534 research outputs found

    Motives and Characteristics of Highly Qualified Labor Force Migration: Case Study of Serbia

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    The emigration of highly qualified labour from the countries of Eastern Europe is one of the worst effects of transitional and post-transitional period. It discredits the educational system of Eastern European countries, but also creates long-term problems in the development of the economy and all other sectors of society. The difference in earnings between immigrant countries of Western Europe and North America and the countries of emigration is the dominant motive for migration. But other motives are also not irrelevant. This paper is an initial part of a wider research of the international movement of labour which should provide guidance to the countries of emigration to mitigate  the consequences of this process. Student surveys in Eastern European countries, their thoughts and plans, will provide information on the motives of emigration. On the other hand, by surveying the experiences of young highly educated workforce who has already emigrated, a true picture of experiences and the expected and achieved intentions will be obtained. Finally, certain questions in the questionnaire will also give an answer to the question, which would be new moments that would encourage young experts not to leave the country, or to return those who emigrated. Keywords: International migration, brain drain, state measures, retaining talen

    The Celebration of Children's Birthdays in Belgrade and Consumer Society

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    In this paper, we analyze the celebration of children's birthdays, the extremely widespread and significant form of social and/or cultural practice in Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Serbia. This type of social practice, the base of which is the family, was imported from Central and Western Europe to Belgrade between the First World War and the Second World War. The celebration of children’s birthdays achieved its full affirmation in the second half of the 20th century, when it became one of the most important family holidays in both urban and rural areas. It manifested concurrence with the characteristics of the consumer society even in the time of the socialist period, and in particular it fully coincided with the predominant ideal of the consumer society when the post-socialist Serbian society took a neoliberal political course. Despite some changes that mainly relate to the place and way of celebration, the very essence of this social practice has not been drastically changed. In this paper, we are trying to consider the role of birthday celebrations in Belgrade in the context of current economic, social and cultural circumstances

    Weibull probability distribution for reactor steel 20MnMoNi55 cleavage fracture in transition temperature

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    This paper presents the results and methods used for determining of fracture toughness of reactor steel, denoted as 20MnMoNi55, typically used for structures working at low temperatures, in transition temperature area. In addition, the effect of test specimen geometry and temperature on fracture toughness was investigated in order to predict the fracture behavior and probability of failure. Failure probabilities (i.e. cleavage fracture) in the function of J(c) for large test specimens, CT100 and CT200 were determined based on the results obtained by testing of small CT50 specimens, for the purpose of direct savings and decreased costs of specimen testing. Failure probability, represented using Weibull distribution of experimental data, will provide a clear insight into material behavior at different temperatures. Other factors affecting the obtained test results will also be discussed

    Weibull probability distribution for reactor steel 20MnMoNi55 cleavage fracture in transition temperature

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    This paper presents the results and methods used for determining of fracture toughness of reactor steel, denoted as 20MnMoNi55, typically used for structures working at low temperatures, in transition temperature area. In addition, the effect of test specimen geometry and temperature on fracture toughness was investigated in order to predict the fracture behavior and probability of failure. Failure probabilities (i.e. cleavage fracture) in the function of J(c) for large test specimens, CT100 and CT200 were determined based on the results obtained by testing of small CT50 specimens, for the purpose of direct savings and decreased costs of specimen testing. Failure probability, represented using Weibull distribution of experimental data, will provide a clear insight into material behavior at different temperatures. Other factors affecting the obtained test results will also be discussed


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    The introduction of centralized registers of medical data after a long time from the implementation of medical information systems and their long-term daily operation is a very challenging and demanding process. In this paper, three ways for the realization of centralized repositories of medical data are considered, and on that occasion, the advantages and limitations of these solutions are emphasized. Due to the heterogeneity of medical information systems in terms of technologies used and implementation, the construction of a distributed centralized national register of medical data emerges as a good solution. A proposal of architecture for the realization of the distributed central republic register of medical data is given. As an example of the proposed solution, the realized collaboration of the central republic radiological information system and its implementation with the medical information system MEDIS.NET is presented

    Relationship between Constitutional Court and ordinary courts in the Republic of Serbia in the field of protection of right to liberty and security

