31 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Recruitment and Selection of Employees

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    Import 04/07/2011Resumé: Analýza výběru zaměstnanců Svoji diplomovou práci na téma „Analýza získávání a výběru zaměstnanců“ jsem si zvolila proto, že mě zajímá, jakým způsobem personalisté vyhledávají a následně vybírají zaměstnance do svých společností, a na jaká hlediska se mám při mém budoucím výběrovém procesu zaměřit, abych jím úspěšně prošla. V teoretické části jsem blíže charakterizovala postup při získávání zaměstnanců, fáze výběru zaměstnanců, jednotlivé metody výběru zaměstnanců a uvedla jsem kritéria, podle nichž lze v organizaci hodnotit činnosti související s výběrem pracovníků. Teoretické poznatky jsem využila v praktické části, ve které jsem nejprve představila společnost TOS Znojmo, a.s. a poté jsem analyzovala, jakým způsobem společnost vykonává činnosti získávání a výběr zaměstnanců. Následně jsem zhodnotila průměrné náklady na přijetí jednoho pracovníka, zjistila jsem míru odchodu pracovníků z organizace a stabilitu jejích zaměstnanců z dlouhodobého hlediska.Výsledkem analýzy jsou tyto návrhy a doporučení: • inzerování stipendijního programu prostřednictvím brožur na školách, • inzerování volných míst na internetu, • dotazník spokojenosti s výběrovým řízením, • zlepšení image společnosti ve vztahu k veřejnosti, • zjištění důvodů odcházejících zaměstnanců. Cílem mé diplomové práce bylo analyzovat proces získávání a výběru zaměstnanců v organizaci TOS Znojmo, a.s. a personálnímu řediteli společnosti navrhnout doporučení, jež dle mého názoru povedou k zefektivnění celého procesu získávání a výběru zaměstnanců ve společnosti.Résumé: An Analysis of Recruitment and Selection of Employees I have chosen the subject of my thesis „An Analysis of recruitment and selection of employees“ because I am interested in the system used by the recruitment specialists in their companies during the assessment process. I was interested in the criteria that could be important in the future assessment process that I will attend in order to be successful in this process. In the theoretical part of my work I closely described the process of the recruitment of employees, the phases of the assessment process, the methods used during this process and, further, I listed the criteria that could be used for the evaluation of the assessment process in the companies. The theoretical knowledge I was subsequently applied in the practical part of my work. In this practical part I firstly introduced the company TOS Znojmo, a.s., further I analyzed the processes used by this company in the recruitment and selection of the employees. Subsequently, I evaluated the average costs for the assessment of an employee, I considered the employee turnover and analyzed the stability of the employment in the company from the long term point of view. The outputs of my analysis are the following proposals and recommendations: • advertising of a scholarship program in the schools’ brochures, • advertising of the open employment positions via internet, • prepare a questionnaire regarding the satisfaction with the assessment process, • improve an image of the company, • find out the reasons why the employees leave the company. The goal of my thesis was to analyze the assessment process in the company TOS Znojmo, a.s. and to prepare the recommendations that, based on my opinion, will increase the effectiveness of the whole assessment process. These recommendations were proposed to the CEO of the company.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Use of foods based on bee drone brood: Their sensory and microbiological evaluation and mineral composition

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    The aim of the work was to evaluate the safety of bee drone brood in terms of the risk of possible contamination with heavy metals, microbial contamination, and sensory acceptability. Bee drone brood dried at a temperature of 80 degrees C in a hot air oven (DBO) and lyophilized drone brood (DBL) were used. Sensory evaluation was performed on an oatmeal ball (O-B) and drone brood ball (DBO-B). For the determination of the minerals and other elements in DBO, spectrometric analysis was used. The content was as follows: Fe 60.87 mu g/g, Cu 54.83 mu g/g, Zn 257 mu g/g, Ag 82.7 mu g/g, Pb 2.1 mu g/g, Au 1.2 mu g/g, Ca 1336 mu g/g, Sr 3.13 mu g/g, Zr 1.67 mu g/g, Bi 3.87 mu g/g, Br 1.95 mu g/g. The detected content of lead in dry matter (2.1 mu g/g) was high above the limit set for crustaceans (0.4 mu g/g). By comparing microbial assay values, no statistically significant difference between freshly dried DBO and dried DBO after a month of storage was detected. Bee drone brood contains microbes far below the legal limits and it is a good source of calcium, iron, and zinc. Except for the juiciness, consumers rated O-B better than DBO-B. A statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was found only in taste.FEKT-S-20-6215, IGA/FT/2022/004TBU in Zlin [IGA/FT/2022/004]; project BUT in Brno [FEKT-S-20-6215

