52 research outputs found

    Morphology and a proposed model of innervation of the human deltoid muscle: a pilot study

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    Background: The deltoid muscle (DM) plays an essential role in retaining the stability and correct function of the upper limb. The aims of the study were to perform a detailed morphological analysis of the DM including its innervation, structure, attachments and relationship with adjacent structures.Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 17 formalin-fixed cadavericupper limbs. After dissection of the shoulders, the DM was visualised and analysed.The following measurements of the muscle were performed for all cases: width of attachments (acromial, clavicular, spinal), entire width of origin, length of the component parts (acromial, clavicular, and spinal) and length of the arm.Results: In all specimens, a characteristic ‘segmented’ innervation scheme of the DM was observed. The axillary nerve (AN) was always divided into an anterior branch (abAN) and a posterior branch (pbAN). Two variations of the DM innervation were distinguished: variation I, where the clavicular and the acromial parts were innervated by the abAN, while the spinal part was supplied both by abAN (anterior fibres) and by pbAN (posterior fibres), and variation II, in which the spinal part did not have double innervation — the abAN innervation area covered only the acromial and clavicular parts, and the entire spinal part was supplied by pbAN. Both variations had a segmented arrangement of sub-branches reaching individual parts of the DM, which was particularly distinct in the clavicular and acromial parts. Correlations were found between the entire width of the DM originand the length of the arm (p = 0.001), between the length of the acromial part of the DM and the length of the arm (p = 0.003), between the width of the spinal attachment and the length of the spinal part (p = 0.002), and between the width of the spinal attachment and the length of the arm (p = 0.0008).Conclusions: The study confirmed the existence of a characteristic segmented innervation scheme of the DM which corresponds with the segmented morphology of its individual parts. An analysis of the internal structure of the muscle specific architectonics based on the tendon system was also presented

    Exhumation history of the Tatry Mountains, Western Carpathians, constrained by low-temperature thermochronology

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    This study tests alternative models for the growth of the Tatry Mountains (Central Western Carpathians) by the application of low temperature thermochronology. Zircon (U + Th)/He ages from the north of the range are mostly between 48 to 37 Ma and indicate cooling prior to the onset of forearc sedimentation in the region (42–39 Ma). In contrast, zircon (U + Th)/He ages in the south of the range are around 22 Ma. Apatite fission track ages across the sampled sites range from 20 to 15 Ma. Apatite (U + Th)/He ages range from 18 to 14 Ma with little variation with elevation or horizontal location. Based on thermal modelling and tectonic reconstructions, these Miocene ages are interpreted as cooling in the hanging-wall of a northward dipping thrust ramp in the current location of the sub-Tatric fault with cooling rates of ~20 °C/Myr at ~22-14 Ma. Modeled cooling histories require an abrupt deceleration in cooling after ~14 Ma to <5 °C/Myr. This is associated with termination of deformation in the Outer Carpathians, and is synchronous with the transition of the Pannonian Basin from a syn-rift to a post-rift stage, and with termination of N-S compression in the northern part of the Central Western Carpathians. Overall, the timing of shortening and exhumation is synchronous with the formation of the Outer Carpathian orogen and so the Miocene exhumation of the Tatry record retro-vergent thrusting at the northern margin of the Alcapa microplate

    Efecto de la preparación mediante maceración con enzima asistida comercial sobre el rendimiento, la calidad, y la bioactividad de aceite esencial de residuos de semillas de zanahoria (Daucus carota L.)

