23 research outputs found

    Intelligent House Controlling with Mobile Phone

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    Import 30/10/2012Téma diplomové práce „Ovládání inteligentního domu mobilním telefonem“ zahrnuje nutnost vývoje hardwarového a softwarového prostředí pro plnou automatizaci provozu inteligentního domu v závislosti na snižování provozních nákladů. Cílem této diplomové práce je navrhnout a realizovat spolehlivou a bezpečnou komunikaci s inteligentním domem pomocí mobilního telefonu uživatele, který dokáže jednoduchými příkazy v tomto domě ovládat různě definované zařízení a zároveň o těchto zařízeních dostávat zpětnou informaci o jejich provozních stavech. Mnou navržený systém dálkové obsluhy přes GSM inteligentního domu má zjednodušit obsluhu formou jednoduchého ovládání mobilním telefonem všech definovaných zařízení a mít k dispozici neustálý přehled o funkčnosti jednotlivých zařízení, možnosti operativního spojení v případě potřeby a kontrolu v době nepřítomnosti. V této práci se budu věnovat všem oblastem, kterými jsem prošel od samotného zadání, návrhu, implementaci až po realizaci funkčního rozhraní s GSM síti.The topic of the thesis ”Control of intelligent house by mobile phone“ includes a necessity of development of hardware and software environment for full automation of operation of intelligent house in dependence on reduction of operational costs. The target of this thesis is to design and to implement a reliable and safe communication with intelligent house by the means of mobile phone of user who is able to control differently defined devices in this house by simple instructions and at the same time to receive feedback information about the operational conditions of those devices. The system of remote control via GSM of intelligent house designed by me shall simplify control by the way of simple handling of all defined devices by mobile phone in order to have constant knowledge of functionality of individual devices, of possibility of operative connection in case of need at disposal as well as control at the time of nonattendance. In this thesis I will devote to all spheres which I have gone through since the assignment itself, project, implementation up to the execution of functional interface with GSM network.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Plosives in Czech: temporal characteristics and variability in realization

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je blíže prozkoumat a popsat vybrané fonetické vlastnosti českých orálních explozív [p t ť k b d ď g] v běžně mluvených projevech. Výzkum se soustřeďuje především na jejich temporální charakteristiky v různých kon- textech, dále se zabýváme možnými způsoby realizace explozív v češtině, včetně tzv. nekanonických. Důležitou součástí práce je také srovnání výsledků s předchozími vý- zkumy. V oblasti temporálních charakteristik zkoumáme řadu kontextů, u nichž ověřu- jeme míru jejich vlivu na trvání: typ hláskového okolí, pohlaví mluvčích, pozice explo- zívy v rámci mluvního taktu nebo artikulační tempo. Také ověřujeme možnou souvis- lost trvání explozívy s typem její realizace. V části o způsobech realizace zaměřujeme pozornost na vlastní hláskové rysy explozív, u nichž zkoumáme zejména míru a podmínky jejich zachování. Dále popisu- jeme specifické tvoření explozív v rámci určitých hláskových kombinací a alternativní způsoby realizace některých explozív. Zvukový materiál tvoří nahrávky mluvených projevů s relativně vysokým stup- něm spontaneity. Jedná se o neprofesionální mluvčí z moderovaných televizních pořa- dů. Klíčová slova: explozíva, trvání, segmentace hlásek, fonetické rysy, hláskové okolí, pohlaví mluvčího, artikulační tempo, variabilita při realizaci explozívThe aim of this diploma thesis is to closely investigate and describe selected phonetic properties of Czech oral plosives [p t ť k b d ď g] in normal speech. The re- search focuses mostly on temporal characteristics in various contexts; moreover, we deal with the possible manners of plosive articulation in Czech, including non-canonical realizations. Another important part of the present study is a comparison with earlier studies. In the domain of temporal characteristics we examine the influence of various contexts on phone duration. The contexts include: phonetic context, speaker gender, the position of the plosive in the stress unit or articulation rate. We also examine a possible connection between the duration of the plosive and its realization. In the part that deals with the manner of articulation we focus on the individual phonetic properties, for which we investigate especially the conditions and degree of their stability. Furthermore we describe the specific plosive articulations in certain pho- netic contexts and some alternative realizations of certain plosives. The speech material used is mostly spontaneous. All the speakers are non- professionals from various TV broadcasts. Keywords: plosives, duration, phone segmentation, phonetic properties, pho- netic context, gender, articulation...Institute of PhoneticsFonetický ústavFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Modulation of microbial predator-prey dynamics by phosphorus availability: Growth patterns and survival strategies of bacterial phylogenetic clades