    Use of a thermodynamic sensor in monitoring fermentation processes in gluten-free dough proofing

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    Dough fermentation in gluten-free bakery products is problematic due to the absence of gluten, which provides advantageous rheological properties. A thermodynamic sensor (TDS) system combined with an electronic nose was tested as an alternative to conventional methods monitoring dough development based on mechanical properties. In the first part, the configuration of the sensors in the thermodynamic system and their response to different heat-source positions, which significantly affect the output signal from the measurement system, were investigated. The practical contribution lies in the application of the measurements to the example of gluten-free doughs with and without edible insect enrichment. An optimized configuration of the thermodynamic system (one sensor on the inner wall of the container at the bottom and another in the middle of the container closer to the top of the dough) in combination with an experimental electronic nose was used for the aforementioned measurement. In some cases, up to 87% correlation between the signal from the TDS and the signals from a professional rheofermentometer Rheo F-4 (Chopin) was demonstrated. The differences between the results can be explained by the use of different techniques. Using a combination of sensor systems in one place, one time and one sample can lead to more comprehensive and robust results. Furthermore, it was shown that the fermentation activity increased in corn dough with the addition of insects compared to dough without the addition. In rice flour dough with the addition of edible insects, fermentation activity was similar to that of the flour without the addition.IGA/FT/2023/003; Vysoké Učení Technické v Brně, BUT: FEKT-S-20-621

    New Insights into the comprehensive system of thermodynamic sensors and electronic nose and its practical applications in dough fermentation monitoring

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    This study focuses on an applicability of the device designed for monitoring dough fermentation. The device combines a complex system of thermodynamic sensors (TDSs) with an electronic nose (E-nose). The device’s behavior was tested in experiments with dough samples. The configuration of the sensors in the thermodynamic system was explored and their response to various positions of the heat source was investigated. When the distance of the heat source and its intensity from two thermodynamic sensors changes, the output signal of the thermodynamic system changes as well. Thus, as the distance of the heat source decreases or the intensity increases, there is a higher change in the output signal of the system. The linear trend of this change reaches an R2 value of 0.936. Characteristics of the doughs prepared from traditional and non-traditional flours were successfully detected using the electronic nose. To validate findings, the results of the measurements were compared with signals from the rheofermentometer Rheo F4, and the correlation between the output signals was closely monitored. The data after statistical evaluation show that the measurements using thermodynamic sensors and electronic nose directly correlate the most with the measured values of the fermenting dough volume. Pearson’s correlation coefficient for TDSs and rheofermentometer reaches up to 0.932. The E-nose signals also correlate well with dough volume development, up to 0.973. The data and their analysis provided by this study declare that the used system configuration and methods are fully usable for this type of food analysis and also could be usable in other types of food based on the controlled fermentation. The system configuration, based on the result, will be also used in future studies.DKRVO, (RP/CPS/2022/007); Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin, (IGA/FT/2024/006); Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT; Vysoké Učení Technické v Brně, BUT, (FEKT-S-23-8162)Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata Universit

    A study on the applicability of thermodynamic sensors in fermentation processes in selected foods

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    This study focuses on the use of thermodynamic sensors (TDS) in baking, brewing, and yogurt production at home. Using thermodynamic sensors, a change in the temperature flow between the two sensor elements during fermentation was observed for the final mixture (complete recipe for pizza dough production), showing the possibility of distinguishing some phases of the fermentation process. Even during the fermentation process in the preparation of wort and yogurt with non-traditional additives, the sensors were able to indicate significant parts of the process, including the end of the process. The research article also mentions as a new idea the use of trivial regulation at home in food production to determine the course of the fermentation process. The results presented in this article show the possibility of using TDS for more accurate characterization and adjustment of the production process of selected foods in the basic phase, which will be further applicable in the food industry, with the potential to reduce the cost of food production processes that involve a fermentation process. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.RP/CPS/2022/007; IGA/FT/2022/004; Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT; Vysoké Učení Technické v Brně, BUT: FEKT-S-20-621

    Comparison of dietary oils with different polyunsaturated fatty acid n-3 and n-6 content in the rat model of cutaneous wound healing

