390 research outputs found

    Razlike u oblasti kontrole koncentracije u pravu konkurencije Evropske Unije izazvane donošenjem uredbe br. 139/2004, naspram prethodne uredbe br. 4064/89

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    The autors want to show the difference which exists between the Regulation No 139/2004 and the Regulation No 4064/89, according to which they notice the improvements brought by the new regulation. The work basically concerns the area of the concentration but it only refers to the differences in the regulations. All new things which are made on the area of the concentration in 2004, and are not covered by new regulation, they are not discussed in this work. As far as the new things are concerned which are introduced by the Regulation No 139/2004, the impruvments and the simplifkations are noticed in the frame of the competition work, in the concentration area.Autori žele da prikažu razliku koja postoji između Uredbe br. 139/2004 i Uredbe br. 4064/89, na osnovu čega se uočavaju poboljšanja uvedena novom uredbom. Rad se okvirno tiče polja koncentracije ali se isključivo odnosi na razliku u uredbama. Sve novine koje su ostvarene na polju koncentracija 2004. godine a nisu obuhvaćene novom uredbom, ne razmatraju se ovim radom. Što se tiče novina koje su uvedene Uredbom br. 139/2004 uočavaju se poboljšanja i pojednostavljenja u okviru zaštite konkurencije, na polju koncentracija


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    The paper deals with characteristics of multifamily housing development (MHD) in specific conditions of post-socialist transition. Multi-layered political, institutional and socio-economic changes have influenced the change in the urban structure of cities, including housing areas. Time distance of thirty years from the beginning of transition in Serbia, gives us a good position to monitor and fully understand the effects of changes, including the last and longest-term phase of transitional process – urban changes. The development of multifamily housing is examined on the example of the city of Nis, a typical socialist industrial city that underwent dramatic changes in the post-socialist period and represent a good testing ground for transitional changes and their effects. The goal of the paper is to recognize different types of multifamily housing and the transitional changes that led to certain type of development and their spatial distribution in the city. The research suggests that multifamily housing development is especially influenced by privatization in the initial phase of transition, restitution in the later phase of transition, changing role of public and private sector in housing development, as well as changes in urban planning

    Possibility of application nuclear magnetic resonance for measurement of fluid-flow

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    The paper considers the application of nuclear magnetic resonance for measurement of fluid-flow. The paper is of an experimental nature. Flowmeter based on nuclear magnetic resonance is extremely precise. The combined measurement uncertainty can be 0.1 %. Such a value of measurement uncertainty indicates that it is a matter of a deterministic and not of a stochastic quantity. This high degree of reliability of the method is theoretically and mathematically described. The paper presents a measurement scheme for flow measurement. Water flow measurement was performed on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance and on the basis of tritiated water (which is considered to be the most accurate classical method). The obtained results show that the measurement of flow based on nuclear magnetic resonance is more accurate (especially at higher flow). This is explained by the higher inertial mass of HTO tritiated water molecules than the standard H2 O mass and the possible transition of tritiated water to H3HeO. In this way, it has been proven that tracing water based on nuclear magnetic resonance is the only real tracing of water by water. The obtained results show that tracing water with tritiated or heavy water is not tracing water by water which is explained by different inertial masses

    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken heart syndrome)

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    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC), also known as stress cardiomyopathy is an uncommon disease characterized by acute left ventricle (LV) failure that mimics acute coronary syndrome (ACS) but lacking evidence of obstructive coronary artery disease. It is usually precipitated by severe emotional or physical stress although its’ pathophysiology is not yet fully known. Most patients are women past the age of 50. In-hospital mortality is 3-4%


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    Lettuce leaf color is a hereditary trait, and among environmental factors, light/radiation and temperature are the two most influential climatic variables. This research is based on the effect of the application of photoselective nets of different densities, that is, with different percentages of shading, on leaf coloration and relative water content (RWC) at lettuce maturation. Three nets with different shading percentages were used, namely green nets with a shade of 50% and 35% and one white net with a shade of 50%, and plants without shading were used as controls. To determine the full effect of the application of nets on the production of summer lettuce, the experiment was conducted in two planting periods: May-June and September-October 2021 with lettuce Zeralda F1 and Abbice F1 in the greenhouse. Colorimetry was performed on three occasions, every seven days, and in the phase when 70% and 80% of the plant mass was reached. Regarding the color of the leaves, it was shown that in the second period of cultivation at the end of the vegetation, a difference in the intensity of the color was found, that is, the net with stronger shading (G50) showed a stronger intensity of lettuce color compared to the other tested variants. RWC was quite different depending on the variant in the first growing period, while in the second growing period, the highest was in the control plants (89.48%) and those under nets with 50% shade (77.69%)

    Model-Informed Drug Development: In Silico Assessment of Drug Bioperformance following Oral and Percutaneous Administration