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    We simultaneously studied the impact of top-down (protistan grazing) and bottom-up (phosphorus availability) factors on the numbers and biomasses of bacteria from various phylogenetic lineages, and on their growth and activity parameters in the oligo-mesotrophic Piburger See, Austria. Enhanced grazing resulted in decreased proportions of bacteria with high nucleic acid content (high-NA bacteria) and lower detection rates by FISH. There was a change in the composition of the bacterial assemblage, whereby Betaproteobacteria were heavily grazed while Alphaproteobacteria and Cytophaga—Flavobacterium—Bacteroides were less affected by predators. Changes in bacterial assemblage composition were also apparent in the treatments enriched with phosphorus, and even more pronounced in the incubations in dialysis tubes (allowing relatively free nutrient exchange). Here, Betaproteobacteria became dominant and appeared to act as successful opportunistic competitors for nutrients. In contrast, Actinobacteria did not respond to surplus phosphorus by population growth, and, moreover, maintained their small size, which resulted in a very low biomass contribution. In addition, significant relationships between high-NA bacteria and several bacterial phylogenetic clades were found, indicating an enhanced activity status. By combining several single-cell methods, new insight is gained into the competitive abilities of freshwater bacteria from a variety of phylogenetic lineages under contrasting sets of bottom-up and top-down constraint

    Modulation of microbial predator-prey dynamics by phosphorus availability: Growth patterns and survival strategies of bacterial phylogenetic clades

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    We simultaneously studied the impact of top-down (protistan grazing) and bottom-up (phosphorus availability) factors on the numbers and biomasses of bacteria from various phylogenetic lineages, and on their growth and activity parameters in the oligo-mesotrophic Piburger See, Austria. Enhanced grazing resulted in decreased proportions of bacteria with high nucleic acid content (high-NA bacteria) and lower detection rates by FISH. There was a change in the composition of the bacterial assemblage, whereby Betaproteobacteria were heavily grazed while Alphaproteobacteria and Cytophaga—Flavobacterium—Bacteroides were less affected by predators. Changes in bacterial assemblage composition were also apparent in the treatments enriched with phosphorus, and even more pronounced in the incubations in dialysis tubes (allowing relatively free nutrient exchange). Here, Betaproteobacteria became dominant and appeared to act as successful opportunistic competitors for nutrients. In contrast, Actinobacteria did not respond to surplus phosphorus by population growth, and, moreover, maintained their small size, which resulted in a very low biomass contribution. In addition, significant relationships between high-NA bacteria and several bacterial phylogenetic clades were found, indicating an enhanced activity status. By combining several single-cell methods, new insight is gained into the competitive abilities of freshwater bacteria from a variety of phylogenetic lineages under contrasting sets of bottom-up and top-down constraint

    Optimization of heat source with combined production of heat and electric energy

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    This paper deals with the continuation and improvement of non-linear model which was published in paper (Balate et al., 2006b). The paper describes access to solving optimisation of operation of heat source with combined production of heat and power by methods of non-linear programming

