or more ditches, except for the Đakovo ā€“ Grabrovac/Ciglana settlement for which it is not possible to determine whether it had a ditch, since most of the site was removed by the activities of the brickworks during the 20th century. The findings from eight settlements were analysed typologically and chronologically in the context of other sites of Sopot culture in Slavonia

    Chipped stone assemblage from the Early Neolithic site of Zadubravlje

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    U radu se donose rezultati litičke analize cijepanih rukotvorina s lokaliteta starčevačke kulture Zadubravlje. Prozivodnja poluproizvoda za izradu alatki (odbojaka, sječiva i pločica) odvijala se na samom lokalitetu, uglavnom na povrÅ”ini, premda je jama 19 vjerojatno bila radni prostor. Ustanovljen je postupak neizravnog odbijanja sječiva. Među alatkama prevladavaju komadići s djelomičnom obradom i oni s obrađenim jednim rubom, a u malom postotku prisutni su i geometrijski oblici.The paper presents the results of the lithic analysis of chipped stone artefacts from a Starčevo culture site at Zadubravlje. Blanks for tool production (flakes, blades and bladelets) were produced at the site itself, mostly on the surface, although pit 19 probably functioned as a working area. It was established that the blades were produced by indirect percussion. Predominant tools are pieces with partial retouch and those with one retouched edge. Geometric forms are also present, although in small percentage

    Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic ā€“ towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā€™ identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research

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    Članak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja srednjopaleolitičkih nalaziÅ”ta u Dalmaciji te geoloÅ”kih istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena buÅ”enja potencijalnih nalaziÅ”ta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treće godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu ā€“ temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najvećim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalaziÅ”ta KaÅ”tel Å tafilić ā€“ Resnik. Provedeno je također probno istraživanje jednog nalaziÅ”ta u zaleđu KaÅ”tela (Giljanovići/KaranuÅ”ići) i geoloÅ”ka buÅ”enja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic ā€“ towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā€™ identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika pećina in Kličevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of KaÅ”tel Å tafilić ā€“ Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of KaÅ”tela (Giljanovići/KaranuÅ”ići) and geological drillings