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    The pharmaceutical industry has faced significant changes in recent years, primarily influenced by regulatory standards, market competition, and the need to accelerate drug development. Model-informed drug development (MIDD) leverages quantitative computational models to facilitate decision-making processes. This approach sheds light on the complex interplay between the influence of a drug’s performance and the resulting clinical outcomes. This comprehensive review aims to explain the mechanisms that control the dissolution and/or release of drugs and their subsequent permeation through biological membranes. Furthermore, the importance of simulating these processes through a variety of in silico models is emphasized. Advanced compartmental absorption models provide an analytical framework to understand the kinetics of transit, dissolution, and absorption associated with orally administered drugs. In contrast, for topical and transdermal drug delivery systems, the prediction of drug permeation is predominantly based on quantitative structure–permeation relationships and molecular dynamics simulations. This review describes a variety of modeling strategies, ranging from mechanistic to empirical equations, and highlights the growing importance of state-of-the-art tools such as artificial intelligence, as well as advanced imaging and spectroscopic techniques

    Problemi nastave geografije u školama nacionalnih manjina u hrvatskom Podunavlju

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    U cilju integracije u širu zajednicu, pripadnici nacionalnih manjina, koji se obrazuju na jeziku i pismu kojim se služe, imaju pravo i obvezu učiti i službeni jezik države u kojoj žive. Pravo na odgoj i obrazovanje pripadnici nacionalnih manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj ostvaruju u predškolskim ustanovama, osnovnim i srednjim školama te drugim školskim ustanovama na jeziku i pismu nacionalnih manjina, kao i drugim oblicima obrazovanja (seminari, letnje i zimske škole i sl.). Obrazovanje učenika nacionalnih manjina provodi se temeljem tri modela organiziranja i provođenja nastave i to: 1.Model A, po kojem se celokupna nastava izvodi na jeziku i pismu nacionalne manjine uz obavezno učenje hrvatskog jezika u istom broju časova u kome se uči jezik manjine; 2.Model B, po kojem se nastava izvodi dvojezično na način da se prirodna grupa predmeta uči na hrvatskom jeziku, a društvena grupa predmeta na jeziku nacionalne manjine; 3.Model C, po kojem se nastava izvodi na hrvatskom nastavnom jeziku uz dodatnih pet školskih časova namenjenih negovanju jezika i kulture nacionalne manjine.In order to integrate into the wider community, national minorities, educated in the official language and script of their country of origin, also have the right and obligation to learn the official language of the country in which they live. The right to be educated in their own language, ethnic and national minorities in Croatia exercise in preschools, elementary and secondary schools, other educational institutions and other forms of education (seminars, summer and winter schools, etc..). Education of minority students is based on three models of organizing and conducting classes, namely: 1.Model A, in which the entire education is the language and script of national minority, but the students must also have lessons of Croatian language in the same amount of of hours as they have their minority language, 2. Model B, in which instruction is bilingual in a way that the natural group of subjects is being presented in Croatian, and social group of subjects is being presented in the minority language; 3.Model C, in which classes are held in the Croatian language, with additional five classes designated to fostering language and culture of national minorities

    Energetska obnova Muzeja grada Rijeke

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    Energetska obnova objekata javne namjene koju realizira Grad Rijeka sufinancirana novcem iz europskih fondova obuhvatila je i zgradu Muzeja grada Rijeke, u kojoj ta ustanova djeluje od svog osnutka 1994

    Energetska obnova Muzeja grada Rijeke

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    Energetska obnova objekata javne namjene koju realizira Grad Rijeka sufinancirana novcem iz europskih fondova obuhvatila je i zgradu Muzeja grada Rijeke, u kojoj ta ustanova djeluje od svog osnutka 1994

    Varijabilnost klasa kod kragujevačkih sorti ozimog tritikalea

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    This study shows analysis of winter hexaploid triticale varieties (Kg 20, Favorit and Trijumf) from Kragujevac, Serbia. Varieties were grown in the trial field of Small Grains Research Centre, Kragujevac during the season 2007-2008. The best parameter of productivity for spike width, grain number in spike, and grain weight per spike was achieved by the analyzed variety Favorit, while variety Trijumf had the best parameter for spike length. Check variety (Kg 20) had the greatest spikelet's number in spike. Highly significant differences were found between the varieties for width of spike and number of grains per spike and significant differences for length of spike. Triticale varieties showed no significant differences in spikellets number in spike.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja kragujevačkih ozimih heksaploidnih sorti tritikalea (Kg 20, Favorit i Trijumf). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu tokom 2007-2008. godine. Najbolji pokazatelj rodnosti kod širine klasa, broja zrna u klasu i mase zrna po klasu pokazala je sorta Favorit, a kod dužine klasa sorta Trijumf. Sorta standard Kg 20 imala je najveći broj klasaka u klasu. Analizom dobijenih podataka utvrđeno je da postoje visoko značajne razlike u širini klasa i broja zrna u klasu, a značajne razlike za dužinu klasa između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea. Između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea nisu ustanovljene signifikantne razlike za broj klasaka u klasu