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    Eight enzyme preparations were screened with a view to maximizing the yield of carrot seed essential oil. Three of the eight enzyme preparations investigated, lipase from Mucor circinelloides, XPect® pectinase, and Esperase® protease, significantly influenced the amount of essential oil obtained, with Esperase® being the most effective. The Taguchi method was applied to optimize the processing conditions for the Esperase® protease. Under the optimum conditions, the essential oil yield increased by approximately 48%. The main constituent compounds in the oil are: carotol (OeA: 40.80%–OeB: 46.17%), daucol (OeA: 7.35%–OeB: 6.22%), sabinene (OeA: 5.12%–OeB: 6.13%), alpha-pinene (OeA: 4.24%–OeB: 5.11%) and geranyl acetate (OeA: 4.50%–OeB: 3.68%). As compared to the control sample, the essential oil obtained from enzyme-pretreated carrot seeds has the same biological activity against Bacillus subtilis and Candida sp., lower activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and higher activity against Aspergillus niger and Penicillium expansum.Ocho preparados enzimáticos fueron seleccionados con el fin de maximizar el rendimiento de aceites esenciales de semillas de zanahoria. Tres de los ocho preparados de las enzimas investigadas, lipasa de Mucor circinelloides, Xpect® pectinasa y Esperase® proteasa, influyeron de manera significativa sobre la cantidad de aceite esencial obtenido, siendo Esperase® el más eficaz. El método de Taguchi se aplicó para optimizar las condiciones del procesamiento para esta última. Bajo las condiciones óptimas, el rendimiento de los aceite esenciales aumentó aproximadamente un 48%. Los principales compuestos constituyentes del aceite son: carotol (OEA: 40.80%–OeB: 46,17%), ducol (OEA: 7,35%–OeB: 6,22%), sabineno (OEA: 5,12%–OeB: 6,13%), alfa-pineno (OEA: 4,24%– OeB: 5,11%) y acetato de geranilo (OEA: 4,50%–OeB: 3,68%). En comparación con la muestra control, el aceite esencial obtenido a partir de las semillas de zanahoria mediante enzima-pretratada tiene la misma actividad biológica frente a Bacillus subtilis y Candida sp., menor actividad frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, y Pseudomonas aeruginosa, y una mayor actividad contra Aspergillus niger y Penicillium expansum

    The effect of commercial enzyme preparation-assisted maceration on the yield, quality, and bioactivity of essential oil from waste carrot seeds (<em>Daucus carota</em> L.)

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    Eight enzyme preparations were screened with a view to maximizing the yield of carrot seed essential oil. Three of the eight enzyme preparations investigated, lipase from <em>Mucor circinelloides</em>, XPect® pectinase, and Esperase® protease, significantly influenced the amount of essential oil obtained, with Esperase® being the most effective. The Taguchi method was applied to optimize the processing conditions for the Esperase® protease. Under the optimum conditions, the essential oil yield increased by approximately 48%. The main constituent compounds in the oil are: carotol (OeA: 40.80%–OeB: 46.17%), daucol (OeA: 7.35%–OeB: 6.22%), sabinene (OeA: 5.12%–OeB: 6.13%), alpha-pinene (OeA: 4.24%–OeB: 5.11%) and geranyl acetate (OeA: 4.50%–OeB: 3.68%). As compared to the control sample, the essential oil obtained from enzyme-pretreated carrot seeds has the same biological activity against <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> and <em>Candida</em> sp., lower activity against <em>Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli</em>, and <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em>, and higher activity against <em>Aspergillus niger</em> and <em>Penicillium expansum</em>.<br><br>Ocho preparados enzimáticos fueron seleccionados con el fin de maximizar el rendimiento de aceites esenciales de semillas de zanahoria. Tres de los ocho preparados de las enzimas investigadas, lipasa de Mucor circinelloides, Xpect® pectinasa y Esperase® proteasa, influyeron de manera significativa sobre la cantidad de aceite esencial obtenido, siendo Esperase® el más eficaz. El método de Taguchi se aplicó para optimizar las condiciones del procesamiento para esta última. Bajo las condiciones óptimas, el rendimiento de los aceite esenciales aumentó aproximadamente un 48%. Los principales compuestos constituyentes del aceite son: carotol (OEA: 40.80%–OeB: 46,17%), ducol (OEA: 7,35%–OeB: 6,22%), sabineno (OEA: 5,12%–OeB: 6,13%), alfa-pineno (OEA: 4,24%– OeB: 5,11%) y acetato de geranilo (OEA: 4,50%–OeB: 3,68%). En comparación con la muestra control, el aceite esencial obtenido a partir de las semillas de zanahoria mediante enzima-pretratada tiene la misma actividad biológica frente a Bacillus subtilis y Candida sp., menor actividad frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, y Pseudomonas aeruginosa, y una mayor actividad contra Aspergillus niger y Penicillium expansum

    Thermal water - more than water!

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    The use of thermal waters both for external use and for consumption is presented. Nowadays, the use of ecological products of natural origin is promoted, allowing for a significant improvement in the psycho-physical condition of users. Research is carried out to create natural products that comprehensively improve not only the condition of the skin, but the entire body of the user. Thanks to the development of modern technologies used both in cosmetics and other industries, it is possible to effectively use the composition and properties of thermal waters