14 research outputs found

    A Case of Ciprofloxacin Induced Delirium

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    Sağlıklı 82 yaşında kadın hasta siprofloksasin tedavisi sonrasında akut başlangıçlı psikotik özellikler taşıyan deliryum tablosu ile değerlendirildi. İlaç tedavisinin kesilmesi ile mental durumu eskiye döndü. Giraz enzim inhibitörleri olarak bilinen kinolonlar santral sinir sistemi (SSS) ile ilgili olarak baş ağrısı ve insomni gibi yan etkiler oluşturabilmektedir. Nörotoksisitenin oluşumunda risk faktörü olarak renal yetersizlik, altta yatan SSS hastalıkları ve SSSye geçişi artmış ilaçlar yer alır. Siprofloksin tedavisinden kaynaklanan deliryum tablosu nadir olmakla birlikte yaşlılarda nispeten daha sık görülmektedir. Biz bu vakada siprofloksasin kullanım sonrası ortaya çıkan deliryum tablosunu sunduk.A previously healthy 82-year-old woman presented with acute-onset delirium with psychotic features as a consequence of ciprofloxacin therapy. Withdrawal of the medication was associated with return of the patient's normal mental status. The quinolones called gyrase inhibitors are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache and insomnia. Risk factors for neurotoxicity include renal insufficiency, underlying central nervous system (CNS) disease and increased CNS penetration of drug. Acute delirium resulting from ciprofloxacin therapy is an exceedingly rare complication that has been thought to occur more commonly in elderly patients. Herein, we described that a ciprofloxacin induced delirium case after ciprofloxacin use

    A Case of Ciprofloxacin Induced Delirium

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    Sağlıklı 82 yaşında kadın hasta siprofloksasin tedavisi sonrasında akut başlangıçlı psikotik özellikler taşıyan deliryum tablosu ile değerlendirildi. İlaç tedavisinin kesilmesi ile mental durumu eskiye döndü. Giraz enzim inhibitörleri olarak bilinen kinolonlar santral sinir sistemi (SSS) ile ilgili olarak baş ağrısı ve insomni gibi yan etkiler oluşturabilmektedir. Nörotoksisitenin oluşumunda risk faktörü olarak renal yetersizlik, altta yatan SSS hastalıkları ve SSSye geçişi artmış ilaçlar yer alır. Siprofloksin tedavisinden kaynaklanan deliryum tablosu nadir olmakla birlikte yaşlılarda nispeten daha sık görülmektedir. Biz bu vakada siprofloksasin kullanım sonrası ortaya çıkan deliryum tablosunu sunduk.A previously healthy 82-year-old woman presented with acute-onset delirium with psychotic features as a consequence of ciprofloxacin therapy. Withdrawal of the medication was associated with return of the patient's normal mental status. The quinolones called gyrase inhibitors are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache and insomnia. Risk factors for neurotoxicity include renal insufficiency, underlying central nervous system (CNS) disease and increased CNS penetration of drug. Acute delirium resulting from ciprofloxacin therapy is an exceedingly rare complication that has been thought to occur more commonly in elderly patients. Herein, we described that a ciprofloxacin induced delirium case after ciprofloxacin use

    Karaköy Güllüoğlu baklavasının tarihi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2014.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Karabağ, Müzeyyen

    Significance Of The Forensic Medicine In Diagnosing Occupational Diseases In Turkey

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    Significance Of The Forensic Medicine In Diagnosing Occupational Diseases In Turkey Introduction : In Turkey, 9.030. 202 employees wereregistered as insured in 2011. When we look at the numberof the work accidents and occupational diseases of theinsured employees, we see 69227 work accidents and 697occupational diseases according to SSK’s (Social InsuranceInstitution) statistics. When we examine the distribution ofthese 697 occupational diseases, we see that 68% of themresulted from coal dust. When we talk about occupational&nbsp;diseases in Turkey, the most common diseases are theones resulting from dust, then comes lead poisoning andoccupational skin diseases. According to the figures, thenumber of occupational diseases is quite few. Clinicalforensic medicine is the last decision maker in Turkey in thecases, which entered into judicial process within the conceptof occupational diseases, and other diseases related to work.The purpose of our study is to set forth the approach of theforensic medicine in this process.Material and Method : In our study, we represented thepercentage and mean of demographic and clinic featuresof the cases that were diagnosed as occupational diseaseby the diagnosis criteria (ILO International Classificationof Pneumoconiosis) and the ones that were not amongpneumoconiosis cases sent by courts in Turkey betweenApril 2009 and March 2012 to be decided whether they wereoccupational disease.Findings : 1526 cases in total between the employers andemployees were sent by courts to be examined and decidedwhether they were occupational diseases. All of the caseswere males and all of them were working in coalmines.Whereas 1-10 cases were coming from courts since 2009, itrose up to 93 since 2010. However, none of the 93 cases sentby the court in Mach 2012 was diagnosed as occupationaldisease. 7.2% (n : 110) of the 1526 cases were diagnosed aspneumoconiosis occupational disease.Discussion and Conclusion : As a developing country, Turkeyhas put forth great gures since 2003 with the working areasit offers and the improvement percentage it shows. It hasalso been struggling with work accidents and occupationaldiseases by the regulations it has enacted in the area ofoccupational health and safety. 1700 of the 69, 000 workaccidents resulted in death in 2011. Work accidents andoccupational diseases are criminal events. For this reason,forensic science experts are consulted for their views duringjudicial processes. A team of authorities from forensic scienceexpert, chest disease specialist, and public health specialistshare their views with the court on these issues. The fact thatonly 7.2% among the cases sued by courts as pneumoconiosiswere diagnosed as occupational disease is quite challengingfor occupational health and safety. In our study we discussedall these processes.&nbsp;</div