9 research outputs found

    An investigation of ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes and antipathy towards environment in athletes

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    The aim of this study is to examine the ecocentric, anthropocentric and antipathetic attitudes towards the environment regarding with different variables. Study group is composed of 413 athletes randomly selected from directly nature sports and also sports that is not related to nature. To collect data, ecocentric, anthropocentric and antipathetic attitudes towards the protection of the environment scale is used. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics of the athletes’ attitudes towards environment were calculated. For other variables’ comparison, independent t-test and ANOVA were applied. As a result; amongst athletes’ the ecocentric attitudes’ mean was found the highest. Athletes’ ecocentric attitude values vary only. According to their educational level; anthropocentric attitude values vary according to their sport type and educational level; antipathetic attitudes towards the protection of the environment vary according to sex, sports type, educational level, perceived income level and also the living environment. s conclusion; athletes with university and higher educational levels have higher ecocentric scores than athletes with high school and lower education levels; athletes from nature sports and athletes with high school and lower educational levels have higher anthropocentric scores than athletes from indoor sports and athletes with university and higher educational levels; finally, men participants than women participant, athletes from nature sports than athletes from indoor sports, athletes with high school and lower educational levels than athletes with university and higher educational levels, participants with high and low perceived income levels than participants with average perceived income levels, participants living in country side than participants living in cities have higher antipathetic attitude scores towards the protection of the environment

    On Certain Power Horadam Sequences

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    In this study, firstly, we analyzed power Fibonacci sequences defined by Ide and Renault in [13]. Then, we described two power Horadam sequences modulo s for u=1,v=3 and u=3,v=1, respectively. We determined those modulus s for which the two power Horadam sequences exist and the number of such sequences for a given s. We formulated the periods of these power Horadam sequences in terms of the periods of Horadam sequences for u=1,v=3 and u=3,v=1. Finally, we compared that the period formulas of power Horadam sequences which we obtained and the period formulas of power Fibonacci sequences. We found that, the periods formulas of the power Horadam sequences for u=3,v=1 are the same as the period formulas of the power Fibonacci sequences; but for u=1,v=3, a certain relationship couldn’t be established between the periods of these power sequences

    The Relationship of Hemogram Parameters and Night Desaturation in Patients Diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    Objective: Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a disease characterized by recurrent complete (apnea) or partial (hypopnea) upper respiratory tract obstructions episodes during sleep and often a decrease in blood oxygen saturation. Night hypoxias and sympathetic activity increase of arousals in OSAS are thought to stimulate that endothelial dysfunction and hypercoagulability. Materials and Methods: In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the relationship between the severity of the disease and the night hypoxia severity with hemogram parameters in patients diagnosed with OSAS who examined in our clinics. A total of 94 cases were included in the study, including 24 controls, 24 mild, 23 moderate, and 23 severe OSAS. Results: The mean and minimum oxygen saturation values in polisomnography with the number of neutrophils and neutrophil/lymphocyte (N/L) ratio were negatively correlated in the mild and severe OSAS groups. A negative correlation was observed between erythrocyte distribution width (EDW) and, mean oxygen saturation and minimum oxygen saturation in moderate and severe OSAS. When the mean and minimum oxygen saturation with regression analysis of EDW and N/L ratio were examined in each three groups; the 1 unit decrease in the minimum oxygen saturation increases the N/L ratio by 0.5-fold (p=0.02) in the mild OSAS, 0.5-fold (p=0.01) in the severe OSAS and it increases the EDW by ratio 0.5-fold (p=0.02) in the moderate OSAS. The 1 unit decrease in the mean oxygen saturation increases the N/L ratio by 0.4-fold (p=0.04) and the EDW by 0.8-fold (p=0.001) in the severe OSAS. Conclusion: As long as the OSAS severity increases, it is determined that the hematocrit values of patients increasing. However, as patients’ sleep desaturation increase, we can see that EDW, the number of neutrophils, and N/L ratio also increasing. This situation suggests that the local inflammation caused by both mechanical stress and ischemia-reperfusion cycles in the respiratory tract in OSAS is a consequence of spillage into the systemic circulation

    Надійність та одночасність обгрунтування Iphone®Level для вимірювання активного згинання нижньої кінцівки та розширення діапазону рухів у студентів