    Security Transmission of iInformation from Camera Systems

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    Import 29/09/2010Téma bakalářské práce „Bezpečný přenos informací z kamerových systémů“ zahrnuje kontinuální sledování vývoje obrazových přenosů, které byly zahájeny převážně na počátku minulého století. Postupně se přenos obrazu zdokonalil díky komunikačním technologiím, které přinesly a také zásadně ovlivnily využití přenosu obrazu mimo rámec televizních přenosů a standardního vysílání. Postupně se začal klást větší důraz na bezpečnost obrazových přenosů a v současné době, kdy v podstatě neexistují žádná omezení ani hranice pro přenos, je díky Internetu posílena role právě oblasti zajištění bezpečného přenosu, který nebude snímán mimo požadovaný cíl. Cílem bakalářské práce je navrhnout optimální a efektivní řešení kamerových systémů použitelných pro podnikatelské subjekty a domácnosti s využitím nejmodernějších prostředků komunikační techniky a se zabezpečením ochrany přenosu v několika možných úrovních. Výsledkem mých teoretických a praktických zkušeností bude návrh zabezpečení přenosu dat dle velikosti a typu subjektu. Zapracovány budou současné možnosti Internetu (WAN, LAN), nástrojů mobilní komunikace (mobilních telefonů), notebooků a snímačů záznamů a zvuků. Návrh bezpečného přenosu dat bude mít navržené 1-3 stupně ochrany a bude optimalizován také ve dvou finančních úrovních (optimální a nejvyšší).The topic of my bachelor’s work The Secure Information Transfer from Camera Systems contains a continual observation of the picture transfers development which started mainly at the beginning of the last century. During the course of time, the picture transfer has been improved thanks to communication technologies, which brought the use of picture transfer out of the framework of telecasting and standard broadcasting and had a radical impact on it. Gradually, a greater impact has been put on picture transfer security. Nowadays, when there is virtually no limitation and no boundaries for the transfer, due to the Internet the role of securing the safe transfer has been strengthened. Such transfer shouldn’t be read by anybody but the intended target. The goal of my bachelor’s work is to design an optimal and effective solution for camera systems usable by businesses and households, which utilizes the latest communication technologies and secures the safe transfer on several levels. The result of my theoretical and practical experience will be the design of a secure data transfer based on the type and size of a subject, which will incorporate the current Internet tools (WAN, LAN), the means of mobile communication (mobile phones), notebooks and records and sounds scanners. The designed secure data transfer will include between 1 and 3 levels of transfer security and will be optimized at two price levels (optimal and the highest).Prezenční456 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Progress in technologies of wood processing

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    In this thesis I present an overview of the development of wood processing. The first part is focused on the wood as a material and furthermore on hand tools for woodworking. The practical part deals with history and present of material processing on CNC machines. The whole work is supplemented with photographs of the operation. The thesis is also focused on the possibilities and advantages of the introduction of new technologies in wood processing companies. The thesis is complemented with authentic DVD recording to illustrate the new technology. The work can be used to enrich students´ideas about the new technology of wood processing

    Návrh, experimentální ověření a konstrukční provedení vláknově optického senzoru teploty

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    PrezenčníKatedra elektroniky a elektrických pohonůNeuveden

    Plosives in Czech: temporal characteristics and variability in realization

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    The aim of this diploma thesis is to closely investigate and describe selected phonetic properties of Czech oral plosives [p t ť k b d ď g] in normal speech. The re- search focuses mostly on temporal characteristics in various contexts; moreover, we deal with the possible manners of plosive articulation in Czech, including non-canonical realizations. Another important part of the present study is a comparison with earlier studies. In the domain of temporal characteristics we examine the influence of various contexts on phone duration. The contexts include: phonetic context, speaker gender, the position of the plosive in the stress unit or articulation rate. We also examine a possible connection between the duration of the plosive and its realization. In the part that deals with the manner of articulation we focus on the individual phonetic properties, for which we investigate especially the conditions and degree of their stability. Furthermore we describe the specific plosive articulations in certain pho- netic contexts and some alternative realizations of certain plosives. The speech material used is mostly spontaneous. All the speakers are non- professionals from various TV broadcasts. Keywords: plosives, duration, phone segmentation, phonetic properties, pho- netic context, gender, articulation..