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    Предмет докторске дисертације у најширем смислу је однос уставног суда и редовних судова. Реч је о теми која се појављује са настанком и развојем уставног судства, а нарочито са поимањем уставног судства као посебне, четврте гране власти у теорији и упоредном уставном праву. Циљ дисертације је да се монографски обради однос уставног суда и редовних судова из угла основне заједничке функције ових органа – заштите уставности и људских права и слобода, са намером доказивања да се однос између уставног суда и редовних судова, премда се јављају извесна непоклапања, па и конфликти, може и мора поставити као однос сарадње и комплементарног деловања у правцу остварења истог циља. Након увода, у првој глави се разматра положај и улога уставног судства у савременим уставним системима, да би се потом прешло на анализу уставног суда као државног органа sui generis, којем је поверена улога контролора уставности закона и других нормативних аката и решавање специјалних „уставних задатака“, а са ослонцем на теорију Ханса Келзена. У другој глави дата је анализа судске власти у систему поделе власти, уз посебан осврт на уставна начела о судовима, институционализовање независности судства и независност судства из перспективе заштите људских права и слобода. О узроцима напетости или чак отвореног сукоба у односима уставног суда и редовних судова, разматра се у трећој глави дисертације. Посвећена је пажња анализи стабилности политичког система, уставне културе и уставне жалбе као могућим узроцима постојања овог сукоба и дат приказ односа уставног суда и редовних судова у упоредном праву. У четвртој глави усредсређеност је на само једном специфичном уставном праву – праву на слободу и безбедност, кроз призму чијег остваривања и заштите се посматра однос Уставног суда Републике Србије и редовних судова. Посебан нагласак је стављен на законитост лишења слободе, као и законитост одређивања и продужавања притвора, потом трајање притвора, где се у пракси уочавају највећи проблеми, односно највише повређују или угрожавају појединачним радњама и актима права лица лишених слободе. Дат је приказ анализе резултата истраживања Београдског центра за људска права, а потом и праксе Уставног суда Републике Србије у области заштите права на слободу и безбедност. У петој глави дисертације сумирани су закључци у односу на постављене хипотезе истраживања: 1) судови се међусобно не смеју сматрати ривалима или противницима те је решење у међусобној сарадњи, јер сваки другачији облик деловања доводи до ширења расцепа и стога нефункционалног деловања по питању заштите људских права и генералног функционисања судства; 2) у области заштите права на слободу и безбедност нема конфликта између редовних судова и Уставног суда, јер у својим одлукама Уставни суд констатује само повреду права која редовним судовима служи као коректив и опомена у даљим поступањима.The subject of the doctoral dissertation in the broadest sense is the relationship between the constitutional court and ordinary courts. This is a topic that appeared with the emergence and development of the constitutional judiciary, and especially with regard to the notion of the constitutional judiciary as a special, fourth branch of power in theory and comparative constitutional law. The aim of the dissertation is to monograph the relationship between the constitutional court and ordinary courts from the angle of the basic common function of these bodies - protection of constitutionality and human rights and freedoms, intended to prove that the relationship between the constitutional court and ordinary courts, in spite of certain incongruities and even conflicts, can and must be set as a relationship of cooperation and complementary action towards achieving the same goal. After the Introduction, the first chapter discusses the position and role of the constitutional judiciary in contemporaneous consitutional systems, and then moves on to the analysis of the constitutional court as state body sui generis, entrusted with the role of constitutional reviewer of laws and other normative acts, and resolution of special „constitutional tasks“, and relying on on the theory of Hans Kelsen. The second chapter provides an analysis of the judiciary in the system of separation of powers, with special reference to the constitutional principles on the courts, the institutionalization of the independence of the judiciary and the independence of the judiciary from the perspective of human rights and freedoms. The causes of tension or even open conflict in the relations between the constitutional court and ordinary courts are discussed in the third chapter of the dissertation. Attention is paid to the analysis of the stability of the political system, constitutional culture and constitutional complaint as possible causes of the existence of this conflict, and the relationship between the constitutional court and ordinary courts in comparative law is presented. In the fourth chapter, the focus is on only one specific constitutional right - the right to liberty and security, through the prism of whose realization and protection the relationship between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia and ordinary courts is observed. Special emphasis is placed on the legality of imprisonment, as well as the legality of ordering and extending detention, the duration of detention, where the biggest issues are observed in practice, and/or where the rights of imprisoned persons are most violated or affected by individual actions and acts. Also, this chapter gives analysis of the results of the researches done by Belgrade Center for Human Rights, and the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia in the field of protection of right to liberty and security. The fifth chapter of the dissertation summarizes the conclusions in relation to the research hypotheses: 1) courts must not be considered rivals or opponents and the solution is in mutual cooperation, because any other form of action leads to widening divisions and therefore dysfunctional action on human rights and general functioning of the judiciary; 2) in the field of protection of the right to liberty and security, there is no conflict between ordinary courts and the Constitutional Court, because the Constitutional Court ascertains in its decisions only a violation of rights that serves as a corrective and warning to regular courts in further proceedings

    Modelling of Kerf Width in Plasma Jet Metal Cutting Process using ANN Approach

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    In this paper Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed for prediction of kerf width in plasma jet metal cutting process. Process parameters whose influence was analyzed are cutting height, cutting speed and arc current. An L18 (21x37) Taguchi orthogonal array experiment was conducted on aluminium sheet of 3 mm thickness. Using the experimental data a feed – forward backpropagation artificial neural network model was developed. After the prediction accuracy of the developed model was verified, the model was used to generate plots that show influence of process parameters and their interactions on analzyed kerf width and to get conlusions about process parameters values that lead to minimal kerf width

    Finite element modeling of hip implant static loading

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    In this paper a numerical investigation of replacement implant for partial hip arthroplasty is presented. The long-term stability of hip implants depends, among other things, on the loads acting across the joint. Forces occurring in vivo can be much greater than the recommended test values, because a typical gait cycle generates forces up to 6-7 times the body weight in the hip joint. A finite element analysis (FEA) was performed using 3-dimensional models to examine the mechanical behaviour of the femoral component at forces ranging from 2.5 to 6.3 kN. This implant design was chosen for numerical analysis because stress concentration in femoral component lead to implant fracture. Results show that the force magnitudes acting on the implant are of interest, and that they can cause implant stress field changes and implant stability problems, which can lead to implant failure

    Finite element modeling of hip implant static loading

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    In this paper a numerical investigation of replacement implant for partial hip arthroplasty is presented. The long-term stability of hip implants depends, among other things, on the loads acting across the joint. Forces occurring in vivo can be much greater than the recommended test values, because a typical gait cycle generates forces up to 6-7 times the body weight in the hip joint. A finite element analysis (FEA) was performed using 3-dimensional models to examine the mechanical behaviour of the femoral component at forces ranging from 2.5 to 6.3 kN. This implant design was chosen for numerical analysis because stress concentration in femoral component lead to implant fracture. Results show that the force magnitudes acting on the implant are of interest, and that they can cause implant stress field changes and implant stability problems, which can lead to implant failure