49 research outputs found

    Bilimsel bilgiye erişimin sorunları ve açık erişim hareketi

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    Kütüphane Haftası her yıl Mart ayının son haftasında çeşitli etkinliklerle kutlanmaktadır. 2014 yılında 50. Kütüphane Haftası nedeniyle İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi tarafından bilimsel bilgiye erişim ve açık erişim konusu bu konuda çalışma yapan uzmanlar ve akademisyenlerin katılımı ile tartışıldı. Bu etkinliğin afiş, program, sunum ve videoları ekte yer almaktadır

    Avrupa Birliği ve Kütüphaneler

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    This paper addresses the following topics related to Turkish - European Union (EU) librarianship; the political background of relations between Turkey and the EU, work related to the information society within the EU and its influence on library and information services, development plans, policies, and projects in culture, education and science on the above mentioned fields in the EU, work related to the information society within Turkey, the main developments in library and information services, development plans and science policies, and projects which will enhance the adaptability of Turkey in its accession period to the EU. Policy initiatives issued by the European Union provide useful insights into the ways in which improvements in Turkish libraries may be realized. Although some efforts have been made to enhance the status of libraries according to development plans as well as cultural and science policies, these initiatives still fall short of those enjoyed by many libraries in the European Union

    Avrupa Birliği ve Kütüphaneler

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    This paper addresses the following topics related to Turkish - European Union (EU) librarianship; the political background of relations between Turkey and the EU, work related to the information society within the EU and its influence on library and information services, development plans, policies, and projects in culture, education and science on the above mentioned fields in the EU, work related to the information society within Turkey, the main developments in library and information services, development plans and science policies, and projects which will enhance the adaptability of Turkey in its accession period to the EU. Policy initiatives issued by the European Union provide useful insights into the ways in which improvements in Turkish libraries may be realized. Although some efforts have been made to enhance the status of libraries according to development plans as well as cultural and science policies, these initiatives still fall short of those enjoyed by many libraries in the European Union

    Tek Noktadan Hizmet: Kullanıcı Merkezli Ortaklık

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    Birimler arası etkin iletişim sağlanması ve verimli bir karar alma sürecinin sağlanması için tek noktadan hizmet önemlidir. Bu hizmet şekli maliyeti düşürmenin yanı sıra etkin personel kullanımı gibi özellikler de içerir

    Criteria for Open Access and Publishing

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    Bu makale DOAJ’ın tarihsel gelişimi ve bugünkü durumuna ilişkin genel bir değerlendirme sunmaktadır. Makalede DOAJ tarihine kısaca değinildikten sonra DOAJ’ın açık erişim, fikri mülkiyet hakları ve kuşku uyandıran yayıncılarla ilgili politikaları detaylı biçimde anlatılmaktadır. Makalenin büyük bir kısmını, DOAJ’ın açık erişim dergi değerlendirme sürecinde yeni belirlenen değerlendirme kriterlerinin nasıl kullanıldığına ilişkin açıklamalar ve DOAJ Seal’ı nitelendirmek için seçilen yedi yeni değerlendirme kriterinin arkasında yatan gerekçeler oluşturmaktadır. Son bölüm, DOAJ’ın yakında akademisyen ve yayıncılara sunacağı veri tabanı arama ve üst veri yükleme ile ilgili genişletilmiş seçeneklere ayrılmıştır. Sonuç, daha güçlü bir platform ve daha istikrarlı bir veri tabanı sunan, yükleme ve üst verinin derlenebilmesi için gelişmiş hizmetlere izin veren yenilenmiş bir DOAJ’dır.This article gives an overview of the history and current status of the DOAJ. After a brief historical overview, DOAJ policies regarding open access, intellectual property rights and questionable publishers are explained in detail. The larger part of this article is a much requested explanation on how DOAJ uses its new set of criteria for the evaluation of open access journals and the rationale behind choosing the seven extra criteria that qualify for the DOAJ Seal. A final section is devoted to the extended possibilities that DOAJ will be offering shortly to scholars and publishers for searching the database and for uploading metadata. The result is a renewed DOAJ that offers a more robust platform, a more stable database and enhanced services to allow the upload and collection of metadata