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    Background and Study Aim. The aim of this study was to analyse reliability and validity of accelerometer-based Iphone® Level application for measuring lower extremity active flexion and extension joint range of motion. Material and Methods. Thirty physically healthy students enrolled in sport sciences (11 males, 19 females, 21.2±1.5 years, Body mass 64.4±10.0 kg, Height 1.68±0.8 m, Fat percentage 21.2±7.8 %, 22.5±2.6 kg/m2) participated in the measurements of hip, knee, and ankle joint range of motion twice through Universal goniometer and Iphone® Level applications. The same experienced measurer carried out blind study of plantarflexion, dorsiflexion and knee flexion/extension, hip flexion/extension joint range of motion three times for each measurement methods and the other researcher recorded the results. For simultaneous validity analysis Pearson coefficient of correlation was used to decide the level of adaptation between the two intraclass correlation coefficient and Cronbach’s alpha values. Bland-Altman graphics were utilized for level of agreement between these two different methods. Results. The results of Pearson coefficient of correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation between the measurement values of joint range of motion performed through Universal goniometer and Level App (r2 = 0.44-0.94, p <0.05). Bland-Altman graphics showed a good agreement among Cronbach Alpha values and intraclass correlation coefficient in the confidence range of %95, and universal goniometers and Level App application. Conclusions. The results of this study revealed that goniometric measurements using Iphone® Level App is a good reliable method for measuring lower extremity active range of motion compared to universal goniometer.Передумови та мета дослідження. Метою цього дослідження було проаналізувати надійність та обґрунтованість застосування Iphone®рівня на основі акселерометра для вимірювання активного згинання нижніх кінцівок та розширення діапазону рухів суглобів. Матеріал та методи. Тридцять фізично здорових студентів, які навчаються у спортивних науках (11 чоловіків, 19 жінок, 21,2 ± 1,5 року, маса тіла 64,4 ± 10,0 кг, зріст 1,68 ± 0,8 м, відсоток жиру 21,2 ± 7,8%, 22,5 ± 2,6 кг / м2) брали участь у вимірювання діапазону рухів тазостегнового, колінного та гомілковостопного суглобів двічі за допомогою універсальних кутометрів та Iphone®. Той самий досвідчений вимірювач проводив сліпе дослідження підошовного згинання, тильного згинання та згинання / розгинання колін, згинання та розгинання суглобів стегна тричі для кожного методу вимірювання, а інший дослідник реєстрував результати. Для одночасного аналізу валідності використовували коефіцієнт кореляції Пірсона, щоб визначити рівень адаптації між двома коефіцієнтами кореляції внутрішнього класу та альфа-значеннями Кронбаха. Графіка Bland-Altman була використана для рівня узгодженості між цими двома різними методами. Результати. Результати коефіцієнта кореляційного аналізу Пірсона виявили позитивну кореляцію між значеннями вимірювання діапазону рухів суглобів, виконаними за допомогою універсального кутоміра та рівня додатка (r2 = 0,44-0,94, p <0,05). Графіка Bland-Altman продемонструвала хорошу узгодженість між значеннями Кронбаха Альфа та коефіцієнтом кореляції внутрішнього класу в діапазоні довіри 95%, а також універсальними кутомірами та додатком Level App. Висновки. Результати цього дослідження показали, що гоніометричні вимірювання за допомогою програми Iphone®Level є хорошим надійним методом для вимірювання активного діапазону рухів нижніх кінцівок порівняно з універсальним кутоміром

    Analysis of chippaux smirak index on dynamic balance scores

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to examine whether Chippaux Smirak Index (CSI) calculated from footprint and measurements takenfrom foot have an effect on balance scores.Materials and Methods: 61volunteers (25 males, 36 females) between the ages of 18 and 24 were included in our study and 122feet were measured. Footprints of the participants were taken by using Harris imprint. Footprints were scanned, the parameterswere measured with Digimizer program and CSI was calculated. Metatarsal foot width (MFW), maximum metatarsal foot width(MMFW), length of the foot (LoFA), heel width (HW) and foot length (FL) taken from footprints were measured. Individuals withCSI >62.70% were considered as flatfooted and excluded from the study. Dynamic balance measurements were made with BiodexBalance System (BBS) (Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley, 2000, New York). Overall (OA), anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral(ML) dynamic balance assessments of the participants were made with eyes open.Results: According to Mann Whitney U analysis results, statistically significant difference was found between MFW, MMFW, LoFA,HW and FL parameters of men and women in both feet (p<0.05). It was found that OA, AP and ML balance scores had a statisticallysignificant difference between men and women for dynamic balance (p<0.05). According to Sperman Rho correlation analysis, apositive correlation was found between weight and body mass index (BMI) and balance scores in men and women. It was found thatthere was no significant correlation between CSI and balance scores.Conclusion: As a conclusion, while no association was found between weight and BMI and CSI, a positive correlation was foundbetween weight and balance scores. We believe the fact that women have lower BMI gives them an advantage in terms of balancescores. In addition, it was found as a result of this study that there was no association between CSI and balance scores. We believethat our study will have an important place in literature and be a guide since we compared both genders