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    Dietary supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n-3 can affect cutaneous wound healing; however, recent findings demonstrate the variable extent of their influence on the quality of healing. Here, we compare the effect of several dietary oils, containing different levels of PUFA n-3 and PUFA n-6, on wound healing in the rat model. Rats were fed the feed mixture with 8% palm oil (P), safflower oil (S), fish oil (F) or Schizochytrium microalga extract (Sch) and compared to the animals fed by control feed mixture (C). Dorsal full-thickness cutaneous excisions were performed after 52 days of feeding and skin was left to heal for an additional 12 days. Histopathological analysis of skin wounds was performed, including immune cells immunolabeling and the determination of hydroxyproline amount as well as gene expression analyses of molecules contributing to different steps of the healing. Matrix-assisted-laser-desorption-ionization mass-spectrometry-imaging (MALDI-MSI) was used to determine the amount of collagen alpha-1(III) chain fragment in healing samples. Treatment by Schizochytrium extract resulted in decrease in the total wound area, in contrast to the safflower oil group where the size of the wound was larger when comparing to control animals. Diet with Schizochytrium extract and safflower oils displayed a tendency to increase the number of new vessels. The number of MPO-positive cells was diminished following any of oil treatment in comparison to the control, but their highest amount was found in animals with a fish oil diet. On the other hand, the number of CD68-positive macrophages was increased, with the most significant enhancement in the fish oil and safflower oil group. Hydroxyproline concentration was the highest in the safflower oil group but it was also enhanced in all other analyzed treatments in comparison to the control. MALDI-MSI signal intensity of a collagen III fragment decreased in the sequence C > S > Sch > P > F treatment. In conclusion, we observed differences in tissue response during healing between dietary oils, with the activation of inflammation observed following the treatment with oil containing high eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) level (fish oil) and enhanced healing features were induced by the diet with high content of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, Schizochytrium extract)

    Updating algal evolutionary relationships through plastid genome sequencing: did alveolate plastids emerge through endosymbiosis of an ochrophyte?

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    Algae with secondary plastids of a red algal origin, such as ochrophytes (photosynthetic stramenopiles), are diverse and ecologically important, yet their evolutionary history remains controversial. We sequenced plastid genomes of two ochrophytes, Ochromonas sp. CCMP1393 (Chrysophyceae) and Trachydiscus minutus (Eustigmatophyceae). A shared split of the clpC gene as well as phylogenomic analyses of concatenated protein sequences demonstrated that chrysophytes and eustigmatophytes form a clade, the Limnista, exhibiting an unexpectedly elevated rate of plastid gene evolution. Our analyses also indicate that the root of the ochrophyte phylogeny falls between the recently redefined Khakista and Phaeista assemblages. Taking advantage of the expanded sampling of plastid genome sequences, we revisited the phylogenetic position of the plastid of Vitrella brassicaformis, a member of Alveolata with the least derived plastid genome known for the whole group. The results varied depending on the dataset and phylogenetic method employed, but suggested that the Vitrella plastids emerged from a deep ochrophyte lineage rather than being derived vertically from a hypothetical plastid-bearing common ancestor of alveolates and stramenopiles. Thus, we hypothesize that the plastid in Vitrella, and potentially in other alveolates, may have been acquired by an endosymbiosis of an early ochrophyte

    Regional function of the Regional Library in Pardubice in the region

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    Bakalářská práce "Regionální funkce Krajské knihovny v Pardubicích v rámci kraje" se zabývá metodickou činností krajské knihovny a knihoven pověřených výkonem RF. Jejím cílem je přiblížit krajskou knihovnu a pověřené knihovny z pohledu činností v rámci kraje a ukázat dopad a využití regionálních funkcí v různých typech knihoven. Práce je členěna do pěti hlavních kapitol. V první kapitole je představena krajská knihovna, její historie a počátky metodické činnosti. V druhé kapitole práce seznamuje s pokyny a doporučeními pro tuto činnost. Jádro práce tvoří především třetí kapitola, která se zabývá sledováním plnění standardů výkonu RF v kraji v letech 2003-2007, krátce představuje pověřené knihovny a jejich okresní metodickou práci v roce 2007. Praktické zkušenosti se službami RF ve dvou malých knihovnách jsou uvedeny ve čtvrté kapitole. Závěrečná, pátá kapitola shrnuje a hodnotí výkon RF v Pardubickém kraji