    Açık bilimsel bilgi dünyası

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    Çelik, Sönmez (Dogus Author)25-27 Nisan 2013 tarihinde Antalya Maritim Kongre Merkezi'nde gerçekleştirilen ANKOSLink 2013 konferansında ANKOS Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Arşivler Grubunun yapmışolduğu sunumun görselleridir. Sunumda, açık erişim, kurumsal arşivler ile AEKA grubunun faaliyetleri anlatılmıştır

    ANKOS publisher application system and its impact on the e-resource evaluation process

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    The Publisher Application System (PAS) is a Web-based archiving and online evaluation system developed by the Database Evaluation Group (DEG), one of the working groups formed within the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS). The DEG was formed in 2008 to inquire and evaluate e-resources suited to the needs of the consortium; to follow up similar consortial activities worldwide as well as developments in connection with the scientific publishing industry; and to determine, implement, and improve pricing models in accordance with the prevailing economic, legal, and academic system. Development of the PAS was essential to ensure standardization and sustainability towards a more detailed and effective analysis of e-resources qualifying for evaluation by ANKOS. The PAS played an important part not only in establishing and defining the workflow of the DEG, but also in creating an archive of both the e-resources submitted to the consortium and the applicant publishers/agents submitting these resources. This article outlines the process that started with the foundation of the DEG through the formation of the PAS as well as the present setup of the system. It is also hoped that this case study will have a positive contribution to the processes being followed by the persons and the groups engaged in similar activities.pre-prin

    ANKOS publisher application system and its impact on the e-resource evaluation process

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    The Publisher Application System (PAS) is a Web-based archiving and online evaluation system developed by the Database Evaluation Group (DEG), one of the working groups formed within the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS). The DEG was formed in 2008 to inquire and evaluate e-resources suited to the needs of the consortium; to follow up similar consortial activities worldwide as well as developments in connection with the scientific publishing industry; and to determine, implement, and improve pricing models in accordance with the prevailing economic, legal, and academic system. Development of the PAS was essential to ensure standardization and sustainability towards a more detailed and effective analysis of e-resources qualifying for evaluation by ANKOS. The PAS played an important part not only in establishing and defining the workflow of the DEG, but also in creating an archive of both the e-resources submitted to the consortium and the applicant publishers/agents submitting these resources. This article outlines the process that started with the foundation of the DEG through the formation of the PAS as well as the present setup of the system. It is also hoped that this case study will have a positive contribution to the processes being followed by the persons and the groups engaged in similar activities.pre-prin

    2023'e Doğru Türkiye'de Üniversite Kütüphaneleri : Mevcut Durum, Sorunlar, Standartlar ve Çözüm Önerileri

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    Çağın gereklerine uygun ve dünya ile rekabet edebilir bir eğitim, öğretim ve araştırma altyapısı için üniversitelerin en azından kendi alanlarında üretilen bilgiye erişebilecek ve bu bilgiyi 7/24 kullanıcıların hizmetine sunabilecek altyapıya sahip olmaları gerekir. Bu altyapıdan yoksun bir üniversitede dünyanın bilgi ve deneyiminden yeterince yararlanılamadığı ve hatta daha önce üretilmiş bilgi ve deneyimleri tekrar üretmek üzere gereksiz yere zaman ve para harcadığı ileri sürülebilir. Oysa dünyadaki söz sahibi üniversitelere bakıldığında, bu üniversitelerin kütüphanelerine ciddi yatırımlar yaptıkları ve bu yatırımların sürüdürülebilir olması için gerekli önlemleri aldıkları görülür

    ORCC UKRN Primer on Open Access

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    This is an introductory guide for those working and considering working in the area of open access. It was drafted by members of the Open Research Competencies Coalition. Open Access (OA) refers to research that is published as digital, online, free of charge for reading, and free to re-use or share